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O. E. NSS 《Geophysical Prospecting》1979,27(1):16-28
An algorithm for separation of signals according to their coherency is proposed. The algorithm, called Superstack, is used on common depth point data after normal moveout corrections have been applied. The algorithm can be regarded as an iterative stacking procedure. After each stack, input values are changed depending on the consistency of the output of the previous stack. The Superstack algorithm is able to provide better separation of signals showing a different degree of horizontal consistency (coherency) than the normal horizontal stack. All noise signals in a CDP-gather may be assumed to show less horizontal consistency than the primary reflections. On this basis the algorithm will give an improved primary/multiple and an improved primary/noise ratio. The Superstack is very general, should not be especially expensive in terms of computer time, and can easily be implemented in routine processing. 相似文献
O. E. NSS 《Geophysical Prospecting》1989,37(7):781-808
A method for transforming Normal Moveout corrected CMP-gathers is proposed. The method is based upon the availability of a model of the CMP-gather. However, the transformation can be performed with any degree of accuracy in the model. Ideally the employed model should be a synthesis of all available a priori information about the particular data set. Mathematically the transformation is performed as follows. The CMP-gather is considered to be a matrix. This matrix is first decomposed into a set of submatrices of the same dimensions. Each submatrix consists of non-zero elements or samples with the same relative amount of noise. By reducing each of these submatrices to a vector (a trace) we get a new set of traces. This set then represents the transformed CMP-gather. The purpose of the transformation is to organize the CMP data in a form which makes it easier both to analyse the noise distribution and to take the necessary steps to improve the signal-to-noise ratio at the stacking stage. In principle the method incorporates the exploitation of multichannel recordings with the use of models. Several examples of transformed gathers and their applications to the improvement of real seismic data are shown. 相似文献
A correlary of sea floor spreading is that the production rate of ocean ridge basalts exceeds that of all other volcanic rocks on the earth combined. Basalts of the ocean ridges bring with them a continuous record in space and time of the chemical characteristics of the underlying mantle. The chemical record is once removed, due to chemical fractionation during partial melting. Chemical fractionations can be evaluated by assuming that peridotite melting has proceeded to an olivine-orthopyroxene stage, in which case the ratios of a number of magmaphile elements in the extracted melt closely match the ratios in the mantle. Comparison of ocean ridge basalts and chondritic meteorites reveals systematic patterns of element fractionation, and what is probably a double depletion in some elements. The first depletion is in volatile elements and is due to high accretion temperatures of a large percentage of the earth from the solar nebula. The second depletion is in the largest, most highly charged lithophile elements (“incompatible elements”), probably because the mantle source of the basalts was melted previously, and the melt, enriched in these elements, was removed. Migration of melt relative to solid under ocean ridges and oceanic plates, element fractionation at subduction zones, and fractional melting of amphibolite in the Precambrian are possible mechanisms for depleting the mantle in incompatible elements. Ratios of transition metals in the mantle source of ocean ridge basalts are close to chondritic, and contrast to the extreme depletion of refractory siderophile elements, the reason for which remains uncertain. Variation of ocean ridge basalt chemistry along the length of the ridge has been correlated with ridge elevation. Thus chemically anomalous ridge segments up to 1000 km long appear to broadly coincide with regions of high magma production (plumes, hot spots). Basalt heterogeneity at a single location indicates mantle heterogeneity on a smaller scale. Variation of ocean ridge basalt chemistry with time has not been established, in fact, criteria for recognizing old oceanic crust in ophiolite terrains are currently under debate. The similarity of rare earth element patterns in basalt from ocean ridges, back-arc basins, some young island arcs, and some continental flood basalts illustrates the dangers of tectonic labeling by rare earth element pattern. 相似文献
Jenifer E. Dugan David M. Hubbard Henry M. Page Joshua P. Schimel 《Estuaries and Coasts》2011,34(4):839-850
We investigated the role of sandy beaches in nearshore nutrient cycling by quantifying macrophyte wrack inputs and examining
relationships between wrack accumulation and pore water nutrients during the summer dry season. Macrophyte inputs, primarily
giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera, exceeded 2.3 kg m−1 day−1. Mean wrack biomass varied 100-fold among beaches (range = 0.41 to 46.43 kg m−1). Mean concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), primarily NOx−-N, and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in intertidal pore water varied significantly among beaches (ranges = 1 to 6,553 μM
and 7 to 2,006 μM, respectively). Intertidal DIN and DON concentrations were significantly correlated with wrack biomass.
