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Shoreline positions established from beach profile surveys combined with wave data are jointly analyzed, as a function of their contribution to coastal processes, to investigate the interaction between waves, shoreline orientation and coastal structures along the Nile delta promontories, Rosetta, Burullus and Damietta. Repeated beach profile surveys along the promontory sectors (64 km long in total) have been analyzed to determine rates of shoreline changes prior to construction (1971–1990) and after construction of protective structures (1990–2000). The behavior of coastline pre- and post-construction indicates that coastal erosion fronting protective structures has declined in the case of the seawalls at the tips of the Rosetta and Damietta promontories, or has been partially replaced by sand accumulation in the case of detached breakwaters at Baltim (east of Burullus promontory) and at Ras El Bar (west of the Damietta promontory). As a consequence, downdrift erosion has been initiated in local areas adjacent to these structures in the direction of longshore sediment transport. The 5-km-long seawall protecting the Rosetta promontory has stopped the dramatic erosion of this highly eroded area (formerly shoreward retreated 88 m/year), with adverse local erosion at its west and east ends, being 3 and 13 m/year, respectively. Similarly, the 6-km-long seawall built on the eastern tip of the Damietta Promontory, still under construction, has nearly stopped the severe erosion, which was formerly 10 m/year. The detached breakwaters at both Baltim and at Ras El Bar have accumulated sand at accretion rates of 37 and 14 m/year, respectively. This sand accumulation is associated with downdrift erosion of 25 and 13 m/year at Baltim and Ras El Bar, respectively. Results reaffirm that the original erosion/accretion patterns along the Nile delta promontories have been reshaped due to the massive protective structures built during the last decade. This reshaping along the examined promontories is generally controlled by the temporal variability in the intensity and reversibility of wave directions and associated longshore currents, coastline orientation and by the existing coastal protection structures.  相似文献   
: The knowledge of the volume and duration of low-flow events in river channels is essential for water management and the design of hydraulics structures. In this study, both preceding characteristics, X 1 and X 2, are considered simultaneously via two types of bivariate distributions whose marginals are exponential. One of these bivariate distributions has been presented by Nagao and Kadoya (1971) and the other has been used by Singh and Singh (1991) to the study of rainfall intensity and rainfall depth. The results are applied to the low-flow series (“peaks-below-threshold”) of Lepreau River (station 01AQ001) in New Brunswick, Canada. These results show that the model that was successfully employed by Singh and Singh (1991) to study rainfall, presents certain difficulties when a very strong correlation, ρ, between the two random variables X 1 and X 2, exists. The model by Nagao and Kadoya (1971) seems to be more satisfactory for such situations, although this model seems also to be quite sensitive to variations in ρ.  相似文献   
A bivariate analysis of the volume and duration of low-flow events   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
: The knowledge of the volume and duration of low-flow events in river channels is essential for water management and the design of hydraulics structures. In this study, both preceding characteristics, X 1 and X 2, are considered simultaneously via two types of bivariate distributions whose marginals are exponential. One of these bivariate distributions has been presented by Nagao and Kadoya (1971) and the other has been used by Singh and Singh (1991) to the study of rainfall intensity and rainfall depth. The results are applied to the low-flow series (“peaks-below-threshold”) of Lepreau River (station 01AQ001) in New Brunswick, Canada. These results show that the model that was successfully employed by Singh and Singh (1991) to study rainfall, presents certain difficulties when a very strong correlation, ρ, between the two random variables X 1 and X 2, exists. The model by Nagao and Kadoya (1971) seems to be more satisfactory for such situations, although this model seems also to be quite sensitive to variations in ρ.  相似文献   
