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The partitioning of divalent (Co, Ni) and trivalent (Sc, Cr) trace elements between olivine, ortho- and clinopyroxene and spinel from spinel peridotite xenoliths has been investigated. These peridotites cover a wide range in modal composition from dunite to primitive lherzolites and have equilibrated in the upper mantle between >900° C and <1,200° C.The distribution of Co and Ni shows only minor variation through the whole sequence. In contrast, Sc partitioning between ortho- and clinopyroxene and olivine and clinopyroxene as well as Cr partitioning between olivine and clinopyroxene or olivine and orthopyroxene display high but systematic variations which can be assigned to dependences upon equilibration temperatues. Empirical temperature calibrations are given for Sc-orthopyroxene/clinopyroxene, Sc-olivine/clinopyroxene and Cr-olivine/clinopyroxene which, in principle, may permit to estimate equilibration temperatures not only for lherzolites or harzburgites but for orthopyroxene-free peridotites, too.Sc and Ni partition coefficients between spinel and mantle silicate minerals are primarily dependent upon the major element composition of spinel (e.g. Cr and Al) although a temperature dependence can still be identified. Probably such compositional effects are not observed for trace element partitioning between pyroxenes and olivine or ortho- and clinopyroxene only for the reason that in normal spinel peridotites these minerals show much less variation in major element composition than their coexisting spinels.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Im schwach bis mäßig metamorphen Grundgebirge des Chonos-Archipels in Südchile werden erstmals drei Formationen unterschieden: Die wahrscheinlich kambro-ordovizische Canal-King-Formation besteht überwiegend aus Phylliten und Glimmerschiefern mit Einlagerungen von Grünschiefern. Die schwächer metamorphe Potranca-Formation ist im wesentlichen devonisch und besteht aus Tonschiefern, unreinen Sandsteinen, Phylliten und Quarziten. Die vermutlich jungpaläozoische Canal-Pérez-Sur-Formation besteht aus Tonschiefern und Sandsteinen und zeigt fast gar keine Metamorphose.Das Gebiet ist mehrfach kompliziert gefaltet worden. Nach einer vermutlich vorvariszischen, nur noch stellenweise erkennbaren Faltung und schwachen Metamorphose folgte etwa im Unterkarbon eine kräftige variszische Faltung, die ein NNW—SSE-streichendes Gebirge schuf. Spätere, vermutlich oberpermische bis höchstens mitteltriassische Nachläufer der variszischen Faltung schufen Faltenachsen in NNE—SSW-Richtung.Das Untersuchungsgebiet stellt ein Glied in der Kette von präandinen Orogenen im südlichen Südamerika dar, deren Alter im großen ganzen gesehen nach Süden hin abnimmt.
Three formations are distinguished for the first time within the weakly to moderately metamorphic basement of the Chonos Archipelago in southern Chile: The probably Cambro-Ordovician Canal King Formation consists mainly of phyllites and micaschists with intercalations of greenschists. The less metamorphic Potranca Formation is essentially of Devonian age and consists of slates, impure sandstones, phyllites and quartzites. The Canal Pérez Sur Formation is probably of Upper Paleozoic age; it consists of slates and sandstones and shows nearly no metamorphism at all.The area has been folded complexly several times. After a supposed pre-Hercynian folding and metamorphism which can be recognized only in places, about in the Lower Carboniferous a strong Hercynian folding occurred, causing a NNW—SSE striking mountain chain. Possibly between Upper Permian and Middle Triassic times, late phases of the Hercynian folding created NNE—SSW striking fold axes.The investigated area forms a part of the pre-andine orogenic chains of southern South America, whose ages are on the whole decreasing from North to South.

Resumen En el basamento débil a moderadamente metamórfico del Archipiélago de los Chonos en Chile Austral, por primera vez se distinguen tres formaciones: La Formación Canal King, de probable edad cambroordovícica, contiene mayormente filitas y micaesquistos con algunas intercalaciones de esquistos verdes. La Formación Potranca, de edad esencialmente devónica, consiste de pizarras, areniscas impuras, filitas y cuarcitas. La Formación Canal Pérez Sur, de presunta edad permocarbonífera, consiste de pizarras y areniscas, y aparentemente no muestra metamorfismo.La región ha sido plegada varias veces y de manera compleja. Después de un plegamiento probablemente pre-varíscico y un metamorfismo débil que sólo en ciertas partes se reconocen, alrededor del Carbónico inferior un plegamiento fuerte varíscico produjo un orógeno de rumbo NNW—SSE. Fases tardías del ciclo varíscico, acontecidas probablemente entre el Pérmico superior y el Triásico medio, crearon ejes de pliegues en dirección NNE—SSW.El área investigada forma un eslabón de la cadena de orógenos pre-andinos en el cono Sur de Sudamérica cuya edad en grandes rasgos disminuye hacia el Sur.

