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A peat bed found under solifluction deposits on Godøya island, western Norway, accumulated during a few decades around 11 000 yr BP, at the end of the Allerød period of the Late Weichselian. Palaeoecological investigations showed a local vegetation succession on wet sand culminating in a mire community dominated by Carex nigra. Periodic flooding brought in sand and silt, which decreased as drainage was impeded sufficiently for standing water to develop. The surrounding terrestrial vegetation was dominated by Salix scrub, with some open heath and alpine habitats nearby. Apart from two aquatic species, the 29 insect taxa recorded are characteristic of alpine heaths, plant litter (under Salix scrub) and stream-sides. Their remains, together with the terrestrial plant macrofossils, were washed into the mire from nearby. Because the fossils are locally derived, the environmental reconstructions are of the actual conditions at Godøy at ca. 11 000 yr BP. Palaeotemperature estimates from beetles and plants are in agreement. The coleopteran estimates (Mutual Climatic Range Method) suggest mean July temperatures of 10–13°C, slightly cooler than today (13.5°), and January temperatures between +1 and ?10°C, similar to or much colder than today. Summer temperature estimates from individual plant taxa indicate that temperatures during the Allerød period were similar to today's, but estimates from the reconstructed vegetation and timber-line positions give estimates up to 3.5° cooler. Temperatures fell 2.5–7.5°C at the Younger Dryas. This abrupt and severe cooling initiated the solifluction processes on Godøya that buried the peat. The Godøy peat bed and its contained fossils provide a rare glimpse of Allerød biota and environments at the local (site) scale.  相似文献   
Decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) regulates the partitioning between soil C-stock and release of CO2 to the atmosphere and is vital for soil fertility. Agricultural expansion followed by decreasing amounts of SOC and soil fertility is a problem mainly seen in tropical agro-ecosystems where fertilizers are in short supply. This paper focuses on factors influencing temporal trends in soil respiration measured as CO2 effluxes in grass savanna compared with groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) fields in the semi-arid part of Senegal in West Africa. Based on laboratory experiments, soil CO2 production has been expressed as a function of temperature and soil water content by fit equations. Field measurements included soil CO2 effluxes, soil temperatures and water contents. Effluxes in grass savanna and groundnut fields during the dry season were negligible, while effluxes during the rainy season were about 3–8 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1, decreasing to less than 1 μmol by the end of the growing season. Annual soil CO2 production was simulated to be in the range of 31–38 mol C m?2. Furthermore, a controlled water addition experiment revealed the importance of rain during the dry season for the overall turnover of soil organic matter.  相似文献   
While there are extensive macro‐ and microfossil records of a range of plants and animals from the Quaternary, earthworms and their close relatives amongst annelids are not preserved as fossils and therefore the knowledge of their past distributions is limited. This lack of fossils means that clitellate worms (Annelida) are currently underused in palaeoecological research, even though they can provide valuable information about terrestrial and aquatic environmental conditions. Their DNA might be preserved in sediments, which offers an alternative method for detection. Here we analyse lacustrine sediments from lakes in the Polar Urals, Arctic Russia, covering the period 24 000–1300 cal. a BP, and NE Norway, covering 10 700–3300 cal. a BP, using a universal mammal 16S rDNA marker. While mammals were recorded using the marker (reindeer was detected twice in the Polar Urals core at 23 000 and 14 000 cal. a BP, and four times in the Norwegian core at 11 000 cal. a BP and between 3600–3300 cal. a BP), worm extracellular DNA ‘bycatch’ was rather high. In this paper we present the first reported worm detection from ancient DNA. Our results demonstrate that both aquatic and terrestrial clitellates can be identified in late‐Quaternary lacustrine sediments, and the ecological information retrievable from this group warrants further research with a more targeted approach.  相似文献   
This paper describes results from a geophysical study in the Vestbakken Volcanic Province, located on the central parts of the western Barents Sea continental margin, and adjacent oceanic crust in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The results are derived mainly from interpretation and modeling of multichannel seismic, ocean bottom seismometer and land station data along a regional seismic profile. The resulting model shows oceanic crust in the western parts of the profile. This crust is buried by a thick Cenozoic sedimentary package. Low velocities in the bottom of this package indicate overpressure. The igneous oceanic crust shows an average thickness of 7.2 km with the thinnest crust (5–6 km) in the southwest and the thickest crust (8–9 km) close to the continent-ocean boundary (COB). The thick oceanic crust is probably related to high mantle temperatures formed by brittle weakening and shear heating along a shear system prior to continental breakup. The COB is interpreted in the central parts of the profile where the velocity structure and Bouguer anomalies change significantly. East of the COB Moho depths increase while the vertical velocity gradient decreases. Below the assumed center for Early Eocene volcanic activity the model shows increased velocities in the crust. These increased crustal velocities are interpreted to represent Early Eocene mafic feeder dykes. East of the zone of volcanoes velocities in the crust decrease and sedimentary velocities are observed at depths of more than 10 km. The amount of crustal intrusions is much lower in this area than farther west. East of the Kn?legga Fault crystalline basement velocities are brought close to the seabed. This fault marks the eastern limit of thick Cenozoic and Mesozoic packages on central parts of the western Barents Sea continental margin.  相似文献   
