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The spatio-temporal patterns of macrofaunal fouling assemblages were quantitatively investigated in the nearshore waters of the South China Sea. The work was undertaken by deploying seasonal panels at two sites (H-site, L-site) for one year, and the fouling communities on the panels were examined and analyzed. The results indicated that species composition of assemblages was obviously different between the two sites. At both sites the assemblages were characteristic with solitary dominant species throughout the year, with Amphibalanus reticulates dominating at H-site and Hydroides elegans at L-site. Shannon index and biomass of the assemblages varied with depth and season at both sites. At H-site the total biomass in summer and autumn were significantly higher than those in spring and winter, while at L-site the assemblage biomass also differed significantly among the four seasons, and the greatest biomass occurred at the depth of 2.0 m in winter. The abundance of all seasonal samples in non-metric multidimensional scaling was clustered as one group at L-site and three groups at H-site. The environmental factors were more likely to be related to the variation of fouling assemblages. Furthermore, it also suggests that in tropical seas the integrated adaptability would qualify a species for dominating a fouling assemblage despite its short life cycle, rather than the usually assumed only species with long life span. This study reveals the complexity and characteristic dynamics of macrofaunal fouling assemblages in the tropical habitats, and the results would provide valuable knowledge for biodiversity and antifouling research.  相似文献   
Chinaˊs urban reforms have brought social progress and development,but a comprehensive national system of social welfare(for example,unemployment insurance,pensions,medical care and public housing)for new migrants from rural areas is lacking.One of the most remarkable changes in Chinese cities in the last decade was a change in so-cial“equality“,with the rise of new poverty both in individual communities and some social groups in urban society.Howev-er,there is little social assistance and public infrastructure for the migrants.Governments or communities or individual should pay attention to the control of new urban poverty and new slums.This paper consider that it is necessary to launch a successful policy,which include mainly:1)accommodating urban growth through low-cost investment projects;2)ur-ban economy depends heavily on successful macroeconomic policy;3)to broaden the three channels linking adjustment to the incidence of urban poverty;4)to restructure urban economic based on the high or new technology;5)to coordi-nate relationship between urban economic growth and environment management for sustainable development of Beijingˊs metropolitan fringe.  相似文献   
Throughout the world, the coastal zones of many countries are used increasingly for aquaculture in addition to other activities such as waste disposal. These activities can cause environmental problems and health problems where they overlap. The interaction between aquaculture and waste disposal, and their relationship with eutrophication are the subjects of this paper. Sewage discharge without adequate dispersion can lead to nutrient elevation and hence eutrophication which has clearly negative effects on aquaculture with the potential for toxic blooms. Blooms may be either toxic or anoxia-causing through the decay process or simply clog the gills of filter-feeding animals in some cases. With the development of aquaculture, especially intensive aquaculture, many environmental problems appeared, and have resulted in eutrophication in some areas. Eutrophication may destroy the health of whole ecosystem which is important for sustainable aquaculture. Sewage discharge may also cause serious public health problems. Filter-feeding shellfish growing in sewage-polluted waters accumulate micro-organims, including human pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and heavy metal ion, presenting a significant health risk. Some farmed animals may also accumulate heavy metals from sewage. Bivalves growing in areas affected by toxic algae blooms may accumulate toxins (such as PSP, DSP) which can be harmful to human beings.  相似文献   
Activities of hexokinase (HK), pyruvate kinase (PK), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) and Hsp70 level were measured to evaluate the response of the commercially important sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus Selenka) to rapid temperature changes in laboratory. Animals were subjected to a higher temperature (from 10 to 20℃) (Tinc treatment) or to a lower temperature (from 20 to 10℃) (Tddec treatment) for 72 h. At 1, 3, 12, 24, 72 h of exposure, animals were removed and prepared for further analysis. Results showed that the effect of acute temperature changes on enzyme activities was significant. In Tinc treatment, activities of SOD and CAT increased immediately. The significant enhancement of SOD and CAT activities suggested that oxidative stress increases significantly when ambient temperature increasing from 10 to 20℃. The up-regulation of Flsp70 in Tinc and Tdec treatments indicated that Hsp70 was a bioindicator of thermal stress in the sea cucumber, and the expression pattern depended on the thermal treatment.  相似文献   
In order to make use of ocean clay reasonably and excavate its potential applications the properties of ocean clay in Chinese investigating area of the East Pacific have been tested with the chemical analysis, XRFS, ICP/MAS, granulometry and SSA, etc. The results show that the clay sediments of this area are rich in clay minerals, fine granularity, bigger SSA, bigger water absorbability and lower ion changing ability etc. To improve the adaptability of ocean clay and macromolecule materials, using the dry milling method with silane, aluminate, stearic acid coupling agents etc the properties of ocean clay are improved. The effect has been evaluated by testing the water absorbing of the modified ocean clay and their dispersing in paraffin liquid. The result is that KH550 is better than any other active reagents, and the best activation technics is that 1.5% (volume) of KH550 quantity, 20min of milling time. The DTA, XRD, SEM and IR analyses and SSA testing show that the organic activation can not change the mineral structure but can densify the structure of clay, and activation mechanism is chemical covered mainly and chemical combined secondly.  相似文献   
