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In order to determine the temporal and spatial variations of nutrient profiles in the shallow pore water columns (upper 30 cm depth) of intertidal sandflats, we measured the salinity and nutrient concentrations in pore water and seawater at various coastal environments along the southern coast of Korea. In the intertidal zone, salinity and nutrient concentrations in pore water showed marked vertical changes with depth, owing to the active exchange between the pore water and overlying seawater, while they are temporally more stable and vertically constant in the sublittoral zone. In some cases, the advective flow of fresh groundwater caused strong vertical gradients of salinity and nutrients in the upper 10 cm depth of surface sediments, indicating the active mixing of the fresher groundwater with overlying seawater. Such upper pore water column profiles clearly signified the temporal fluctuation of lower-salinity and higher-Si seawater intrusion into pore water in an intertidal sandflat near the mouth of an estuary. We also observed a semimonthly fluctuation of pore water nutrients due to spring-neap tide associated recirculation of seawater through the upper sediments. Our study shows that the exchange of water and nutrients between shallow pore water and overlying seawater is most active in the upper 20 cm layer of intertidal sandflats, due to physical forces such as tides, wave set-up, and density-thermal gradient.  相似文献   
The Northwest Atlantic margin is characterized by high biological productivity in shelf and slope surface waters. In addition to carbon supply to underlying sediments, the persistent, intermediate depth nepheloid layers emanating from the continental shelves, and bottom nepheloid layers maintained by strong bottom currents associated with the southward flowing Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC), provide conduits for export of organic carbon over the margin and/or to the interior ocean. As a part of a project to understand dynamics of particulate organic carbon (POC) cycling in this region, we examined the bulk and molecular properties of time-series sediment trap samples obtained at 968 m, 1976 m, and 2938 m depths from a bottom-tethered mooring on the New England slope (water depth, 2988 m). Frequent occurrences of higher fluxes in deep relative to shallower sediment traps and low Δ14C values of sinking POC together provide strong evidence for significant lateral transport of aged organic matter over the margin. Comparison of biogeochemical properties such as aluminum concentration and flux, and iron concentration between samples intercepted at different depths shows that particles collected by the deepest trap had more complex sources than the shallower ones. These data also suggest that at least two modes of lateral transport exist over the New England margin. Based on radiocarbon mass balance, about 30% (±10%) of sinking POC in all sediment traps is estimated to be derived from lateral transport of resuspended sediment. A strong correlation between Δ14C values and aluminum concentrations suggests that the aged organic matter is associated with lithogenic particles. Our results suggest that lateral transport of organic matter, particularly that resulting from sediment resuspension, should be considered in addition to vertical supply of organic matter derived from primary production, in order to understand carbon cycling and export over continental margins.  相似文献   
In this study, seawater samples were collected from Goseong Bay, Korea in March 2014 and viral populations were examined by metagenomics assembly. Enrichment of marine viral particles using FeCl3 followed by next-generation sequencing produced numerous sequences. De novo assembly and BLAST search showed that most of the obtained contigs were unknown sequences and only 0.74% of sequences were associated with known viruses. As a result, 138 viruses, including bacteriophages (87%), viruses infecting algae and others (13%) were identified. The identified 138 viruses were divided into 11 orders, 14 families, 34 genera, and 133 species. The dominant viruses were Pelagibacter phage HTVC010P and Roseobacter phage SIO1. The viruses infecting algae, including the Ostreococcus species, accounted for 9.4% of total identified viruses. In addition, we identified pathogenic herpes viruses infecting fishes and giant viruses infecting parasitic acanthamoeba species. This is a comprehensive study to reveal the viral populations in the Goseong Bay using metagenomics. The information associated with the marine viral community in Goseong Bay, Korea will be useful for comparative analysis in other marine viral communities.  相似文献   
In this study, we identified and cloned the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus MT (Hp-MT) mRNA. We examined the gameto- and embryo-toxic effects and the expression of Hp-MT mRNA at various concentrations of phenol in H. pulcherrimus. We found that the normal embryogenesis rate was significantly inhibited when H. pulcherrimus was exposed to phenol (EC50 = 1565.86 ppb, 95% Cl = 1183.47-2037.84 ppb). The no observed effective concentration (NOEC) and the lowest observed effective concentration (LOEC) of the normal embryogenesis rate were < 10 ppb and 100 ppb, respectively. Hp-MT cDNA is 651 bp in length and encodes a protein of 64 amino acids. We found that the expression of Hp-MT mRNA was significantly increased with phenol treatment in a concentrationdependent manner. These results suggest that phenol at greater than 100 ppb has a toxic effect during the early embryonic stages of H. pulcherrimus, and MT mRNA may be used as a biomarker for risk assessment of phenol contamination.  相似文献   
Ocean Science Journal - Using a mooring package comprising an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and holographic imaging system, a 1-day ice camp study was performed under the Arctic sea ice...  相似文献   
