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A 3D interpretation of the newly compiled Bouguer anomaly in the area of the “Dead Sea Rift” is presented. A high-resolution 3D model constrained with the seismic results reveals the crustal thickness and density distribution beneath the Arava/Araba Valley (AV), the region between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba/Elat. The Bouguer anomalies along the axial portion of the AV, as deduced from the modelling results, are mainly caused by deep-seated sedimentary basins (D > 10 km). An inferred zone of intrusion coincides with the maximum gravity anomaly on the eastern flank of the AV. The intrusion is displaced at different sectors along the NNW–SSE direction. The zone of maximum crustal thinning (depth 30 km) is attained in the western sector at the Mediterranean. The southeastern plateau, on the other hand, shows by far the largest crustal thickness of the region (38–42 km). Linked to the left lateral movement of approx. 105 km at the boundary between the African and Arabian plate, and constrained with recent seismic data, a small asymmetric topography of the Moho beneath the Dead Sea Transform (DST) was modelled. The thickness and density of the crust suggest that the AV is underlain by continental crust. The deep basins, the relatively large intrusion and the asymmetric topography of the Moho lead to the conclusion that a small-scale asthenospheric upwelling could be responsible for the thinning of the crust and subsequent creation of the Dead Sea basin during the left lateral movement. A clear segmentation along the strike of the DST was obtained by curvature analysis: the northern part in the neighbourhood of the Dead Sea is characterised by high curvature of the residual gravity field. Flexural rigidity calculations result in very low values of effective elastic lithospheric thickness (t e < 5 km). This points to decoupling of crust in the Dead Sea area. In the central, AV the curvature is less pronounced and t e increases to approximately 10 km. Curvature is high again in the southernmost part near the Aqaba region. Solutions of Euler deconvolution were visualised together with modelled density bodies and fit very well into the density model structures. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Nitrogen concentrations and isotopic compositions were measured by ion microprobe scanning imaging in two interplanetary dust particles L2021 K1 and L2036 E22, in which imaging of D/H and C/H ratios has previously evidenced the presence of D-rich macromolecular organic components. High nitrogen concentrations of 10-20 wt% and δ15N values up to +400‰ are observed in these D-rich macromolecular components. The previous study of D/H and C/H ratios has revealed three different D-rich macromolecular phases. The one previously ascribed to macromolecular organic matter akin the insoluble organic matter (IOM) from carbonaceous chondrites is enriched in nitrogen by one order of magnitude compared to the carbonaceous chondrite IOM, although its isotopic composition is still similar to what is known from Renazzo (δ15N = +208‰).The correlation observed in macromolecular organic material between the D- and 15N-excesses suggests that the latter originate probably from chemical reactions typical of the cold interstellar medium. These interstellar materials preserved to some extent in IDPs are therefore macromolecular organic components with various aliphaticity and aromaticity. They are heavily N-heterosubstituted as shown by their high nitrogen concentrations >10 wt%. They have high D/H ratios >10−3 and δ15N values ≥ +400‰. In L2021 K1 a mixture is observed at the micron scale between interstellar and chondritic-like organic phases. This indicates that some IDPs contain organic materials processed at various heliocentric distances in a turbulent nebula. Comparison with observation in comets suggests that these molecules may be cometary macromolecules. A correlation is observed between the D/H ratios and δ15N values of macromolecular organic matter from IDPs, meteorites, the Earth and of major nebular reservoirs. This suggests that most macromolecular organic matter in the inner solar system was probably issued from interstellar precursors and further processed in the protosolar nebula.  相似文献   
地面微波辐射计与测定区域性降水的初步试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、前言 被动式大气微波遥感探测是近十年来发展起来的一门崭新的遥感技术。自1968年以来,卫星运载的微波辐射计在遥感大气温度、云中含水量、降水强度及水汽密度等方面都取得了显著的成绩。与此同时,地面微波遥感探测也获得相应的发展,不仅类似空间遥感可以实现温度、水汽的反演,而且还将大大发挥微波探测雨云的特长,能有效地测得云中含水量、云中温度、以及降水强度等参数,这对云雾物理、人工影响天气的发展必将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
本文通过陕西省城囿县山地实际考察资料的分析,旨在找出冬季山地逆温及暖带的分布规律,并为提高坡地柑桔种植上限高度提供依据,研究指出:当地逆温暖带高度为650—750米,坡地柑桔种植上限高度可达800米左右。  相似文献   
非静力平衡层结大气中的重力惯性波和惯性对流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据一些新的流体力学实验结果及某些天气事实,建立了一个非静力平衡条件下旋转地球大气中重力惯性波和惯性对流的理论模型,并分别求出它在稳定层结,中性层结及不稳定层结三种情况下的点源扰动函数形式的解。 分析解的性质得知,中性及弱不稳定大气中可以激发一种主要由地球旋转惯性决定的大幅度垂直速度振动,其周期大于(至少等于)地球在该纬度的惯性周期2π/f。这也许能说明文献[1]所发现的那种准周期性惯性对流的某些动力性质。在稳定层结流体中,地球旋转参数对流体重力振荡的频率影响不大,层结越稳定,越类似于单纯的重力振荡,只有在层结接近中性时,f对重力振荡的频率修正作用才明显起来。 最后给出不同纬度处不稳定层结大气中所能产生的惯性对流的最大临界尺度。  相似文献   
