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We explore how to address the challenges of adaptation of water resources systems under changing conditions by supporting flexible, resilient and low-regret solutions, coupled with on-going monitoring and evaluation. This will require improved understanding of the linkages between biophysical and social aspects in order to better anticipate the possible future co-evolution of water systems and society. We also present a call to enhance the dialogue and foster the actions of governments, the international scientific community, research funding agencies and additional stakeholders in order to develop effective solutions to support water resources systems adaptation. Finally, we call the scientific community to a renewed and unified effort to deliver an innovative message to stakeholders. Water science is essential to resolve the water crisis, but the effectiveness of solutions depends, inter alia, on the capability of scientists to deliver a new, coherent and technical vision for the future development of water systems.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mittelmiozäne Deltasedimente aus kaolinitischen Quarzsanden, in die sich Kaolinitlagen, Lignit-Linsen und Lateritoidhorizonte einschalten, werden als Aufarbeitungsdetritus des praemiozän lateritisierten Grundgebirges gedeutet. An ihrer Oberfläche befindet sich ein postmittelmiozäner Laterithorizont. Unter Auflösung von Quarz und Zerstörung eines Teiles der Schwerminerale und Tonminerale wurden Eisen-Konkretionen, Kaolinit und Spuren von AI-Hydroxiden und -Oxidhydraten neu gebildet.Diese hier ausgebildete Delta-Fazies — Verknüpfung von lateritischem Umlagerungsschutt mit autochthonen Lateritisierungsvorgängen — kann verglichen werden mit den Bauxiteinschaltungen in klastische Coastal-plain-Serien von Guiana und Queensland und schließlich mit Sidérolitique- und Wealdenfazies.Als ähnliche klastische Serie ist die Tambo Group der Cape York-Halbinsel in Queensland, die nach Evens (1959) ins Tertiär gestellt wird, zu betrachten. Durch Lateritisierung und Bauxitisierung der kaolinitischen Sandsteine (Loughnan u. Bayliss, 1961) bildeten sich hier die wichtigsten derartigen Verwitterungslagerstätten der Welt.Zahlreiche ähnliche Sedimentserien — vorwiegend aus dem Tertiär (Sidérolitique), aber auch aus der Unterkreide (Wealden) und dem Karbon (Millstone grit. Schottlands) werden von Millot (1964, p. 170–183) in dem Kapitel Faciès sidérolitique sehr anschaulich geschildert.
Middle miocene deltaic sediments forming kaolinitic quartz sands with intercalations of kaolinitic clay layers, lignite lenses and lateritoid horizons are interpreted as reworked detritus of premiocene lateritic soils on the cristallin basement. On top of this series a lateritic horizon of post middle miocene age is developped. The neoformation of iron concretions, kaolinite and traces of Al- hydroxides and -oxidhydrates is accompanied by solution of quartz and destruction of heavy minerals and clay minerals.This deltaic facies — demonstrating a combination of reworked lateritic detritus with autochthonous lateritic soil formation is compared with bauxite intercalations in clastic coastal plain series of Guiana and Queensland and last not least with Sidérolithique and Wealden facies.
Three profils of fossil Bauxites probably of Early Tertiary age in the Shevaroy Hills and in the Nilgiri Hills, South India, are examined. They are formed by isovolumetric transformation of charnockites under conservation of relict structures. The chemical and mineralogical composition of the bauxites depends on the petrology of the source rock. Na, K, Ca, Mg and the main quantity of silica are extracted, Al and Fe have been enriched relatively and in certain places even absolutely. The mineral transformation in the beginning of the weathering developped in two phases:
  1. Leaching and precipitation within the cleavage pattern of the minerals,
  2. Leaching and precipitation in the places of the former mineral relicts.
Different later phases of weathering produced Fe- and Al-rich solutions, which are precipitated in the intervals of porous rocks.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Für 172 karbonatische Proben aus Nor bis Mittellias der Alpen wurden Paläotemperaturen nach dem18O/16O-Mischungsverhältnis bestimmt. Untersucht wurden vor allem Fossilien, und zwar bevorzugt solche, die primär vorwiegend oder gänzlich aus Calcit bestanden haben; daneben auch Ooide und Gesteine. Um diagenetischen Verschiebungen des18O/16O-Verhältnisses aus dem Wege zu gehen, wurde der Diagenese-Grad jeweils optisch und mit der röntgenographischen Phasen-Analyse geprüft; sichtbar rekristallisiertes Material wurde nicht verwertet.Die ermittelten Paläotemperaturen zeigen — nach Alter und Fazies-Gruppen getrennt dargestellt (Abb. 2) — meist deutliche Häufungen, die angesichts der relativ großen Probenzahlen und der unterschiedlichen diagenetischen Bedingungen für die einzelnen Proben den ursprünglichen Wasser-Temperaturen annähernd entsprechen dürften; diese Annahme wird durch Paläotemperaturen aus aragonitischem Material für das Rät bestätigt. Bei der Interpretation der Paläotemperaturen wurden paläogeographische Faktoren (Bathymetrie, Salzgehalt u. a.), soweit bekannt, berücksichtigt. Für die norischen Flachmeer-Proben ergeben sich Temperaturen um 25°C, für die rätischen etwas niedrigere Werte. Einem Temperatur-Minimum im Unterlias folgte im Mittellias eine Erwärmung um mehrere Grade. Demnach dürften die obertriassischen Korallen-Riffe in den Nördlichen Kalkalpen während während des Unterlias aus klimatischen Gründen abgestorben sein.
