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耗能减震结构的受力分析与层间弹塑性变形简化计算方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了安装粘弹性耗能器结构在常遇地震作用下层间最大剪力的分配情况 ,给出了层间最大剪力在结构构件与耗能器之间按刚度分配原则进行假想分配后 ,所得假想层间构件力与层间最大构件力之间的关系 ,以及假想层间附加力与层间最大附加力之间的关系 ,探讨了罕遇地震作用下安装粘弹性耗能器结构与安装软钢耗能器结构的层间弹塑性变形简化计算方法。  相似文献   
Modes of raising northeastern Tibet probed by explosion seismology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
New wide-angle reflection and refraction seismic data provide constraints on the structure of the upper lithosphere, and test models of its evolution to raise the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau. Amplitudes observed for reflections from the crust-mantle boundary are sufficiently large to suggest that there is no significant partial melt in the deep crust. The data show an increase of the crustal thickness between terranes from north of the Kun Lun Fault into the Qang Tang of central Tibet, and a contrast among their intracrustal images and compositions. In the north, P and S velocities are consistent with a dominantly felsic composition and show that only the upper crust thickened. South of the Kun Lun Fault a thicker crust made of two layers could result from the superposition of the originally thin crust of the Bayan Har terrane on the lower part of the crust of the domain to the north, which upper crust it shoved and thickened. Different modes of crustal thickening, either by thickening of individual layers or superpositions and imbrication among them appear to work jointly to raise the topography.  相似文献   
目的:将电阻率层析成像应用于探测潜伏断层的研究中,本文发现了断层和地下水的一些基本电阻率分布特征,这对于工程物探意义重大,一般情况下,断层两侧具有不同的电阻率特征,但是,根据电阻率层析图像中的电阻率分布,通常难以区分断层和地下水层,这是因为两者不仅都具有低电阻率值,而且还具有非常相似的电阻率异常特征。资料和方法:运用电阻率层析图像的数据,电阻率层析图像中的断层会呈现如下特征:1)由于孔隙度的加大和地下水的存在,使得断层表现出高角度的低阻线性结构。它们既可以出现在浅部盖层中,也可以存在于深部基岩中,特别是在深部区域,它们尤为明显;2)它们还呈现出高角度的线性梯度带,在该梯度带两边的电阻率结构出现整体性的差异,通常情况下,正断层的上盘表现出低阻或/和班驳状的高阻和低阻扰动区,而下盘则为完整的高阻区,这与逆冲断层正好相反;3)与断层有关的电阻率异常区常常具有良好的大尺度水平连续性,并且可以追瞎异常区附近的精细电性结构。而地下水的电阻率特征为:1)如果没有裂隙,地表水所引起的低阻区非常浅,即使存在丰富的水源以及高孔隙度的砾岩和中粗砂。一般情况下,其底端深度不超过强风化区;2)地下水的电阻率值非常低,特别在高矿化度的地区。地下水,包括岩溶水和砂岩水,的电阻率总显示出局部水平延伸或/和面团状特征;3)地下水层的深度朝某个固定方向逐渐增加,并且其电阻率图像会随季节而变;4)一般情况下,在水下渗的地区,会出现降水漏斗,其上部为高阻,而下部为低阻,从而便形成了“Y”或“V”字型的典型结构。结果:利用上述的基本特征一般可以区分断层和地下水。结论:仅依靠电阻率层析图像,可能极难准确地区分断层和裂隙水,这是因为裂隙水不但可能具有高角度的低阻线性结构,而且在一定尺度上具有很好的水平连续性,还有,由于电阻率层析成像较差的垂直分辨率,难以精确确定断层的上端点位置,所以结合其它的物探手段如钻探和浅层地震勘探是非常必要的。  相似文献   
This paper discusses land-use changes in the interlock area of farming and pasturing (IAFP)in northern China. It presents detailed analyses of land-use features in the IAFP, which are controlled by the macro geomorphic units and geophysical conditions-constraints or advantages. Additionally, it selects some indicators, according to the availability in acquiring and processing their quantitative data, to analyze the canonical correlations between the typical conversion of grassland and geophysical conditions. The preliminary study indicates that the physical conditions are of great advantages to the development of grassland. There exists significant correlation between land use change and some geophysical conditions.  相似文献   
青藏公路铁路沿线生态系统特征及道路修建对其影响   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:36  
陈辉  李双成  郑度 《山地学报》2003,21(5):559-567
根据2001—08和2002—08月野外调查数据及2001年1:100万中国植被图、1996年1:400万青藏高原植被区划图和2000年青藏铁路沿线自然保护区分布及功能区界调整图,以青藏公路铁路沿线植被生态系统为研究对象,运用ARCVIEW和ARC/INFO软件研究青藏公路铁路建设对沿线生态系统结构的影响,结论如下:①青藏公路铁路南北跨越9个纬度,东西跨越12个经度,共穿越青东祁连山地草原地带、柴达木山地荒漠地带、青南高寒草甸草原地带、羌塘高寒草原地带、果洛那曲高寒灌丛草甸地带和藏南山地灌丛草原地带6个自然区,对植被类型的统计结果显示了地带性。②青藏公路铁路的建设对生态系统产生直接的切割,使景观更加破碎。③青藏公路铁路的建设直接破坏沿线植被生态系统(主要为50m缓冲区内),年损失总净初级生产量为30504.62t,损失总生物量432919.25~1436104.3t/a。损失总净初级生产量占1km缓冲区年净初级生产量535005.07~535740.11t/a的百分比为5.70%,占10km缓冲区年净初级生产量3408950.45~3810480.92t/a的0.80~0.89%;损失生物量占1km缓冲区生物总量7502971.85~25488342.71t/a的5.70%,占10km缓冲区总生物量43615065.35~164150665.37t/a的0.80%~0.89%。  相似文献   
本文以美国经济区为基本地域单元,以区位商和相关系数为主要研究指标,从一般投资区位和新建投资区位两方面研究了美国外商制造业直接投资区域分异模式。主要研究结论如下:外商制造业企业就业与美国制造业企业就业的区域分布很相似,但更倾向于集中在美国东南部;外商新建投资企业相对集中在新英格兰部分地区和东南部,得克萨斯和路易丝安那海岸地区,密苏里州和伊利诺伊州西部;外商新建企业倾向于分布在高人口密度区,但相关性没有美国本国新建企业强;外商新建投资企业与外商并购企业的分布略有不同。  相似文献   
