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Zusammenfassung Die Existenz des Leverrierit als selbständiges Mineral wird mineralogisch (A. Schüller) und chemisch (H. Grassmann) nachgewiesen. Zusammenfassend seien die Eigenschaften des Leverrierit und des mit ihm verwechselten Kaolinit gegenübergestellt (Tabelle 4).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Auf zwei Fahrten des Forschungsschiffes Gauss im Juni 1951 und im März 1952 wurde eine Untersuchung des Meeresbodens der Hoofden mit Hilfe des van Veenschen. Bodengreifers sowie des Unterwegslotes vorgenommen. Die Ergebnisse (mittlerer Probenabstand 10 km) wurden in einer Karte der Bodenbedeckung verarbeitet. Bei solchem Abstand ist jedoch die Grenzziehung zwischen Sedimentunterschieden möglicherweise ungenau; ferner können Feinheiten verborgen bleiben.Deshalb wurde während der genannten Fahrten eine Methode entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, aus Echogrammen auf die Bodenbedeckung zu schließen. Diese Methode wird erläutert und mit Beispielen belegt; dabei werden in formaler Analogie zur elektrischen Vierpoltheorie der Reflexionsfaktor und der Durchlässigkeitsfaktor des Meeresbodens für Schallwellen definiert. Die aus dem Echogramm abgeleiteten Sedimentangaben werden in eine Karte der Bodenbedeckung, die von der vorerwähnten getrennt gezeichnet wurde, eingetragen. Beide Karten werden miteinander verglichen und es wird festgestellt, daß eine qualitative Übereinstimmung in den Angaben besteht, wobei das fortlaufende Echogramm eine Lücke bei der Bestimmung der Grenze zwischen zwei Bodenbedeckungsarten schließt.
Plotting of a chart of the bottom covering in the Southern Bight of the North Sea (Hoofden) based on bottom samples and echograms
Summary On two cruises untertaken in the Hoofden or Southern Bight of the North Sea with the research ship Gauss in June 1951 and March 1952, investigations into the nature of the sea bottom were made with the aid of the van Veen and the underway bottom samplers. The samples which were collected at an average interval of approximately 10 km (5 or 6 nautical miles) were worked up for plotting a chart of the sea bottom. Samples taken at such great intervals do, however, not always afford sufficient accuracy in fixing the boundaries between different kinds of sediments; moreover, minute features may remain unrevealed.Therefore, with a view to improving the accuracy of chart plotting a method was developed on the two cruises enabling the nature of the uppermost layer of the sea bottom to be deduced from echograms. This method is described and exemplified, the factors of reflection and permeability of the sea bottom to acoustic oscillations being defined by formal analogy with the theory of the four terminal electrical network. The data derived from the echograms were plotted on a separate chart showing the bottom covering and being drawn independently from the aforementioned bottom sample chart (cf. fig. 7 and 8, plate 6). A comparison shows that there exists a qualitative agreement between the data inserted on the two charts and that the continuous echogram fills a gap inasmuch as it enables the boundaries between the various types of bottom material to be fixed more exactly.

Établissement d'une carte des sédiments sous-marins de la partie méridionale de la mer du Nord (Hoofden) d'après des échantillons du fond de la mer et des enregistrements ultra-sonores
Résumé Au cours de deux croisières du navire explorateur Gauss dans la région méridionale de la mer du Nord en juin 1951 et en mars 1952 on a examiné le fond de la mer à l'aide de l'échantillonneur van Veen ainsi qu'avec un échantillonneur permettant do recueillir des échantillons sans stopper le navire. Les prélèvements des échantillons furent espacés d'environ 10 kilomètres en moyenne et élaborés pour l'établissement d'une carte de la couche supérieure du fond de la mer. Or, les échantillons prélevés à de tels intervalles ne permettent pas toujours de préciser assez exactement les limites des régions des sédiments divers, ni de révéler des détails minimes.Pour augmenter la précision des cartes on a développé une méthode qui permet de dériver la nature du fond de la mer des enregistrements ultra-sonores. Cette méthode est exposée et illustrée par des examples; les facteurs de réflexion et de perméabilité du fond de la mer aux oscillations acoustiques y sont définis en analogie formale avec la théorie du réseau récurrent. Les données des sédiments dérivées des enregistrements ultra-sonores sont introduites sur une deuxième carte de la couche supérieure du fond de la mer qui fut tracée indépendamment de la carte mentionnée ci-dessus qui se base sur des échantillons du fond de la mer. La comparaison montre que les données sur les deux cartes s'accordent qualitativement et que l'enregistrement ultra-sonore continu a comblé une lacune existant jusqu'ici par rapport à la précision des limites entre les types divers de la matière du fond de la mer.