172 carbonate samples from the Alps (mainly the Northern Calcareous Alps) ranging from Norian to Middle Liassic age, have been investigated for their18O/16O-content. Paleotemperatures have been determined. The analysed samples — fossils, mainly with primary calcitic shells, ooids and carbonatic sediments —were carefully selected by optical and x-ray methods.The results are given in fig. 2. Paleotemperatures are plotted in groups of the same age and equal or similar facies. The maximum of each group is assumed to represent the average water-temperature of that time. The interpretation of the paleotemperatures refers also to paleogeographic factors, e. g. bathymetry and salinity.The Noric shelf-sea paleotemperatures are in the range of about 25° C and show a systematic decrease to the Upper Rhaetian; a minimum temperature during the Lower Liassic (18° C) was followed by a warmer climatic period in the Middle Liassic. It is assumed that the Upper Triassic coral-reefs of the Northern Calcareous Alps died out because of the low temperature.

Résumé Pour 172 échantillons carbonates allant du Norien jusqu'au Lias moyen des Alpes on a déterminé les paleotemperatures d'après le rapport18O/16O. Étudiant surtout des fossiles, nous avons préféré ceux qui, dès l'origine, consistaient en grande partie ou totalement en calcite; en outre nous avons utilisé des ooides et des roches. Pour éviter l'altération diagénétique du rapport18O/16O, on a examiné le degré de la diagnèse sous le microscope et à l'aide des rayons X; le matériel visiblement récristallisé a été exclu de l'étude.Les températures déterminées — groupées selon l'âge et le faciès (fig. 2) —s'accumulent pour la plupart clairement autour de valeurs qui, vraisemblablement, représentent les températures originales de l'eau de mer — vu le nombre élevé des échantillons et les conditions variées de diagenèse qu'ils ont subi. Cette supposition a été vérifiée par des températures determinées sur de l'aragonite pour le Rhétien (Kaltenegger 1967). En interprétant les paléotempératures on a tenu compte des facteurs de paléogéographie (bathymétrie, salinité etc.).Les échantillons noriens provenant d'une mer peu profonde ont donné des températures d'environ 25° C, les échantillons rhétiens des valeurs un peu plus basses. Un minimum pendant le Lias inférieur a été suivi, pendant le Lias moyen, par un réchauffement de plusieurs degrés. On peut donc penser que les récifs coralliens du Trias supérieur dans les Alpes calcaires septentrionales se sont retirés pour des raisons climatiques au cours du Lias inférieur.

018 / 016 165 . . . , , . 018 / 016 . , , . , . 25°, — . , . , .
Electron spin resonance (ESR) is evaluated as a method to study the thermal degradation of sedimentary organic matter which consists mainly of kerogen. Whole rock and separated kerogen samples were pyrolysed stepwise (ambient to 700°C at 50°C increments), extracted and analysed for elemental composition and ESR spectra at each step. Whole rock samples give rise to complex spectra which include those of paramagnetic metals and are therefore unsuitable in most cases for this purpose.The ESR parameters g value, ΔH and Ng differ for different types of immature organic matter. An increase in Ng,shift of g value to 2.0026–2.0028 and reduction in h are the main trends during pyrolysis and in natural heating of sedimentary organic matter.The peak generations of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons coincide with maxima of free radical density. ESR spectroscopy in combination with complementary geochemical characterization of the sedimentary organic matter can serve to indicate maturity with respect to peak oil-gas generation.  相似文献   
Electrical impedance of partially molten gabbro was measured as a function of the frequency of the applied electric field. The impedance of the partially molten gabbro was mainly controlled by the volume and geometry of partial melt, which were observed with an optical microscope study of the quenched sample. The experimental results are interpreted by a theory that formulates the electrical property of rocks containing partial melt, taking ionic diffusion in the melt into account. The theory evaluates the contributions from two types of melt-geometry distributed in the rock matrix, namely:
1. (a) nearly isolated melt pockets, and
2. (b) connected melt along grain boundaries.
