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The plankton food web structure and trophodynamics in the neritic area of Sagami Bay were investigated from January 2003 to December 2005, based on abundance, biomass, production rate and nutritional requirements of pico- (0.2–2 μm), nano- (2–20 μm), micro- (20–200 μm) and mesoplankton (>200 μm: mainly copepods CI-CVI) at 0–10 m depth. The average carbon biomass of the total plankton community was higher in spring and summer (1.452 and 1.466 g C m−2, respectively) than in winter and autumn (0.676 and 0.686 g C m−2, respectively). The average values of primary production and of production rate and food requirement of heterotrophic organisms were higher in summer than in other seasons. During the study period the biomass, production rate and food requirement of small heterotrophs (i.e. bacteria: BA; heterotrophic nanoflagellates: HNF; microzooplankton: MZ) were much higher than those of copepod secondary (CSP) and tertiary producers (CTP), indicating that the microbial food web was the main route of carbon flow from phytoplankton (PP) to CSP and CTP, rather than the grazing food chain. In particular, during summer and autumn the biomass of pico- and nano-size PP plus BA was greater than that of micro-size PP, suggesting the high prevalence of the microbial food web (pico-/nanophytoplankton/BA-HNF/MZ-copepods). During winter and spring, the biomass of micro-size PP was greater than that of pico- and nano-size PP plus BA, suggesting that the indirect route (microphytoplankton-MZ-copepods) probably prevailed, while the microbial food web might be important.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in oceanographic conditions related to primary productivity was investigated in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea during non-iced seasons, using the observation data conducted in 2000∼2006. Based on hydrographic characteristics, the studied area could be classified into two regions, the Coastal Region which is influenced under the Soya Warm Current and the Forerunner Water of the Soya Warm Current, and the Offshore Region where the Intermediate Cold Water was located in the subsurface layer. This study is the first report on seasonal change of nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations in the offshore region of the southwestern Okhotsk Sea. Variability of concentrations of chlorophyll a and nutrients is temporally and regionally high in the Coastal Region. The maximum chlorophyll a concentration in April was observed at the surface layer of both regions. The most remarkable feature on the vertical structure in the Offshore Region was the consistent existence of the Intermediate Cold Water and the development of seasonal thermocline in the subsurface layer during summer and autumn. The stratification formed within the euphotic zone in the Offshore Region resulted in the formation of the subsurface chlorophyll a maximum (SCM) from May to October. Throughout the research period, although less amplitude of nutrients at the surface was observed in the Coastal Region than that in the Offshore Region, comparable amplitude of chlorophyll a concentration was observed between regions. These results suggested differences of environmental conditions for primary production between the two regions. Depending on the presence of SCM, relationships between chlorophyll a concentration at the sea surface and chlorophyll a standing stock within the euphotic layer were different. At most stations with SCM, the surface chlorophyll a concentration was lower than 0.6 mg m-3. This suggests that the presence of SCM and the chlorophyll a standing stock within the euphotic layer may be estimated using the surface chlorophyll a concentration from spring to autumn in the studied area.  相似文献   
Bulk transfer coefficient over a snow surface   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The drag coefficient C D and the bulk transfer coefficient for sensible heat C H over a flat snow surface were determined experimentally. Theoretical considerations reveal that C D depends on the friction velocity u * as well as on the geometrical roughness h of the snow surface. It is found that C D increases with increasing u * and/or h. The dependency of C H on u * and h is so small that it is possible to consider C H as a constant for practical purposes: C H, 1 = 2.0 × 10–3 for a reference height of 1 m. The bulk transfer coefficient for water vapor is estimated at C E, 1 = 2.1 × 10–3 for a reference height of 1 m.  相似文献   
