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Alunite minerals occur as white powdery lumps and laminated coloured deposits within cavity and solution channel infill of the palaeokarst zone of the Upper Eocene Dammam Formation. This formation is exposed in a quarry located on the Al Ahmadi ridge within the Greater Burgan oil field in southern Kuwait. Field occurrences and sedimentary structures of the alunite deposits were described. Collected samples were petrographically described, and their mineralogy and geochemistry were determined using X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence, respectively. Microfabrics were investigated using SEM, revealing that they are primarily composed of fibrous alunogen (hydrous aluminium sulphate) and pseudo-cubical K-alunite (hydrous potassium aluminium sulphate). Their mode of occurrence suggests a hypogenetic origin, where sulphide gases associated with hydrocarbon gases reacted with an Al-rich solution leached from clay minerals and feldspars of the cavity-fill muddy sand sediments. The hydrocarbon gases may have seeped from sub-surface petroliferous formations within the Greater Burgan oil field along vertical fractures. This study suggests that these acidic seeps may have played a role in the development of the palaeokarst zone of the Dammam Formation.  相似文献   
The spottedness parameters S (the fraction of the visible surface of the star occupied by spots) characterizing the activity of 674 stars in the Beehive Cluster (age 650 Myr) are estimated, together with variations of this parameter as a function of the rotation period, Rossby number Ro and other characteristics of the stars. The activity of the stars in this cluster is lower than the activity of stars in the younger Pleiades (125 Myr). The average S value for the Beehive Cluster stars is 0.014, while Pleiades stars have the much higher average value 0.052. The activity parameters of 61 solar-type stars in the Beehive Cluster, similar Hyades stars (of about the same age), and stars in the younger Pleiades are compared. The average S value of such objects in the Beehive Cluster is 0.014± 0.008, nearly coincident with the estimate obtained for solar-type Hyades stars. The rotation periods of these objects are 9.1 ± 3.4 day, on average, in agreement with the average rotation period of the Hyades stars (8.6 d ). Stars with periods exceeding 3–4 d are more numerous in the Beehive Cluster than in the Pleiades, and their periods have a larger range, 3–30 d . The characteristic dependence with a kink at Ro (saturation) = 0.13 is not observed in the S–Rossby number diagram for the Beehive and Hyades stars, only a clump of objects with Rossby numbers Ro > 0.7. The spottedness data for the Beehive Cluster and Hyades stars are in good agreement with the S values for dwarfs with ages of 600–700 Myr. This provides evidence for the reliability of the results of gyrochronological calibrations. The data for the Beehive and Pleiades stars are used to analyze variations in the spot-forming activity for a large number of stars of the same age that are members of a single cluster. A joint consideration of the data for two clusters can be used to draw conclusions about the time evolution of the activity of stars of different masses (over a time interval of the order of 500 Myr).  相似文献   
Permafrost thaw in a nested groundwater-flow system   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Groundwater flow in cold regions containing permafrost accelerates climate-warming-driven thaw and changes thaw patterns. Simulation analyses of groundwater flow and heat transport with freeze/thaw in typical cold-regions terrain with nested flow indicate that early thaw rate is particularly enhanced by flow, the time when adverse environmental impacts of climate-warming-induced permafrost loss may be severest. For the slowest climate-warming rate predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), once significant groundwater flow begins, thick permafrost layers can vanish in several hundred years, but survive over 1,000 years where flow is minimal. Large-scale thaw depends mostly on the balance of heat advection and conduction in the supra-permafrost zone. Surface-water bodies underlain by open taliks allow slow sub-permafrost flow, with lesser influence on regional thaw. Advection dominance over conduction depends on permeability and topography. Groundwater flow around permafrost and flow through permafrost impact thaw differently; the latter enhances early thaw rate. Air-temperature seasonality also increases early thaw. Hydrogeologic heterogeneity and topography strongly affect thaw rates/patterns. Permafrost controls the groundwater/surface-water-geomorphology system; hence, prediction and mitigation of impacts of thaw on ecology, chemical exports and infrastructure require improved hydrogeology/permafrost characterization and understanding.  相似文献   
Geology of Ore Deposits - The Khovu-Aksy Ag–Bi–Cu–Ni–Co arsenide deposit discovered in 1947 was explored in detail by 1954. The Tuvakobalt Mining Complex mined veins cutting...  相似文献   
A continuous-coring borehole recently drilled at Camaldoli dellaTorre on the southern slopes of Somma–Vesuvius providesconstraints on the volcanic and magmatic history of the Vesuvianvolcanic area since c. 126 ka BP. The cored sequence includesvolcanic units, defined on stratigraphical, sedimentological,petrological and geochemical grounds, emitted from both localand distal vents. Some of these units are of known age, suchas one Phlegraean pre-Campanian Ignimbrite, Campanian Ignimbrite(39 ka), Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (14· 9 ka) and VesuvianPlinian deposits, which helps to constrain the relative ageof the other units. The main rock types encountered are shoshonite,phonotephrite, latite, trachyte and phonolite. The sequenceincludes, from the base upwards: a thick succession of pyroclasticunits emplaced between 126 and 39 ka, most of them attributedto eruptions that occurred in the Phlegraean area; the CampanianIgnimbrite; the products of a local tuff cone formed between39 ka and the deposition of the products of the earliest activityof the Mt. Somma volcano; the products of the Somma–Vesuviusvolcano, which include from the base upwards a thick sequenceof lavas, pyroclastic rocks and the products of a local spattercone dated between 3· 7 ka and AD 79. The data obtainedfrom the study of the borehole show that, before the CampanianIgnimbrite eruption, low-energy explosive volcanism took placein the Vesuvian area, whereas mostly