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A remarkable number of pulsar wind nebulae (PWN) are coincident with EGRET γ-ray sources. X-ray and radio imaging studies of unidentified EGRET sources have resulted in the discovery of at least six new pulsar wind nebulae (PWN). Stationary PWN (SPWN) appear to be associated with steady EGRET sources with hard spectra, typical for γ-ray pulsars. Their toroidal morphologies can help determine the geometry of the pulsar which is useful for constraining models of pulsed γ-ray emission. Rapidly moving PWN (RPWN) with more cometary morphologies seem to be associated with variable EGRET sources in regions where the ambient medium is dense compared to what is typical for the ISM.  相似文献   
The intrablock deformation of Meshkenet Tessera on Venus is mostly due to responses of the uppermost surface bedrock to tensional stresses. It is found that complex deformation structures within the highland blocks resemble those of formed in chocolate tablet boudinaging which has taken place after original parallel faulting and bar-like crustal block formation. The high-angle tessera structures with varying cross-cutting relations define styles and locations of multiphase deformation most evidently related to local relaxation of tessera topography. Series of progressive or superposed fracturing events with alternating fault directions took place at high angles during this relaxational deformation. Compressional ridges often surround these tesserae.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Howard  R. F.  van den Oord  G. H. J.  Švestka  Z. 《Solar physics》1996,169(1):225-227
R.T Clancy  B.J Sandor 《Icarus》2004,168(1):116-121
The 362.156 GHz absorption spectrum of H2O2 in the Mars atmosphere was observed on September 4 of 2003, employing the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) sub-millimeter facility on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Radiative transfer analysis of this line absorption yields an average volume mixing ratio of 18±0.4 ppbv within the lower (0-30 km) Mars atmosphere, in general accordance with standard photochemical models (e.g., Nair et al., 1994, Icarus 111, 124-150). Our derived H2O2 abundance is roughly three times greater than the upper limit retrieved by Encrenaz et al. (2002, Astron. Astrophys. 396, 1037-1044) from infrared spectroscopy, although part of this discrepancy may result from the different solar longitudes (Ls) of observation. Aphelion-to-perihelion thermal forcing of the global Mars hygropause generates substantial (>200%) increases in HOx abundances above ∼10 km altitudes between the Ls=112° period of the Encrenaz et al. upper limit measurement and the current Ls=250° period of detection (Clancy and Nair, 1996, J. Geophys. Res. 101, 12785-12590). The observed H2O2 line absorption weakens arguments for non-standard homogeneous (Encrenaz et al., 2002, Astron. Astrophys. 396, 1037-1044) or heterogeneous (Krasnopolsky, 2003a, J. Geophys. Res. 108; 2003b, Icarus 165, 315-325) chemistry, which have been advocated partly on the basis of infrared (8 μm) non-detections for Mars H2O2. Observation of Mars H2O2 also represents the first measurement of a key catalytic specie in a planetary atmosphere other than our own.  相似文献   
The elm decline of 5000 14C yr ago has been the most widely discussed phenomenon in post‐glacial vegetation history. This pan‐European reduction of elm populations, echoed in the decimation of elmwoods in Europe during the twentieth century, has attracted a series of interrelated hypotheses involving climate change, human activity, disease and soil deterioration. The elm bark beetle (Scolytus scolytus L.) is an essential component of disease explanations. We present evidence for the presence of the beetle over a prolonged period (ca. 7950–4910 yr BP [8800–5660 cal. yr BP]) from a lowland raised mire deposit in northeast Scotland, with its final appearance at this site, and the first and only appearance in another mire of a single scolytid find, around the time of the elm decline. The subfossil S. scolytus finds are not only the first from Scotland, but they also represent the most comprehensive sequence of finds anywhere. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Cygnus A     
Cygnus A was the first hyper-active galaxy discovered, and it remains by far the closest of the ultra-luminous radio galaxies. As such, Cygnus A has played a fundamental role in the study of virtually all aspects of extreme activity in galaxies. We present a review of jet theory for powering the double-lobed radio emitting structures in powerful radio galaxies, followed by a review of observations of Cygnus A in the radio, optical, and X-ray relevant to testing various aspects of jet theory. Issues addressed include: jet structure from pc- to kpc-scales, jet stability, confinement, composition, and velocity, the double shock structure for the jet terminus and the origin of multiple radio hotspots, the nature of the filamentary structure in the radio lobes, and the hydrodynamic evolution of the radio lobes within a dense cluster atmosphere, including an analysis of pressure balance between the various gaseous components. Also discussed are relativistic particle acceleration and loss mechanisms in Cygnus A, as well as magnetic field strengths and geometries both within the radio source, and in the intracluster medium. We subsequently review the classification, cluster membership, and the emission components of the Cygnus A galaxy. The origin of the activity is discussed. Concentrating on the nuclear regions of the galaxy, we review the evidence for an obscured QSO, also given the constraints on the orientation of the radio source axis with respect to the sky plane. We present an overview of models of central engines in AGN and observations of Cygnus A which may be relevant to testing such models. We conclude with a brief section concerning the question of whether Cygnus A is representative of powerful high redshift radio galaxies. Received October 10, 1995  相似文献   