The Himalayas are a key location for understanding centennial‐ to millennial‐scale variations in the Asian monsoon, yet few studies of the late Holocene have been conducted in this sensitive area. Direct evidence for shifts in monsoonal wind strength is often limited to marine proxy records, while terrestrial reconstructions (e.g. lake levels and spleothems) focus on precipitation. Here, we present the first evidence of terrestrial summer monsoon wind strength changes from Lake Rara, western Nepal, based on Mn/Ti ratios, a proxy for lake stratification. These data indicate a link between the Arabian Sea and the Himalayas, suggesting that centennial‐ to millennial‐scale changes in wind strength occurred synchronously. Distinct similarity is also observed between Lake Rara and the southern part of China, which may support previous suggestions that the southern part of China is influenced by Indian summer monsoon. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Lead coprecipitation with iron oxyhydroxide nano-particles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pb2+ and Fe3+ coprecipitation was studied with sorption edge measurements, desorption experiments, sorbent aging, High Resolution Transmission and Analytical Electron Microscopy (HR TEM-AEM), and geochemical modeling. Companion adsorption experiments were also conducted for comparison. The macroscopic chemical and near atomic scale HRTEM data supplemented our molecule scale analysis with EXAFS (Kelly et al., 2008). Coprecipitation of Pb2+ with ferric oxyhydroxides occurred at ∼pH 4 and is more efficient than adsorption in removing Pb2+ from aqueous solutions at similar sorbate/sorbent ratios and pH. X-ray Diffraction (XRD) shows peaks of lepidocrocite and two additional broad peaks similar to fine particles of 2-line ferrihydrite (2LFh). HRTEM of the Pb-Fe coprecipitates shows a mixture of 2-6 nm diameter spheres and 8-20 by 200-300 nm needles, both uniformly distributed with Pb2+. Geochemical modeling shows that surface complexation models fit the experimental data of low Pb:Fe ratios when a high site density is used. Desorption experiments show that more Pb2+ was released from loaded sorbents collected from adsorption experiments than from Pb to Fe coprecipitates at dilute EDTA concentrations. Desorbed Pb2+ versus dissolved Fe3+ data show a linear relationship for coprecipitation (CPT) desorption experiments but a parabolic relationship for adsorption (ADS) experiments.Based on these results, we hypothesize that Pb2+ was first adsorbed onto the nanometer-sized, metastable, iron oxyhydroxide polymers of 2LFh with domain size of 2-3 nm. As these nano-particles assembled into larger particles, some Pb2+ was trapped in the iron oxyhydroxide structure and re-arranged to form solid solutions. Therefore, the CPT contact method produced more efficient removal of Pb2+ than the adsorption contact method, and Pb2+ bound in CPT solids represent a more stable sequestration of Pb2+ in the environment than Pb2+ adsorbed on iron oxyhydroxide surfaces.  相似文献   
Seasonal and interannual variations in physicochemical properties were investigated in the neritic area of Sagami Bay, Kanagawa, Japan, from December 2000 to December 2005. Physicochemical properties (i.e. temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic nutrient concentration) revealed clear seasonal variations, which were similar to each other during all 5 years. Temperature, salinity and dissolved inorganic nutrients showed rapid, drastic variations within a few days and/or weeks. These variations are related to sea levels, principally due to the shifting effects of the Kuroshio Current axis: they were strongly affected by the Kuroshio Water and other waters, when sea level difference was greater than ca. 35 cm and lower than ca. 15 cm, respectively. Temperature difference (DF T ) increased with sea level difference, and the difference of salinity and dissolved inorganic nutrients (NH4 +-N, NO3 +NO2 -N, NH4 ++NO3 +NO2 -N, PO4 3−-P and SiO2-Si) increased and decreased with DF T , respectively. All these correlations are significant. Total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and silicate (Si) revealed seasonal variations in the ranges of 0.57–16.08, 0.0070–0.91 and 0.22–46.38 μM, respectively. From the regression equations between these elements allowed the following relation to be obtained; Si:N:P = 14.8:13.4:1. Dissolved inorganic nutrients were characterized by Si and/or P deficiency, especially in the upper layer (0–20 m depth) during summer. Single and/or combined elements are discussed on the basis of potential and stoichiometric nutrient limitations, which could restrict phytoplankton (diatom) growth as a limiting factor.  相似文献   