high-energy explosive eruptionscharacterized the Campi Flegrei activity. In the Vesuvian area,Campanian Ignimbrite deposition was followed by the eruptionof a local tuff cone and a long repose time, which predatedthe formation of the Mt. Somma edifice. Since 18· 3 ka(Pomici di Base eruption) the activity of Somma–Vesuviusbecame mostly explosive with rare lava effusions. The shallowestcored deposits belong to the Camaldoli della Torre cone, formedbetween the Pomici di Avellino and Pomici di Pompei eruptions(3· 7 ka–AD 79). New geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb–B-isotopicdata on samples from the drilled core, together with those availablefrom the literature, allow us to further distinguish the volcanicrocks as a function of both their provenance (i.e. Phlegraeanor Vesuvian areas) and age, and to identify different magmaticprocesses acting through time in the Vesuvian mantle source(s)and during magma ascent towards the surface. Isotopically distinctmagmas, rising from a mantle source variably contaminated byslab-derived components, stagnated at mid-crustal depths (8–10km below sea level) where magmas differentiated and were probablycontaminated. Contamination occurred either with Hercynian continentalcrust, mostly during the oldest stages of Vesuvian activity(from 39 to 16 ka), or with Mesozoic limestone, mostly duringrecent Vesuvian activity. Energy constrained assimilation andfractional crystallization (EC-AFC) modelling results show thatcontamination with Hercynian crust probably occurred duringdifferentiation from shoshonite to latite. Contamination withlimestone, which is not well constrained with the availabledata, might have occurred only during the transition from shoshoniteto tephrite. From the ‘deep’ reservoir, magmas rosetowards a series of shallow reservoirs, in which they differentiatedfurther, mixed, and fed volcanic activity. KEY WORDS: Somma–Vesuvius; crustal contamination; source heterogeneity; radiogenic and stable isotopes; magmatic system  相似文献   
The ability of magnetically modified activated sludge affected by thermal treatment to remove water-soluble organic dyes was examined. Twelve different dyes were tested. Based on the results of the initial sorption study, four dyes (namely aniline blue, Nile blue, Bismarck brown Y and safranin O) were chosen for further experiments due to their promising binding onto magnetic activated sludge. Significant factors influencing adsorption efficiency such as dependence of contact time, initial pH or temperature were studied in detail. The adsorption process was very fast; more than 88 % of dye content (55 mg/L) was adsorbed within 15 min under experimental conditions used. The equilibrium adsorption data were analyzed by Freundlich, Langmuir and Sips adsorption isotherm models, and the fitting of each isotherm model to experimental data was assessed on the basis of error functions. The maximum adsorption capacities of magnetic activated sludge were 768.2, 246.9, 515.1 and 326.8 mg/g for aniline blue, Bismarck brown Y, Nile blue and safranin O, respectively. The kinetic studies indicated that adsorption of all selected dyes could be well described by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model, and the thermodynamic data suggested the spontaneous and endothermic process.  相似文献   
Water Resources - Different types of transboundary water exchange in Russia are considered, including through state, administrative, and natural boundaries. The presented characteristics refer to...  相似文献   
The directional spreading of both the wavenumber and frequency spectra of finite-depth wind generated waves at the asymptotic depth limit are examined. The analysis uses the Wavelet Directional Method, removing the need to assume a form for the dispersion relationship. The paper shows that both the wavenumber and frequency forms are narrowest at the spectral peak and broaden at wavenumbers (frequencies) both above and below the peak. The directional spreading of the wavenumber spectrum is bi-modal above the spectral peak. In contrast, the frequency spectrum is uni-modal. This difference is shown to be the result of energy in the wind direction being displaced from the linear dispersion shell. A full parametric relationship for the directional spreading of the wavenumber spectrum is developed. The analysis clearly shows that typical dispersion relationships are questionable at high frequencies and that such effects can be significant. This result supports greater attention being focussed on the routine recording of wavenumber spectra, rather than frequency spectra.  相似文献   
Long-term biological data supported by physicochemical parameters were evaluated to investigate the biodiversity of the Golden Horn Estuary from the past to the present. Limited observations dating back to 60 years ago indicated the existence of a diverse community in this small estuary. Unfortunately, in parallel with the increase in unplanned settlements and industry around the Golden Horn, pollution stress increased since the 1960s. Preliminary studies in the 1990s indicated survival of only a couple of pollution-resistant species, in the relatively cleaner lower estuary. Following the intensification of rehabilitation studies in 1998 and particularly after the opening of the floating bridge at the mid estuary; a remarkable day-by-day recovery in marine life has begun with the improving water quality. Nutrient concentrations decreased markedly; while water clarity significantly increased. Fecal coliform values decreased 10(3) fold. Phytoplankton composition changed and dense blooms of eukaryotic phytoplankters frequently occurred. Hydrogen sulfide almost completely disappeared even during the warmest periods of the year and dissolved oxygen concentrations increased. All results clearly depicted that the Golden Horn ecosystem shifted to eutrophic conditions from an anoxic environment. SCUBA dives in 2002, documented the level of diversification of life in the Golden Horn. All appropriate substratums were intensely covered by macrobenthic forms until the Halic Bridge and filter feeders dominated the plankton-rich ecosystem. Achieving the diversity of 1940s is not possible since the Black and Marmara seas, influencing water quality of the Golden Horn, are also suffering from anthropogenic impacts and are far less diverse than their rich diversity in 1940s. However, the Golden Horn is a good example that even the most polluted ecosystems can recover when appropriate measures are taken.  相似文献   
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