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Double-layered structures found over the Baltic Sea are investigated using radiosoundings and lidar measurements. Situations with double-layer structures are also simulated with the regional model REMO in a realistic manner. The double layer consists of two adjacent well-mixed layers, with a sharp inversion in between.Results from radiosoundings show that the double-layer structure over the Baltic Sea mainly occurs during the autumn with thermally unstable stratification near the surface. The structure is present in about 50 % of the radiosoundings performed during autumn. The presence of the double-layer structure cannot be related to any specific wind direction, wind speed or sea surface temperature.The lidar measurements give a more continuous picture of the time evolution of the double-layer structure, and show that the top of the lower layer is not a rigid lid for vertical transport. Two possible explanations of the double-layer structure are given, (i) the structure is caused by `advection' of land boundary-layer air over the convective marine boundary layer or, (ii) by development of Sc clouds in weak frontal zones connected to low pressure systems. Also the forming of Cu clouds is found to be important for the development of a double-layer structure.  相似文献   
Hydraulic fracturing is a method used for the production of unconventional gas resources. Huge amounts of so-called fracturing fluid (10,000–20,000 m3) are injected into a gas reservoir to create fractures in solid rock formations, upon which mobilised methane fills the pore space and the fracturing fluid is withdrawn. Hydraulic fracturing may pose a threat to groundwater resources if fracturing fluid or brine can migrate through fault zones into shallow aquifers. Diffuse methane emissions from the gas reservoir may not only contaminate shallow groundwater aquifers, but also escape into the atmosphere where methane acts as a greenhouse gas. The working group “Risks in the Geological System” as part of ExxonMobil’s hydrofracking dialogue and information dissemination processes was tasked with the assessment of possible hazards posed by migrating fluids as a result of hydraulic fracturing activities. In this work, several flow paths for fracturing fluid, brine and methane are identified and scenarios are set up to qualitatively estimate under what circumstances these fluids would leak into shallower layers. The parametrisation for potential hydraulic fracturing sites in North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony (both in Germany) is derived from literature using upper and lower bounds of hydraulic parameters. The results show that a significant fluid migration is only possible if a combination of several conservative assumptions is met by a scenario.  相似文献   
Global, glacio-eustatic sea-level changes massively influenced the depositional history of the Central Paratethyan region. Here, we correlate Middle Miocene global δ18O-shifts with ice volume changes on Antarctica and sea-level changes with corresponding phases of erosion (valley incision) and deposition in the Lower Austrian part of the Alpine–Carpathian Foredeep. This allows the exact dating of the valley formation. Two periods of positive δ18O-shifts resulted in sea-level drops of about 60 and 40 m, respectively. The first drop in the late Langhian (middle Badenian) at c. 13.9 Ma (Mi3b) was fast and caused severe erosion on the emerged foredeep. In a second, less pronounced step around 13.0 Ma (Mi4) in the middle Serravallian (late Badenian), the base level was further deepened after a period of alternating erosion and deposition. The combined sea-level change (80–120 m) fits well with the maximum thickness of Sarmatian sediments drilled within incised valley (110 m). The global sea-level falls affected not only the geological history of the foredeep. The intensive erosion (valley incision) is combined with delta progradation in the adjacent Vienna Basin. Due to this massive sea-level drop, the interruption of marine connections resulted in vast salt deposits and faunal crises within the Central Paratethys during this time.  相似文献   
A regional scale, showcase saline aquifer CO2 storage model from the North German Basin is presented, predicting the regional pressure impact of a small industrial scale CO2 storage operation on its surroundings. The intention of the model is to bridge the gap between generic and site-specific, studying the role of fluid flow boundary conditions and petrophysical parameters typically found in the North German Basin. The numerical simulation has been carried out using two different numerical simulators, whose results matched well. The most important system parameters proved to be the model’s hydrological boundary conditions, rock compressibility, and permeability. In open boundary aquifers, injection-induced overpressures dissipate back to hydrostatic level within a few years. If a geological flow barrier is present on at least one side of the aquifer, pressure dissipation is seriously retarded. In fully closed compartments, overpressures can never fully dissipate, but equilibrate to a compartment-wide remnant overpressure. At greater distances to the injection well, maximum fluid pressures are in the range of a few bar only, and reached several years to decades after the end of the actual injection period. This is important in terms of long-term safety and monitoring considerations. Regional pressure increase impacts the storage capacities of neighbouring sites within hydraulically connected units. It can be concluded that storage capacities may be seriously over- or underestimated when the focus is on a single individual storage site. It is thus necessary to assess the joint storage capacities and pressure limitations of potential sites within the same hydraulic unit.  相似文献   
