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We report on the petrology, mineralogic properties and contents of major elements and trace elements Ag, Au, Bi, Cd, Co, Cs, Ga, In, Rb, Se, Te, Tl, U and Zn (determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis) in Yamato 74160, interpreted as an LL7 chondrite. All properties are consistent with this meteorite having been recrystallized and partially melted locally once at temperatures well above 1090°C under conditions such that some minerals (e.g. plagioclase, euhedral pyroxene, tetrataenite) grew from melt pockets and siderophilic and chalcophilic elements were lost by extraction into eutectic melt that drained away. Inhomogeneous plagioclase compositions and mobile element loss suggest shock as the most likely heat source. Yamato 74160, while inferentially chondritic, is a larval achondrite: even higher temperatures and longer times would have been required to cause the separations necessary to transform it to an identifiable achondrite type.  相似文献   
Néel temperature (Tm N of α-Fe2SiO4 (fayalite) was measured as a function of pressure by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy in the pressure range 0–16 Gpa. High pressure was generated using a clamp-type miniature diamond anvil cell which was inserted into a cryostat. The Néel temperature increased linearly with increasing pressure at a rate of dT N /dp=2.2±0.2 K/GPa. The result is discussed on the basis of the model proposed for the magnetic structure of fayalite by Santoro et al. (1966). The observed dT N /dp suggests that the superexchange interactions vary as the ?10/3 power of the volume while the volume dependence of the direct exchange interactions is positive and small.  相似文献   
The rates of chemical reactions between aqueous sulfates and sulfides are essentially identical to sulfur isotopic exchange rates between them, because both the chemical and isotopic reactions involve simultaneous oxidation of sulfide-sulfur atoms and reduction of sulfate-sulfur. The rate of reaction can be expressed as a second order rate law: R = k·[∑SO42?]·[∑S2?], where R is the overall rate, k is the rate constant and [∑SO42?] and [∑S2?] are molal concentrations. We have computed the rate constants from the available experimental data on the partial exchange of sulfur isotopes between aqueous sulfates and sulfides using the rate law established by us: ln(αe ? ααe ? α0) = ? kt([∑SO42?] + [∑S2?]), where t is time and α0, α, and αe are, respectively, the fractionation factors at t = 0 (the initial condition), at the end of experiment, and at equilibrium. The equilibrium fractionation factor can be expressed as: 1000 ln αe = 6.463 × 106T2 + 0.56 (±.5) (T in Kelvin).The rate constants are strongly dependent on T and pH, but not in as simple a manner as suggested by Igumnov (1976). Our rate constants in Na-bearing hydrothermal solutions decrease by 1 order of magnitude with an increase in pH by 1 unit at pH's less than ~3, remain constant in the pH range of ~4 to ~7, and again decrease at pH >7. The activation energy for the reaction also depends on pH: 18.4 ± 1 kcal/mole at pH = 2, 29.6 ± 1 kcal/mole at pH = 4 to 7, and between 40 and 47 kcal/mole at pH around 9. The observed pH dependence of the rate constant and of the activation energy can be best explained by a model involving thiosulfate molecules as reaction intermediates, in which the intramolecular exchange of sulfur atoms in thiosulfates becomes the rate determining step.The rate constants obtained in this study were used to compute the changes in the isotopic fractionation factors between aqueous sulfates and sulfides during cooling of fluids. Comparisons with data of coexisting sulfate-sulfide minerals in hydrothermal deposits, suggest that simple cooling was not a likely mechanism for coprecipitation of sulfate and sulfide minerals at temperatures below 350°C. Mixing of sulfide-rich solutions with sulfate-rich solutions at or near the depositional sites is a more reasonable process for explaining the observed fractionation.The degree of attainment of chemical equilibrium between aqueous sulfates and sulfides in a hydrothermal system, and the applicability of aO2-pH type diagrams to mineral deposits, depends on the ∑S content and the thermal history of the fluid, which in turn is controlled by the flow rate and the thermal gradient in the system.The rates of sulfate reduction by non-bacterial processes involving a variety of reductants are also dependent on T, pH, [∑SO42?], and [∑S2?], and appear to be fast enough to become geochemically important at temperatures above about 200°C.  相似文献   
Seismic wave energy in surface layers is calculated based on vertical array records at four sites during the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nambu earthquake by assuming vertical propagation of SH waves. The upward energy generally tends to decrease as it goes up from the base layer to the ground surface particularly in soft soil sites. Theoretical study on 1D multi-layers model to investigate the basic energy flow mechanism indicates that the energy at the ground surface can be smaller on softer soils due to high soil damping during strong shaking even if resonance effect is considered. A simple calculation for a shear-vibrating structure resting on foundation ground shows that induced strain in the structure is directly related to the energy or the energy flux of surface layers. Hence, a general perception that soft soil sites tend to suffer heavier damage than stiff sites should be explained not by greater incident energy but by other reasons such as degree of resonance. Furthermore, it is recommended that not only acceleration or velocity but also S-wave velocity should be specified at a layer where a design seismic motion is given, so that the seismic wave energy can clearly be quantified in seismic design practice.  相似文献   
