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500hPa环流变化与山东春季降水异常   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用SVD技术,诊断分析了北半球500hPa高度场与山东春季降水的关系。结果表明:山东春季降水与北半球500hPa高度场关系密切,山东春季降水与东亚上空500hPa高度场具有很好的同步联系。前期(冬季)日本东北部500hPa高度场是影响山东南部春季降水的关键区,具有预测意义。500hPa高度距平场东高西低型是造成山东春季降水的主要大气环流形势,西高东低型是造成山东少雨的主要大气环流形势。  相似文献   
This paper documents a decadal strengthened co-variability of the Antarctic Oscillation(AAO)and ENSO in austral spring after the mid-1990 s.During the period 1979–93,the ENSO(AAO)spatial signatures are restricted to the tropics–midlatitudes(Antarctic–midlatitudes)of the Southern Hemisphere(SH),with a weak connection between the two oscillations.Comparatively,after the mid-1990 s,the El Ni o-related atmospheric anomalies project on a negative AAO pattern with a barotropic structure in the mid–high latitudes of the SH.The expansion of El Ni o-related air temperature anomalies have a heightened impact on the meridional thermal structure of the SH,contributing to a weakened circumpolar westerly and strengthened subtropical jet.Meanwhile,the ENSO-related southern three-cell circulations expand poleward and then strongly couple the Antarctic and the tropics.Numerical simulation results suggest that the intensified connection between ENSO and SST in the South Pacific since the mid-1990 s is responsible for the strengthened AAO–ENSO relationship.  相似文献   
林美静  范可  王会军 《气象学报》2010,68(3):309-314
西北太平洋区域纬向风垂直切变的变化是影响西北太平洋热带气旋生成和发展的一个重要的动力因子,弱的纬向风切变有利于热带气旋的发生、发展。文中将西北太平洋区域纬向风垂直切变幅度(MWS)定义为850与200 hPa的纬向风之差的绝对值,以研究MWS的气候特征。结果表明,西北太平洋区域的MWS有两个主要空间模态,第1空间模态表现为在15°N以南的热带西太平洋存在MWS东西向变化相反的两个区域,20°N附近的热带西太平洋MWS的变化与其以北海区的MWS的变化相反。第2空间模态表现为在热带太平洋140°E东、西的变化相反。研究了两个模态相关的大气环流特征,发现去掉强ENSO信号后,第1模态不但与低纬度大气环流有关,而且还与南、北半球中高纬度的大气环流有关,第2模态主要与热带西太平洋和北太平洋局地大气环流有关。另外,第1模态的时间系数与赤道东太平洋海温、西北太平洋台风生成频次有着密切联系;第2模态时间系数与西北太平洋台风活动频次联系密切。  相似文献   
Based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the interdecadal variability of Hadley circulation (HC) and its association with East Asian temperature in winter are investigated. Results indicate that the Northern Hemisphere winter HC underwent apparent change in the 1970s, with transition occurring around 1976/77. Along with interdecadal variability of HC, its linkage to surface air temperature (SAT) in East Asia also varied decadally, from weak relations to strong relations. Such a change may be related to the interaction between HC and the atmospheric circulation system over the Philippines, which is associated with the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Before the 1970s, the connection between HC and the anticyclonic circulation around the Philippines was insignificant, but after the late 1970s their linkage entered a strong regime. The intensification of this connection may therefore be responsible for the strong relations between HC and East Asian winter temperatures after the late 1970s.  相似文献   
黄河干流浮游植物群落特征及其对水质的指示作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5-6月和9-10月对黄河干流13个河段和4座水库的浮游植物群落及其环境进行了全面调查.共鉴定浮游植物8门83属150种,其中有硅藻59种,绿藻55种,蓝藻24种,甲藻4种,裸藻4种,金藻2种,黄藻1种和隐藻1种,平均细胞密度和生物量分别为126.90×104cells/L和0.940mg/L.从大的格局上看,浮游植物群落在种类数、种类组成和现存量上均存在较明显的空间分异,这种分异性可从河流流速、泥沙含量和受污染程度得到解释.根据浮游植物污染指示种和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分析,黄河干流各河段多受到不同程度的污染.与1986年的资料相比,黄河干流浮游植物组成发生了明显变化,属数下降了9.8%,而平均生物量升高了128.7%,且在种类组成上也发生了明显的变化,表明河流污染程度的加剧.  相似文献   
