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Several macroscopic physical and chemical properties, such as rheology, elasticity, or transport properties are governed by grain boundary processes. An improved understanding of the structure and evolution of grain boundaries has thus become a key challenge in geosciences and material sciences. Here, we report the structure of near Σ5 (210)/[100] grain boundaries in Y3Al5O12 (YAG), which were synthesised by the wafer direct bonding method. The produced grain boundaries were annealed at different temperatures, ranging from 673 to 1,873 K. The grain boundaries annealed at different temperatures are not distinguishable based on their flatness and apparent cohesiveness in high resolution TEM (HRTEM) micrographs, but show a considerable step in their mechanical stability at around 1,273 K, a temperature that corresponds to roughly half the melting temperature of YAG. This study further focuses on the effect of a slight misorientation of the two crystals on the grain boundary structure and we discuss if the boundary can reach a state of minimum energy configuration during annealing. Along the grain boundaries, we observed a long-range strain contrast with a periodicity of 40 nm, which has not been reported for high-angle grain boundaries so far. We conclude that this contrast is caused by faceting along the grain boundary plane, which is needed to achieve minimum energy configuration of the grain boundary plane.  相似文献   
Constraints on gold and copper ore grades in porphyry-style Cu–Au ± Mo deposits are re-examined, with particular emphasis on published fluid pressure and formation depth as indicated by fluid inclusion data and geological reconstruction. Defining an arbitrary subdivision at a molar Cu/Au ratio of 4.0 × 104, copper–gold deposits have a shallower average depth of formation (2.1 km) compared with the average depth of copper–molybdenum deposits (3.7 km), based on assumed lithostatic fluid pressure from microthermometry. The correlation of Cu/Au ratio with depth is primarily influenced by the variations of total Au grade. Despite local mineralogical controls within some ore deposits, the overall Cu/Au ratio of the deposits does not show a significant correlation with the predominant type of Cu–Fe sulfide, i.e., chalcopyrite or bornite. Primary magma source probably contributes to metal endowment on the province scale and in some individual deposits, but does not explain the broad correlation of metal ratios with the pressure of ore formation. By comparison with published experimental and fluid analytical data, the observed correlation of the Cu/Au ratio with fluid pressure can be explained by dominant transport of Cu and Au in a buoyant S-rich vapor, coexisting with minor brine in two-phase magmatic hydrothermal systems. At relatively shallow depth (approximately <3 km), the solubility of both metals decreases rapidly with decreasing density of the ascending vapor plume, forcing both Cu and Au to be coprecipitated. In contrast, magmatic vapor cooling at deeper levels (approximately >3 km) and greater confining pressure is likely to precipitate copper ± molybdenum only, while sulfur-complexed gold remains dissolved in the relatively dense vapor. Upon cooling, this vapor may ultimately contract to a low-salinity epithermal liquid, which can contribute to the formation of epithermal gold deposits several kilometers above the Au-poor porphyry Cu–(Mo) deposit. These findings and interpretations imply that petrographic inspection of fluid inclusion density may be used as an exploration indicator. Low-pressure brine + vapor systems are favorable for coprecipitation of both metals, leading to Au-rich porphyry–copper–gold deposits. Epithermal gold deposits may be associated with such shallow systems, but are likely to derive their ore-forming components from a deeper source, which may include a deeply hidden porphyry–copper ± molybdenum deposit. Exposed high-pressure brine + vapor systems, or stockwork veins containing a single type of intermediate-density inclusions, are more likely to be prospective for porphyry–copper ± molybdenum deposits.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es werden einige Produkte aus zwei (höhenabhängigen) meteorologischen Parametern auf ihre Extreme im Vertikalverlauf untersucht (z-System). Die Lage der Extreme wird in Zusammenhang gebracht mit der Lage der Schichten extremer und verschwindender Meridionalgradienten vonp, T und der Windextremschichten.
Summary In the atmosphere there exist layers with vanishing values (H-layers in Figure 2) of the meridional gradients of pressure, temperature and density. Further: There are three cases with regard of the behaviour with altitude of wind and pressure gradientz-system). Case I: both decreasing with height; case II: wind increasing, pressure gradient decreasing with height; case III: both increasing with height. Then: There exist Null Layers (N 1 connected with wind maximum,N 2 with wind minimum) which reverse the large scale vertical motion of the air. In the vertical coordinate the three cases are separated by theH- and the Null Layers. In this paper the extremes of simple product functions are brought into connection with the above mentioned layers.

Deutscher Wetterdienst, 605 Offenbach a. M. — Die Durchführung dieser Untersuchung wurde unterstützt vom US Department of the Army, European Research Office, Frankfurt/Main unter Kontrakt Nr. DA-91-591-EUC-3237.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die nur leicht gefalteten Westpyrenäen erlauben, die Stellung des dortigen Albflysch in seinem paläogeographischen Rahmen zu rekonstruieren. Die Sedimentologie der Sandsteine, ihre Körnung, Zusammensetzung, Transportrichtung sowie die Gefällsverhältnisse des Meeresbodens ließen sich flächenhaft darstellen. Daran schließen sich einige kritische Bemerkungen zum Flyschproblem, insbesondere zur Rolle der turbidity currents.
The Western Pyrenees are but slightly deformed. They allow a determination of their Albian Flysch in its paleogeographic evironment. A complete sedimentology of the sandstones in question including transport-directions and, gradients of its marine sedimentary environment could be lined out. Critical remarks concerning Flysch problems and, turbidites are attached.