A new coastal marine ecosystem model was developed, which was composed of pelagic and benthic ecosystems, and was applied to Mikawa Bay, Japan. This model deals with variations of biochemical and physical interactions among dissolved oxygen and C–N–P species (composition formed out of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus elements) so that it resolves the flux dynamics of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen elements. The physical and biochemical mechanism figured in this model is constructed for the purpose of simulating the estuarine lower trophic ecosystem, in areas where the sea was too deep for light to reach the sea-bottom. As a result of coupling the benthic with pelagic system, the effect of process of sedimentation and nutrient diffusion back to the pelagic system could be indicated. In addition, by implementing the tidal flat ecosystem model's calculation result, the integrated model can include the effect of water purification in tidal flats where the light can reach the sea-bottom, and where sea-weed, sea grass and benthic algae exist. In this study, the model indicates that oxygen-depleted water exists at the sea-bottom especially in summer mainly caused by an increase of oxygen consumption in the benthic system and a decrease of the vertical mixing water process. Furthermore, by comparing the case – with the tidal flat ecosystem model and the case without it, the effect of water purification of tidal flat estuaries was indicated. From the viewpoint of a short time scale, the tidal flat has the potential to restrict red tide (rapid increase of phytoplankton), and from the viewpoint of a long time scale, it restricts the sedimentation of detritus. Restricting the sedimentation prevents oxygen-depleted water occurring in the coastal marine system of Mikawa Bay.  相似文献   
Abstract This paper contains extended abstracts of the seven papers presented at the symposium 'Radiolarians and Orogenic Belts' held at the seventh meeting of the International Association of Radiolarian Paleontologists (INTERRAD). Important results of the symposium include the following: (1) Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic cherts are widely distributed within accretionary complexes in the circum-Pacific orogenic belt. Radiolarian dating reveals that long durations of chert sedimentation in a pelagic environment are recorded on both sides of Pacific-rim accretionary complexes (e.g. New Zealand, Japan, Russian Far East, Canadian Cordillera). (2) Triassic radiolarian faunas from New Zealand and the Omolon Massif, northeast Siberia are similar in composition and are characterized by the absence of typical Tethyan elements. This suggests that radiolarian faunal provincialism may have been established as early as the Triassic. High-latitude radiolarian taxa exhibit a bi-polar distribution pattern. (3) The Lower Triassic interval in chert dominant pelagic sequences is mechanically weaker than other levels and acted as a décollement in accretionary events. This lithologic. contrast in physical property is considered to reflect radiolarian evolution, such as the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   
Abstract   A continuous, well-preserved core was obtained from the Choshi area, on the Pacific side of Japan, to investigate paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes around the northwestern Pacific region during the middle Pleistocene. Siliciclastic sequences in the core are divided into five formations – the Obama, Yokone, Kurahashi and Toyosato Formations in the Inubo Group and the Katori Formation, in ascending order. Examination of calcareous nannofossils and magnetic polarities detected four datums in the core sediments of the Inubo Group: the top of Reticulofenestra asanoi , the base of Helicosphaera inversa , the top of Pseudoemiliania lacunosa and the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary. Fourteen marine isotope stages (MIS24–MIS11) were identified in the δ18O and δ13C records based on detected datums and the graphic correlation with the standard stack oxygen isotope curve. Magnetic susceptibility and gamma-ray attenuation porosity evaluator density were also measured and low values characterize the glacial intervals. Biogenic sedimentation by primary production may be larger during the glacial periods because of invasions of nutrient-rich northern surface-waters related to the southward shift of the Kuroshio front in the Choshi area.  相似文献   
Partition coefficients between olivine and melt at upper mantle conditions, 3 to 14 GPa, have been determined for 27 trace elements (Li, Be, B, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Cs, Ba, La and Ce) using secondary-ion mass-spectrometry (SIMS) and electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA). The general pattern of olivine/melt partitioning on Onuma diagrams resembles those reported previously for natural systems. This agreement strongly supports the argument that partitioning is under structural control of olivine even at high pressure. The partition coefficients for mono- and tri-valent cations show significant pressure dependence, both becoming larger with pressure, and are strongly correlated with coupled substitution into cation sites in the olivine structure. The dominant type of trace element substitution for mono- and tri-valent cations into olivine changes gradually from (Si, Mg)↔(Al, Cr) at low pressure to (Si, Mg)↔(Al, Al) and (Mg, Mg)↔(Na, Al) at high pressure. The change in substitution type results in an increase in partition coefficients of Al and Na with pressure. An inverse correlation between the partition coefficients for divalent cations and pressure has been observed, especially for Ni, Co and Fe. The order of decreasing rate of partition coefficient with pressure correlates to strength of crystal field effect of the cation. The pressure dependence of olivine/melt partitioning can be attributed to the compression of cation polyhedra induced by pressure and the compensation of electrostatic valence by cation substitution. Received: March 6, 1997 / Revised, accepted: March 12, 1998  相似文献   
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