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炎热干旱的澳大利亚中部是现代正在形成红色地表的区域。围绕中部Alice Spring地区采集了一系列红色地表样品。这些红色样品按照岩性大致可以分为三类: 砂土、沙丘砂和岩石。通过对这些样品详细的磁学测量, 发现这三类样品存在明显磁学特征差异, 红色砂土和沙丘砂样品磁化率较岩石样品高出许多(砂土和沙丘砂磁化率均值为93.82×10-8m3/kg), 红色岩石样品磁化率值最低(均值为23.2×10-8m3/kg); 三者主要磁性矿物也不尽相同; 磁颗粒均以超顺磁(SP)颗粒为主, 而单畴(SD)颗粒含量少。研究区百分比频率磁化率χfd % 均值为8.28 %, 较黄土高原西部表土(兰州为3.5 %)高出许多。该区现代年降水量约300mm, 比兰州(约330mm)还低, 成土导致百分比频率磁化率增高却比兰州明显高出几倍。这可能反映了黄土高原表土频率磁化率增高与降水量密切相关; 而在澳洲中部可能与持续高温成土条件和作用的时间存在更密切的关系。澳洲中部不论岩石还是表土均以红色为主。磁学实验表明, 砂土和沙丘砂样品均以磁铁矿为主, 三类样品普遍含一定量磁赤铁矿和赤铁矿的贡献, 与地表红色外貌相符。说明澳洲红色地表过程很可能是黑色磁铁矿颗粒表面被长期氧化条件下形成的红色磁赤铁矿/赤铁矿所包裹的现象, 使得澳洲中部广大地区岩石露头和地表沉积物, 普遍形成一层红色染色层。  相似文献   
环境磁学研究磁性矿物特征(磁性矿物类型、含量和颗粒大小)及其转化与环境关系,在不同地质时期古气候和古环境重建中得到广泛应用。本文将磁学方法应用于太行山中元古界红层研究,并从其磁学性质角度初步探讨太行山红层的古环境。对太行山红色石英砂岩和紫红色砂质泥岩样品进行了高温磁学和常温磁学系统测试。结果显示,太行山红层主要以硬磁性的赤铁矿为主,包含少量磁铁矿,部分样品赤铁矿是唯一磁性矿物;磁性颗粒大小以单畴为主;红色石英砂岩不同样品间磁性差别显著,反映沉积环境的不稳定性。紫红色砂质泥岩中的青灰色层表现为顺磁性特征,原因可能是紫红色砂质泥岩中的赤铁矿在后期还原环境下溶解或转化为弱磁性矿物所致,说明紫红色层并非形成于长期的水下还原环境。太行山红层中普遍存在的红色波痕和泥裂说明水环境对其有短暂影响,但是红层及赤铁矿的富集说明其长时间处于氧化环境,推断太行山红层可能形成于高度氧化的陆地环境。  相似文献   
针对广乐高速公路先行段,分别建立天然软土地基和钢管桩处理地基的两种平面应变有限元模型。通过施工阶段分析,分别计算得出在两种条件下地基在路堤施工过程中每阶段的位移场和应力场。通过对比分析揭示钢管桩加固软黏土地基的机理。结果表明软土地基经过桩处理后的整体性得到改善,桩通过承担很大的上部荷载减小了软弱土层的受力进而减小地基变形。此外,路堤中心处土层的应力和变形均较大,从经济角度考虑,可在路堤中心小范围内加密桩,两侧减少桩。  相似文献   
To investigate the formation mechanism and the stability of Wanjia middle school slope in Wenchuan Earthquake Area, the macroscopic geological characteristics and the failure process of the landslide are researched by engineering geology analysis method, limit equilibrium method, and finit element method. The results show that after the Wenchuan Earthquake, retaining walls, houses and other infrastructure on the foot of Wanjia middle school slope were severely destroyed, 10 cm wide tension fracture appeared at the trailing edge of the slope. Wanjia middle school slope is a type of medium-sized soil landslide. The area of the deformation body is about 19,314 m2, the total volume of the deformation body is about 23 × 104 m3. There may be two potential sliding surfaces in the unstable slope: shallow and deep landslide. The analysis results of the limit equilibrium method and the finite element method show that: under dead weight, dead weight + rainstorm, dead weight + earthquake conditions, the plastic zone occurs mainly at the middle part or the trailing edge of the slope, and it doesn’t fully cut through the deep landslide body, so the deep landslide is stable. However, under rainstorm or earthquake conditions, the plastic zone almost completely cut thorough the shallow landslide body, it shows that the shallow landslide is in the understable–basic stable state. It is found that the results of finite element method is concordant with the results of the limit equilibrium method (F s = 1.06–1.29, the shallow landslide is in the basic stable–stable state). The calculation results show that shallow landslides are likely to occur in Wanjia middle school slope during a rainstorm or an earthquake, so monitoring and control of the slope should be strengthened. The shallow landslide should be managed by some measures, such as anti slide pile retaining structures and drainage works, and the dangerous rock bodies on the slope surface should be cleaned up.  相似文献   
The Inner Mongolia reaches of the Yellow River face problems of severe sedimentation caused by a variety of complex factors. The sedimentation process in those reaches has been characterized using the sediment balance method, and the key factors affecting the process have been analyzed using the correlation analysis method. The results show that during the period 1952–2012 the Bayangaole (Bayan Gol) to Toudaoguai reaches in Inner Mongolia have undergone successive processes of accumulative sedimentation, then relative balance, and then accumulative sedimentation once again. The total annual sedimentation is 12.0341×108 m3, of which accumulations from July to October account for 95.1% and the reaches from Sanhuhekou to Toudaoguai account for 98.5%. The main factor affecting scouring and sedimentation of the Bayangaole to Sanhuhekou reaches is the combined water and sediment condition. The critical conditions for equilibrium are an incoming sediment coefficient < 0.007 kg·s·m–6 and a flow discharge > 700 m3·s–1. The main factor affecting scouring and sedimentation of the Sanhuhekou to Toudaoguai reaches is the incoming sediment from the tributaries on the south bank and the combined water and sediment condition of the main stream. The critical conditions of the main stream for maintaining equilibrium status are a flow discharge of the main stream exceeding 800 m3·s–1 and a comprehensive incoming sediment coefficient < 0.005 kg·s·m–6. The incoming sediment from the tributaries has little impact on the main stream when the annual sediment load is less than 0.1×108 t. The incoming sediment coefficient of the main stream and the incoming sediment from the tributaries both play vital roles in the riverbed evolution of the Inner Mongolia reaches, but the latter contributes the most.  相似文献   
