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This paper presents the first application of a semi-active damper system to an actual building. The Semi-active Hydraulic Damper (SHD) can produce a maximum damping force of 1000 kN with an electric power of 70 W. It is compact, so a large number of them can be installed in a single building. It is thus possible to control the building's response during a severe earthquake, because a large control force is obtained in comparison with a conventional active control system. This paper outlines the building, the control system configuration, the SHD, the control method using a Linear Quadratic Regulator, the response analysis results of the controlled building, and the dynamic loading test results of the actual SHD. The simulation analysis shows that damage to buildings can be prevented in a severe earthquake by SHD control. The dynamic loading test results of the SHD are reported, which show that the specified design values were obtained in the basic characteristic test. The control performance test using simulated response time histories, also shows that the damping force agrees well with the command. Finally, it is confirmed that the semi-active damper system applied to an actual building effectively controls its response in severe earthquakes. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
High‐resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) imaging by desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) coupled with Orbitrap MS using methanol (MeOH) spray was performed on a fragment of the Murchison (CM2) meteorite in this study. Homologues of CnH2n–1N2+ (= 7–9) and CnH2nNO+ (= 9–14) were detected on the sample surface by the imaging. A high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)/HRMS analysis of MeOH extracts from the sample surface after DESI/HRMS imaging indicated that the CnH2n–1N2+ homologues corresponds to alkylimidazole, and that a few isomers of the CnH2nNO+ homologues present in the sample. The alkylimidazoles and CnH2nNO+ homologues displayed different spatial distributions on the surface of the Murchison fragment, indicating chromatographic separation effects during aqueous alteration. Moreover, the distribution pattern of compounds is also different among homologues. This is probably also resulting from the separation of isomers by similar chromatographic effects, or different synthetic pathways. Alkylimidazoles and the CnH2nNO+ homologues are mainly distributed in the matrix region of the Murchison by mineralogical observations, which is consistent with previous reports. Altered minerals (e.g., Fe‐oxide, Fe‐sulfide, and carbonates) occurred in this region. However, no clear relationship was found between these minerals and the organic compounds detected by DESI/HRMS imaging. Although this result might be due to scale differences between the spatial resolution of DESI/HRMS imaging and the grain size in the matrix of the Murchison, our results would indicate that alkylimidazoles and the CnH2nNO+ homologues in the Murchison fragment were mainly synthesized by different processes from hydrothermal alteration on the parent body.  相似文献   
The Precambrian and lower Paleozoic units of the Japanese basement such as the Hida Oki and South Kitakami terranes have geological affinities with the eastern Asia continent and particularly strong correlation with units of the South China block. There are also indications from units such as the Hitachi metamorphics of the Abukuma terrane and blocks in the Maizuru terrane that some material may have been derived from the North China block. In addition to magmatism, the Japanese region has seen substantial growth due to tectonic accretion. The accreted units dominantly consist of mudstone and sandstone derived from the continental margin with lesser amounts of basaltic rocks associated with siliceous deep ocean sediments and local limestone. Two main phases of accretionary activity and related metamorphism are recorded in the Jurassic Mino–Tanba–Ashio, Chichibu, and North Kitakami terranes and in the Cretaceous to Neogene Shimanto and Sanbagawa terranes. Other accreted material includes ophiolitic sequences, e.g. the Yakuno ophiolite of the Maizuru terrane, the Oeyama ophiolite of the Sangun terrane, and the Hayachine–Miyamori ophiolite of the South Kitakami terrane, and limestone‐capped ocean plateaus such as the Akiyoshi terrane. The ophiolitic units are likely derived from arc and back‐arc basin settings. There has been no continental collision in Japan, meaning the oceanic subduction record is more complete than in convergent orogens seen in intracontinental settings making this a good place to study the geological record of accretion. Hokkaido lacks most of the Paleozoic history recognized in Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and the Ryukyu Islands to the south and its geology reflects the Cenozoic development of two convergent domains with volcanic arcs, their approach, and eventual collision. The Hidaka terrane reveals a cross section through a volcanic arc and the main accretionary complex of the convergent system is represented by the Sorachi–Yezo terrane.  相似文献   
Temporal changes in the vertical distribution of metazoan meiofaunal groups were examined at a bathyal site (depth 1450 m) in Sagami Bay from December 1996 to August 1998. Among major meiofaunal groups, the vertical distributions of copepods (adults and copepodites), and kinorhynchs changed seasonally and they concentrated in the shallower part in the sediment profile when CPE concentrations were higher. Seasonal changes in the vertical distributions of ovigerous females and nauplii of copepods were not related to CPE concentrations, but related to that of total copepods. On the other hand, nematodes, ostracods, and polychaetes did not show seasonal migrations. These results suggest that there is a difference in the response to the sedimentation of organic matter between metazoan meiofaunal taxa.  相似文献   