Although Germany is not among the most hazard-prone regions of the world, it does experience various natural hazards that have caused considerable economic and human losses in the past. Moreover, risk due to natural hazards is expected to increase in several regions of Germany if efficient risk management is not able to accommodate global changes. The most important natural hazards, in terms of past human and economic damage they caused, are storms, floods, extreme temperatures and earthquakes. They all show a pronounced spatial and temporal variability. In the present article, a review of these natural hazards, associated risks and their management in Germany is provided. This review reveals that event and risk analyses, as well as risk management, predominantly focus on one single hazard, generally not considering the cascading and conjoint effects in a full multi-hazard and risks approach. However, risk management would need integrated multi-risk analyses to identify, understand, quantify and compare different natural hazards and their impacts, as well as their interactions.  相似文献   
Our study analyses satellite and land-based observations of the Yakutsk region centred at the Lena watershed, an area characterised mainly by continuous permafrost. Using monthly solutions of the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment satellite mission, we detect a mass increase over central Siberia from 2002 to 2007 which reverses into a mass decrease between 2007 and 2011. No significant mass trend is visible for the whole observation period. To further quantify this behaviour, different mass signal components are studied in detail: (1) inter-annual variation in the atmospheric mass, (2) a possible effect of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), and (3) hydrological mass variations. In standard processing the atmospheric mass signal is reduced based on the data from numerical weather prediction models. We use surface pressure observations in order to validate this atmospheric reduction. On inter-annual time scale the difference between the atmospheric mass signal from model prediction and from surface pressure observation is $<$ 4 mm in equivalent water height. The effect of GIA on the mass signal over Siberia is calculated using a global ice model and a spherically symmetric, compressible, Maxwell-viscoelastic earth model. The calculation shows that for the investigated area any effect of GIA can be ruled out. Hence, the main part of the signal can be attributed to hydrological mass variations. We briefly discuss potential hydrological effects such as changes in precipitation, river discharge, surface and subsurface water storage.  相似文献   
Iron-hydroxide-rich and plant litter-containing sediments from natural sites contaminated with uranium mine tailing leachates were examined for their ability to adsorb arsenic. The samples with high contents of iron hydroxides (Fetotal concentration, >300 g kg−1) exhibited remarkable fixation of arsenic (up to 40 g As kg−1). This value corresponded approximately to the supersaturation point for natural iron hydroxides under the present conditions, and it was significantly lower than the value found for synthetic iron hydroxides. There was a strong correlation (R=0.8999) between the concentration of iron and that of arsenic at low arsenic contents, indicating adsorption on strong binding sites. Although all the samples had noticeable contents of organic carbon (plant litter), calcium, and manganese, no obvious effect of these elements on arsenic fixation could be detected. The amount of iron hydroxides was found the only fixation-controlling parameter immediately below a leaching water source.  相似文献   
We report a simplified synthesis, and some performance characteristics, for 8-hydroxyquinoline (8-HOQ) covalently bonded to a chemically resistant TosoHaas TSK vinyl polymer resin. The resin was used to concentrate trace metals from stored, acidified seawater samples collected from Jellyfish Lake, an anoxic marine lake in the Palau Islands. The Mn, Fe, and Zn profiles determined from the 8-HOQ resin extraction were similar to those determined using Chelex-100 resin. The Zn and Cd profiles did not exhibit removal by sulfide “stripping” in contrast to other anoxic marine basins. The profiles of Co and Ni also exhibited elevated concentrations in the anoxic hypolimnion. The solution speciation and saturation states for the metals were calculated using revised metal-bisulfide stability constants. The calculations suggest that the MS(HS) species dominates the solution speciation for Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Cd, and Pb. Cu(I) is modeled as the CuS or Cu(HS)2 species, while Fe(II) behaves as the free Fe2+ cation. The Mn, Co, Ni, Cu and Cd concentrations appeared to be at least 10-fold undersaturated, while the Fe(II), Zn, and Pb concentrations were close to saturation with respect to their metal sulfides.  相似文献   
A map depicting predicted classes of soil magnetic susceptibility in Angola was produced. The map is based on a classification system for the susceptibility of tropical soils set up by the authors and a 1:2,000,000 scale FAO soil map. Statistical data of two large groups of parent rock—ultrabasic, basic and intermediate igneous rocks on the one hand and acid igneous rocks and some slightly metamorphosed rocks and clastic sediments on the other—had been linked to three associated degrees of weathering. These determining factors were used to classify Angolan soils, and the overall method is semi-quantitative. The resulting map shows that easily available pedological information as given by FAO soil maps is generally appropriate to predict soil magnetic susceptibility. Potential metal detector performance failures may be predicted. The resulting information is a useful tool for planning the use of appropriate techniques in landmine clearance operations.  相似文献   
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