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Groundwater has been utilized since the Prehistoric times. Water supply of some Minoan settlements on the eastern side of the island of Crete (Greece) was based on groundwater. Later on, many wells were constructed in several areas of Greece and their use expanded through subsequent periods. The greatest achievement in groundwater exploitation by ancient Greeks was the construction of long underground galleries or qanats, which collected water from springs and alluvial deposits. In Classical times, most of the wells were on private properties and their owners were forced by regulations to maintain the wells in good condition and ready for use in wartime. During that period, the first scientific theories of Aristotle and Theophrastus were developed in regards to hydrological phenomena, and the processes involved in the formation of surface water and groundwater were clarified. Wells played a major part in urban water supply during the Roman period, in which famous aqueducts were constructed to transfer water; however, several regions of Greece were self-sufficient in water, supplied by many wells from the Prehistoric to the Byzantine period. People understood the local geological conditions and, according to their culture, constructed and managed their own types of wells. In addition to the wells and aqueducts, the hydraulic technology included cisterns to store rainwater, and systems to capture spring water for transport by aqueducts. The examples of hydro-technologies and water management practices described in this paper may have some relevance for water engineering even in modern times.  相似文献   
In many coastal areas, overexploitation of groundwater resources has led both to the quantitative degradation of local aquifers and the deterioration of groundwater quality due to seawater intrusion. To investigate the behavior of coastal aquifers under these conditions, numerical modeling is usually implemented; however, the proper implementation of numerical models requires a large amount of data, which are often not available due to the time-consuming and costly process of obtaining them. In the present study, the investigation of the behavior of coastal aquifers under the lack of adequate data is attempted by developing a methodological framework consisting of a series of numerical simulations: a steady-state, a false-transient and a transient simulation. The sequence and the connection between these simulations constitute the backbone of the whole procedure aimed at adjusting the various model parameters, as well as obtaining the initial conditions for the transient simulation. The validity of the proposed methodology is tested through evaluation of the model calibration procedure and the estimation of the simulation errors (mean error, mean absolute error, root mean square error, mean relative error) using the case of Nea Moudania basin, northern Greece. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis is performed in order to minimize the error estimates and thus to maximize the reliability of the models. The results of the whole procedure affirm the proper implementation of the developed methodology under specific conditions and assumptions due to the lack of sufficient data, while they give a clear picture of the aquifer’s quantitative and qualitative status.  相似文献   
We have investigated Hawking non-thermal and purely thermal Radiations of Reissner Nordström anti-de Sitter (RNAdS) black hole by massive particles tunneling method. The spacetime background has taken as dynamical, incorporate the self-gravitation effect of the emitted particles the imaginary part of the action has derived from Hamilton-Jacobi equation. We have supposed that energy and angular momentum are conserved and have shown that the non-thermal and thermal tunneling rates are related to the change of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and the derived emission spectrum deviates from the pure thermal spectrum. The results for RNAdS black hole is also in the same manner with Parikh and Wilczek’s opinion and explored the new result for Hawking radiation of RNAdS black hole.  相似文献   
In this paper the main results from the implementation and interpretation of a geophysical survey carried out in Chalkidiki (Northern Greece) are presented. The objective of the geophysical survey was to study the general geological conditions of the area (stratigraphy and tectonism) and to focus on the hydrogeological behaviour of the geological formations in the area. The ultimate target was to point out the most promising locations for the successful construction of hydro wells. Since direct hydrogeological information was not available, three different geophysical techniques were applied in order to follow a step by step approach to the exploration of the study area. Firstly, the Very Low Frequency (VLF) electromagnetic method was applied since the majority of the area was dominated by the formation of ophiolites and water flow was possibly expected only in fractured zones at a relatively small depth. Secondly, at the locations of the conductive zones detected by the VLF survey additional Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) sections at different scales were measured to provide more detailed information about the geometrical characteristics of them. Finally, Self-Potential (SP) measurements along the same profiles were conducted in order to provide supplementary information concerning the nature of the conductive zones such as the possible relation with electrokinetic sources. The combined interpretation of the geophysical data proved very efficient for deciding the most promising locations for the construction of hydro wells.  相似文献   
Lake Kastoria is a shallow lake with many anthropogenic activities concentrated in its catchment area. Surficial runoff rich in agricultural waste and underground seepage from urban and rural areas enrich the lake with nutrients intensifying the eutrophication problem of the water.Restoration techniques, with different approach, each one are proposed to restore the lake water. Treatment with alum is very effective but needs special care during the application. Reeds harvesting is an inexpensive and effective way and in combination with the city sewage redirection will improve the water quality and the trophic status of the lake sufficiently.  相似文献   