According to the theory, connected melt mainly contributes to the increase of net conductivity, while melt pockets increase displacement current and cause the frequency dependence of impedance. The characteristic ionic diffusivity in melt pockets was determined from the peak frequency of the imaginary part of impedance. The magnitude of diffusion coefficient is estimated to be of the order of 10−7 to 10−6 cm2/sec. This suggests that sodium, iron, magnesium and/or calcium ions mainly carry the electric charge in partial melt. The observed frequency dependence of impedance is considered to reflect ionic polarization in melt pockets due to the migration of these alkali ions toward solid-melt interfaces.The present experimental and theoretical work suggests that electrical properties of the earth's upper mantle may involve an intrinsic frequency dependence associated with ionic diffusion in the frequency range of geomagnetic observation, if a partial melt zone exists. The analysis of the earth's conductivity structure may be inadequate if such intrinsic frequency dependence of mantle media is neglected.  相似文献   
We propose a combination of Biot's equations for effective stress and the expression for shear failure in a rock to obtain an expression for minimum pore pressure in a stable vertical well bore. We show that a Biot's coefficient calculated from logging data in the Hejre Field, North Sea, is significantly different from 1. The log‐derived Biot's coefficient is above 0.8 in the Shetland Chalk Group and in the Tyne Group, and 0.6–0.8 in the Heno Sandstone Formation. We show that the effective vertical and horizontal stresses obtained using the log‐derived Biot's coefficient result in a drilling window for a vertical well larger than if approximating Biot's coefficient by 1. The estimation of the Biot's coefficient is straightforward in formations with a stiff frame, whereas in formations such as shales, caution has to be taken. We discuss the consequence of assumptions made on the mineral composition of shales as unphysical results could be obtained when choosing inappropriate mineral moduli.  相似文献   
Chalks originate as Cretaceous to Recent pelagic or hemipelagic calcareous ooze, which indurate via burial diagenesis to chalk and limestone. Because they accumulate in pelagic settings with high environmental continuity, chalks may form thick formations and even groups. For this reason, and because chalks have a simple mineralogy (low magnesium calcite, silica and clays), they are ideal for the study of diagenetic processes including the depth-related decrease of porosity. It is the aim of this study to illustrate how the evaluation of in situ elastic strain can help in understanding these processes including the interplay between stress-controlled diagenetic processes and processes furthered by thermal energy. Petrophysical core and well data can be used for analyses of how porosity reduction via pore collapse and pressure dissolution is related to in situ elastic strain. The data in question are: depth, density of overburden, pore pressure, ultrasonic P-wave velocity and dry density/porosity. The analysis reveals that the transition from ooze to chalk is associated with high elastic strain and consequent pressure dissolution at calcite–particle contacts causing contact cementation. The transition from chalk to limestone is also associated with high elastic strain, especially at clay–calcite interphases causing development of stylolites via pressure dissolution, and consequent pore-filling cementation. Following each transformation the elastic strain drops rapidly. The observation of this diagenesis-related pattern in elastic strain of the sedimentary rock is novel and should not only be helpful in understanding the porosity development in sedimentary basins, but also add basic scientific insight.  相似文献   
Fine sediment dynamics were recorded in February 2007 in coastal waters of the Great Barrier Reef during a moderate flood of the Tully River. An estuarine circulation prevailed on the inner continental shelf with a surface seaward velocity peaking at 0.1 m s−1 and a near-bottom landward flow peaking at 0.05 m s−1. Much of the riverine mud originating from eroded soils was exported onto a 10 km wide coastal strip during the rising stage of the river flood in the first flush. In coastal waters, suspended sediment concentration peaked at 0.2 kg m−3 near the surface and 0.4 kg m−3 at 10 m depth during calm weather, and 0.5 kg m−3 near the surface and 2 kg m−3 at 10 m depth during strong winds when bottom sediment was resuspended. Diurnal irradiance at 4 m depth was almost zero for 10 days. The sedimentation rate averaged 254 (±33) g m−2 d−1 over the 28-day study period, and concentrations of dissolved and particulate nutrients originating from the river were high. The observed low irradiance would have prevented coral photosynthesis, while the sedimentation rate would have been lethal to some juvenile corals. The mud may ultimately be minnowed out over long periods, however, flushing of the mud occurs at time scales much longer than the flood event and the mud is likely to affect coral physiology for significant periods after the flood has subsided. The data show the need to better control erosion on farmed land for the conservation of coral reefs on the inner shelf of the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   
Many breakwaters are, due to functional requirements, designed for small wave overtopping discharges. From the EC-research projects OPTICREST and CLASH it is known that overtopping discharges determined from conventional Froude scale models of rubble mound breakwaters are smaller than measured in corresponding prototypes. The present study examines this scale effect by comparing overtopping discharges in small scale and large scale tests. The length scale ratio between the models was 5.7.  相似文献   
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