The goal of the study was to examine the effect of stocking density on the water quality of culture area, as well as the growth, body composition and cortisol content of rainbow trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss). Pen-reared trout were stocked in densities of 40, 60, 80 fish individuals m-3(4.6, 6.6, 8.6 kg m-3, SD1, SD2 and SD3 groups, respectively) for 300 days. Compared to the water from SD1 and SD2, that from SD3 exhibited significantly higher NH4+-N content and COD(chemical-oxygen-demand), and a significant reduction of dissolved oxygen in day 180(40.6 kg m-3). Stocking density was significantly associated with body weight, standard length, VSI(viscerosomatic index), CF(condition factor) and FC(food coefficient) in group SD3, particularly in day 240 and day 300(45 or 49.3 kg m-3). Increased crude fat and decreased crude protein were displayed in high density group when the density reached to 36 kg m-3. As a cumulative effect of density-related stress, VSI, CF, FC, moisture, and crude protein content varied over time in each density group(SD1, SD2, and SD3). In summary, trout exhibited a better growth performance in low density(26.3 kg m-3) than those reared in high densities(36 and 45 kg m-3). The results indicate that rainbow trout(114.44 g ± 6.21 g, 19.69 cm ± 0.31 cm) initially stocked in 6.6 or 8.6 kg m-3 should be lightened to less than 36 kg m-3 after an intensive rearing for 240 days.  相似文献   
The North Qilian orogenic belt is a typical plate suture zone, which is studded with numerous different sizes of fragments of micro-continental crust consisting of pre-Sinian metamorphic rocks and the North Qilian orogenic belt provides important study carrier for studying the pre-orogenic tectonic process of the North Qilian. The relatively complete volcanic-clastic-carbonate rocks formation of Zhulongguan Group, Changchengian System, Mesoproterozoic are distributed in the Kawa-Qiqing area, Western North Qilian orogenic belt. Geochemical characteristics of the Aoyougou Group basalts in the North Qilian indicated that the contents of major element were relatively stable, high K2O contents(4.27%~6.07%), TFe2O3(10.49%~13.01%),TiO2(1.96%~2.90%)and middle MgO(5.37%~6.71%,Mg# 48~51), CaO(2.57%~5.51%)content. Thus, the Aoyougou Group basalts belong to potassium alkaline basalt. The contents of Cr and Ni of the basalts decreased with the decreasing of Mg#, and there was a positive correlation between CaO and CaO/Al2O3, Furthermore, the Eu anomaly of samples was slightly negative, high contents of high field strength elements (HFSE, Nb, Ta, Ti), and the ratios of Gd/Yb(2.5~3.0), Zr/Y(8.6~10.2), Ta/Yb(0.96~1.23), Ti/Yb(5 074~6 021), Zr/Yb(81~97), Ce/Nb(1.87), Zr/Nb(6.41)indicated that the Aoyougou Group basalts had obvious OIB-type magmatic affinity. In combination with the regional geological background, the study results showed that Aoyougou Group alkaline basalt generated from deep enrichment mantle similar to the source of OIB, with fractional crystallization of olivine and monoclinic pyroxene and a certain degree of contamination of continental crust in the process of magmatism, formed in the background of continental rift, might response to the Proterozoic Columbia supercontinent rifting, which further provides important petrological evidences for the relationship between North China Craton rifting events and Columbia supercontinent rifting during Proterozoic.  相似文献   
Multipath disturbance is one of the major error sources in high-accuracy positioning for global navigation satellite system (GNSS). Although various methods based on software and hardware strategies have been developed to mitigate this error, they are still limited by different kinds of factors and the effect is not ideal. After analyzing the existing methods, a new single-difference sidereal filtering method, based on adaptive thresholding wavelet denoising and double reference shift strategy (ATDR), is proposed to mitigate multipath effects for static short-baseline GNSS applications. The key idea of the proposed method is the use of both the adaptive thresholding wavelet denoising to extract an accurate multipath correction model from the reference Day and the double reference shift strategy to mitigate multipath for subsequent Day 2 more accurately and efficiently. By applying the introduced adaptive thresholding method, the average improvement rate of the RMS values of the single-difference residuals can reach about 15.82% compared with the constant thresholding method. Moreover, after applying the proposed ATDR method, the 3D positioning precision is improved by about 37.73% for the single epoch mode with 30 s data sampling rate and about 31.22% for the continuous mode with 1 s high sampling rate compared with the original results. Even compared with the constant thresholding single orbital reference (CTSR) method, the improvement percentage is about 33.94% in single epoch mode and about 25.40% in continuous mode for 3D positioning precision, respectively. In conclusion, the results of the two experiments indicate that the proposed ATDR method performs much better than the CTSR method in mitigating multipath for different sampling rates and different processing modes in the measurement domain for GNSS static short-baseline postprocessing applications.  相似文献   
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