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唐古拉山冬克玛底冰川雪层中淋溶作用的初步研究 总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7
利用唐古拉山冬克玛底冰川雪坑和表层积雪样品的实测资料,初步探讨本区雪层中离子淋溶作用的特征,影响因素及其对冰芯记录的干扰。研究发现淋溶作用能够对数周至数月时间尺度的雪层记录产生“平滑”作用,但不会影响冰芯记录的长期变化趋势。 相似文献
Shuguang Li Chenxiang Wang Feng Dong Zhenhui Hou Qiuli Li Yican Liu Fang Huang Fukun Chen 《Tectonophysics》2009,475(2):308-317
In order to understand the vertical structure of the Dabie–Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt, common Pb isotopic compositions of omphacites in eclogites and feldspars in gneisses from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project (100–5000 m) have been investigated in this study. Samples from 0 to 800 m (unit 1) in the drilling core have moderately high radiogenic Pb isotopes with small variations of 206Pb/204Pb (16.82–17.38), 207Pb/204Pb (15.37–15.49), and 208Pb/204Pb (37.21–37.72), indicating either high µ (238U/204Pb) or high initial Pb isotope ratios of their protoliths. In contrast, the samples from 1600 to 2040 m (unit 3) and most of samples from 3200 to 5000 m (unit 5) have moderately or very unradiogenic Pb (unit 3: 206Pb/204Pb from 16.05 to 16.46, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.22 to 15.29, and 208Pb/204Pb from 36.68 to 37.48; unit 5: 206Pb/204Pb from 15.52 to 15.69, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.15 to 15.27, and 208Pb/204Pb from 36.48 to 37.20), indicating either low µ or low initial Pb isotope ratios of their protoliths. Pb isotopes of samples from 800 to 1600 m (unit 2) and from 2040 to 3200 m (unit 4) in the drilling core with abundant ductile shear zones are intermediate between those of units 1 and 3 or 5 and display larger variations. Pb isotopes combined with the published oxygen isotope data of the CCSD samples reveal the original positions of the five units before the Triassic continental subduction. Units 1, 3, and 5 as three UHPM rock slabs could be derived from the subducted upper continental crust, upper–middle continental crust and lower–middle continental crust, respectively. The ductile shearing zones in units 2 and 4 could be the interfaces where the detachment and decoupling took place between the upper, upper–middle and lower–middle continental crusts. The detachment between the upper slab and subducting continental lithosphere probably occurred during continental subduction, and the upper slab (unit 1) was uplifted to a shallow depth along the detachment surface by thrusting. Units 3 and 5 may be detached later from the subducted middle and lower crust and uplifted to a shallow level underneath unit 1. The low δ18O values (? 4.0 to ? 7.4‰) [Xiao, Y.-L., Zhang, Z.-M., Hoefs, J., Kerkhof, A., 2006. Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Rocks from the Chinese Continental Drilling Project-II Oxygen Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Distributions through Vertical Sections. Contribution Mineral Petrology 152, 443–458.; Zhang, Z.-M., Xiao, Y.-L., Zhao, X.-D., Shi, C., 2006. Fluid-rock interaction during the continental deep subduction: oxygen isotopic profile of the main hole of the CCSD project. Acta Petrologica Sinica 22 (7), 1941–1951.] in units 2 and 4 suggest that the detachment interfaces could be developed along an ancient fault zones which were the channels of meteoric water activity during the Neoproterozoic. 相似文献
Hou Baorong 《中国海洋湖沼学报》1986,4(3):293-303
Corrosion of marine steel constructions may vary to a considerable extent owing to their different locations such as atmosphere,
splash zone, tidal zone, immersion zone and mud zone[7, 8]. A rather lengthy hanging steel sample is needed to test its corrosion resistance in various environments. But it is cumbersome
to handle and not convenient for frequent observation and maintenance. So an indoor analogue test method is generally adopted
for this purpose[1]. This paper is a report of such a test.
