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An FFT processor is being developed for the present pilot system of the large field radio patrol camera. A design of the processor is discussed.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

Coral reef ecosystems worldwide are now being harmed by various stresses accompanying the degradation of fish habitats and thus knowledge of fish-habitat relationships is urgently required. Because conventional research methods were not practical for this purpose due to the lack of a geospatial perspective, we attempted to develop a research method integrating visual fish observation with a seabed habitat map and to expand knowledge to a two-dimensional scale. WorldView-2 satellite imagery of Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia obtained in September 2012 was analyzed and classified into four typical substrates: live coral, dead coral, seagrass and sand. Overall classification accuracy of this map was 81.3% and considered precise enough for subsequent analyses. Three sub-areas (CC: continuous coral reef, BC: boundary of coral reef and FC: few live coral zone) around reef slopes were extracted from the map. Visual transect surveys for several fish species were conducted within each sub-area in June 2013. As a result, Mean density (Ind. / 300 m2) of Chaetodon octofasciatus, known as an obligate feeder of corals, was significantly higher at BC than at the others (p < 0.05), implying that this species’ density is strongly influenced by spatial configuration of its habitat, like the “edge effect.” This indicates that future conservation procedures for coral reef fishes should consider not only coral cover but also its spatial configuration. The present study also indicates that the introduction of a geospatial perspective derived from remote sensing has great potential to progress conventional ecological studies on coral reef fishes.

The Azas Plateau volcanic field is located in the Tuva Republic of the Russian Federation. The compositions of the Azas Plateau volcanics include low-viscosity trachybasalt and basanite. Volcanic edifices of Middle-Late Pleistocene age are widely distributed in the southeastern part of the volcanic field. There are subglacial volcanoes among the volcanic edifices, and their formation coincided with extensive ancient glaciations in the region. The dominant subglacial volcanoes in the area are tuyas. The general shapes of the tuyas (flat-tops with steep sides) are due to eruptions into meltwater lakes and confinement of ice walls, and effusive subaerial eruptions of basaltic lavas. There are also non-flat-topped subglacial volcanoes and at least one subaerial volcanic edifice in the area. Degradation appears to have modified the primary shapes of the tuya edifices, and such processes seem to include failures of over-steepened slopes, gully formation due to stream runoff and debris flows, cirque/valley glaciation, and modification by rock glaciers. The estimated thicknesses of the ice sheets covering the subglacial volcanoes during their eruptions range 300–600 m on average.  相似文献   
A 3729-m-deep geothermal research well, WD-1a, provides us with a unique opportunity to study initial petrographic features of a high-temperature granite just after solidification of magma. The well succeeded in collecting three spot-cores of the Kakkonda Granite that is a pluton emplaced at a shallow depth and regarded as a heat source of the active Kakkonda geothermal system. The core samples were collected at the present formation temperatures of 370, 410 and over 500°C. These samples are granodiorite to tonalite consisting mainly of plagioclase, quartz, hornblende, biotite and K-feldspar. A sample collected at a formation temperature of over 500°C possesses the following remarkable petrographic features compared to the other two samples. Interstitial spaces are not completely sealed. K-feldspar exhibits no perthite by the exsolution of albite lamella. Quartz includes glassy melt inclusions without devitrification. Hornblende is less intensively altered to actinolite, and biotite is not altered. This study directly confirmed that perthite in K-feldspar is a recrystallization texture formed at 410–500°C based on a comparison of the in situ temperatures of the samples. Chemical compositions of minerals were analyzed to compare temperatures determined from geothermometers in several publications to the in situ temperatures of the samples.  相似文献   
Although changes in rainfall characteristics have been noted across the world, few studies have reported those in mountainous areas. This study was undertaken to clarify spatial and temporal variations in rainfall characteristics such as annual rainfall amount (Pr), mean daily rainfall intensity (η), and ratio of rain days (λ) in mountainous and lowland areas in Taiwan. To this aim, we examined spatial and year‐to‐year variations and marginal long‐term trends in Pr, η, and λ, based on rainfall data from 120 stations during the period 1978–2008. The period mean rainfall () at the lowland stations had strong relationships with the period mean daily rainfall intensity () and the period mean ratio of rain days () during those 31 years. Meanwhile, was only strongly related to at mountainous stations, indicating that influences on spatial variations in were different between lowland and mountainous stations. Year‐to‐year variations in Pr at each station were primarily determined from the variation in η at most stations for both lowland and mountainous stations. Long‐term trend analysis showed that Pr and η increased significantly at 10% and 31% of the total 120 stations, respectively, and λ decreased significantly at 6% of the total. The increases in Pr were mostly accompanied by increases in η. Although stations with significant η increases were slightly biased toward the western lowland area, increases or decreases in Pr and λ were not common. These results contribute to understanding the impacts of possible climate changes on terrestrial hydrological cycles. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
