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On Frequency Response Corrections for Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
Several potentially significant errors are noted in published frequency-response corrections for eddy-covariance flux measurements.  相似文献   
The crystallographic preferred orientation of hematite in banded iron ores and the orientation of both the measured and the calculated principal susceptibility axes are strongly related. The maximum susceptibility is aligned with the lineation and the pole of the foliation coincides with the minimum susceptibility, although there are often distinct differences between the measured and calculated values of the susceptibilities. A wide variety of configurations of c-axis pole figures modeled by varying the parameters of the Bingham distribution and Bingham–Mardia-distribution reveal that quite different c-axis patterns of hematite ores may have the same anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS) parameters. Large deviations between calculated and experimental AMS-data should initiate further investigations to resolve a probably unnoticed heterogeneity of the fabric. The present investigations show that the structural analysis of the preferred orientation of hematite ores by means of the rather inexpensive and fast magnetic method must be accompanied by the more expensive but unambiguous determination of preferred orientation by x-ray and neutron diffraction experiments in order to accomplish a complete and sound interpretation.  相似文献   
A new facility designed to perform calibration measurements of airborne imaging spectrometers was established at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen. This Calibration Home Base (CHB) is optimized to characterize radiometrically, spectrally, and geometrically the APEX (Airborne Prism Experiment) imaging spectrometer, which is currently being developed under the authority of the European Space Agency (ESA). It however can be used for other optical sensors as well. Computer control of major laboratory equipment allows automation of time consuming measurements. In APEX configuration (wavelength range: 380 to 2500 nm, instantaneous field of view: 0.48 mrad, field of view: ±14) spectral measurements can be performed to a wavelength uncertainty of ±0.15 nm, geometric measurements at increments of 0.0017 mrad across track and 0.0076 mrad along track, and radiometric measurements to an uncertainty of ±3% relative to national standard. The CHB can be adapted to similar sensors (including those with thermal infrared detectors) by exchanging the monochromator’s lamp, the gratings and the filters, and by adjusting the distance between the sensor and folding mirror.  相似文献   
We used teleseismic recordings of a temporary deployment of seismic stations and of permanent short period stations in the western Eger Rift system to study the lithosphere with the help of Receiver Functions. The crust-mantle boundary (Moho) is observed at almost all stations by strong P-to-S converted phases. The Moho is basically flat between about 26 – 30 km depth in the entire region. At one station in the Eger Rift (BOH-1, Loket castle) no Moho is observed. We interpret this with the existence of a broad gradient zone there, instead of a sharp discontinuity. This observation, however, needs to be confirmed by more data.  相似文献   
The intrusion of granitoid magmas is understood as a lower and mid crustal process. Field observations and laboratory experiments give strong reason that most granitoid plutons are formed by diapiric ascent and emplacement of large magma bodies.On this basis, the ascent and emplacement of granitoid magmas is modelled by two-dimensional finite element calculations. The physical concept for this process provides convective transport of matter and heat, an isolated finite source region, variable source temperatures as well as variable density and viscosity contrasts.The model calculations show that the structural development of the model intrusion bodies is highly dependent on the physical properties of the magma and its surroundings. The most important among them are density and viscosity. Due to the different initial conditions, stocks of several plutons in the case of high viscosity contrast or flat magma sources as well as nappe-shaped intrusion structures as a result of low viscosity contrast can be understood by the intrusive mode of emplacement. The enlargement of the negative density contrast leads to an increase of the rate of ascent, so that more advanced intrusion structures are developed.
Zusammenfassung Die Intrusion granitoider Magmen ist ein Prozeß der unteren und mittleren Kruste. Feldbefunde und Laboruntersuchungen geben Hinweise darauf, daß die meisten granitoiden Plutone durch diapirischen Aufstieg und Platznahme ausgedehnter Magmenkörper entstehen.Auf dieser Grundlage werden der Aufstieg und die Platznahme granitoider Magmen mit Hilfe von zweidimensionalen Finite Elemente Rechnungen modelliert. Das physikalische Konzept beinhaltet den konvektiven Transport von Masse und Energie, eine isolierte finite Quellregion, veränderliche Quelltemperaturen sowie einen variablen Dichte- und Viskositätskontrast.Die Modellrechnungen zeigen, daß die strukturelle Entwicklung der Modellmagmenkörper in hohem Maße von den physikalischen Parametern des Magmas und seiner Umgebung, vor allem Dichte und Viskosität, abhängt. Gemäß den unterschiedlichen Anfangsbedingungen können sowohl einige stockförmige Plutone im Falle eines hohen Viskositätskontrastes oder flacher Magmaquellen als auch deckenförmige Intrusionsstrukturen als Folge eines geringen Viskositätskontrastes mit Hilfe des intrusiven Einlagerungskonzeptes verstanden werden. Die Erhöhung des negativen Dichtekontrastes führt zu einer Erhöhung der Aufstiegsrate, so daß fortgeschrittenere Platznahmestrukturen erreicht werden können.