The Qinghai–Tibet Highway and Railway (the Corridor) across the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau traverses 670 km of permafrost and seasonally frozen-ground in the interior of the Plateau, which is sensitive to climatic and anthropogenic environmental changes. The frozen-ground conditions for engineering geology along the Corridor is complicated by the variability in the near-surface lithology, and the mosaic presence of warm permafrost and talik in a periglacial environment. Differential settlement is the major frost-effect problem encountered over permafrost areas. The traditional classification of frozen ground based on the areal distribution of permafrost is too generalized for engineering purposes and a more refined classification is necessary for engineering design and construction. A proposed classification of 51 zones, sub-zones, and sections of frozen ground has been widely adopted for the design and construction of foundations in the portion of the Corridor studied. The mean annual ground temperature (MAGT), near-surface soil types and moisture content, and active faults and topography are most commonly the primary controlling factors in this classification. However, other factors, such as local microreliefs, drainage conditions, and snow and vegetation covers also exert important influences on the features of frozen ground. About 60% of the total length of the Corridor studied possesses reasonably good frozen-ground conditions, which do not need special mitigative measures for frost hazards. However, other sections, such as warm and ice-rich or -saturated permafrost, particularly in the sections in wetlands, ground improvement measures such as elevated land bridges and passive or proactive cooling techniques need to be applied to ensure the long-term stability of thermally unstable, thick permafrost subsoils, and/or refill with non-frost-susceptible soils. Due to the long-history of the construction and management of the Corridor by various government departments, adverse impacts of construction and operation on the permafrost environment have been resulted. It is recommended that an integrated, executable plan for the routing of major construction projects within this transportation corridor be established and long-term monitoring networks installed for evaluating and mitigating the impact from anthropogenic and climatic changes in frozen-ground conditions.  相似文献   
介绍了2009年项目"全球变暖背景下东亚能量和水分循环变异及其对我国极端气候的影响"的主要研究目标和内容,着重叙述了项目实施以来的主要科研进展,包括西北敦煌和临泽区陆气交换加强观测试验、我国极端气候的变化分析和模拟研究以及气候预测新方法和新系统的研制等方面.最后概要介绍了项目未来几年的主要研究工作计划.  相似文献   
Analysis on the decadal scale variation of the dust storm in North China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dust storm is a disastrous weather that can cause serious environmental consequences and hazards. It causes excessive soil mass and nutrient loss in source areas, and air pollution in deposition area, which result in bad influence on agriculture, industry, traffic, and peoples’ daily life[1-4]. Dust storm can also affect the thermal balance of planetary radiation and then lead to meso- to macroscale climatic modification[5-7]. North- west China and North China are two high-frequency centers …  相似文献   
Direct climate responses to dust shortwave and longwave radiative forcing (RF) are studied using the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3). The simulated RF at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) is-0.45 W m-2 in the solar spectrum and +0.09 W m-2 in the thermal spectrum on a global average. The magnitude of surface RF is larger than the TOA forcing, with global mean shortwave forcing of-1.76 W m-2 and longwave forcing of +0.31 W m-2 . As a result, dust aerosol causes the absorption of 1.1 W m-2 in t...  相似文献   
时域反射仪(Time Domain Reflectometry)可用于室内和田间快速、 准确、 自动测定土壤含水量, 是目前应用最广泛的土壤含水量测定方法之一。适宜的土壤含水量标定曲线(即土壤表观介电常数和土壤含水量之间的关系)是TDR准确测定土壤含水量的关键。目前文献中存在大量的土壤含水量标定曲线, 但尚未有研究对这些标定曲线进行系统的验证和分析评价。因此, 它们的准确性和适用范围尚不明晰, 严重影响到与土壤含水量测定相关的研究。通过查阅大量国内外文献, 收集整理了一系列土壤含水量标定曲线的经验公式(19个)和半经验半物理模型(5个), 并利用大量的文献实测数据对其进行综合评价。同时运用均方根差(RMSE), 平均误差(AD), 纳什效率系数(NSE)等三个指标对比分析和评价这些标定曲线的准确性和可靠性。研究结果表明: 经验公式中Topp、 Roth(1992)2、 Jacobosen、 Yoshikawa2、 Alharathi模型和半经验模型中Malicki1公式及其修订模型综合性能较好。研究成果可为利用TDR准确测定土壤含水量及土壤含水量标定曲线的选择提供参考和指导。  相似文献   
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