We report measurements of iron, nutrients, dissolved oxygen, humic-type fluorescence intensity and chlorophyll a concentrations in the coastal waters at the inflow (western) and outflow (eastern) ends of Tsugaru Strait (Japan) in June 2003 and 2004. Two different water masses (intensive eastward flow “subtropical Tsugaru Warm Current Water (TWCw)” and weak westward flow “subarctic Oyashio Water (OW)”) were observed at the eastern end of the strait. TWCw at the southern part of the eastern strait was vertically homogeneous with a uniform concentrations of iron (0.7–1.1 nM for labile dissolved Fe and 14–20 nM for total dissolvable Fe in 2003) as well as other chemical, biological and physical components throughout the water column of 200 m due to strong vertical mixing in the strait. The degree of mixing in the Tsugaru Warm Current (TWC) is predominantly affected by diurnal tidal current, which is strong during the period of tropical tides and weak during the period of equinoctial ones. The especially strong vertical water mixing in 2003 is caused by large dissipation energy input due to the bottom friction of passage-flow through the strait and tidal current. At the northern part of the eastern strait, the fresh surface layer overlying the OW and the deep-bottom waters in 2003 contained large concentrations of dissolved iron, resulting from iron supplied from river runoff and shelf sediments, respectively. These results suggest that the most important mechanism for transporting iron in the strait is the strong vertical water mixing due to the tidal current, and that the iron sources in the coastal waters are the organic-associated, iron-rich freshwater input into the surface water.  相似文献   
Talc specimens heated to 700–1450° C were examined with an analytical high-resolution transmission electron microscope. Neither the amphibole-like structure nor the MPP structure (M = mica, P = pyroxene-layer), proposed by Avgustinik and Vigdergauz (1948) and Sueno et al. (1980), was found. On the contrary, a disordered pyribole structure was observed. This pyribole showed a structure disordered in terms of chain widths, with single and double chains predominant. A local MPP structure with 4–6 repeated units of (21) sequence was generally observed in a disordered region. The electron diffraction data were consistent with maximum symmetry A2/m for the proto-MPP structure. A HRTEM study of the fine structures associated with the depolymerization of talc was the basis of a structural model proposed for the depolymerization of biopyriboles. In this model, a pair of (010) faults with a displacement of 1/2 (a+c) took an important role. The acceptor and donor regions model was also discussed.  相似文献   
Batch reactor experiments were conducted to assess perthitic alkali-feldspar dissolution and secondary mineral formation in an initially acidic fluid (pH = 3.1) at 200 °C and 300 bars. Temporal evolution of fluid chemistry was monitored by major element analysis of in situ fluid samples. Solid reaction products were retrieved from two identical experiments terminated after 5 and 78 days. Scanning electron microscopy revealed dissolution features and significant secondary mineral coverage on feldspar surfaces. Boehmite and kaolinite were identified as secondary minerals by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of alkali-feldspar surfaces before and after reaction showed a trend of increasing Al/Si ratios and decreasing K/Al ratios with reaction progress, consistent with the formation of boehmite and kaolinite.Saturation indices of feldspars and secondary minerals suggest that albite dissolution occurred throughout the experiments, while K-feldspar exceeded saturation after 216 h of reaction. Reactions proceeded slowly and full equilibrium was not achieved, the relatively high temperature of the experiments notwithstanding. Thus, time series observations indicate continuous supersaturation with respect to boehmite and kaolinite, although the extent of this decreased with reaction progress as the driving force for albite dissolution decreased. The first experimental evidence of metastable co-existence of boehmite, kaolinite and alkali feldspar in the feldspar hydrolysis system is consistent with theoretical models of mineral dissolution/precipitation kinetics where the ratio of the secondary mineral precipitation rate constant to the rate constant of feldspar dissolution is well below unity. This has important implications for modeling the time-dependent evolution of feldspar dissolution and secondary mineral formation in natural systems.  相似文献   
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