Résumé Les Pyrénées orientales, qui ne sont que faiblement plissées, permettent de retracer la situation du flysch albien dans son cadre paléogéographique. La sédimentologie des grès, leur granularité, leur composition, la direction du transport ainsi que le gradient de pente du fond de la mer peuvent être figurés suivant son étendue. Viennent ensuite quelques remarques critiques sur le problème du flysch, en particulier sur le rôle des courants de turbidité.

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Summary The observational material of 138 stations, which had during the July 1957 to December 1958 IGY period made obervations of global radiation along the longitude 10°E (±10°) between the latitudes 47°S and 70°N, had been evaluated to obtain mean monthly and annual totals of global radiation for 12 different latitudes along thea/n-meridian. The sums are compared with theoretical results obtained byBudyko, Black, andBernhardt andPhilipps. These theoretically computed values are drawn graphically or numerically from charts or tables of thea/n-authors for the coordinates corresponding to the means of the relevant IGY stations. In hardly a case the measured annual totals deviate by more than 10% from theoretical values. In hardly a case the measured annual totals deviate by more than 10% from theoretical values. TheBudyko data are the nearest approximation to the measured ones;Black's computation shows the greatest deviation. In the 0 to 47° S zone theoretical values are actually exceeded by to 20%.The annual variation is marked by the following deviations as compared to the theoretical results: In the region north to 50° latitude in October, November and January only 80% of the theoretically computed amount of radiation was observed, while in the remaining months the monthly totals are within a ±10% boundary of the theoretical values; in March about 20% above normal global radiation was observed. Between 30° and 50°N the measured data in autumn, winter and spring 10 to 20% below the theoretical values, in the remaining time of the year the deviation is less than ±10%. A comparison with cloud conditions (relative sunshine duration) suggests that deviations cannot be interpreted merely by deviating cloud conditions of this zone. Between 0° and 30°N only January and February are 10% below theoretical values, while in August to October the totals were 10 to 15% above. South of the equator from October to May (southern summer) the radiation totals were too high by up to 25%, while in the remaining time of the year the data were about 10% below theoretical values; it should be noted that deviation increases with increasing southern latitude. For comparison theAshbel IGY global radiation charts were used which indicate similar deviations from theoretical values; there are also some differences to microcard values.There is reason to suggest that there is a complex relation between the observed deviations and variation of the large-scale circulation during IGY. The results of the small number of available turbidity measurements (Central European area only) can be interpreted in the same way. To what extent the observed deviations from theoretical values are due to weather conditions deviating during the IGY period from normal or originate from inconsistencies in the theoretical consideration cannot definition be said until inspection of the complete IGY cloud and turbidity data and the availability of the climatological material which served for the theoretical work. The latter was only the case in theBernhardt andPhilipps paper.
Zusammenfassung Aus 138 Stationen auf dem Meridian 10°E (±10°) zwischen –47° und +70° Breite, die während der IGJ-Periode die Globalstrahlung beobachtet haben, wurden mittlere Monats-und Jahressummen der Globalstrahlung für 12 verschiedene Breiten auf diesem Meridian berechnet. Diese Summen wurden mit den theoretischen Werten vonBudyko, Black, undBernhardt undPhilipps verglichen. Die gemessenen Summen weichen meist um höchstens 10% von den theoretischen Werten ab. Die Werte vonBudyko kommen den gemessenen am nächsten, die vonBlack zeigen die grössten Abweichungen. Für die Zone zwischen 0° und 47° südlicher Breite liegen die gemessenen Werte jedoch durchwegs um 8 bis 20% über den theoretischen. Im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf traten folgende bemerkenswerte Abweichungen gegen die theoretischen Werte auf: Nördlich 50° Breite erhielten die Monate Oktober, November und Januar nur etwa 80% der theoretischen Strahlungssummen, in den anderen Monaten stimmten die Summen innerhalb 10% mit den theoretischen Werten überein, der März erhielt etwa 20% übernormale Globalstrahlung. Zwischen 30° und 50° nördlicher Breite lagen die gemessenen Werte besonders im Herbst, Winter und Frühling 10 bis 20% unter den theoretischen. Die Abweichungen können nicht allein der Bewölkung in dieser Zone zugeschrieben werden. Südlich des Äquators wiesen die Monate Oktober bis Mai (Südsommer!) bis zu 25% zu hohe Strahlungssummen auf. Die zum Vergleich herangezogenen Karten vonAshbel ergeben ähnliche Abweichungen gegen die theoretischen Werte, wenn auch einige Unterschiede gegen die hier veröffentlichten Summen auftreten.Ein komplexer Zusammenhang zwischen diesen Abweichungen und der grossräumigen Zirkulation im IGJ scheint zu bestehen. Auch die wenigen Trübungsmessungen (nur mitteleuropäische Stationen) können im gleichen Sinne gedeutet werden. Inwieweit die beobachteten Abweichungen der Strahlung von den theoretischen Werten auf den im Mittel abweichenden Witterungsverhältnissen der IGJ-Periode beruhen oder auf Unstimmigkeiten der theoretischen Werte, lässt sich aus dem vorliegenden Material noch nicht definitiv entscheiden.
Zusammenfassung Zur Messung der atmosphärischen Gegenstrahlung im Spektralbereich von 7,5 bis 26 bei geringem Wasserdampfgehalt der Atmosphäre wurde ein Gitterspektrograph auf der Hochalpinen Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch eingesetzt. Gleichzeitig wurde der totale Wasserdampfgehalt der Atmosphäre optisch kontrolliert. Hierzu wurde ein Interferenzfilter-Aktinograph verwendet, der die Absorption der Sonnenstrahlung in der 1,38 -Wasserdampfbande mißt. Die Geräte werden beschrieben und die Eichverfahren erläutert. Als erste Ergebnisse werden einige Emissionsspektren und Tagesgänge des totalen Wasserdampfgehaltes gezeigt.Summary For measuring the atmospheric radiation within the spectral region from 7,5 to 26 at small amounts of precipitable water, a grating spectrometer was put into action at the Hochalpine Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch. At the same time the amount of precipitable water was optically controlled by means of an interference filter actinograph, which measures the absorption of sun radiation within the 1,38 -water vapour band. The equipment and its calibration is described. As first results some emission-spectra and diurnal variations of precipitable water are given.
Résumé Un spectrographe à réseau a été utilisé à la station de recherches alpines du Jungfraujoch pour mesurer le rayonnement atmosphérique dans la bande spectrale située entre 7,5 et 26 de longueur d'ondes pour une faible concentration en vapeur d'eau de l'atmosphère. On a contrôlé simultanément, par procédé optique, la teneur totale en vapeur d'eau de l'atmosphère. Pour ce faire, on s'est servi d'un actinographe muni d'un filtre à interférences qui mesure l'absorption du rayonnement solaire dans la bande de 1,38 (vapeur d'eau). Les appareils sont décrits ici ainsi que la méthode d'étalonnage qui s'y rapporte. Comme premiers résultats, on présente quelques spectres d'émission ainsi que des courbes diurnes de la teneur totale de l'atmosphère en vapeur d'eau.