CO2 injected in the reservoir of McElroy Field, TX, for a CO2 flood was in the supercritical state. Supercritical CO2 fluid is capable of extracting light and intermediate hydrocarbons from rocks but is unable to extract heavy hydrocarbons and asphaltics. Therefore, plugging of asphaltics in reservoir rocks and a consequent reduction in injectivity and recovery may result when CO2 only is used in enhanced oil recovery. By adding common solvents as chemical modifiers, the flooding fluid shows marked improvement in solvency for heavy components of crudes due to its increased density and polarity. Numerous supercritical CO2 fluid extractions of dolomite rock from the Grayburg Formation containing known amount of spiked McElroy crude oil have been carried out to evaluate extraction efficiencies of CO2 and CO2 with chemical modifiers at various temperatures and pressures. All experiments show that extraction efficiency increases with increasing CO2 pressure but decreases with increasing temperature. Addition of chemical modifiers to CO2 also shows improved extraction efficiency and reduced asphaltic deposits. Under the pressure and temperature similar to McElroy reservoir conditions; chemically modified CO2 yielded almost 3 times as much oil extracts as those in extractions with CO2 only. It also reduced the asphaltics content in extracted rocks to nearly one half; indicating its potential for mitigating asphaltics plugging of formation rocks  相似文献   
Incorporation of 14C-depleted (old) dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on/into particulate organic carbon (POC) has been suggested as a possible mechanism to explain the low Δ14C-POC values observed in the deep ocean [Druffel, E.R.M., Williams, P.M., 1990. Identification of a deep marine source of particulate organic carbon using bomb 14C. Nature, 347, 172–174.]. A shipboard incubation experiment was performed in the Sargasso Sea to test this hypothesis. Finely ground dried plankton was incubated in seawater samples from the deep Sargasso Sea, both with and without a biological poison (HgCl2). Changes in parameters such as biochemical composition and carbon isotopic signatures of bulk POC and its organic compound classes were examined to study the roles of sorptive processes and biotic activity on POC character. Following a 13-day incubation, the relative abundance of the acid-insoluble organic fraction increased. Abundances of extractable lipids and total hydrolyzable amino acids decreased for both treatments, but by a greater extent in the non-poisoned treatment. The Δ14C values of POC recovered from the non-poisoned treatment were significantly lower than the value of the unaltered plankton material used for the incubation, indicating incorporation of 14C-depleted carbon, most likely DOC. The old carbon was present only in the lipid and acid-insoluble fractions. These results are consistent with previous findings of old carbon dominating the same organic fractions of sinking POC from the deep Northeast Pacific [Hwang, J., Druffel, E.R.M., 2003. Lipid-like material as the source of the uncharacterized organic carbon in the ocean? Science, 299, 881–884.]. However, the Δ14C values of POC recovered from the poisoned treatment did not change as much as those from the non-poisoned treatment suggesting that biological processes were involved in the incorporation of DOC on/into POC.  相似文献   
Hwang  P.  Taylor  W. R.  Rocky  N. M. S.  Ramsay  R. R. 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1994,51(2-4):195-226
Summary The Metters Bore No. 1 lamproite (MB1) is a small unexposed pipe located in the Calwynyardah field of the Miocene West Kimberley lamproite province. Microdiamonds have been recovered from bulk sampling of the pipe but no macrodiamonds (>0.8 mm) have been found. The pipe contains both volcaniclastic and magmatic (i.e. non-fragmental, extrusive-to-hypabyssal facies) lamproite. The latter rock is dominantly olivine-leucite-diopside lamproite and comprises phenocrysts and microphenocrysts of diopside, altered olivine ( Fo91), and rare phlogopite, together with phenocrysts and glomeroporphyritic aggregates of altered leucite. These are set in an altered, fine-grained to glassy groundmass including diopside, leucite, priderite, apatite, less abundant chrome-spine', perovskite, interstitial richterite with minor calcic amphibole, ilmenite, sphene and wadeite. Mineral compositions are complex and variable: for example: five compositionally distinct fields can be recognizedamong the diopsides, and three among the phlogopites. The Ti-rich, Al-poor diopsides, Ti-F-rich, Al-poor phlogopites, and potassium titanian richterites all have apparent tetrahedral site deficiencies which can best be explained by tetrahedral substitution of Ti4+ and/or Mg2+; no substitution of Fe3+ is indicated. Three major types of spinel are recognized: olivine-included titaniferous magnesiochromite (TMC), xenocrystic aluminous magnesiochromite (AMC) and leucite-included pleonaste. Spinel-olivine-melt oxygen barometry indicates that the TMC spine's crystallized from evolving lamproite magma under low oxygen fugacity conditions (MW to IW). Manganiferous groundmass ilmenite has low calculated Fe2O3 (< 1 wt%), also consistent with reduced conditions. The maintenance of a low oxidation state during magmatic crystallization, a feature shared with the Argyle olivine-lamproite, is considered a significant factor in preservation of the MB1 microdiamond population. Xenocrystic minerals encountered in heavy mineral concentrates (HMC) indicate that the MB1 lamproite sampled upper mantle spinel ±garnet lherzolite from >60 km depth and crustal mafic rocks. Geochemically, MB1 is typical of West Kimberley leucite-lamproites, which are characterized by high TiO2 (> 4 wt%), low CaO (< 5 wt%), MgO < 10wt%, and enrichment in incompatible elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, LREE, etc.). Although MB1 is an olivine-bearing lamproite, it has source-related geochemical features, e.g. mantle-normalized Sc/V and Zr/Nb ratios of < 0.75 and > 0.6, respectively, that are similar to other West Kimberley leucite-lamproites and distinct from olivine-lamproites. Petrogenetically, the bulk composition and low magmatic oxidation state of MB1 supports an origin by melting of phlogopite-bearing harzburgitic source under reduced fO2 (< MW) conditions.