Recent results from an enhanced greenhouse-gas scenario over Europe suggest that climate change might not only imply a general mean warming at the surface, but also a pronounced increase in interannual surface temperature variability during the summer season (Schär et al., Nature 427:332–336, 2004). It has been proposed that the underlying physical mechanism is related to land surface-atmosphere interactions. In this study we expand the previous analysis by including results from a heterogeneous ensemble of 11 high-resolution climate models from the PRUDENCE project. All simulations considered comprise 30-year control and enhanced greenhouse-gas scenario periods. While there is considerable spread in the models’ ability to represent the observed summer variability, all models show some increase in variability for the scenario period, confirming the main result of the previous study. Averaged over a large-scale Central European domain, the models simulate an increase in the standard deviation of summer mean temperatures between 20 and 80%. The amplification occurs predominantly over land points and is particularly pronounced for surface temperature, but also evident for precipitation. It is also found that the simulated changes in Central European summer conditions are characterized by an emergence of dry and warm years, with early and intensified depletion of root-zone soil moisture. There is thus some evidence that the change in variability may be linked to the dynamics of soil-moisture storage and the associated feedbacks on the surface energy balance and precipitation.  相似文献   
Floods and debris flows in small Alpine torrent catchments (<10 km2) arise from a combination of critical antecedent system state conditions and mostly convective precipitation events with high precipitation intensities. Thus, climate change may influence the magnitude–frequency relationship of extreme events twofold: by a modification of the occurrence probabilities of critical hydrological system conditions and by a change of event precipitation characteristics. Three small Alpine catchments in different altitudes in Western Austria (Ruggbach, Brixenbach and Längentalbach catchment) were investigated by both field experiments and process‐based simulation. Rainfall–runoff model (HQsim) runs driven by localized climate scenarios (CNRM‐RM4.5/ARPEGE, MPI‐REMO/ECHAM5 and ICTP‐RegCM3/ECHAM5) were used in order to estimate future frequencies of stormflow triggering system state conditions. According to the differing altitudes of the study catchments, two effects of climate change on the hydrological systems can be observed. On one hand, the seasonal system state conditions of medium altitude catchments are most strongly affected by air temperature‐controlled processes such as the development of the winter snow cover as well as evapotranspiration. On the other hand, the unglaciated high‐altitude catchment is less sensitive to climate change‐induced shifts regarding days with critical antecedent soil moisture and desiccated litter layer due to its elevation‐related small proportion of sensitive areas. For the period 2071–2100, the number of days with critical antecedent soil moisture content will be significantly reduced to about 60% or even less in summer in all catchments. In contrast, the number of days with dried‐out litter layers causing hydrophobic effects will increase by up to 8%–11% of the days in the two lower altitude catchments. The intensity analyses of heavy precipitation events indicate a clear increase in rain intensities of up to 10%.  相似文献   
Changes in sea surface salinity, especially by sudden meltwater pulses, are the most effective process to modify the circulation in the Greenland–Iceland–Norwegian (GIN) seas. With “Sensitivity and Circulation of the Northern North Atlantic” (SCINNA), a three-dimensional ocean general circulation model, several experiments addressing the possible effects of meltwater inputs of different intensities were carried out. The experiments used (a) the last glacial maximum (LGM) reconstruction based on oxygen isotopes data from sediment cores and (b) the modern conditions of the GIN seas for their initial states. Meltwater inputs from Europe as recorded during the last deglaciation succeeding the LGM change the circulation pattern drastically. These pulses can push the high-salinity inflow from the northeast Atlantic away from Europe over to the southern coast of Iceland, thus allowing the low-salinity meltwater to spread all over the GIN seas. As a result, the deepwater formation in this region can be turned off and the circulation system shifts from the normal cyclonal-antiestuarine into an anticyclonal-estuarine mode. On the contrary, meltwater pulses originating from Greenland due to global warming mainly intensify the East Greenland Current without altering the overall circulation and temperature/salinity patterns significantly because they chiefly enhance the salinity minimum off the Greenland coast.  相似文献   
