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The crustal structure along a 312 km transect, stretching from the axial mountains of the North Atlantic Knipovich Ridge to the continental shelf of Svalbard, has been obtained using seismic reflection data and wide angle OBS data. The resulting seismic Vp and Vs models are further constrained by a 2-D-gravity model. The principal objective of this study is to describe and resolve the physical and compositional properties of the crust in order to understand the processes and creation of oceanic crust in this extremely slow-spreading counterpart of the North Atlantic Ridge Systems. Vp is estimated to be 3.50–6.05 km/s for the upper oceanic crust (oceanic layer 2), with a marked increase away from the ridge. The measured Vp of 6.55–6.95 km/s for oceanic layer 3A and 7.10–7.25 km/s for layer 3B, both with a Vp/Vs ratio of 1.81, except for slightly higher values at the ridge axis, does not allow a clear distinction between gabbro and mantle-derived peridotite (10–40% serpentized). The thickness of the oceanic crust varies a lot along the transect from the minimum of 5.6 km to a maximum of 8.1 km. The mean thickness of 6.7 km for the oceanic crust is well above the average thickness for slow-spreading ridges (<10 mm/year half-spreading rate). The areas of increased thickness could be explained by large magma production-rates found in the zones of axial highs at the ridge axis, which also have generated the off-axial highs adjacent the ridge. We suggest that these axial and off-axial highs along the ridge control the lithological composition of the oceanic crust. This approach suggests normal gabbroic oceanic crust to be found in the areas bound by the active magma segments (the axial and off-axial highs) and mantle-derived peridotite outside these zone.  相似文献   
DGPS and RTK Positioning Using the Internet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Internet as a basis for Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) and differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) service provides many advantages for worldwide GPS users. Among these advantages are service unification, open architecture, bidirectional communication, and scalability. The current development of this service allows users to use RTK and DGPS through the Internet with conventional accuracy over the short and medium baselines. The perspective for this service lies in the field of wide-area augmentation systems (WASS). At this stage of the Internet-based RTK and DGPS service project, the general concept, system components, draft standards, and software are developed. ? 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the use of image processing techniques and methodologies of digital integration of multi-disciplinary geoscientific data to reduce the ambiguity in geological interpretations in different geological environments in Libya. To realize this objective, three areas were selected for this study; Eljufra, an arid environment; the mountainous environment Tarhunah; and the Jifara Plain, a coastal plain environment. Two types of remote sensing data were used in this study: Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) and European Remote Sensing Satellite. The digital elevation model extracted from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and digital topographic maps scale 1:50,000 were used for remote sensing interpretation. GIS and remote sensing-based methods were used to process and integrate all raster and vector layers data. This study offered dramatic benefits for geological interpretations and provided new insights into the efficiency of image processing methods in different geological environments.  相似文献   
The main tectono‐stratigraphic unit (Shirataki unit) of the Sanbagawa metamorphic complex in central Shikoku is characterized by abundant mafic schist layers that show the mid‐ocean ridge basalt (MORB) affinity. These MORB‐derived schist layers are absent in a southern (structurally lower) domain within the unit. Instead, sporadic occurrences of small metabasite lenses that contain relict igneous minerals (Ti‐rich augite and kaersutite) indicative of alkali basalt magmatism are newly recognized in the southern domain. Compositions of relict clinopyroxene in metabasalt are useful to identify the tectonic setting and origin of the protolith basalt, and those in each unit of the Sanbagawa metamorphic complex are presented. The metamorphic grade of the Shirataki unit generally increases structurally upwards in the southern side of the highest‐grade zone, and metamorphic zonation is subparallel to lithostratigraphic succession. The protolith assemblage of the Shirataki unit shows a distinct change from the southern low‐grade domain (lower Shirataki subunit) composed of terrigenous sedimentary rocks (mudstone and sandstone) with minor alkali basalt to the northern higher‐grade domain (upper Shirataki subunit) consisting of terrigenous and pelagic sedimentary rocks with abundant MORB. The youngest detrital zircon U–Pb ages (ca 95–90 Ma) suggest that both domains have Late Cretaceous depositional ages at the trench. Progressive peeling of oceanic plate stratigraphy during subduction can account for the observed change of lithological association in the Shirataki unit.  相似文献   
This study is concerned with the tectono‐thermal history of the Kathmandu nappe and the underlying Lesser Himalayan sediments (LHS) that are distributed in eastern Nepal. We carried out zircon fission‐track(ZFT) dating and obtained 16 ZFT ages from the eastern extension of the Kathmandu nappe, the Higher Himalayan Crystalline, Kuncha nappe, and the Main Central Thrust (MCT) zone. The ZFT ages of the frontal part of the Kathmandu nappe range from 13.0 ±0.8 Ma to 10.7 ±0.7 Ma and exhibit a northward‐younging tendency. These Middle Miocene ZFT ages indicate that the frontal part of the Kathmandu nappe remained at a temperature above 240 °C until the termination of its southward emplacement at 12–11 Ma. The ZFT ages of the LHS range from 11.1 ±0.9 Ma in the southern part of the Okhaldhunga Window to 2.4 ±0.3 Ma of the augen gneiss in the northern margin and also exhibit a northward‐younging age distribution. The ZFT ages show the northward‐younging linear distribution pattern (?0.16 Ma/km) along the across‐strikesection from the frontal part of the Kathmandu nappe to the root zone, without a significant age gap. This distribution pattern indicates that the Kathmandu nappe, the underlying MCT zone, and the Kuncha nappe cooled from the frontal zone to the root zone as a thermally united geologic body at a temperature below 240 °C. An older ZFT age (456.3 ±24.3 Ma), which was partially reset at the axial part of the Midland anticlinorium in the central part of the Okhaldhunga Window, was explained by downward heating from the “hot” Kathmandu nappe. The above evidence supported a model that southward emplacement of the hot Kathmandu nappe resulted in a thermal imprint on the upper part of the LHS; however, the lower part did not reach 240 °C.  相似文献   
