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We present the discovery and spectroscopic identification of two very high proper-motion ancient white dwarf stars, found in a systematic proper-motion survey. Their kinematics and apparent magnitude clearly indicate that they are halo members, while their optical spectra are almost identical to the recently identified cool halo white dwarf WD 0346+246. Canonical stellar halo models predict a white dwarf volume density that is 2 orders of magnitude less than the rho approximately 7x10-4 M middle dot in circle pc-3 inferred from this survey. With the caveat that the sample size is very small, it appears that a significant fraction, approximately 10%, of the local dark matter halo is in the form of very old, cool, white dwarfs.  相似文献   
利用BSR已完成美国东南边缘大约50000km2的地区编图,并已证实可能与大量天然气水合物有关。1992年6月,同时获得该地区的单道地震和宽角海底地震资料,主要集中在布莱克洋脊和卡罗来纳海隆,能清楚地观察到来自BSR的宽角反射偏移距(达6km)。为了了解区域性的变化和生成卡罗纳海隆高背景速度的二维平均速度模型,用宽角和垂直入射资料进行走时反演,然后做全波形反演业确定BSR的地震成因。最合适的模型显示了两处的BSR之下具相似的低速(1.4km/s),暗示圈闭了低饱和度(10%)的游离气,反演结果也显示有一薄层高速楱状体,最大速度为2.3km/s,刚好位于布莱克洋脊的BSR上方;计算了沉积物反射率,观察到卡罗来纳海隆具有较高的反射率,BSR之下的反射率增加几乎与两个站位的含气带对应。根据速度模型估算了水合物的浓度。另一方面,占沉积物总体积3%的水合物之平均浓度暗示布莱克洋脊地区水合物稳定带厚度少一半。卡罗来纳海隆水合物平均 浓度最大为20%,卡罗来纳海隆7%。这两处水合物浓度高,无法仅用原地生物活动来解释,可能与次生的聚集机制不关,因稳定域迁移引起水合物循环,可能影响两地的水合物凝聚。另外,流体向上排出的增加,也可以使 布莱克洋脊生存下去。  相似文献   
This is a 4-year longitudinal study to evaluate changes to the environment and exposure of young children associated with the introduction of methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) into Australia in 2000. The cohort includes 57 females and 56 males; age range of 0.29 to 3.9 years. Samples are collected every 6 months from children in residences located at varying distances from major traffic thoroughfares in Sydney. Environmental samples: air, house and day care dustfall, soil, dust sweepings and gasoline. Samples from children: blood, urine, handwipes prior to and after playing outdoors, and a 6-day duplicate diet. All samples are analyzed for a suite of 20 elements using ICP-MS. Results are presented for the first three 6-month sampling periods for Pb and Mn. For dustfall accumulation, there was no significant change over the 3 sampling periods (time) for Pb or Mn, and a positive relationship between ‘traffic exposure' (traffic volume and proximity to the road) and Pb but not Mn. For handwipes, Pb and Mn in wipes taken from children after playing outdoors were usually significantly greater than for wipes taken prior to playing. There was no significant association between Pb or Mn in handwipes with traffic exposure. Dustfall accumulation was a significant predictor for Pb in the handwipes, and dust sweepings were a significant predictor of Mn in handwipes.  相似文献   
The in vitro aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonist potency of offshore produced water effluents, collected from the United Kingdom Continental Shelf, was determined using the dioxin responsive (DR)-chemically activated luciferase expression (CALUX) assay. Octadecylsilane (C18) solid phase extraction (SPE) extracts of produced water were exposed to DR-CALUX cells for 24 h in order to investigate the contribution in potency from compounds that are stable to metabolism by the CALUX cells during exposure. The stable AhR agonist potency determined over 24 h was highly variable and ranged from 1 to 430 ng TCDD TEQCALUX l−1. These data reflect the highly variable composition of produced water discharges from different production fields. It is recommended that further work be performed to characterise the full range of stable dioxin like AhR agonists present in offshore produced water discharges using techniques such as bioassay-directed analysis.  相似文献   
爱达荷钴矿带的 Cu-Co-Au 矿床产在中元古代耶洛贾克特组(Yellowjacket F.)中,该组以含有独特的化学和矿物成分,包括高浓度 Fe(15—30wt%Fe_2O_3)、Cl(0.1—1.10wt%)和磁铁矿或黑云母(>50vol%)为特征。黑鸟(Black-bird)矿区的 Cu-Co-Au矿床是产在 Fe 硅酸盐相岩层中的层控矿床,该硅酸盐相岩层富含 Fe、黑云母和 Cl。下部岩石地层带含有磁铁矿和小型 Cu-Co-Au 矿床,其延伸大于40km。富铁岩层可能是与镁铁质火山作用和海底热泉有关的喷气岩单位,但对高 Cl 浓度的成因不清楚。认为富 Cl 的孔隙流体是由于存在超盐度液体包体、富 Cl 黑云母和方柱石(Scapolite)(相当富 Fe 黑  相似文献   
A new methodology has been designed to identify and rank the significant environmental aspects in sea ports. The main objective of the Strategic Overview of Significant Environmental Aspects (SOSEA) is to help port managers to identify significant environmental aspects and to reinforce the awareness about them in order to prioritise work in environmental management. Developed in close collaboration with port environmental managers and tested in a set of ports, it is a user-friendly tool that can be applied in approximately half a working day. It is based on ISO 14001 vocabulary and requirements and it can be considered as the base for the implementation of any Environmental Management System for port communities.  相似文献   
<正>以中国为代表的发展中国家城镇化进程正在快速推进,前所未有地改变以欧美发达国家为主体的全球城镇发展格局.与此同时,与城镇化进程相关联的大气、土壤和水体等动植物栖息生境和人类生存环境正发生着深刻变化,并且日益受到社会的普遍关注和广泛重视.湖泊作为一类典型的淡水生境,因具有洪水调蓄、多样性维护、物质循环、环境美化和气候调节等自然生态功能以及供水、水产品生产、休闲娱乐和文化美学等社会经济服务功能,其功能与城镇可持续发展和人类社会文明进步息息相关.为此,本文简要回顾了第  相似文献   
地震强地面运动的特征描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述强地面运动特征的现行观点和发展趋势。过去十几年中,有赖于强地面运动观测数据的积累,得到一些改进的地面运动经验模型。然而,这些模型具有很大的不确定性,因为“震级-距离-土类型“”的参数化相对实际过于简单。其他一些对强地面运动有重要影响的参数,例如:近断层地区的破裂方向性、地壳波导效应、盆地响应等,没有在这些模型中得到反应。建立在地震学理论基础上,并包含了这些附加条件的地面运动数值模型已经得到开发,它们被记录到的地面运动验证是有效的,并且被用来评估过去地震的地面运动,以及对未来地震的地面运动进行预测。  相似文献   
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