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Seasonal estimates of the oceanic poleward heat transport are obtained using a climate model that is a global atmospheric general circulation model on an 8° × 10° grid. The climate model is used to calculate the surface heat flux into each ocean grid point for each day of the year. The rate of ocean heat storage is calculated using climatological surface temperatures, mixed layer depths, and ice amounts. By assuming that the rate of change of heat storage in the deep ocean is spatially constant, the horizontal transports are calculated from the vertical fluxes and the upper ocean storage rates. The oceanic meridional transport for each latitude and for each ocean basin are derived, and results are compared with other calculations of the seasonal transports. In the Northern Hemisphere, comparisons between the simulated seasonal transports indicate that the annual variation is much greater in the Pacific than in the Atlantic.  相似文献   
The distribution of 137Cs from the Sellafield (Windscale) nuclear fuel reprocessing plant has been examined in detail in the surface intertidal sediments of the inner Solway Firth by means of a hovercraft-borne radiometric survey. With the exception of a belt of relatively active sands to the south of Silloth, caesium distribution is generally consistent with that of fine-grained sediment such that the highest concentrations occur in mud flat and salt marsh sediments which are most extensive in sheltered coastal embayments. 137Cs activities in July 1980 were typically 2–30 pCi g?1 but locally exceeded 50 pCi g?1. These levels are considerably lower than those recorded in locations, such as the outer Solway and Ravenglass estuary, which are closer to the Sellafield outfall.  相似文献   
Using reciprocal theorems for dynamic and static boundary value problems, boundary integral equations are presented for wave propagation in elastic, isotropic media and compressible, inviscid fluids in the time domain as well as in the frequency domain. For the analysis of fluid–soil and fluid–structure systems, suitable coupling conditions are prescribed along the interfaces. The numerical treatment of the boundary integral equations consists of a point collocation and of a discretization of the boundary, in which constant and linear approximation functions are assumed. Step-by-step integration is applied to the time-dependent equations, where again the states are taken to be linear and constant over each time interval. These boundary element procedures are used to analyse the response of dams due to horizontal and vertical ground motions considering dam–water interaction and absorption of hydrodynamic pressure waves at the reservoir bottom or at the far end into the soil medium. Both the frequency response and the impulse generated transient response are investigated.  相似文献   
Zeolites, calcite, quartz, kaolinite, chlorite and other authigenic minerals occur in the non-marine sandstones of the Lower Cretaceous Blairmore Group of the southern Alberta Foothills, Canada. Zeolites are restricted to plagioclase-rich sandstones and do not occur with kaolinite. Laumontite and barian-strontian heulandite (containing up to 6.9 weight percent BaO and 4.1 weight percent SrO) generally occur as pore fillings, but laumontite also occurs within albitized plagioclase. About 80 percent of plagioclase grains examined by electron microprobe are partly to completely albitized. A structural-stratigraphic reconstruction of the areas sampled indicate maximum burial depths, including tectonic thickening, in the range 4.7 to 7.8 Km, with P load ~1 to ~2 Kb, respectively. A comparison of mineral assemblages in Blairmore rocks with published experimental data suggest T did not exceed ~250°–280°C, depending on the load pressure. If P H2OP load, the presence of laumontite and albite suggest minimum T on the order of 150°–180°C. The lack of lawsonite suggests P-load <3Kb, which is compatible with structural-stratigraphic data. The occurrence of the alternative assemblages calcite-kaolinite-quartz and laumontite implies gradients in f CO2/f HO2. Assemblages containing laumontite presumably equilibrated with fluids having X CO2a Mg++/a (H+)2. X-ray diffraction studies on disordered graphitic material indicate a comparable degree of graphitization between Blairmore graphitic material and that found in zeolite facies assemblages elsewhere. If log f O2 were at least as low as that defined by quartz-magnetite-fayalite buffer, disordered graphite could not have equilibrated with fluids of the same composition as those equilibrated with laumontite or kaolinite.  相似文献   
Petrographic, chemical and mineralogical data are presented on the Oetztal eclogites and their co-existing minerals. The available evidence indicates that they constitute the metamorphic derivates of an original gabbroic rock, the plagioclase and clinopyroxene of which reacted to form the garnet, omphacite and kyanite components of the eclogites. According to the available subsolidus experimental data these reactions are believed to have taken place in a 6–10 kb pressure range at about 550°–750° C.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Eine Auszählung schwüler Stunden in San Salvador (1952–56) ergab im Vergleich mit den vonZimmermann angegebenen Potsdamer Werten einen gleichen jahres- und tageszeitlichen Verlauf, jedoch viel höhere Werte der mittleren Häufigkeit. Unter Verwendung vonScharlaus Schwülegrenzwerte=14.08 mg Hg resultiert als längste Periode unterbrochener Schwüle in San Salvador ein Wert, der den Potsdamer Höchstwert um das 28fache übertrifft.
Summary Basing on the critical value for sultriness, i. e. water vapour pressuree=14.08 mm mercury, introduced byScharlau, all sultry hours were counted in San Salvador (El Salvador) from 1952 to 1956. Comparing these values with the data of Potsdam, given byZimmermann, it is found the same annual and diurnal variation of the average frequency, but of greater magnitude in the Tropics. The longest spell of permanent sultriness in San Salvador is 28 times longer than the maximum at Potsdam.

Resumen A base del valor limítrofe, que separa el area de la bochornosidad y agradabilidad, expresado por la tensión del vapor de aguae=14.08 mm mercurio segúnScharlau, se contaron todas las horas bochornosas en San Salvador (El Salvador) durante 1952–56. Comparando estos valores con los de Potsdam, calculados porZimmermann, se ve la misma marcha anual y diaria de la frecuencia media, pero de mayor magnitud en los Trópicos. El período mas largo de la bochornosidad permanente resulta en San Salvador 28 veces mayor que el maximum en Potsdam.

Résumé Un dénombrement des heures de temps lourd et oppressif à San Salvador (1952–56) met en évidence une variation annuelle et diurne identique à celle que donnaZimmermann pour Potsdam, mais des valeurs beaucoup plus élevées de la fréquence moyenne. En adoptant la limite e=14.08 mm de mercure proposée parScharlau, la période continue de temps lourd la plus longue à San Salvador est 28 fois plus grande qu'à Potsdam.

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