Mineralogie, geochemie und petrogenese der lamproit-pipe Metters Bore No. 1, Kalwynyardah Field, West Kimberley Provinz, West-Australien
Zusammenfassung Der Lamproit Metters Bore No. 1 (MB1) ist eine kleine, nicht an der Oberfläche aufgeschlossene Pipe im Kalwynyardah Gebiet der miozänen Lamproit-Provinz von West Kimberley. Mikrodiamanten sind bei der Untersuchung von Proben aus der Pipe gefunden worden, jedoch keine Makrodiamanten (> 0.8 mm). Die Pipe enthält sowohl vulkanoklastischen wie magmatischen Lamproit (nicht-fragmentierte extrusive bis hypabyssische Fazies). Bei dem magmatischen lamproit handeltes sich um einen Olivin-Leuzit-Diopsid-Lamproit mit Kristallen und Mikrokristallen von Diopsid, umgewandeltem Olivin ( Fo91), seltener Phlogopit, zusammen mit Kristallen und glomeroporphyritischen Aggregaten von umgewandeltem Leuzit. Diese sitzen in einer umgewandelten, feinkörnigen bis glasigen Grundmasse mit Diopsid, Leuzit, Priderit, Apatit, seltener Chromspinell, Perovskit, Richterit mit geringen Mengen an Kalziumamphibol, Ilmenit, Titanit und Wadeit. Die Mineralzusammensetzungen sind komplex und variabel: so können z.B. fünf der Zusammensetzung nach eindeutig definierte Felder für die Diopside nachgewiesen werden und drei solche für die Phlogopite. Die Ti-reichen Al-armen Diopside, Ti-F-reiche Al-arme Phlogopite und Kalium-Titan-Richterite haben alle reduzierte Besetzungen von Tetraederstellen, die am besten durch tetraedrische Substitution von Ti4+ und/oder Mg` erklärt werden können. Es gibt keine Hinweise für Substition von Fe3+. Drei Haupttypen von Spinellen kommen vor: Titan-führender Magnesiochromit (TMC) als Einschlüsse in Olivin, aluminiumführender Magnesiochromit (AMC) und Pleonast, der in Leuzit eingeschlossen ist. Sauerstoffbarometrie (Spinell-Olivin-Schmelze) zeigt, daß die TMC Spinelle von einem fraktionierten lamproitischen Magma bei niedriger Sauerstofffugazität (MW bis IW) kristallisiert sind. Manganführender Ilmenit der Grundmasse hat niedrige berechnete Fe2O3 Gehalte (< 1 %), und auch das entspricht reduzierenden Bedingungen. Die Erhaltung eines niedrigen Oxydationsstatus während der magmatischen Kristallisation ist eine Eigenschaft, die auch im Olivin-Lamproit der Argyle Pipe zu beobachten ist. Dies wird als ein signifikanter Faktor für den Erhalt der Mikrodiamanten in MBI gesehen. Xenokristalle die in Schwermineral-Konzentraten (HMC) vorkommen, weisen darauf hin, daß der MB1 Lamproit Material des oberen Mantels (Spinell ± Granatlherzolit) aus mehr als 60 km Tiefe, sowie mafische Gesteine der Kruste aufgenommen hat. Geochemisch gesehen ist MB1 typisch für die Leuzit-Lamproite von West Kimberley, welche durch hohe TiO2 (> 4 wt.%), niedrige CaO (< 5 wt.%), MgO (< 10 wt.%) und Anreicherung von inkompatiblen Elementen (Rb, Sr, Ba, LSEE, etc.) charakterisiert werden. Obwohl MB1 ein Olivin-führender Lamproit ist, zeigt er geochemische Eigenschaften, wie Mantel-normalisierte Sc/V und Zr/Nb Verhältnisse von < 0.75 und > als 0.6, die ähnlich anderen Leuzit-Lamproiten von West Kimberley sind und sich von Olivin-Lamproiten unterscheiden. Petrogenetisch gesehen weisen sowohl die Gesamtzusammensetzung als auch der niedrige magmatische Oxydationsstatus von MBI auf eine genese durch Aufschmelzen von Phlogopit-führendem Harzburgit unter reduzierenden f02 (< MW) Bedingungen hin.


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