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Phyllosoma larvae were identified and their distribution was examined, based on the larvae in ichthyoplankton samples collected in the Japanese Eel Expedition to the spawning area of A. japonica in the western North Pacific from August 30 to September 13, 1986 (Leg. 1), and from September 22 to 25, 1986 (Leg. 2), on board the R/V Hakuho-maru. Phyllosoma larvae belonged to 3 families (Scyllaridae, Palinuridae and Synaxidae) representing 6 genera and 14 species. A total of 336 palinurid and synaxid phyllosoma larvae were collected, of which 233 larvae (about 70%) were identical with P. longipes s. l, while a total of 362 scyllarid phyllosoma larvae were collected, of which 274 larvae (about 76%) were identical with S. cultrifer. Phyllosoma larvae of P. longipes s. l and S. cultrifer showed a similar distribution to each other. The larvae were abundant in the water close to Mariana Islands, although late stage examples were abundant in waters of Luzon and eastern Taiwan. Distributions of these larvae may be related intimately with the North Equatorial Current existing along 15°N. The North Equatorial Current approaches the eastern coast of the Philippines and then separates into two branches of northward and southward flows. The northward flow contributes to generating the Kuroshio Current while the southward flow goes to generate the Mindanao Current. Judging from distributions of phyllosoma larvae in the present study, it is assumed that the larvae of the above two species may have been released in Mariana Islands and transported westward from there through the North Equatorial Current. These larvae may then be transported to eastern Taiwanese waters.  相似文献   
Soil pipes, continuous macropores parallel to the soil surface, are an important factor in hillslope hydrological processes. However, the water flow dynamics in soil pipes, especially closed soil pipes, are not well understood. In this study, the water and air dynamics within closed soil pipes have been investigated in a bench‐scale laboratory experiment by using a soil box with an artificial acrylic soil pipe. In order to grasp the state of water and air within the soil pipe, we directly measured the existing soil pipe flow and air pressure in the soil pipe. The laboratory experiment showed that air in the soil pipe had an important role in the water flow in the closed soil pipe. When air entrapment occurred in the soil pipe before the soil matrix around the soil pipe was saturated with water, water intrusion in the soil pipe was prevented by air entrapped in the pipe, which inhibited the soil pipe flow. This air entrapment in the soil pipe was controlled by the soil water and air flow. Moreover, after the soil pipe flow started, the soil pipe was not filled completely with water even when the soil pipe was completely submerged under the groundwater table. The entrapped air in the soil pipe prevented further water intrusion in the soil pipe.  相似文献   
In this study, based on a 2-D thermomechanical finite element model, the uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) is discussed in relation to the flexural uplift of a rheologically layered lithosphere, which is described by Vening-Meinesz's cantilever kinematics. The general model behaviour shows that the thickness of the crust and the geothermal gradient in the lithosphere are the principal factors in controlling the effective elastic thickness ( T e). Although T e is also significantly dependent on the magnitude of the uplift and the wet or dry rheological condition of rocks, these two factors do not have a dominant influence on the half-wavelength of the TAM. The model with a plausible crustal structure beneath Antarctica shows that the thermal structure beneath East Antarctica is the critical factor, controlling the half-wavelength of the TAM. If there is a significant radiogenic heat source in the Antarctic lithosphere, T e beneath East Antarctica is estimated to be 50 km, at most, and the lithosphere has no potential to explain an exceptionally large-scale half-wavelength of the TAM. Even for the model without a heat source, if East Antarctica is significantly thermally influenced by West Antarctica, T e is estimated to be about 60 km, and it is difficult to reproduce the half-wavelength of the TAM. Contrarily, when a radiogenic heat source is absent and the thermal structure beneath East Antarctica is not significantly affected by that beneath West Antarctica, the rheological structure beneath East Antarctica has the potential to reproduce the half-wavelength of the TAM ( T e∼ 100 km). Thus, the presence of a radiogenic heat source in the crust and mantle and the thermal influence of West Antarctica on East Antarctica are crucial factors in the reproduction of the half-wavelength found in the TAM.  相似文献   
Based on experimental and numerical investigations, the present paper focuses on under ground scope (UGS) chemical grouting method that can actually improve the pipeline surrounding foundation to solve pipeline saggy damage. According to the experimental results, a solution-type injection material could make lager soil deformation, using less total slurry amount than suspension-type injection material. Therefore, a suspension-type injection material with shorter gel time is more suitable for the UGS method, making it more effective to reinforce the pipeline foundation and restore pipelines. The results of some patterns of injection tests revealed relationship between the behavior of the grouting material and the deformation of the soil. It is found that the material can be injected into a foundation by fracture grouting if the permeation coefficient is lower than 1.00 × 10−3 mm/s. The situation was analyzed by using 2-D finite element method analysis software Phase2, and the analysis result proposes that the real data and simulation data are nearly the same in impermeable soil. Furthermore, even if the construction object is permeable soil, it can also be become impermeable soil by two phases grouting: soil improvement grouting and restoration grouting.  相似文献   