Mit 6 Textabbildungen

Vortrag, gehalten auf der meteorologischen Tagung in Rauris, Österreich, 7. bis 9. September 1961.Die Untersuchungen wurden mit Unterstützung der Cambridge Research Laboratories, OAR, durch das European Office, Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, durchgeführt.  相似文献   
Observations made on 8 and 9 May 1988 by aircraft and two ships in and around the marginal ice zone of the Fram Strait during on-ice air flow under cloudy and cloud-free conditions are presented.The thermodynamic modification of the air mass moving from the open water to the ice over horizontal distances of 100–300 km is only a few tenth of a degree for temperature and a few tenth of a gram per kilogram for specific humidity. This is due to the small temperature differences between sea and ice surfaces. During the day, the ice surface is even warmer than the sea surface. The stably stratified 200–400 m deep boundary layer is often topped by a moisture inversion leading to downward fluxes of sensible as well as latent heat.The radiation and energy balance at the surface are measured as functions of ice cover, cloud cover and sun elevation angle. The net radiationR Nis the dominating term of the energy budget. During the day, the difference ofR Nbetween clear and overcast sky is only a few W/m2 over ice, but 100–200 W/m2 over water. During the night,R Nover ice is more sensitive to cloud cover.The kinematic structure is characterized by strong shears of the longitudinal and the transversal wind component. The profile of the latter one shows an inflection point near the top of the boundary layer. Dynamically-driven roll circulations are numerically separated from the mean flow. The secondary flow patterns have wavelengths of about 1 km and contribute substantially to the total variances and covariances.  相似文献   
The moments of time to first passage of the response process of the linear oscillator excited by a stationary wide-band process are obtained numerically for the symmetric two-sided barrier problem. A recursive set of partial differential equations governing the moments is solved using a Petrov-Galerkin finite element method. Stable, accurate solutions for the first few moments are calculated over a wide range of oscillator damping.  相似文献   
After compressive axialsymmetric deformation galena, halite, fluorite, sphalerite and magnetite show preferred orientation of the lattice. In all minerals the 〈110〉 direction is aligned with the axis of compression, but halite shows a second component with 〈100〉 parallel to the axis of compression. In extension tests of halite the 〈111〉 direction is aligned with the axis of the specimen. All these preferred orientations are consistent with the Taylor-theory of preferred orientation for axialsymmetric flow of metals. In order to make use of the extended and improved versions of the Taylor-theory it is necessary to get more data on the behaviour of single crystals during deformation and to have complete quantitative polefigures of deformed mineral specimens which permit the calculaton of the orientation distribution function and inverse polefigures.  相似文献   
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