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The groundwater potential map is an important tool for a sustainable water management and land use planning,particularly for agricultural countries like Vietnam. In this article, we proposed new machine learning ensemble techniques namely Ada Boost ensemble(ABLWL), Bagging ensemble(BLWL), Multi Boost ensemble(MBLWL),Rotation Forest ensemble(RFLWL) with Locally Weighted Learning(LWL) algorithm as a base classifier to build the groundwater potential map of Gia Lai province in Vietnam. For this study, eleven conditioning factors(aspect, altitude, curvature, slope, Stream Transport Index(STI), Topographic Wetness Index(TWI), soil, geology,river density, rainfall, land-use) and 134 wells yield data was used to create training(70%) and testing(30%)datasets for the development and validation of the models. Several statistical indices were used namely Positive Predictive Value(PPV), Negative Predictive Value(NPV), Sensitivity(SST), Specificity(SPF), Accuracy(ACC),Kappa, and Receiver Operating Characteristics(ROC) curve to validate and compare performance of models. Results show that performance of all the models is good to very good(AUC: 0.75 to 0.829) but the ABLWL model with AUC = 0.89 is the best. All the models applied in this study can support decision-makers to streamline the management of the groundwater and to develop economy not only of specific territories but also in other regions across the world with minor changes of the input parameters.  相似文献   
The results presented in this paper are the first published estimates of the complete stress tensor in the Cuu Long and Nam Con Son basins, offshore Vietnam. We analysed in situ stress and pore pressure fields in the sedimentary formations using data from petroleum exploration and production wells to evaluate the stress state in these basins. The data were obtained from the seafloor to 4300 m burial depth and include both hydrostatic and overpressured sections. Minimum horizontal stresses were obtained from extended leak-off tests and mini-fracture tests. Maximum horizontal stresses were estimated from drilling-induced fracture parameters and borehole breakout widths in twelve wells using rock properties measured in the laboratory or estimated empirically from wireline logs. Seven data points are located in sediments, and seventeen data points in igneous basement rocks at depths greater than 3000 m.The estimated magnitudes of σH are 70-110% of the σv magnitudes. Considering the errors in the stress magnitude estimates, their relative magnitudes suggest that a borderline normal/strike-slip stress regime presently exists in normally pressured sequences of the Nam Con Son and Cuu Long basins. Of the twenty-four data points, twenty have effective stress ratios at a critical stress state for faulting on the assumption that there are faults present that are optimally oriented for failure with friction coefficients of ∼0.5. The results suggest that the stress state in these basins is generally critical.  相似文献   
Ocean Science Journal - Based on previous results from the “River reef impact studies project that was carried out as a co-operation programme between ZMT (Germany) and NIO (Vietnam) from...  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - In this paper, we used artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to investigate the relation between the rock size distribution (RSD) and blasting parameters for rock...  相似文献   

Three-dimensional transient groundwater flow and saltwater transport models were constructed to assess the impacts of groundwater abstraction and climate change on the coastal aquifer of Tra Vinh province (Vietnam). The groundwater flow model was calibrated with groundwater levels (2007–2016) measured in 13 observation wells. The saltwater transport model was compared with the spatial distribution of total dissolved solids. Model performance was evaluated by comparing observed and simulated groundwater levels. The projected rainfalls from two climate models (MIROC5 and CRISO Mk3.6) were subsequently used to simulate possible effects of climate changes. The simulation revealed that groundwater is currently depleted due to overabstraction. Towards the future, groundwater storage will continue to be depleted with the current abstraction regime, further worsening in the north due to saltwater intrusion from inland trapped saltwater and on the coast due to seawater intrusion. Notwithstanding, the impact from climate change may be limited, with the computed groundwater recharge from the two climate models revealing no significant change from 2017 to 2066. Three feasible mitigation scenarios were analyzed: (1) reduced groundwater abstraction by 25, 35 and 50%, (2) increased groundwater recharge by 1.5 and 2 times in the sand dunes through managed aquifer recharge (reduced abstraction will stop groundwater-level decline, while increased recharge will restore depleted storage), and (3) combining 50% abstraction reduction and 1.5 times recharge increase in sand dune areas. The results show that combined interventions of reducing abstraction and increasing recharge are necessary for sustainable groundwater resources development in Tra Vinh province.