Development of a diagenetic anhydrite bed at the base of the Cretaceous Maha Sarakham Saline Formation (the `Basal Anhydrite' member) of the Khorat Plateau in north-eastern Thailand took place due to leaching and/or pressure dissolution of salt at the contact between an underlying active sandstone aquifer system and an overlying massive halite-dominated evaporite sequence. Basal evaporites composed of halite with intercalated anhydrite of the latter sequence are undergoing dissolution as a result of subsurface flushing, with anhydrite produced as the insoluble residue. The result is a 1·1 m thick interval of nodular anhydrite displaying unique, basin-wide continuity. Observed textures, petrographic features and chemical data from the anhydrite and associated authigenic minerals support the origin of the Basal Anhydrite Member as an accumulation residue from the dissolution of the Maha Sarakham salts. Petrographically, the anhydrite in this unit is made up of crystals that are blocky and recrystallized, sheared, generally elongated and broken, and is bounded at the bottom by organic-rich stylolite surfaces. Authigenic and euhedral dolomite and calcite crystals are associated with the anhydrite. Traces of pyrite, galena and chalcopyrite are present along the stylolite surfaces suggesting supply of fresh water from the underlying sandstone at highly reducing conditions of burial. The δ34S of sulphate in the Basal Anhydrite averages 15 ‰ (CDT) and falls within the isotopic composition of the anhydrite in the Cretaceous Maha Sarakham Formation proper and the Cretaceous values of marine evaporites. Measured δ18O in dolomite range from ?4·37 to ?14·26‰ (PDB) suggesting a re-equilibration of dolomite with basinal water depleted in 18O and possible recrystallization of dolomite under relatively elevated temperatures. The δ13C, however, varies from +1·57 to ?2·53‰ (PDB) suggesting a contribution of carbon from oxidation of organic matter. This basal anhydrite bed, similar to basinwide beds found at the bottom of many giant evaporite sequences, has always been considered to be depositional. Here, at the base of the Maha Sarakham Formation, we demonstrate that the anhydrite is diagenetic in origin and was formed by accumulation of original anhydrite by dissolution of interbedded halite from waters circulating though the underlying aquifer: it represents an `upside-down' caprock.  相似文献   
The geodynamic model of the Palaeozoic basin opening of central Jebilet has been unknown before this study in spite of the abundance in the geological studies carried out in the studied sector using conventional methods. This is due to the scarcity of the key beds and synsedimentary structures. Using the synergy between the image data of the Landsat satellite TM sensor and the ground data, we have highlighted, herein, new structural data allowing the design of a new model of the Palaeozoic basin opening of central Jebilet. This opening could have been made according to dextral submeridian transverse faults with the individualization of subequatorial normal faults. To cite this article: A. El Harti et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
The study of calcareous nodules from four organic-rich black shale series allows us to suggest a prominent part for benthic organisms in creating heterogeneities in the sediment, thus favouring microbially mediated early diagenesis based on organic matter consumption. To cite this article: J.-G. Bréhéret et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
The area of Wadi Um Gir, Central Eastern Desert of Egypt, is covered by Basement rocks of Late Precambrian age namely; the postgeosynclinal (Hammamat) sediments, intruded by a bostonite dyke of the younger postorogenic volcanics. The radioactive anomaly discovered at Wadi Urn Gir is a typical vein-type hydrothermal occurrence structurally controlled by a major fault which is among the youngest faults related to the formation of the Red Sea Rift Valley during Tertiary times. The net slip of this fault is determined by the orthographic projection method to be 260 m.Hydrothermal alteration is intense along the fault zone, and is represented by successive bands mainly of hematite, kaolinitic clays, carbonates, etc.The radioactivity is normally distributed in the fresh rocks with anomalous readings connected to the altered bostonite rock in the fault zone. The abnormal high radioactivity is found to be mainly due to secondary uranium mineralization, with a uranium content of 0.065%, and in a radioactive disequilibrium with slight deficiency of daughter elements which may be due to redistribution by the effect of ground water. The uranium mineralization is usually present as fracture-fillings or forming thin fissure veinlets mostly with hematitic alteration bands along the fault zone.Genetically; repeated movement along the major fault resulted in intense fracturing of the bostonite rocks and reopening of the tectonically related fissures. The fault provided an easy channel for the passage of the contemporaneous or immediately ascending uranium-bearing solutions. Subsequently, alteration of bostonite and radioactive mineralization took place in the secondary tension fractures. The physico-chemical conditions of the altered and sheared bostonite rocks afforded the favourable conditions for the deposition of uranium minerals carried by the hydrothermal fluids along the opened fractures.