—We have examined the effect of surface contamination on the attenuation and stiffness of compressional seismic waves in artificial cylindrical glass cracks that are partially saturated with water. The compression of the gap perpendicularly to its plane reduces the gap volume and forces the water to redistribute within the gap (conservation of volume of an incompressible liquid). On clean surfaces, the water can flow without significant resistance across the glass. This leads to a very low and almost constant attenuation over a wide frequency range (approx. 3 mHz to 10 Hz), while the sample stiffness is constant. In the case of propanol contaminated surfaces, both the attenuation and the stiffness are considerably higher than in the clean case, and display a considerable frequency dependence. Both effects can be explained with the Restricted Meniscus Motion Model. In this model, the redistribution of the liquid in the gap first leads to a change (increase) of the contact angle. The change of the meniscus curvature results in an increase of the pressure in the liquid and thus to a stiffening of the sample. When the resistive force, that prevents the contact line from sliding along the surface, is finally overcome, the contact line starts moving across the contaminated surface. The motion against the resistive force dissipates energy and increases the attenuation. The calculated data are in good agreement for both the clean and the contaminated case; the model parameters fall in the range that was established by independent experiments (e.g. ).  相似文献   
Comparative investigations were made on the non-carbonate components of calcareous sediments of the upper chalk formation of the Hanover region.The mineral composition of the residues insoluble in 0.5 n HC1 has first been determined optically and by X-ray photographs and described. The quantitative analysis of the components contained was effected by microscopic counting using the phase contrast method up to the grain size of 2 u, and for the clay fractions proper by X-ray phase analyses.In addition to the minor components (feldspars, biotite, pyrite, marcasite, glauconite, heavy minerals and mikro-fossils) the residues contain quartz, muscovite, illite, montmorillonite and kaolinite.The calcareous sediments of the upper senon formation are specially characterized by the occurrence of authigenic heulandite crystals which could be analysed and described here for the first time. Moreover secondary crystallization of quartz, turmaline and albite could be observed in all the samples analysed.  相似文献   
To decipher the thermal structure of the sedimentary veneer in southern Israel, new values of thermal conductivity and porosity as well as of the radiogenic heat budget are provided. Thermal conductivity is measured for lithotypes and scaled up for geological formations. The new data are higher than most of the previously measured values, in particular for sandstones and siltstones, whose mean values are 5.0 and 2.9 W m?1 K?1. Mean values of the most abundant lithotypes, which are dolomites and limestones, are on the order of 4.1 and 2.7 W m?1 K?1, respectively. The total radiogenic heat production of the sedimentary cover varies slightly over southern Israel, due to variable lithology and total sediment thickness, yielding a maximum heat flow on the order of 4 mW m?2 where the sedimentary section is thickest (ca. 7 km). A temperature prognosis was made by calculating temperature profiles to the top of the crystalline basement at five well locations applying the new thermal‐conductivity data set and three scenarios of surface heat flow (50, 55 and 60 mW m?2). The calculated temperatures best match with measured drillstem‐test temperatures by using heat‐flow values close to the upper bound of range. Surface heat flow on the order of 55–60 mW m?2 is supported by a reevaluation of an existing temperature log and the application of thermal conductivity from this study. The temperature prediction for southern Israel shows values of 100–120°C at 3500–4500 m depth, indicating a geothermal potential that can be used for heating as well as electricity production.  相似文献   
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