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This data note introduces a database of long-term daily total precipitation and stream discharge data for seven forested watersheds in Japan that have been continuously monitored by the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute. Three of the watersheds started data collection in the 1930s. Forest cover across the sites ranges from cool to warm temperate regions with the latitude spanning from 31 to 44° N and annual precipitation ranging from 1200 to 3000 mm yr−1. The effects of vegetation change via clearcutting, thinning and forest fire (among other stressors) on stream discharge can be analysed from the long-term observation sites. Moreover, this multi-site dataset allows for inter- and intra-site comparisons of annual water loss (difference of annual precipitation and stream discharge). These long-term datasets can provide comprehensive insights into the effects of climate change and other stressors on forested ecosystems, not only in Japan but across a spectrum of forest types, if combined with other long-term records from other forested watersheds across the world.  相似文献   
Field, hand specimen, and microscopic investigations alongside X-ray diffraction analyses revealed four types of hydrothermal alteration (Type-A, -B, -C, and -D) based on the mode of occurrence of altered rocks and alteration mineral assemblage at Hakusui-kyo and Horai-kyo along the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line (ATTL) in western Japan. Type-A alteration locally occurred as gray alteration halos with sulfide minerals. Type-B and -C alterations were confined to fault gouge veins and occurred as greenish-gray veins and brown veins, respectively. Type-C alteration crosscut Type-B alteration. These alterations were associated with a number of granitic fragments including cohesive breccia and micrographic facies. Type-D alteration occurred locally in brown sediments. Different mineralogical features in the four alterations are summarized as (Type-A) illite; (Type-B) chlorite; (Type-C) limonite (Fe3+ hydroxides and goethite) and calcite; and (Type-D) limonite. We propose that the alterations can be broadly divided into Paleocene hydrothermal alteration (Type-A) and post-Late Miocene hydrothermal alteration (Type-B, -C, and -D): Type-A alteration occurred at approximately 200 °C during hydrothermal activity after a granitic intrusion in Late Cretaceous; Type-B, -C and -D alterations occurred under hydrothermal activity accompanying deep fluids with repeated ascents invoked by the seismicity of the ATTL after the Late Miocene. The fluids may have been the “Arima-type thermal waters” (i.e., mixtures of convective groundwater and Na-Ca-Cl-HCO3-type fluids). Type-B alteration occurred in fractures at depths where the temperature was ≥150 °C. Type-C alteration overprinted Type-B alteration as a result of mixing of new deep fluids and descending oxidized meteoric water near the surface. Fe3+ hydroxides and calcite precipitated from the fluids due to the oxidation of Fe2+ and the degassing of CO2, respectively, at ambient to near-boiling temperatures. When the ascending fluids gushed out from the fractures, they generated Type-D alteration at the surface under similar temperature conditions due to the oxidation of Fe2+.  相似文献   
Emplacement of a giant submarine slide complex, offshore of South Kona, Hawaii Island, was investigated in 2001 by visual observation and in-situ sampling on the bench scarp and a megablock, during two dives utilizing the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Kaiko and its mother ship R/V Kairei. Topography of the bench scarp and megablocks were defined in 3-D perspective, using high-resolution digital bathymetric data acquired during the cruise. Compositions of 34 rock samples provide constraints on the landslide source regions and emplacement mechanisms. The bench scarp consists mainly of highly fractured, vesiculated, and oxidized aa lavas that slumped from the subaerial flank of ancestral Mauna Loa. The megablock contains three units: block facies, matrix facies, and draped sediment. The block facies contains hyaloclastite interbedded with massive lava, which slid from the shallow submarine flank of ancestral Mauna Loa, as indicated by glassy groundmass of the hyaloclastite, low oxidation state, and low sulfur content. The matrix facies, which directly overlies the block facies and is similar to a lahar deposit, is thought to have been deposited from the water column immediately after the South Kona slide event. The draped sediment is a thin high-density turbidite layer that may be a distal facies of the Alika-2 debris-avalanche deposit; its composition overlaps with rocks from subaerial Mauna Loa. The deposits generated by the South Kona slide vary from debris avalanche deposit to turbidite. Spatial distribution of the deposits is consistent with deposits related to large landslides adjacent to other Hawaiian volcanoes and the Canary Islands.  相似文献   
The temperature distributions in cometary atmospheres at various heliocentric distances for comets of Bennett and Encke types have been calculated by taking into account heating due to the absorption of solar ultraviolet radiation, cooling by H2O far infrared emission, and various dynamical processes (expansion, advection, and thermal conduction). The agreement of the results with the observations is in general satisfactory. The conversion of CH4 and NH3 to CO and N2 through thermochemical reaction with H2O is concluded to be impossible, since the temperature is too low at a heliocentric distance 1.5 AU where CO+ ions begin to be observable.  相似文献   
Partition coefficients between olivine and melt at upper mantle conditions, 3 to 14 GPa, have been determined for 27 trace elements (Li, Be, B, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Cs, Ba, La and Ce) using secondary-ion mass-spectrometry (SIMS) and electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA). The general pattern of olivine/melt partitioning on Onuma diagrams resembles those reported previously for natural systems. This agreement strongly supports the argument that partitioning is under structural control of olivine even at high pressure. The partition coefficients for mono- and tri-valent cations show significant pressure dependence, both becoming larger with pressure, and are strongly correlated with coupled substitution into cation sites in the olivine structure. The dominant type of trace element substitution for mono- and tri-valent cations into olivine changes gradually from (Si, Mg)↔(Al, Cr) at low pressure to (Si, Mg)↔(Al, Al) and (Mg, Mg)↔(Na, Al) at high pressure. The change in substitution type results in an increase in partition coefficients of Al and Na with pressure. An inverse correlation between the partition coefficients for divalent cations and pressure has been observed, especially for Ni, Co and Fe. The order of decreasing rate of partition coefficient with pressure correlates to strength of crystal field effect of the cation. The pressure dependence of olivine/melt partitioning can be attributed to the compression of cation polyhedra induced by pressure and the compensation of electrostatic valence by cation substitution. Received: March 6, 1997 / Revised, accepted: March 12, 1998  相似文献   