Reputed as a wonderful achievement of the world's highway construction history, the Taklimakan Desert highway is now facing serious sand drift encroachment problems due to its 447- km-long passage of sand sea consisting of crescent dunes, barchan chains, compound transverse dune ridges and complex megadunes. To solve some technical problems in the protection of the highway from sand drift encroachment, desert experts have been conducting the theoretical and applied studies on sand movement laws; causes, severities and time-space differentiation of sand drift damages; and control ways including mechanical, chemical and biological measures. In this paper the authors give an overall summary on the research contents and recent progress in the control of sand drift damages in China and hold that the theoretical research results and practices in the prevention of sand drift encroachment on the cross-desert highway represent a breakthrough and has an epoch-making significance. Since the construction of protective forest along the cross-desert highway requires large amount of ground water, what will be its environmental consequence and whether it can effectively halt sand drift encroachment on the highway forever are the questions to be studied urgently.  相似文献   
HAN Hui  GONG Daoyi 《地理学报》2003,13(4):469-479
Climate extremes for agriculture-pasture transitional zone, northern China, are analyzed on the basis of daily mean temperature and precipitation observations for 31 stations in the period 1956-2001. Analysis season for precipitation is May-September, i.e., the rainy season. For temperature is the hottest three months, i.e., June through August. Heavy rain events, defined as those with daily precipitation equal to or larger than 50 mm, show no significant secular trend. A jump-like change, however, is found occurring in about 1980. For the period 1980-1993, the frequency of heavy rain events is significantly lower than the previous periods. Simultaneously, the occurring time of heavy rains expanded, commencing about one month early and ending one month later. Long dry spells are defined as those with longer than 10 days without rainfall. The frequency of long dry spells displays a significant (at the 99% confidence level) trend at the value of +8.3%/10a. That may be one of the major causes of the frequent droughts emerging over northern China during the last decades. Extremely hot and low temperature events are defined as the uppermost 10% daily temperatures and the lowest 10% daily temperatures, respectively. There is a weak and non-significant upward trend in frequency of extremely high temperatures from the 1950s to the mid-1990s. But the number of hot events increases as much as twice since 1997. That coincides well with the sudden rise in mean summer temperature for the same period. Contrary to that, the frequency of low temperature events have been decreasing steadily since the 1950s, with a significant linear trend of -15%/10a.  相似文献   
Lunan stone forest is a kind of typical karst in China, which is mainly developed under red soil. In the winter of 1999, three study sites were chosen in stone forest national park according to vegetation cover, geomorphologic location and soil types. CO2 concentration was measured with Gastec pump at different depths of soil (20, 40, 60 cm) and at the same time soil samples were gathered and soil properties such as soil moisture, pH, soil organic content were analyzed and the total number of viable microbes were counted in laboratory. In the study, dependent variable was chosen as the mean soil log (PCO2), and soil properties were chosen as the independent variables. Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that the total amount of microbes and soil moisture are the best indicators of the CO2 production, with the equation LOG(PCO2) = - 0.039(TNM) - 0.056(Mo) + 1.215 accounting for 86% of the variation of the soil CO2 concentration, where TNM is the total number of microbes in the soil and Mo is the moisture of soil sample.  相似文献   
泌阳凹陷北部斜坡带构造特征及油气圈闭有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
泌阳凹陷北部斜坡带断裂极为发育,主要发育NE向和NWW向两组正断层。NE向断层断距大,延伸距离远;NWW向断层断距相对较小,延伸较短。斜坡带由于构造破碎,断层发育,圈闭类型多为断块、断鼻及断层 岩性复合型圈闭。因此,对北部斜坡带断层的展布和交切规律的研究,是识别该区圈闭的关键。  相似文献   
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