The western Barents Sea and the Svalbard archipelago share a common history of Caledonian basement formation and subsequent sedimentary deposition. Rock formations from the period are accessible to field study on Svalbard, but studies of the near offshore areas rely on seismic data and shallowdrilling. Offshore mapping is reliable down to the Permian sequence, but multichannel reflection seismic data do not give a coherent picture of older stratigraphy. A survey of 10 Ocean Bottom Seismometer profiles was collected around Svalbard in 1998. Results show a highly variable thickness of pre-Permian sedimentary strata, and a heterogeneous crystalline crust tied to candidates for continental sutures or major thrust zones. The data shown in this paper establish that the observed gravity in some parts of the platform can be directly related to velocity variations in the crystalline crust, but not necessarily to basement or Moho depth. The results from three new models are incorporated with a previously published profile, to produce depth-to-basement and -Moho maps south of Svalbard. There is a 14 km deep basement located approximately below the gently structured Upper Paleozoic Sørkapp Basin, bordered by a 7 km deep basement high to the west, and 7–9 km depths to the north. Continental Moho-depth range from 28 to 35 km, the thickest crust is found near the island of Hopen, and in a NNW trending narrow crustal root located between 19°E and 20°E, the latter is interpreted as a relic of westward dipping Caledonian continental collision or major thrusting. There is also a basement high on this trend. Across this zone, there is an eastward increase in the VP, VP/VS ratio, and density, indicating a change towards a more mafic average crustal composition. The northward basement/Moho trend projects onto the Billefjorden Fault Zone (BFZ) on Spitsbergen. The eastern side of the BFZ correlates closely with coincident linear positive gravity and magnetic anomalies on western Ny Friesland, apparently originating from an antiform with high-grade metamorphic Caledonian terrane. A double linear magnetic anomaly appears on the BFZ trend south of Spitsbergen, sub-parallel to and located 10–50 km west of the crustal root. Based on this correlation, it is proposed that the suture or major thrust zone seen south of Svalbard correlates to the BFZ. The preservation of the relationship between the crustal suture, the crustal root, and upper mantle reflectivity, challenges the large-offset, post-collision sinistral transcurrent movement on the BFZ and other trends proposed in the literature. In particular, neither the wide-angle seismic data, nor conventional deep seismic reflection data south of Svalbard show clear signs of major lateral offsets, as seen in similar data around the British Isles.  相似文献   
We present high angular resolution spectra taken along the jets from L1551 IRS 5 and DG Tau obtained with the Subaru Telescope. The position-velocity diagrams of the [Fe II] λ 1.644 μmemission line revealed remarkably similar characteristics for the two sources, showing two distinct velocity components separated from each other in both velocity and space with the entire emission range blueshifted with respect to the stellar velocity. The high velocity component (HVC) has a velocity of –200 ––300 km s-1 with a narrow line width, while the low velocity component (LVC) is around –100 km s-1 exhibitinig a broad line width. The HVC is located farther away from the origin and is more extended than the LVC. Our results suggest that the HVC is a well-collimated jet originating from the region close to the star, while the LVC is a widely-opened wind accelerated in the region near the inner edge of the accretion disk.  相似文献   
Coring during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expeditions 315, 316, and 333 recovered turbiditic sands from the forearc Kumano Basin (Site C0002), a Quaternary slope basin (Site C0018), and uplifted trench wedge (Site C0006) along the Kumano Transect of the Nankai Trough accretionary wedge offshore of southwest Japan. The compositions of the submarine turbiditic sands here are investigated in terms of bulk and heavy mineral modal compositions to identify their provenance and dispersal mechanisms, as they may reflect changes in regional tectonics during the past ca. 1.5 Myrs. The results show a marked change in the detrital signature and heavy mineral composition in the forearc and slope basin facies around 1 Ma. This sudden change is interpreted to reflect a major change in the sand provenance, rather than heavy mineral dissolution and/or diagenetic effects, in response to changing tectonics and sedimentation patterns. In the trench-slope basin, the sands older than 1 Ma were probably eroded from the exposed Cretaceous–Tertiary accretionary complex of the Shimanto Belt and transported via the former course of the Tenryu submarine canyon system, which today enters the Nankai Trough northeast of the study area. In contrast, the high abundance of volcanic lithics and volcanic heavy mineral suites of the sands younger than 1 Ma points to a strong volcanic component of sediment derived from the Izu-Honshu collision zones and probably funnelled to this site through the Suruga Canyon. However, sands in the forearc basin show persistent presence of blue sodic amphiboles across the 1 Ma boundary, indicating continuous flux of sediments from the Kumano/Kinokawa River. This implies that the sands in the older turbidites were transported by transverse flow down the slope. The slope basin facies then switched to reflect longitudinal flow around 1 Ma, when the turbiditic sand tapped a volcanic provenance in the Izu-Honshu collision zone, while the sediments transported transversely became confined in the Kumano Basin. Therefore, the change in the depositional systems around 1 Ma is a manifestation of the decoupling of the sediment routing pattern from transverse to long-distance axial flow in response to forearc high uplift along the megasplay fault.  相似文献   
A large volume of middle Miocene basaltic rocks is widely distributed across the back-arc region of Northeast Japan, including around the Dewa Mountains. Petrological research has shown that basaltic rocks of the Aosawa Formation around the Dewa Mountains were generated as a result of the opening of the Sea of Japan. To determine the precise ages of the middle Miocene basaltic magmatism, we conducted U–Pb and fission-track (FT) dating of a rhyolite lava that constitutes the uppermost part of the Aosawa Formation. In addition, we estimated the paleostress field of the volcanism using data from a basaltic dike swarm in the same formation. The rhyolite lava yields a U–Pb age of 10.73 ±0.22 Ma (2σ) and a FT age of 10.6 ±1.6 Ma (2σ), and the paleostress analysis suggests a normal-faulting stress regime with a NW–SE-trending σ3-axis, a relatively high stress ratio, and a relatively high magma pressure. Our results show that the late Aosawa magmatism occurred under NW–SE extensional stress and ended at ~ 11 Ma.  相似文献   
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