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为了揭示马铃薯连作化感物质与枯萎病之间的关系,通过水培和田间长期定位试验相结合方法,收集不同连作年限马铃薯根系分泌物,采用GC-TOF-MS进行分离鉴定.结果表明:在检测到的马铃薯根系分泌的48种物质中有机酸占30种.比较轮作、连作5年和连作10年马铃薯根系分泌物中有机酸的相对含量,发现苹果酸和棕榈酸的差异比较大.马铃...  相似文献   
北京市奥运期间气象灾害风险承受与控制能力分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭虎  熊亚军  扈海波 《气象》2008,34(2):77-82
针对北京市奥运会期间的7种主要气象灾害(雷电、冰雹、大风、高温、暴雨、大雾和霾灾害),建立了气象灾害风险承受能力与风险控制能力评价的指标体系.经过专家评分,获取7种气象灾害的评价指标所对应的分值.利用层次分析法,计算评价指标的权重系数.最后得到7种气象灾害评价指标的加权平均值作为其风险承受能力与风险控制能力系数.利用灾害模数、经济易损模数、生命易损模数3个指标进行北京市奥运期间18个区县空间易损度区划分析.结果表明:北京市奥运会期间,高温灾害和暴雨灾害的风险承受能力与风险控制能力最弱;雷电灾害和大雾灾害的承受与控制能力中等;冰雹灾害和霾灾害较强;大风灾害最强.易损度空间差异分析表明,城区(东城区、西城区、崇文区和宣武区)、朝阳区和海淀区为高易损性区域;丰台区、石景山区、房山区、昌平区、顺义区和大兴区为中易损性区域;门头沟区、通州区、平谷区、怀柔区、密云县和延庆县为低易损性区域.  相似文献   
在第一代DZW-Ⅰ重力仪基础上,采用新的机电一体的数字智能化设计,研制出改进的DZW-Ⅱ型重力仪。介绍了DZW-Ⅱ型重力仪的基本原理,对仪器使用过程中出现的问题进行分析,改进和优化仪器设计,进一步提高了仪器的可靠性和稳定性。  相似文献   
基于详细的野外调查,对四川新龙地区不同类型侵入岩进行了岩石学、地球化学和锆石U−Pb同位素测年,探讨其岩石成因及构造背景。研究表明,古隆巴花岗闪长岩和日果闪长岩同属准铝质系列,具有低硅碱、高铁镁特征,中等的稀土元素总量及明显的Nb、Ta负异常,属于I型花岗岩,为俯冲期岩浆活动产物,获得日果闪长岩锆石U−Pb年龄为217.1 ± 0.8 Ma,形成时代为晚三叠世。日里隆巴花岗闪长岩和花岗岩属于过铝质系列,具有高硅碱、低铁镁及弱的Nb、Ta负异常,均属于S型花岗岩,但后者经历了更高程度的分异,分别为碰撞期和后碰撞期岩浆活动的产物,获得日里隆巴花岗闪长岩锆石U−Pb年龄为203.6 ± 0.5 Ma,形成时代为晚三叠世末。结合区域资料认为,晚三叠世甘孜−理塘洋盆大规模向西俯冲,少量的弧岩浆岩就位于被动大陆边缘雅江残余盆地;晚三叠世末期,由于洋板块的消亡发生弧−陆碰撞,地壳发生部分熔融,形成强过铝质花岗岩。  相似文献   
Three soil profiles were selected in the Ejina Oasis, northwest China, to determine water content profiles and evolution of soil moisture potentials in the unsaturated zone within the arid area. The total soil moisture potentials have been monitored for about 3 months in 2001 at different depths in the soil profiles. The occurrence and movement of water in the unsaturated zone was analyzed using the zero flux plane (ZFP) method. It is shown that convergent ZFPs and divergent ZFPs may occur at depths between 0.5 and 3.0 m, and that the depth of the ZFPs was controlled by the root zone of plants growing on the land surface. Profiles of the total soil moisture potentials were observed to be coincident with those of the water contents at the three experimental sites. The total soil moisture potential showed a slight increasing trend and the ZFPs tend to vanish from summer to winter as the water extraction by roots decreased. Evapotranspiration through vegetation has an important bearing on the water content and the total potential in the unsaturated zone.  相似文献   
This article illustrates two techniques for merging daily aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements from satellite and ground-based data sources to achieve optimal data quality and spatial coverage. The first technique is a traditional Universal Kriging (UK) approach employed to predict AOD from multi-sensor aerosol products that are aggregated on a reference grid with AERONET as ground truth. The second technique is spatial statistical data fusion (SSDF); a method designed for massive