Rock burst prediction is a worldwide challenge that we have long tried to overcome. This study tentatively proposed a method to regionally predict rock burst hazards using microseismic energy attenuation. To verify the feasibility of the proposal, first, the mechanism of microseismic energy propagation and attenuation in rock medium was explored, and dominant attenuation characteristics of microseismic waves were analyzed. Second, a spatial attenuation model of microseismic energy was established, and the average energy attenuation coefficient for each wave path was defined. A 3D seismic energy attenuation inversion algorithm was put forward, and the corresponding computation matrix was developed. Third, a continuous microseismic field investigation was carried out in a deep coal mine. Seismic energy attenuation coefficient was confirmed using the calibrated focus position and energy determination. Based on data discretization processing, energy attenuation inversion and tomography, potential rock burst hazard regions were strictly zoned in mining areas. Finally, regional prediction results obtained from the microseismic energy attenuation were compared with the direct measurement results obtained from the classical drilling dust method to verify the reliability of proposed approach. It turns out that rock burst hazard regions predicted by the microseismic energy attenuation agreed well with the objective hazardous situations. Seismic energy attenuation coefficient is a significant evaluation factor that directly mirrors the inelastic performance of rock medium. Energy attenuation coefficient threshold used for determining the rock burst hazard regions was 3.0 km?1. Reliability of the seismic energy attenuation inversion and tomography was closely related to the spatial distribution of microseisms in a localized region. The optimum spatial density of microseisms was 0.2 m?3. Regional rock burst prediction using microseismic energy attenuation is an effective approach for revealing potential hazardous regions in deep mining conditions. This approach improves the pertinence of geological hazard prevention and provides a beforehand reference for targeted hazard management.  相似文献   
We analyzed Rb-Sr-Nd isotope ratios of mineral dust in total aerosol load collected with rainwater continuously from 1998 to 2006 at the summit of Mt. Sefuri, northern Kyushu, southwestern Japan. During this period, the total mass of the dust generally increased in late winter, peaked in early spring, and then decreased.87Sr/86Sr in atmospheric mineral dust varied from 0.7096 to 0.7180, and εNd(0)CHUR from −19.9 to −3.5. During heavy deposition periods, the dust had high 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios and low to middle εNd(0)CHUR values, respectively. These compositions are comparable to those of sand and loess in arid areas of Northeast China, Takla Makan and Western Beijing. Such particles were transported by westerlies from those areas to northern Kyushu in winter and spring. In summer and autumn, the isotopic compositions of the dust varied greatly; however, during light deposition periods, the Sr isotope composition was low. In these seasons, the contributions to the dust from Japanese soils and volcanic ash, transported by southern winds, were relatively larger than in winter and spring because of decreased mineral dust particle transport from the continent. Nevertheless, fine sandy desert particles and loess in general accounted for most mineral dust deposition in northern Kyushu year-round, even in summer. Local soils derived from weathered granite and volcanic ash were minor components only.The net mass of water-insoluble inorganic matter in the collected mineral dust fluctuated from year-to-year; deposition on Mt. Sefuri was relatively large before 2001, decreased from 2002 to 2005, and increased greatly in spring 2006. These year-to-year differences probably reflected changes in the strength of the westerlies and in climate conditions in the arid source areas.  相似文献   
We investigated the tectonothermal history of the Lesser Himalayan sediments (LHS), which are tectonically overlain by the Higher Himalayan Crystalline. Fission‐track dating and the track length measurement of detrital zircons obtained from the Kuncha nappe and the Lesser Himalayan autochthonous sediments in western central Nepal revealed northward cooling of the nappe and possible downward heating of the autochthon by the overlying hot nappe. Nine zircon fission‐track (ZFT) ages of the nappe showed northward‐younging linear distribution from 11.6 Ma in the front at Tamghas, 6 Ma in the central at Naudanda, and 1.6 Ma in the northernmost point at Tatopani. Thermochronological invert calculation of the ZFT length elucidated that the Kuncha nappe gradually cooled down (30 °C/Myr) at the front and rapidly cooled down (120 °C/Myr) at the root zone. In contrast, the ZFT age of the Chappani Formation, located just beneath the Kuncha nappe in the central part, demonstrated a totally reset age of 6.8 Ma, whereas the Virkot Formation, structurally far from the nappe, yielded a partially reset age of 457.3 Ma. This suggests that the LHS underwent downward heating, resulting in a thermal print on the upper part of the LHS; however, the thermal effect was not sufficient to anneal ZFT totally in the deeper part. Presently, the nappe cover is eroded and denuded from this area. Detrital zircons from the Chappani Formation in Tansen area to the south of the Bari Gad Fault did not show any evidence of annealing, suggesting that nappe never covered the LHS distributed to the south of the fault.  相似文献   
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