U-Pb ages of detrital zircons were newly dated for 4 Archean sandstones from the Pilbara craton in Australia, Wyoming craton in North America, and Kaapvaal craton in Africa. By using the present results with previously published data, we compiled the age spectra of detrital zircons for 2.9, 2.6, 2.3,1.0, and0.6 Ga sandstones and modern river sands in order to document the secular change in age structure of continental crusts through time. The results demonstrated the following episodes in the history of continental crust:(1) low growth rate of the continents due to the short cycle in production/destruction of granitic crust during the Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic(2.9-23 Ga),(2) net increase in volume of the continents during Paleo-to Mesoproterozoic(2.3-1.0 Ga), and(3) net decrease in volume of the continents during the Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic(after 1.0 Ga). In the Archean and Paleoproterozoic, the embryonic continents were smaller than the modern continents, probably owing to the relatively rapid production and destruction of continental crust. This is indeed reflected in the heterogeneous crustal age structure of modern continents that usually have relatively small amount of Archean crusts with respect to the post-Archean ones. During the Mesoproterozoic, plural continents amalgamated into larger ones comparable to modern continental blocks in size. Relatively older crusts were preserved in continental interiors, whereas younger crusts were accreted along continental peripheries.In addition to continental arc magmatism, the direct accretion of intra-oceanic island arc around continental peripheries also became important for net continental growth. Since 1.0 Ga, total volume of continents has decreased, and this appears consistent with on-going phenomena along modern active arc-trench system with dominant tectonic erosion and/or arc subduction. Subduction of a huge amount of granitic crusts into the mantle through time is suggested, and this requires re-consideration of the mantle composition and heterogeneity.  相似文献   
A suite of geomorphological and sedimentological features in the catchment of the upper Yenisei River in the Sayan mountains of southern Siberia testifies to the occurrence of cataclysmic floods that flowed down the river. Evidence of large-scale high-energy flood events includes: 1) gravel dunes, up to a few meters high and spaced 50 to 80 m apart, in the Kyzyl Basin 2) landforms such as hanging valleys and paleochannels and 3) flood sediments in a tributary valley. The origins of the Yenisei floods were likely diverse due to complex hydrological processes operating in the Sayan mountains. The possibilities include failures of multiple, variably impounded (ice, sedimentary, tectonic scarp, and lava flow dams) paleolakes in the two large intermontane basins of Darkhadyn Khotgor and Todza, and other minor basins, in the upper Yenisei River catchment. Dating techniques applied to the paleolakes in the Darkhadyn Khotgor and Todza basins revealed their formation during various periods in the middle–late Pleistocene and Holocene. Flooding from the Darkhadyn Khotgor appears to explain many of the inferred flood features, although contributions by flooding from other paleolake basins cannot be ruled out. Computer simulation of the flooding caused by a Darkhadyn Khotgor paleolake ice-dam failure indicates a probable peak discharge of  3.5 × 106 m3 s− 1, approximately one-fifth that of the floods that formed the Channeled Scabland in the U.S.A. Many of the outburst events probably occurred in the late Quaternary, but earlier floods could also have occurred.  相似文献   
Measurements of time-averaged intensity of water motion with plaster balls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water motion is a very important environment surrounding marine organisms. It is, however, difficult to measure currents with a propeller type of current meters in seagrass or seaweed beds in shallow waters. Therefore, we elaborate the measuring method of time-averaged intensity of water motion with plaster balls invented by Muus (1968) to set them at several depths at short vertical intervals in shallow waters. Theoretical examination is also made on the relation between speed of steady flow and dissolution rate of plaster balls by experiments in a circuit tank. These experiments revealed that the temporal rate of decrease in the 1/2 power of wet weight of plaster balls excluding a rod supporting the plaster ball was proportional to the speed of steady flow in the tank. On the basis of this relation, we propose the method for estimating the time-averaged intensity of water motion by converting the loss of wet weight of plaster ball to the speed of steady flow bringing equivalent loss. Since this method is simple and convenient, it can be applied to obtaining environmental indices of water motion not only in seagrass or seaweed forests, but also in fishing grounds culturingporphyra, yellow tail (Seriola quinqueradiata) or oysters.  相似文献   
In high-temperature volcanic fumaroles (>400 °C), the isotopic composition of molecular hydrogen (H2) reaches equilibrium with that of the fumarolic H2O. In this study, we used this hydrogen isotope exchange equilibrium of fumarolic H2 as a tracer for the remote temperature at volcanic fumaroles. In this remote sensing, we deduced the hydrogen isotopic composition (δD value) of fumarolic H2 from those in the volcanic plume. To ascertain that we can estimate the δD value of fumarolic H2 from those in a volcanic plume, we estimated the values in three fumaroles with outlet temperatures of 630 °C (Tarumae), 203 °C (Kuju), and 107 °C (E-san). For this we measured the concentration and δD value of H2 in each volcanic plume, along with those determined directly at each fumarole. The average and maximum mixing ratios of fumarolic H2 within a plume’s total H2 were 97% and 99% (at Tarumae), 89% and 96% (at Kuju), and 97% and 99% (at E-san). We found a linear relationship between the depletion in the δD values of H2, with the reciprocal of H2 concentration. Furthermore, the estimated end-member δD value for each H2-enriched component (−260 ± 30‰ vs. VSMOW in Tarumae, −509 ± 23‰ in Kuju, and −437 ± 14‰ in E-san) coincided well with those observed at each fumarole (−247.0 ± 0.6‰ in Tarumae, −527.7 ± 10.1‰ in Kuju, and −432.1 ± 2.5‰ in E-san). Moreover, the calculated isotopic temperatures at the fumaroles agreed to within 20 °C with the observed outlet temperature at Tarumae and Kuju. We deduced that the δD value of the fumarolic H2 was quenched within the volcanic plume. This enabled us to remotely estimate these in the fumarole, and thus the outlet temperature of fumaroles, at least for those having the outlet temperatures more than 400 °C. By applying this methodology to the volcanic plume emitted from the Crater 1 of Mt. Naka-dake (the volcano Aso) where direct measurement on fumaroles was impractical, we estimated that the δD value of the fumarolic H2 to be −172 ± 16‰ and the outlet temperature to be 868 ± 97 °C. The remote temperature sensing using hydrogen isotopes developed in this study is widely applicable to many volcanic systems.  相似文献   
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