Contribution No. 1333 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. 相似文献
Boussinesq’s theory was used in this study on water waves entering shallow water showing that the spacial variation of the
wave amplitude is nonlinear, and is governed by the Duffing equation usually applied to describe nonlinear oscillation in
Contribution No. 3324 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Project 49471276 supported by NSFC and the Ninth-Five-Year Key Project (KI952-s1-420) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 相似文献
准确而可靠地预测地下水埋深对生态环境保护和水资源规划管理具有重要意义。针对吉林西部浅层地下水位动态变化的复杂性和非线性,提出了基于小波分析与人工神经网络相结合的预测方法小波神经网络(WA-ANN)模型。将研究区2002年1月2009年12月当月降水量、蒸发量、人工开采量和前月平均地下水埋深4个参数作为输入,当月平均地下水埋深作为输出,建立浅层地下水埋深预测模型,并与BP神经网络(BP-ANN)模型和自回归移动平均(ARIMA)模型进行比较,对比分析了三者的建模过程及其模拟精度。结果显示:相比两种ANN模型,ARIMA模型建模过程更为简单,计算效率更高;但WA-ANN模型的拟合精度高于BP-ANN和ARIMA模型,预测效果更好。总体来看,WA-ANN模型在浅层地下水埋深预测中具有一定的应用推广价值。 相似文献
上海市的发展战略;空间布局模式和环境管理是文章讨论的三个主要问题。作者认为:(1)战略设想要立足于上海的发展,“开发浦东、振兴上海、服务全国、面向世界;”(2)新的空间布局模式应为“逐步形成新的CBD,强化和完善金融和服务功能”;(3)城市发展和环境建设要协调。文章着重讨论了上海城市发展中出现的环境问题及其治理的对策和措施。 相似文献
吐哈盆地巴喀气田八道湾组致密砂岩储层分析及孔隙度演化定量模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在吐哈盆地巴喀气田八道湾组砂岩储层特征及控制因素分析的基础上,以地史时间和埋藏深度为变量,以现今孔隙度为约束条件,紧密结合埋藏阶段分析和关键成岩阶段窗口分析,分阶段建立了巴喀气田八道湾组储层从埋藏初始直至现今的孔隙度演化定量模型,动态体现了整个孔隙度演化过程.定量模拟结果表明:研究区储层总孔隙度演化是一个七段式分段函数,各个阶段孔隙度演化或遵循减小模型或遵循减小与增大的叠加模型;机械压实阶段的孔隙度减小模型是以埋深为自变量的函数,压实和胶结综合作用阶段则是以埋深和埋藏时间为变量的函数;孔隙增大模型适用于R.值范围为0.6%~1.0%的溶蚀作用窗口内;早期的纯机械压实作用使八道湾组储层已接近致密,溶蚀作用之前的压实和胶结综合作用导致储层致密化,而后期溶蚀作用仅在一定程度上提高了孔隙空间. 相似文献
1土地利用特点 泽市土地总面积121.94万hm2,已利用土地115.28万hm2,土地利用率为94.54%,农用土地97.99万hm2,占土地总面积的80.36%,其中耕地83.30万hm2,占土地总面积的.68.26%,园地1.22万hm2,占土地总面积的1.00%,林地6.38万hm2,占土地总面积的5.22%;其他农用地7.24万hm2,占土地总面积的5.88%;建设用地18.93万hm2,占土地总面积的15.52%;未利用土地5.35万hm2,占土地总面积的4.12%. 相似文献
The biostratigraphy and sedimentological evolution of the Tournaisian–Viséan (T–V) transitional strata in South China (Guangxi) have been investigated. The sediments were deposited on a carbonate platform and in slope and basinal environments. In the T–V transitional strata, six foraminiferal associations have been distinguished which allow correlation between the shallow and deep water deposits. A careful examination of the evolutionary stages of the foraminifer Eoparastaffella provides a more accurate criterion for the definition of the T–V boundary, but does not significantly modify the historical one. The distinction of two morphotypes is based on the elevation of the last whorl and the peripheral outline. Tournaisian specimens of Eoparastaffella have a well rounded periphery (morphotype 1) contrasting with the subangular periphery of younger Viséan specimens (morphotype 2). A coefficient can be deduced from simple biometric measurements for more precisely defining the T–V boundary. The sequence stratigraphy of the T–V strata in South China has been reconstructed by combining biostratigraphical and sedimentological data. It allowed the correlation of the T–V transitional strata between the platform area and the slope and basinal locations. Late Tournaisian strata were deposited during a highstand systems tract. Near the end of the Tournaisian, a major drop in relative sea-level led to the development of an unconformity in the platform area. Lowstand deposits formed during latest Tournaisian time in the basin where a detailed biostratigraphic framework has been devised. Sediments deposited during the ensuing transgressive systems tract overlie the late Tournaisian highstand sediments in the platform area and the latest Tournaisian lowstand deposits in the basin. A major drop in relative sea-level near the end of the Tournaisian has been recognized worldwide. Therefore, the possibility of using the sequence stratigraphy of the T–V strata in South China for worldwide correlations should be investigated. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献