Abstract The transition from impact to post‐impact rocks in the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) core is marked by a 2 cm‐thick clay layer characterized by dissolution features. The clay overlies a 9 cm‐thick hardground, overlying a 66 cm‐thick crossbedded unit, consisting of dolomite sandstone alternating with thin micro‐conglomerate layers with litho‐ and bioclasts and the altered remains of impact glass, now smectite. The micro‐conglomerates mark erosion surfaces. Microprobe and backscatter SEM analysis of the dolomite rhombs show an early diagenetic, complex‐zoned, idiomorphic overgrowth, with Mn‐rich zones, possibly formed by hot fluids related to cooling melt sheet in the crater. The pore spaces are filled with several generations of coelestite, barite, K‐feldpar, and sparry calcite. XRF core scanning analysis detected high Mn values in the crossbedded sediments but no anomalous enrichment of the siderophile elements Cr, Co, Fe, and Ni in the clay layer. Shocked quartz occurs in the crossbedded unit but is absent in the clay layer. The basal Paleocene marls are strongly dissolved and do not contain a basal Paleocene fauna. The presence of a hardground, the lack of siderophile elements, shocked quartz, or Ni‐rich spinels in the clay layer, and the absence of basal Paleocene biozones P0 and Pa all suggest that the top of the ejecta sequence and a significant part of the lower Paleocene is missing. Due to the high energy sedimentation infill, a hiatus at the top of the impactite is not unexpected, but there is nothing in the biostratigraphy, geochemistry, and petrology of the Yax‐1 core that can be used to argue against the synchroneity of the end‐Cretaceous mass‐extinctions and the Chicxulub crater.  相似文献   
Summary Pre- to early Variscan metamorphosed volcano-sedimentary series of the western (Bergstr?sser) Odenwald have been intruded by Variscan calc-alkaline magmatites with plate margin affinities. Within the NE-SW trending metabasic and metapelitic series, intercalations of anomalously aluminous- and iron-rich compositions representing former bauxites are distinguishable. Geochemical data indicate that the Al-, Fe-rich rocks are the metamorphic equivalents of a former bauxitic-ferralitic weathering profile, now comprising spinel fels (top) with relics of pisolitic structures, corundum-chlorite fels, corundum-cordierite-plagioclase gneiss, sillimanite-cordierite-plagioclase gneiss, cordierite-plagioclase gneiss and kinzigite (base) displaying a decrease of weathering in the order as listed. The evolution of such terrestrial sediments is related to specific climatic, environmental, and physico-chemical conditions similar to those of the present-day tropical to subtropical humid regions with high seasonal rains and intensive drainage. Comparison with palaeomagnetic and palaeoclimatic data indicate that the Odenwald metabauxites originally formed during the Lower to Mid-Devonian. Our results imply that, during this geological time span, parts of the precursors of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise not only transversed low latitudes but also were exposed to terrestrial weathering.
Zusammenfassung Die Geochemie der Metabauxite im Bergstr?sser Odenwald (Mitteldeutsche Kristallinschwelle) und ihre Bedeutung für das Pal?omilieu Im westlichen (Bergstr?sser) Odenwald intrudierten variszische Plattenrand-Kalkalkali-Magmatite in pr?- bis früh-variszische, ehemalige vulkano-sediment?re Serien. Innerhalb der heute NE-SW streichenden Metabasit- und Metapelitzüge treten lokal Al-Fe-reiche Einschaltungen auf, die strukturell und geochemisch als metamorphe ?quivalente eines ehemaligen bauxitisch-ferralitischen Verwitterungsprofils klassifiziert werden k?nnen. Sie umfassen Spinellfelse mit erhaltenen, ehemaligen zonierten Pisolithen, Korund-Chloritfelse, Korund-Cordierit-Plagioklasgneise, Sillimanit-Cordierit-Plagioklasgneise, Cordierit-Plagioklasgneise und Kinzigite. Bauxite k?nnen als terrestrische Bildungen nur unter speziellen klimatischen und physiko-chemischen Bedingungen entstehen. Pal?omagnetische und pal?oklimatische Daten legen die Bildung der ehemaligen Bauxite im unteren bis mittleren Devon nahe. Daraus folgt, da? w?hrend dieser geologischen Zeitspanne die Vorl?ufer der mitteldeutschen Kristallinschwelle bei der Norddrift nicht nur ?quatorn?he passierten, sondern auch partiell ungest?rte, terrestrische, tropisch-subtropische Verwitterungsprozesse abliefen.

Received June 10, 1999; revised version accepted October 30, 2000  相似文献   
Similarity solutions, describing the flow of a perfect gas behind spherical shock waves, are investigated including the radiation heat flux. The shock is assumed to be propagating in a medium at rest. Shock radius varies exponentially with time and density is inversely proportional to fifth power of the shock radius immediately ahead of the shock front.  相似文献   
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