A fine-resolution model is developed for ocean circulation simulation in the National Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is applied to simulate surface current and sea ice variations in the Arctic Mediterranean Seas. A dynamic sea ice model in elastic-viscous-plastic rheology and a thermodynamic sea ice model are employed. A 200-year simulation is performed and a dimatological average of a 10-year period (141st-150th) is presented with focus on sea ice concentration and surface current variations in the Arctic Mediterranean Seas. The model is able to simulate well the East Greenland Current, Beaufort Gyre and the Transpolar Drift, but the simulated West Spitsbergen Current is small and weak. In the March climatology, the sea ice coverage can be simulated well except for a bit more ice in east of Spitsbergen Island. The result is also good for the September scenario except for less ice concentration east of Greenland and greater ice concentration near the ice margin. The extra ice east of Spitsbergen Island is caused by sea ice current convergence forced by atmospheric wind stress.  相似文献   
If the force field acting on an artificial Earth satellite is not known a priori with sufficient accuracy to represent its observations on their accuracy level, one may introduce so-called pseudo-stochastic parameters into an orbit determination process, e.g. instantaneous velocity changes at user-defined epochs or piecewise constant accelerations in user-defined adjacent time subintervals or piecewise linear and continuous accelerations in adjacent time subintervals. The procedures, based on standard least-squares, associated with such parameterizations are well established, but they become inefficient (slow) if the number of pseudo-stochastic parameters becomes large. We develop two efficient methods to solve the orbit determination problem in the presence of pseudo-stochastic parameters. The results of the methods are identical to those obtained with conventional least-squares algorithms. The first efficient algorithm also provides the full variance–covariance matrix; the second, even more efficient algorithm, only parts of it.  相似文献   
In an elementary approach every geometrical height difference between the staff points of a levelling line should have a corresponding average g value for the determination of potential difference in the Earth’s gravity field. In practice this condition requires as many gravity data as the number of staff points if linear variation of g is assumed between them. Because of the expensive fieldwork, the necessary data should be supplied from different sources. This study proposes an alternative solution, which is proved at a test bed located in the Mecsek Mountains, Southwest Hungary, where a detailed gravity survey, as dense as the staff point density (~1 point/34 m), is available along a 4.3-km-long levelling line. In the first part of the paper the effect of point density of gravity data on the accuracy of potential difference is investigated. The average g value is simply derived from two neighbouring g measurements along the levelling line, which are incrementally decimated in the consecutive turns of processing. The results show that the error of the potential difference between the endpoints of the line exceeds 0.1 mm in terms of length unit if the sampling distance is greater than 2 km. Thereafter, a suitable method for the densification of the decimated g measurements is provided. It is based on forward gravity modelling utilising a high-resolution digital terrain model, the normal gravity and the complete Bouguer anomalies. The test shows that the error is only in the order of 10−3mm even if the sampling distance of g measurements is 4 km. As a component of the error sources of levelling, the ambiguity of the levelled height difference which is the Euclidean distance between the inclined equipotential surfaces is also investigated. Although its effect accumulated along the test line is almost zero, it reaches 0.15 mm in a 1-km-long intermediate section of the line.  相似文献   
We have applied efficient methods for computing variances and covariances of functions of a global gravity field model expanded in spherical harmonics, using the full variance–covariance matrix of the coefficients. Examples are given with recent models derived from GRACE (up to degree and order 150), and with simulated GOCE derived solutions (up to degree and order 200).  相似文献   
Referring to the high potential of topographic satellite in collecting high resolution panchromatic imagery and high spectral, multi spectral imagery, the purpose of image fusion is to produce a new image data with high spatial and spectral characteristics. It is necessary to evaluate the quality of fused image by some quality metrics before using this product in various applications. Up to now, several metrics have been proposed for image quality assessment; which are also applicable for quality evaluation of fused images. However, it seems more investigations are needed to inspect the potentials of proposed Image Fusion Quality Metrics (IFQMs) to registration accuracy, especially in high resolution satellite imagery. This paper focuses on such studies and, using different image fusion quality metrics, experiments are conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of such metrics to a set of high resolution satellite imagery covering urban areas. The obtained results clearly reveal that these metrics sometimes do not behave robust in the whole area and also their obtained results are inconsistence in different patch areas in comparison with the whole image. These limitations are in minimum situation for an image quality metric such as SAM and are completely tangible for image quality metrics such as ERGAS in case of multi modal and DIV and CC from mono modal category.  相似文献   
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