Trichonis Lake is the largest natural freshwater body in Greece with a surface area of 97 km2. It receives pollutants from numerous anthropogenic activities, especially from intensive agricultural practices, urban sewages, stock grazing land and small industries. In this study, hydrologic and chemical parameters are assessed during two periods (1990–1991) and (2001–2002) to evaluate the effects of the climatic changes on phosphorous trends and consequently on the trophic status of Trichonis Lake. Even though large quantities of fertilizers are applied in the lake's catchment, phosphorus loads are still in the permissible level as estimated according to Vollenweider's relationship based on total phosphorus concentration. Due to relatively higher rainfall precipitation during the last years, an increased amount of the phosphorus entering into the lake system is flushed out, thus keeping the trophic status of the lake in oligotrophic levels. In contrast, lower rainfall rates during the first period (1990–1991) have led to the decrease in phosphorus flush out and its detainment into the lake water and sediment resulting to mesotrophic conditions. As the trophic status of the lake is mainly hydrologically dependent and thus unpredictable, effective management plans targeting the elimination of nutrient pollution loadings are necessary.  相似文献   
The reduction of gravity-field related quantities (e.g., gravity anomalies, geoid heights) due to the topography plays a crucial role in both geodetic and geophysical applications, since in the former it is an intermediate step towards geoid prediction and in the latter it reveals lateral as well as radial density contrasts and infers the geology of the area under study. The computations are usually carried out by employing a DTM and/or a DBM, which describe the topography and bathymetry, respectively. Errors in these DTMs/DBMs will introduce errors in the computed topographic effects, while poor spatial resolution of the topography and bathymetry models will result in aliasing effects to both gravity anomalies and geoid heights, both influencing the accuracy of the estimated solutions. The scope of this work is twofold. First, a validation and accuracy assessment of the SRTM 3″ (90 m) DTM over Greece is performed through comparisons with existing global models as well as with the Greek 450 m national DTMs. Whenever a misrepresentation of the topography is identified in the SRTM data, it is “corrected” using the local 450 m DTM. This process resulted in an improved SRTM DTM called SRTMGr, which was then used to determine terrain effects to gravity field quantities. From the fine-resolution SRTMGr DTMs, coarser models of 15″, 30″, 1′, 2′ and 5′ have been determined in order to investigate aliasing effects on both gravity anomalies and geoid heights by computing terrain effects at variable spatial resolutions. From the results acquired in two test areas, it was concluded that SRTMGr provides similar results to the local DTM making the use of other older global DTMs obsolete. The study for terrain aliasing effects proved that when high-resolution and accuracy gravity and geoid models are needed, then the highest possible resolution DTM should be employed to compute the respective terrain effects. Based on the results acquired from two the test areas a corrected SRTMGr DTM has been compiled for the entire Greek territory towards the development of a new gravimetric geoid model. Results from that analysis are presented based on the well-known remove-compute-restore method, employing land and marine gravity data, EGM08 as a reference geopotential model and the SRTMGr DTM for the computation of the RTM effects.  相似文献   
We consider a Yukawa-type gravitational potential combined with the Poynting-Robertson effect. Dust particles originating within the asteroid belt and moving on circular and elliptic trajectories are studied and expressions for the time rate of change of their orbital radii and semimajor axes, respectively, are obtained. These expressions are written in terms of basic particle parameters, namely their density and diameter. Then, they are applied to produce expressions for the time required by the dust particles to reach the orbit of Earth. For the Yukawa gravitational potential, dust particles of diameter \(10^{ - 3}\) m in circular orbits require times of the order of \(8.557 \times 10^{6}\) yr and for elliptic orbits of eccentricities \(e =0.1, 0.5\) require times of \(9.396 \times 10^{6}\) and \(2.129 \times 10^{6}\) yr respectively to reach Earth’s orbit. Finally, various cases of the Yukawa potential are studied and the corresponding particle times to reach Earth’s are derived per case along with numerical results for circular and various elliptical orbits.  相似文献   
We present stable isotope data (δ18O, δ13C) from a detrital rich stalagmite from Kapsia Cave, the Peloponnese, Greece. The cave is rich in archeological remains and there are reasons to believe that flooding of the cave has directly affected humans using the cave. Using a combination of U–Th and 14C dating to constrain a site-specific correction factor for (232Th/238U) detrital molar ratio, a linear age model was constructed. The age model shows that the stalagmite grew during the period from ca. 950 BC to ca. AD 830. The stable oxygen record from Kapsia indicates cyclical changes of close to 500 yr in precipitation amount, with rapid shifts towards wetter conditions followed by slowly developing aridity. Superimposed on this signal, wetter conditions are inferred around 850, 700, 500 and 400–100 BC, and around AD 160–300 and AD 770; and driest conditions are inferred to have occurred around 450 BC, AD 100–150 and AD 650. Detrital horizons in the stalagmite indicate that three major floods took place in the cave at 500 BC, 70 BC and AD 450. The stable carbon isotope record reflects changes in biological activity being a result of both climate and human activities.  相似文献   
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