The sublethal effects of stormwater runoff from sections of a plum orchard treated with esfenvalerate or diazinon were evaluated in 7-day-old Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) larvae. Fish were exposed to eight runoff samples using the USEPA standard static renewal method for 96 h acute toxicity testing, then transferred to clean water for three-month to assess the survival, growth, histopathological abnormalities, and heat stress proteins (hsp). No significant mortality was observed at 96 h in exposed fish. At one week, histopathological abnormalities included severe glycogen depletion, cytoplasmic protein droplets, vacuolar degeneration, and cell necroses in liver of all exposure groups. Pyknotic nerve cells were seen in brain of one exposure group. Significantly higher cumulative mortality, lower condition factor, and elevated hsp60 and hsp70 levels (p < 0.05) were occurred in several exposure groups. No histopathological abnormalities were observed after three months in any exposure group. This study confirms that standard acute toxicity tests have underestimated the toxicity of stormwater runoff, and although splittail larvae survived the 96 h exposure, they exhibited reduced survival and growth and showed signs of cellular stress even after a three month recovery period.  相似文献   
The microstructure of orographic clouds related to the aerosol present was studied during the second Aerosol Characterisation Experiment (ACE‐2). Very high cloud droplet number concentrations (almost 3000 cm−3) were observed. These high concentrations occurred when clouds formed on a hill slope at Tenerife in polluted air masses originating in Europe that had transported the order of 1000 km over the Atlantic Ocean. The validity of the measured droplet number concentrations was investigated by comparing with measurements of the aerosol upstream of the cloud and cloud interstitial aerosol. Guided by distributions of the ratios between the measurements, three criteria of typically 30% in maximum deviation were applied to the measurements to test their validity. Agreement was found for 88% of the cases. The validated data set spans droplet number concentrations of 150–3000 cm−3. The updraught velocity during the cloud formation was estimated to 2.2 m s−1 by model calculations, which is typical of cumuliform clouds. The results of the present study are discussed in relation to cloud droplet number concentrations previously reported in the literature. The importance of promoting the mechanistic understanding of the aerosol/cloud interaction and the use of validation procedures of cloud microphysical parameters is stressed in relation to the assessment of the indirect climatic effect of aerosols.  相似文献   
The nature of the Lower Crustal Body (LCB) underneath the western part of the Vøring margin (NE Atlantic) is studied with three scenarios of its extension history: (a) The LCB is Caledonian crust. (b) Half the LCB is Caledonian crust and the other half is emplaced as magmatic underplating in Late Palaeocene. (c) The entire LCB is emplaced as magmatic underplating. The extension of the margin transect is obtained with a procedure that accounts for the extension and thinning of the sedimentary basins. This procedure has been extended to include magmatic underplating. The lithosphere is modelled with deposition of sediments and four rift phases since the Early Devonian until today. The forward modelling is mass conservative and the present‐day thicknesses of the formations, crust, LCB and magmatic underplate are reproduced. The state of the lithosphere and the sedimentary basins are shown and compared at the beginning and at the end of the rift phases. It is concluded that the scenario with the LCB as only underplating requires an unrealistic amount of extension. A scenario where underplating accounts for maximum half the LCB is more likely. Two different interpretations for the Moho underneath the Utgard High are tested: one with a shallow base‐crust and another with a deeper and flatter base‐crust. Tectonic modelling of the two versions favours the latter interpretation. The modelling shows that the Late Jurassic rift phase was much more prominent than the Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene rift phase for all cases of underplating. A strong Late Jurassic rift phase is consistent with the accumulation space needed for the thick Cretaceous formations. There are no observations of magmatism from the Late Jurassic, although this rift phase is stronger than the Cretaceous and Palaeocene rift phase.  相似文献   
Seismic mapping and gravity modelling of the Ottar Basin - a little studied Upper Palaeozoic graben in the south-western Barents Sea - demonstrates the presence of a major rift basin with large accumulations of unmobilized salt. Buried beneath thick, flat-lying Mesozoic strata, the NE-trending fault-bounded basin is at least 170 km long, varies in width between 50 and 80 km and coincides with a negative gravity anomaly of more than — 10 mgal. Seismic observations show that the south-western part is a half-graben tilted to the north-west whereas the north-eastern part appears to be more symmetric in shape. A large mass deficiency in the north-eastern part of the basin, indicated by a gravity anomaly of more than — 30 mgal, makes it necessary to postulate large amounts of salt within the basin. The preferred gravity model shows a total basin depth of 9.5 km, basin relief of 4.2 km and a salt volume of 6800 km3 corresponding to a 2.4-km-thick salt layer. Similar basin depths, but only 500–600 km3 of salt, are indicated beneath the Samson Dome in the south-western part of the basin. Unlike salt bodies in other Barents Sea basins, the thick salt deposit in the north-eastern part of the Ottar Basin is relatively unaffected by halokinesis. Interfingering of different basin facies, lack of tectonic reactivation of the basin and a relatively late differential loading by protruding cover strata probably explain these differences in development. The large size and voluminous salt deposits establish the Ottar Basin as one of the major Barents Sea evaporite basins and an important structural component of the Upper Palaeozoic rift system.  相似文献   
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