Résumé L'intrusion des magmas granitoïdes est un processus qui intéresse la croûte inférieure et moyenne. Les observations de terrain et les expériences en laboratoire fournissent des arguments très sérieux en faveur de la formation des plutons par montée diapirique et mise en place de corps magmatiques de grandes dimensions.Sur base de cette conception, la montée et la mise en place de magmas granitoïdes a fait l'objet d'une modélisation par éléments finis à deux dimensions. Un tel modèle fait appel à un transport convectif de matière et de chaleur, à une région-source isolée de dimension finie, à une source de température variable ainsi qu' à divers contrastes de densité et de viscosité.Les calculs montrent que le développement structural des corps intrusifs ainsi modélisés dépend essentiellement des propriétés physiques du magma et de son encaissant, en particulier de la densité et de la viscosité. Etant données diverses conditions initiales, la modélisation rend compte de plusieurs types de culots plutoniques dans le cas de contrastes de viscosité élevés ou de sources de magma d'extension horizontale, ainsi que d'intrusions en forme de nappe dans le cas de faibles contrastes de viscosité. L'accroissement des contrastes de viscosité négatifs contribue à augmenter la vitesse d'ascension, ce qui permet le développement de structures d'intrusion plus évoluées.

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Notation a thermal expansion coefficient - Cp specific heat capacity - Di dissipation number (model specific) - g gravity acceleration - dynamic viscosity - h heigth of model - thermal diffusivity - Q heat flow - Ra Rayleigh number - R(v) differential operator - p density - t time - T absolute temperature - v velocity - V volume - w vertical component of velocity - x horizontal coordinate - stream function - z vertical coordinate  相似文献   
We examined the large-scale distribution of deep-sea harpacticoid copepods at the species level, in order to clarify the underlying processes of copepod dispersal. The study was based on samples collected from 12 regions and a total of 113 stations: 57 stations at depths between 1107 and 5655 m on abyssal plains in the South and North Atlantic, Southern Ocean, southern Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean, and 56 stations above 900 m in the North Atlantic and eastern Mediterranean Sea.We chose the genus Mesocletodes Sars, 1909 as an ideal group to study the large-scale distribution of harpacticoid copepods in the deep oceans. Clear apomorphies and a comparatively large body size of about 1 mm allow rapid recognition of allied species in meiofauna samples. In addition, Mesocletodes represents more than 50% of the family Argestidae Por, 1986, one of the most abundant harpacticoid families in the deep sea.The geographical distributions of 793 adult females of Mesocletodes belonging to 61 species throughout the South and North Atlantic, Southern Ocean, southern Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and eastern Mediterranean Sea indicated that most species are cosmopolitan. Neither the topography of the sea bottom nor long distances seem to prevent species from dispersing. Passive transport by bottom currents after resuspension is likely the propulsive factor for the dispersal of Harpacticoida, while plate tectonics and movement of individuals in the sediment may play relatively minor roles.  相似文献   
Chemical compositions and stable isotope ratios of water and sulphate were used to characterise sources and processes responsible for elevated concentrations of sulphate and other constituents in groundwater from aquifers at Colima State along Mexico’s Pacific Coast. The δ18O and δ2H values of the groundwater were similar to those of precipitation indicating a meteoric origin, and recharge processes are relatively uniform in large parts of the study area with only slight local evaporation effects. δ34Ssulphate and δ18Osulphate analyses indicated that high sulphate concentrations of up to 1,480 mg/l are mainly due to dissolution of evaporites and volcanic exhalations. Chloride is largely related to sources other than seawater. The Marabasco sub basin is affected by anthropogenic contamination through manganese and iron ore mining activities. The obtained knowledge regarding sources and areas of contamination will be essential for the development and design of a water quality monitoring program in the study area.  相似文献   
Samples with eclogitic composition in the system CaO–FeO–Fe2O3–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 were produced from various kinds of starting materials held in graphite-lined Pt capsules at a pressure of 2.5–3.0 GPa and temperatures of 800–1,300 °C using a piston-cylinder or Belt apparatus. Garnets and clinopyroxenes were characterized by analytical transmission electron microscopy and electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA). Fe3+/ΣFe ratios determined by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) decrease in clinopyroxene from 22.2 ± 3.4 % at 800 °C to 13.3 ± 5.4 % at 1,300 °C, while in garnet, they vary between 10.8 ± 1.5 and 15.4 ± 4.7 %, respectively. Temperature estimates according to Krogh (Contrib Mineral Petrol 99:44–48, 1988) reproduce the experimental temperature to ±60 °C without systematic deviations if total iron is used in the calculation. If only the Fe2+ content is used, which was obtained by combining EPMA and EELS results, the experimental temperature is underestimated by 33 °C on average at 800–1,200 °C and overestimated by 77 °C on average at 1,300 °C. These systematic deviations can be explained by the temperature-dependent ratio of Fe2+/ΣFe in garnet divided by that in clinopyroxene. Since the difference between the calculated and experimental temperature is relatively small, a Fe2+-based recalibration of the thermometer appears not to be necessary for the investigated system in the range of pressure, temperature and composition covered by the experiments of this study.  相似文献   
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