During time-series observations in Sagami Bay, Japan, the concentration of dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPd), a precursor of dimethylsulfide (DMS), was negatively correlated with salinity. In the laboratory, low-salinity shock reduced DMS production rates of the natural bacterial community and induced rapid DMSP release from a dinophyte, Heterocapsa triquetra, suggesting that low-salinity shock reduced DMSPd consumption but enhanced DMSPd production, which agrees with the negative correlation between DMSPd and salinity observed in Sagami bay. In addition, low-salinity shock did not affect DMSP lyase activity of H. triquetra. Low-salinity shock would increase the contribution from algae in DMS production, leading to an increase in potential DMS productivity in the environment.  相似文献   
We investigated effects of severe hypoxia (dissolved oxygen <1 ml l−1) on recruitment of mantis shrimp Oratosquilla oratoria in Tokyo Bay. Ten-year field surveys were conducted to examine quantitative relationships in annual mean densities of larvae and juveniles, and spatial distribution of juveniles and severe hypoxia. There was no significant correlation between annual mean densities of larvae and juveniles, suggesting that mortality during larval or juvenile stages varies among years, which might have regulated abundance of young-of-the-year juveniles. Juvenile density was low in the severely hypoxic area, implying that hypoxia could affect survivals and spatial distribution of juveniles. Meanwhile, there are yearly fluctuations in juvenile density in normoxic areas of both northern and southern part of the bay. This evidence suggests that abundance of post-settled juveniles might have been determined by not only effects of hypoxia, but also other factors influencing mortality during the early life stages.  相似文献   
A distance cartogram is a diagram that visualizes the proximity indices between points in a network, such as time–distances between cities. The Euclidean distances between the points on the distance cartogram represent the given proximity indices. This is a useful visualization tool for the level of service of transport, e.g. difference in the level of service between regions or points in a network and its improvement in the course of time. The two previously proposed methods—multidimensional scaling (MDS) and network time–space mapping—have certain advantages and disadvantages. However, we observe that these methods are essentially the same, and the merits of both these methods can be combined to formulate a generalized solution. In this study, we first formulate the time–space mapping problem, which includes the key features of both of the above stated methods, and propose a generalized solution. We then apply this solution to the time–distances of Japan's railway networks to confirm its applicability.  相似文献   
Abstract— The measurements of magnesium and potassium isotopic compositions of refractory minerals in Allende calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), 7R‐19–1, HN3–1, and EGG3 were taken by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The 7R‐19–1 contains 16O‐rich and 16O‐poor melilite grains and define a single isochron corresponding to an initial 26Al/27Al ratio of (6.6 ± 1.3) × 10?5. The Al‐Mg isochron, O isotope measurements and petrography of melilite in 7R‐19–1 indicate that 16O‐poor melilite crystallized within 0.4 Myr after crystallization of 16O‐rich melilite, suggesting that oxygen isotopic composition of the CAI‐forming region changed from 16O‐rich to 16O‐poor within this time interval. The 16O‐poor melilite is highly depleted in K compared to the adjacent 16O‐rich melilite, indicating evaporation during remelting of 7R‐19–1. We determined the isochron for 41Ca‐41K isotopic systematics in EGG3 pyroxene with (4.1 ± 2.0) × 10?9 (2s?) as an initial ratio of 41Ca/40Ca, which is at least two times smaller than the previous result (Sahijipal et al. 2000). The ratio of 41Ca/40Ca in the EGG3 pyroxene grain agrees within error with the value obtained by Hutcheon et al. (1984). No evidence for the presence of 41K excess (decay product of a short‐lived radionuclide 41Ca) was found in 7R‐19–1 and HN3–1. We infer that the CAI had at least an order of magnitude lower than canonical 41Ca/40Ca ratio at the time of the CAI formation.  相似文献   
The grain-scale processes of peridotite melting were examined at 1,340°C and 1.5 GPa using reaction couples formed by juxtaposing pre-synthesized clinopyroxenite against pre-synthesized orthopyroxenite or harzburgite in graphite and platinum-lined molybdenum capsules. Reaction between the clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene-rich aggregates produces a melt-enriched, orthopyroxene-free, olivine + clinopyroxene reactive boundary layer. Major and trace element abundance in clinopyroxene vary systematically across the reactive boundary layer with compositional trends similar to the published clinopyroxene core-to-rim compositional variations in the bulk lherzolite partial melting studies conducted at similar PT conditions. The growth of the reactive boundary layer takes place at the expense of the orthopyroxenite or harzburgite and is consistent with grain-scale processes that involve dissolution, precipitation, reprecipitation, and diffusive exchange between the interstitial melt and surrounding crystals. An important consequence of dissolution–reprecipitation during crystal-melt interaction is the dramatic decrease in diffusive reequilibration time between coexisting minerals and melt. This effect is especially important for high charged, slow diffusing cations during peridotite melting and melt-rock reaction. Apparent clinopyroxene-melt partition coefficients for REE, Sr, Y, Ti, and Zr, measured from reprecipitated clinopyroxene and coexisting melt in the reactive boundary layer, approach their equilibrium values reported in the literature. Disequilibrium melting models based on volume diffusion in solid limited mechanism are likely to significantly underestimate the rates at which major and trace elements in residual minerals reequilibrate with their surrounding melt. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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