Trace elements serve important roles as regulators of ocean processes including marine ecosystem dynamics and carbon cycling. The role of iron, for instance, is well known as a limiting micronutrient in the surface ocean. Several other trace elements also play crucial roles in ecosystem function and their supply therefore controls the structure, and possibly the productivity, of marine ecosystems. Understanding the biogeochemical cycling of these micronutrients requires knowledge of their diverse sources and sinks, as well as their transport and chemical form in the ocean.Much of what is known about past ocean conditions, and therefore about the processes driving global climate change, is derived from trace-element and isotope patterns recorded in marine deposits. Reading the geochemical information archived in marine sediments informs us about past changes in fundamental ocean conditions such as temperature, salinity, pH, carbon chemistry, ocean circulation and biological productivity. These records provide our principal source of information about the ocean's role in past climate change. Understanding this role offers unique insights into the future consequences of global change.The cycle of many trace elements and isotopes has been significantly impacted by human activity. Some of these are harmful to the natural and human environment due to their toxicity and/or radioactivity. Understanding the processes that control the transport and fate of these contaminants is an important aspect of protecting the ocean environment. Such understanding requires accurate knowledge of the natural biogeochemical cycling of these elements so that changes due to human activity can be put in context.Despite the recognised importance of understanding the geochemical cycles of trace elements and isotopes, limited knowledge of their sources and sinks in the ocean and the rates and mechanisms governing their internal cycling, constrains their application to illuminating the problems outlined above. Marine geochemists are poised to make significant progress in trace-element biogeochemistry. Advances in clean sampling protocols and analytical techniques provide unprecedented capability for high-density sampling and measurement of a wide range of trace elements and isotopes which can be combined with new modelling strategies that have evolved from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) and Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) programmes. A major new international research programme, GEOTRACES, has now been developed as a result of community input to study the global marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes. Here, we describe this programme and its rationale.  相似文献   
中国地震局地震监测台网技术人员培训团一行15人于2000年9月2-20日赴德国地球科学研究中心(GFZ)和联邦地球科学及自然资源研究院(BGR)进行了培训,在德国的周密安排和中德以方的共同努力下,培训团圆满地完成了预期的培训任务,文章就这次的培训及培训团所了解到的情况作了介绍。  相似文献   
Résumé Les échantillons étudiés proviennent du gîte stratiforme de Boukdema (Algérie), où l'on observe notamment l'association dolomite-quartz-talcsphalérite. L'étude des inclusions fluides primaires des quartz contemporains, selon toute vraisemblance, de la dissolution partielle du talc, montre que ceux-ci se sont développés dans des solutions de salinités très variables (entre 4 et 28% en équivalent pondéral NaCl). L'hypothèse d'une ébullition des solutions (par suite d'une chute brutale de pression) rend compte de ce fait inhabituel. Dans le cadre d'un tel modèle, les corrections dues à la pression sont nulles et l'on peut en déduire à partir des mesures de températures d'homogénéïsation que la croissance du quartz s'est amorcée vers 250 °C. Compte tenu de cette indication thermométrique, on discute enfin du rôle relatif des facteurs physiques et chimiques (T, fCO 2, aMg/aCa) sur la stabilité du talc dans le contexte minéralogique du gîte de Boukdema.
The samples studied were collected in the Boukdema stratabound deposit (Algeria), where the association dolomite-quartz-talc-sphalerite occurs. Cryoscopic investigations of fluid inclusions in quartz indicate a wide salinity range in mineral forming fluids (4 to 28 weight % NaCl eq). Boiling of hydrothermal fluids possibly explains this unusual characteristic. In this hypothesis thermometric data need no pressure corrections and one may conclude that quartz growth (and simultaneously talc dissolution) occurred in the 250°–200 °C range. On the basis of this last indication, the relative role of T, fCO 2, aMg/aCa, on talc stability is discussed in the mineralogical environment of Boukdema.
新疆幅员广阔,深居内陆,自然复杂,人文多样,是中国旅游资源特丰区。通过组织跨部门,多学科的专家按照《中国旅游资源普查规范》(试行稿)实地考察,对新疆旅游资源的丰度、类型、功能、地域结构给出了新评价,确认它是中国旅游业发展的重要资源后备基地。从新疆地处欧亚大陆腹心,毗邻八国的特殊区位,以及世界旅游重心东移,中国旅游资源开发向内陆推进的多维多元化出发,提出了树立超前意识以市场为导向,深层次,高品位,多元化开发新疆旅游资源的新方略。即确立发展大旅游业的战略观念构建“引爆工程”、“转动效应”的特种旅游、专题旅游和常规旅游项目,完善旅游管理体制,发展以航空运输为主体的综合运输网络,强化旅游软硬件设施,建设能满足不同层次需求、富有特色功能、具有国际意义的国家级旅游地域新网络系统。  相似文献   
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