satellite data interpolation. Traditional kriging has computational complexity O(N3), making it impractical for large datasets. Our version of UK accommodates massive data inputs by performing kriging locally, while SSDF accommodates massive data inputs by modelling their covariance structure with a low-rank linear model. In this study, we use aerosol data products from two satellite instruments: the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer and the geostationary operational environmental satellite, covering the Continental United States.  相似文献   
This study investigated the regional differences of China′s urban land expansion from the late 1980s to the year of 2008, based on the spatio-temporal analysis of CLCD (China′s land cover/land use database) datasets which were mainly produced from remote sensing imagery data. A newly defined urbanization level index (UI), based on urban land area, is proposed to describe Chinese urban expansion process at 1 kilometer, provincial, regional, and na-tional scales, together with the absolute urban expansion index (UEa) and the relative urbanization expansion index (UEr). The results indicate that the percentages of total land area occupied by urban in the late 1980s, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2008 were approximately 0.25%, 0.32%, 0.33%, 0.43% and 0.52% of China′s total land area, respectively. Between the late 1980s and 2008, the total urban expansion in the mainland of China was 2.645 × 104 km2, resulting in an annual urban expansion area of about 1322.7 km2/yr, with the UEr of 111.9%. This study also finds that there has been an obvious spatial gradient of urbanization ratio running from the east coast to the west inland, and the urbanization gaps among different regions have persisted over the past two decades. The study also reveals obvious temporal varia-tions of the urbanization rates. There was very little urban growth during the period of 1995-2000 due to the governmental policy factors.  相似文献   
胡瑞山  董锁成  胡浩 《地理科学进展》2012,31(12):1600-1607
精确评价医疗设施可达性的空间分异样状况是合理配置医疗资源的前提。本文在回顾国内外关于医疗空间可达性研究的基础上, 采用两步移动搜索法, 以江苏省贫困县--东海县为案例, 以行政村和医院为分析单元, 基于迪卡斯特拉算法计算出各村到医院(卫生院)的最短通行时间, 进而分析各村医疗空间可达性分异情况。采用不用服务时间阈值范围进行空间敏感性分析, 综合研判缺医地区分布特点。与传统的医卫人员和人口比值的方法相比, 两步移动搜索法能有效显示县域范围内医疗可达性的空间分异情况。采用较大的时间阈值, 医疗空间可达性分异较为平滑, 采用较小服务阈值则空间分异显著, 缺医范围也较大。东海县医疗空间可达性整体呈单核结构, 并沿主要交通线延伸, 缺医地区多分布于边缘乡镇。提高边缘乡镇的行政村的甲级卫生院等级和乡村道路等级将会改善边缘乡镇的就医可达性。  相似文献   
儿童是保护环境的积极行动者,激发其亲环境行为意愿是应对环境问题挑战的现实需求。然而,已有研究却很少关注儿童的亲环境行为意愿及其驱动机制。文章采用问卷调查和访谈相结合的混合研究方法,以南京市小学儿童为样本,旨在通过分析儿童自然经验图式的特点,探究日常和旅游两种情景的自然接触对儿童亲环境行为意愿的影响差异,并检验自然联结在其中扮演的中介角色。结果发现:① 与日常自然接触相比,旅游自然接触更能激发儿童的亲环境行为意愿;② 自然接触促进自然联结主要体现在情感维度,其次是认知维度,而自然联结促进亲环境行为意愿以认知路径为主,情感路径为辅;③ 情感型和认知型自然联结在自然接触与亲环境行为意愿间扮演双重中介角色,且认知型自然联结的中介效应高于情感型自然联结的中介效应。研究结果对科学制定面向儿童的自然空间规划和环境教育策略具有参考价值。  相似文献   
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