Zusammenfassung Das Gebiet »Wadi Um Gir« in der zentralarabischen Wüste Ägyptens besteht aus Basisgesteinen von Präkambrischem Alter. Es handelt sich um die postgeosynklinale »Hammamat«-Serie, deren Sedimentabfolge von einem Bostonitgang des jüngeren postorogenen Vulkanismus durchbrochen wird.Eine Radioaktivitätsanomalie wurde in »Wadi Um Gir« festgestellt. Sie bildet ein typisch-gangartiges hydrothermales Vorkommen und ist von einem Hauptbruch der mit der Entstehung des Rotmeergrabens verbundenen jungen Brüche bestimmt. Eine Berechnung der Sprunghöhe dieser Verwerfung mit der orthographischen Projektionsmethode ergab einen Wert von 260 m.Intensive hydrothermale Umwandlung der Muttergesteine kommt entlang der Bruchzone vor. Sie besteht unter anderem aus Successiven Streifen von hämatitischem, kaolinitischem und karbonatischem Material.Die Radioaktivität, deren Verteilung in den frischen Gesteinen normal ist, zeigt Anomalien nur noch im Zusammenhang mit dem umgewandelten Bostonit der Bruchzone, wobei die abnormal hohen Radioaktivitäts-Werte mit der sekundären Uran-Mineralisation (Urangehalt 0,065%) in Einklang stehen. Es besteht jedoch durch geringe Verarmung an gewissen Tochterelementen eine Gleichgewichtsstörung. Dies könnte auf die Umverteilung durch Grundwassereinflüsse zurückgeführt werden.Genetische Überlagerungen führen zu der Annahme, daß die wiederholte Bewegung entlang der Hauptbruchzone eine intensive Fraktur der Bostonitgesteine veranlaßt hat. Dies führte zur mehrfachen Öffnung der in Zusammenhang stehenden Spalten und damit bildeten sich Bahnen für die aufsteigenden, syngenetischen, uranhaltigen Lösungen.Die Anlagerung uranhaltiger Mineralien in den sekundären Spannungsbrüchen wurde durch die physiko-chemischen Verhältnisse des umgewandelten und abgescherten Bestonits gewährleistet.

Wadi Um Gir - . , , . . , . 260 . . , . , , , . . . , . .. . - .
The objective of this study was to investigate the removal mechanism of U(VI) from groundwater by magnetite as the main product of anoxic steel corrosion. For this purpose, a systematic sequence of batch experiments was conducted to focus the active role of magnetite in the reduction of U under different conditions. Results indicated that under anoxic conditions U(VI) was sorbed at the magnetite surface, whereas under reducing conditions at different H2(g) pressures, U was present in tetravalent form as amorphous UO2.  相似文献   
Natural Resources Research - Soil characterization in coastal areas is essential for strategic coastal engineering implementation and for understanding the paleo-environmental conditions. However,...  相似文献   
The study examines rupture of evaporating liquid bridges between two glass spheres. Evolution of the bridge profile has been recorded with the use of high-speed camera. Geometrical characteristics of the bridge were then used to calculate evolution of the variables during the process: Laplace pressure, capillary force, and surface tension force. For the purpose of reference, the bridge evolution is followed also during kinematic extension. During both processes the diameter of the neck decreases, with an acceleration of about 1–2 ms before the rupture. Two distinct rupture modes are observed, depending on the bridge aspect ratio. After the rupture, the mass of liquid splits, forming two separate oscillating drops attached to the spheres, and a suspended satellite droplet. Just before the rupture, an increasing repulsive Laplace pressure, and decreasing negative surface tension force develop. Capillary force follows the trend of the surface tension force, with an accelerating decline. Duration of the whole process and liquid mass stabilization is from 10 to 60 ms.  相似文献   
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