Surf zone concentrations of DIN were also strongly correlated with wrack biomass and with intertidal DIN, suggesting export
of nutrients from re-mineralized wrack. Our results suggest beach ecosystems can process and re-mineralize substantial organic
inputs and accumulate dissolved nutrients, which are subsequently available to nearshore waters and primary producers. 相似文献
An integrated provenance analysis of the Upper Cretaceous Magallanes retroarc foreland basin of southern Chile (50°30′–52°S) provides new constraints on source area evolution, regional patterns of sediment dispersal and depositional age. Over 450 new single‐grain detrital‐zircon U‐Pb ages, which are integrated with sandstone petrographic and mudstone geochemical data, provide a comprehensive detrital record of the northern Magallanes foreland basin‐filling succession (>4000‐m‐thick). Prominent peaks in detrital‐zircon age distribution among the Punta Barrosa, Cerro Toro, Tres Pasos and Dorotea Formations indicate that the incorporation and exhumation of Upper Jurassic igneous rocks (ca. 147–155 Ma) into the Andean fold‐thrust belt was established in the Santonian (ca. 85 Ma) and was a significant source of detritus to the basin by the Maastrichtian (ca. 70 Ma). Sandstone compositional trends indicate an increase in volcanic and volcaniclastic grains upward through the basin fill corroborating the interpretation of an unroofing sequence. Detrital‐zircon ages indicate that the Magallanes foredeep received young arc‐derived detritus throughout its ca. 20 m.y. filling history, constraining the timing of basin‐filling phases previously based only on biostratigraphy. Additionally, spatial patterns of detrital‐zircon ages in the Tres Pasos and Dorotea Formations support interpretations that they are genetically linked depositional systems, thus demonstrating the utility of provenance indicators for evaluating stratigraphic relationships of diachronous lithostratigraphic units. This integrated provenance dataset highlights how the sedimentary fill of the Magallanes basin is unique among other retroarc foreland basins and from the well‐studied Andean foreland basins farther north, which is attributed to nature of the predecessor rift and backarc basin. 相似文献
Alun Hubbard 《Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography》2000,82(4):471-487
With the purpose of improving the ice physics underpinning time–dependent glacier flowline models, three independent approaches for solving longitudinal stresses in glaciers are discussed and verified by application to Haut Glacier d'Arolla. To highlight any shortcomings, the reduced and much utilised driving stress approximation is also applied and compared. Modelled velocity patterns using the three full stress schemes exhibit consistency with one another and good coincidence with observed velocities for the 1991 summer melt season. Furthermore, these stress patterns indicate that longitudinal stresses are significant and of a similar order of magnitude as the basal shear stress components. However, the driving stress approximation yields erratic fluctuations in the stress and velocity fields which are neither realistic in terms of mass continuity nor agree with observations. Basal decoupling experiments indicate a complex relationship between basal velocity and englacial stresses with considerable dampening of any basal perturbation occurring as it is dissipated towards the surface and transferred throughout the ice mass. The driving stress approximation fails to account at all for any such coupling. Experiments to identify the length scale over which longitudinal effects operate indicate that they are significant even up to 10 ice thicknesses. The implication here is that longitudinal stresses play a significant role in determining glacier dynamics on length scales up to at least 2 km and that the predictive power of models of glacier flow based purely on the driving stress approximation is therefore subject to significant limitations. Inclusion of longitudinal stresses overcomes one of the main limitations imposed on such models and, given the potential ease of incorporation of the schemes described here, this deficiency may readily be resolved. 相似文献
David M. Sherman Caroline L. Peacock Christopher G. Hubbard 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2008,72(2):298-310
Sorption of U(VI) to goethite is a fundamental control on the mobility of uranium in soil and groundwater. Here, we investigated the sorption of U on goethite using EXAFS spectroscopy, batch sorption experiments and DFT calculations of the energetics and structures of possible surface complexes. Based on EXAFS spectra, it has previously been proposed that U(VI), as the uranyl cation , sorbs to Fe oxide hydroxide phases by forming a bidentate edge-sharing (E2) surface complex, >Fe(OH)2UO2(H2O)n. Here, we argue that this complex alone cannot account for the sorption capacity of goethite (α-FeOOH). Moreover, we show that all of the EXAFS signal attributed to the E2 complex can be accounted for by multiple scattering. We propose that the dominant surface complex in CO2-free systems is a bidentate corner-sharing (C2) complex, (>FeOH)2UO2(H2O)3 which can form on the dominant {101} surface. However, in the presence of CO2, we find an enhancement of UO2 sorption at low pH and attribute this to a (>FeO)CO2UO2 ternary complex. With increasing pH, U(VI) desorbs by the formation of aqueous carbonate and hydroxyl complexes. However, this desorption is preceded by the formation of a second ternary surface complex (>FeOH)2UO2CO3. The three proposed surface complexes, (>FeOH)2UO2(H2O)3, >FeOCO2UO2, and (>FeOH)2UO2CO3 are consistent with EXAFS spectra. Using these complexes, we developed a surface complexation model for U on goethite with a 1-pK model for surface protonation, an extended Stern model for surface electrostatics and inclusion of all known UO2-OH-CO3 aqueous complexes in the current thermodynamic database. The model gives an excellent fit to our sorption experiments done in both ambient and reduced CO2 environments at surface loadings of 0.02-2.0 wt% U. 相似文献
W.B. Hubbard 《Icarus》1977,30(2):305-310
A theory which is almost fully analytic is used to investigate Jupiter's cooling rate. We find that a simple model of contraction with adiabatic interior structure gives a total cooling time to the present which is in good agreement with the age of the solar system. The interplay between the surface condition and the cooling rate is exhibited and discussed. The current rate of change of the effective temperature is calculated to be ?1°K/0.145×109 yr. Discrepancies with fully numerical investigations of the Jovian age and cooling rate are noted. 相似文献