Study on the kinetics of iron oxide leaching by oxalic acid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The presence of iron oxides in clay or silica raw materials is detrimental to the manufacturing of high quality ceramics. Although iron has been traditionally removed by physical mineral processing, acid washing has been tested as it is more effective, especially for extremely low iron (of less than 0.1% w/w). However, inorganic acids such as sulphuric or hydrochloric acids easily contaminate the clay products with SO42− and Cl, and therefore should be avoided as much as possible. On the other hand, if oxalic acid is used, any acid left behind will be destroyed during the firing of the ceramic products. The characteristics of dissolution of iron oxides were therefore investigated in this study.The dissolution of iron oxides in oxalic acid was found to be very slow at temperatures within the range 25–60 °C, but its rate increases rapidly above 90 °C. The dissolution rate also increases with increasing oxalate concentration at the constant pH values set within the optimum range of pH2.5–3.0. At this optimum pH, the dissolution of fine pure hematite (Fe2O3) (105–140 μm) follows a diffusion-controlled shrinking core model. The rate expression expressed as 1 − (2 / 3)x − (1 − x)2 / 3 where x is a fraction of iron dissolution was found to be proportional to [oxalate]1.5.The addition of magnetite to the leach liquor at 10% w/w hematite was found to enhance the dissolution rate dramatically. Such addition of magnetite allows coarser hematite in the range 0.5–1.4 mm to be leached at a reasonable rate.  相似文献   
The formation of organic compounds in the atmosphere of Titan is an ongoing process of the generation of complex organics from the simplest hydrocarbon, methane. Solar radiation and magnetosphere electrons are the main energy sources that drive the reactions in Titan's atmosphere. Since energy from solar radiation is 200 times greater than that from magnetosphere electrons, we have investigated the products formed by the action of UV radiation (185 and 254 nm) on a mixture of gases containing nitrogen, methane, hydrogen, acetylene, ethylene, and cyanoacetylene, the basic gas mixture (BGM) that simulates aspects of Titan's atmosphere using a flow reactor [Tran, B.N., Ferris, J.P., Chera, J.J., 2003a. Icarus 162, 114-124; Tran, B.N., Joseph, J.C., Force, M., Briggs, R.G., Vuitton, V., Ferris, J.P., 2005. Icarus 177, 106-115]. The present research extends these studies by the addition of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide to the BGM. Quantum yields for the loss of reactants and the formation of volatile products were determined and compared with those measured in the absence of the hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide. The GCMS analyses of the volatile photolysis products from the BGM, with added hydrogen cyanide, had a composition similar to that of the BGM while the photolysis products of the BGM with added carbon monoxide contained many oxygenated compounds. The infrared spectrum of the corresponding solid product revealed the absorption band of a ketone group, which was probably formed from the reaction of carbon monoxide with the free radicals generated by photolysis of acetylene and ethylene. Of particular interest was the observation that the addition of HCN to the gas mixture only resulted in a very small change in the C/N ratio and in the intensity of the CN frequency at 2210 cm−1 in the infrared spectrum suggesting that little HCN is incorporated into the haze analog. The C/N ratio of the haze analogs was found to be in the 10-12 range. The UV spectra of the solid products formed when HCN or CO added to the BGM is similar to the UV absorption formed from the BGM alone. This result is consistent with absence of additional UV chromophores to the solid product when these mixtures are photolyzed. The following photoproducts, which were not starting materials in our photochemical studies, have been observed on Titan: acetonitrile, benzene, diacetylene, ethane, propene, propane, and propyne.  相似文献   
We discuss MAXIPOL, a bolometric balloon-borne experiment designed to measure the E-mode polarization anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) on angular scales of 10 to 2°. MAXIPOL is the first CMB experiment to collect data with a polarimeter that utilizes a rotating half-wave plate and fixed wire-grid polarizer. We present the instrument design, elaborate on the polarimeter strategy and show the instrument performance during flight with some time domain data. Our primary dataset was collected during a 26 h turnaround flight that was launched from the National Scientific Ballooning Facility in Ft. Sumner, New Mexico in May 2003. During this flight five regions of the sky were mapped. Data analysis is in progress.  相似文献   
The present paper provides a case study of the assessment of the potential for CO2 storage in the deep saline aquifers of the Bécancour region in southern Québec. This assessment was based on a hydrogeological and petrophysical characterization using existing and newly acquired core and well log data from hydrocarbon exploration wells. Analyses of data obtained from different sources provide a good understanding of the reservoir hydrogeology and petrophysics. Profiles of formation pressure, temperature, density, viscosity, porosity, permeability, and net pay were established for Lower Paleozoic sedimentary aquifers. Lateral hydraulic continuity is dominant at the regional scale, whereas vertical discontinuities are apparent for most physical and chemical properties. The Covey Hill sandstone appears as the most suitable saline aquifer for CO2 injection/storage. This unit is found at a depth of more than 1 km and has the following properties: fluid pressures exceed 14 MPa, temperature is above 35 °C, salinity is about 108,500 mg/l, matrix permeability is in the order of 3 × 10?16 m2 (0.3 mDarcy) with expected higher values of formation-scale permeability due to the presence of natural fractures, mean porosity is 6 %, net pay reaches 282 m, available pore volume per surface area is 17 m3/m2, rock compressibility is 2 × 10?9 Pa?1 and capillary displacement pressure of brine by CO2 is about 0.4 MPa. While the containment for CO2 storage in the Bécancour saline aquifers can be ensured by appropriate reservoir characteristics, the injectivity of CO2 and the storage capacity could be limiting factors due to the overall low permeability of aquifers. This characterization offers a solid basis for the subsequent development of a numerical hydrogeological model, which will be used for CO2 injection capacity estimation, CO2 injection scenarios and risk assessment.  相似文献   
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