Abstract. The role of larval settlement, post-settlement mortality and competition with a red algae in determining the patterns of abundance and distribution of the spirorbid tube worm Neodexiospira brasiliensis (Grube) (Polychaeta: Spirorbidae) on leaves of three seagrass species: Zostera marina Linnaeus, Zostera asiatica Miki and Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino were examined in Aininkap, Akkeshi Bay, Akkeshi, Hokkaido, Japan. Field collections of seagrass shoots were made at about 1-week intervals. The density of newly settled larvae (< 0.3 mm in tube diameter) increased significantly on Z. asiatica and P. iwatensis , but not on Z. marina during the sampling period. It was highest on Z. asiatica among the three seagrass species, followed by P. iwatensis and Z. marina . Newly settled larvae occurred more on the basal part of younger leaves of each seagrass species. Mortality tended to be high on Z. marina , followed by Z. asiatica and P. iwatensis , although the differences were not great. Size-specific mortality showed the existence of high mortality in early post-settlement stages on Z. asiatica and P. iwatenisis . Relatively high mortality was also suffered by individuals with a tube diameter over 1.5 mm. Growth in tube diameter of N. brasiliensis was slower on P. iwatensis than on the other two seagrasses. The effect of a calcareous red algae on larval settlement was investigated with removal experiments; however, no effect of red algae was detected. Patterns in the distribution and abundance of N. brasiliensis on leaves of three seagrass species resulted from the heterogeneity of larval settlement rather than from post-settlement mortality or competition with red algae. Different densities of larval settlement among the three seagrass species or on a leaf are likely to relate to larval behaviour, such as negative phototaxis.  相似文献   
鲈鱼生长催乳素的分离纯化与N-末端序列分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
生长催乳素(SL)是生长激素/催乳素家族的一种新的脑垂体蛋白质激素,本研究首次从鲈鱼脑垂体中分离得到.鲈鱼脑垂体在碱性条件下,经葡聚糖凝胶(SephadexG-100)过滤和反相高效液相色谱(rpHPLC)分离出纯化的鲈鱼生长催乳素,(sbSL),并与大麻哈鱼生长催乳素(sSL)抗体发生特异性的Western免疫印迹交叉反应证实.SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)分析,发现鲈鱼生长催乳素分别是由分子量为23.2×103和28.4×103u两种形式组成(后者可能是一种糖基化形式).根据Edman降解原理,测得鲈鱼生长催乳素的N-末端16个氨基酸的序列,它与已知鱼类生长催乳素的N-末端序列比较,具有较高的同源性;由此进一步证实,分离纯化得到的鲈鱼生长催乳素是正确的.  相似文献   
Observation of the abyssal current in the West Mariana Basin   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In order to investigate long-term variations of deep sea currents and temperature in the western North Pacific, a direct current measurement was made at 12.5°N, 137°E from July 1985 to July 1986. The current meter was moored at a depth of about 4,000 m (bottom depth 4,604 m) in the West Mariana Basin, very close to the deep water passage to the North Pacific Basin. Throughout the observed period, the current flows southward with an average speed of 0.8 cm sec–1. There are significant variations of both currents and temperature within the period of 60 days. For the shorter time scales, in addition to the tidal oscillations with one day and half day periods, there is a notable spectral peak of the current with a clockwise rotation at a period of 2.2 days, which is slightly shorter than the local inertial period of 2.3 days.The observed southward current seems to indicate that the deep sea water in the West Mariana Basin flows out through the sill which is deeper than 4,000 m and is located about 200 km southeast of the mooring point. A simple analysis of the linear plane wave indicates that the medium time-scale variation with a period of 60 days is associated with the barotropic Rossby wave whose wavelength is 390 km and whose trough direction is 30° clockwise from the north.  相似文献   
The first confirmed lunar impact flash due to a non-Leonid meteoroid is reported. The observed Perseid meteoroid impact occurred at 18h28m27s on August 11, 2004 (UT). The selenographic coordinates of the lunar impact flash are 48±1° N and 72±2° E, and the flash had a visual magnitude of ca. 9.5 with duration of about 1/30 s. The mass of the impactor is estimated to have been 12 g based on a nominal model with conversion efficiency from kinetic to optical energy of 2×10−3. Extrapolation of a power law size-frequency distribution fitting the sub-centimeter Perseid meteoric particles to large meteoroids suggests that several flashes should have been observed at this optical efficiency. The detection of only one flash may indicate that the optical efficiency for Perseid lunar impact is much lower, or that the slope of the size distribution differs between large meteoroids and typical sub-centimeter meteoric particles.  相似文献   
Observations of wind speed and direction, air and sea temperatures and solar radiation were obtained from an array of buoys in JASIN-1978 conducted in the area northwest of Scotland in the summer of 1978. The observations were analyzed to show spatial and temporal variability in the mesoscale fields. Spectra of wind speed and air and sea temperatures were computed to illustrate the distribution of variance over periods ranging from 3.5 min to 40 days. When plotted on log-log graphs, the spectral estimates generally decreased with slopes between –3/2 and –2 with increasing frequency. Spectra of air and sea temperatures had a peak at the diurnal period but not the wind speed spectrum. When plotted in variance-preserving form, the spectrum of wind speed was consistent with a spectral gap and was qualitatively similar to other observations of low-frequency spectra. On the basis of auto- and cross-correlation analyses, it appeared that mesoscale eddies propagated through the array of buoys with the mean wind speed except during times of frontal passages. The cross-correlation between wind speed and air temperature showed evidence of horizontal roll vortices or some other forms of organized convection.  相似文献   
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