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We report on the first meteorite search campaign in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The geology and proximity of our search region suggest that it is the north‐western extension of the Oman meteorite fields. We found 26 ordinary chondrites, bringing the total number of official meteorites from the UAE to 28. The campaign was organized and conducted in close cooperation with the UAE government and the main masses of the meteorites remained in the country where they will become part of an exhibition. The bulk composition of five meteorite and three soil samples indicates an uptake of U, Mo, Sr, Ba, Li, and Pb from the soil into the meteorites during terrestrial weathering. Terrestrial ages determined from 14C decay of 21 meteorites range from recent falls to 24.4 ka, with two meteorites having >37 ka and approximately 39 ka, respectively. Weak correlations between weathering degree, meteorite bulk chemical composition, and terrestrial age suggest highly localized weathering conditions, possibly related to abundant occurrences of sabkhas in the search region.  相似文献   
The Andean Plateau of NW Argentina is a prominent example of a high‐elevation orogenic plateau characterized by internal drainage, arid to hyper‐arid climatic conditions and a compressional basin‐and‐range morphology comprising thick sedimentary basins. However, the development of the plateau as a geomorphic entity is not well understood. Enhanced orographic rainout along the eastern, windward plateau flank causes reduced fluvial run‐off and thus subdued surface‐process rates in the arid hinterland. Despite this, many Puna basins document a complex history of fluvial processes that have transformed the landscape from aggrading basins with coalescing alluvial fans to the formation of multiple fluvial terraces that are now abandoned. Here, we present data from the San Antonio de los Cobres (SAC) area, a sub‐catchment of the Salinas Grandes Basin located on the eastern Puna Plateau bordering the externally drained Eastern Cordillera. Our data include: (a) new radiometric U‐Pb zircon data from intercalated volcanic ash layers and detrital zircons from sedimentary key horizons; (b) sedimentary and geochemical provenance indicators; (c) river profile analysis; and (d) palaeo‐landscape reconstruction to assess aggradation, incision and basin connectivity. Our results suggest that the eastern Puna margin evolved from a structurally controlled intermontane basin during the Middle Miocene, similar to intermontane basins in the Mio‐Pliocene Eastern Cordillera and the broken Andean foreland. Our refined basin stratigraphy implies that sedimentation continued during the Late Mio‐Pliocene and the Quaternary, after which the SAC area was subjected to basin incision and excavation of the sedimentary fill. Because this incision is unrelated to baselevel changes and tectonic processes, and is similar in timing to the onset of basin fill and excavation cycles of intermontane basins in the adjacent Eastern Cordillera, we suspect a regional climatic driver, triggered by the Mid‐Pleistocene Climate Transition, caused the present‐day morphology. Our observations suggest that lateral orogenic growth, aridification of orogenic interiors, and protracted plateau sedimentation are all part of a complex process chain necessary to establish and maintain geomorphic characteristics of orogenic plateaus in tectonically active mountain belts.  相似文献   
Two suites of plagiogranitic rocks within the oceanic crust of the Jurassic-Cretaceous ophiolitic Nicoya complex are distinguished. High level plagiogranites (HLP) crop out at the top of the cumulate sequence in the northwestern part of the Nicoya peninsula. They are associated with iron-rich dolerites and noncumulus gabbros. Based on field relationships and geochemical characteristics (e.g. enrichment in REE and HFS elements) the origin of these rocks is explained in terms of a two stage model of fractional crystallization and filter pressing. The first stage comprises the formation of tholeiitic Fe-rich melt and a highly differentiated crystal-melt mush. The second stage is characterized by filter pressing of plagiogranitic interstitial magma. Fe-dolerites form the residual rocks. Crystal fractionation of this plagiogranitic magma is due to the formation of a rather complete series of siliceous rocks.The geochemically different low level plagiogranites (LLP) are restricted to the lowest part of the cumulate ophiolitic sequence of the Lower Nicoya complex. These rocks occur as small dikes or isolated veins within cumulus gabbros. There is some evidence of strong depletion in REE and HFS elements, high silica, and low total iron in these rocks.The samples analysed probably represent a further fractionation series of acid igneous rocks in the Lower Nicoya Complex. The geochemical features and especially the association of LLP with cumulus gabbros and amphibolites may be consistent with a genetic model of partial melting of the surrounding gabbros in the hornblende stability field during a secondary thermal event, which possibly represents the formation of an intraoceanic primitive island arc between the Caribbean and the Pacific in the Upper Cretaceous. Thus the LLP and the possibly residual amphibolites are not necessarily comagmatic with regard to the remaining oceanic igneous rocks of the Lower Nicoya Complex.
Zusammenfassung Im Unteren Nicoya-Komplex, einer als jurassisch-kretazische Ozeankruste gedeuteten Ophiolith-Sequenz, treten in zwei Stockwerken intermediäre und saure Magmatite auf: Im obersten Bereich der kumulaten Sequenz kommen High Level-Plagiogranite (HLP) vor, die eng mit Fe-reichen Doleriten vergesellschaftet sind. Diese Vorkommen sind immer an Intrusionen von Gabbros gebunden. Low Level-Plagiogranite (LLP) treten an der Basis dieser Sequenz innerhalb kumulater Gabbros zusammen mit Amphiboliten auf, ohne jedoch mit Fe-Doleriten assoziiert sein.Die Genese dieser Gesteine wird an verschiedenen Modellen diskutiert, wobei die High Level-Plagiogranite auf Grund von Geländebefunden und geochemischen Merkmalen (z. B. hohe SE- und HFS-Elementkonzentrationen) durch ein zweistufiges Modell aus fraktionierter Kristallisationsdifferentiation und Filterpressung erklärt werden. Die erste Stufe beinhaltet die Entwicklung von differenzierten Fe-reichen Schmelzen in einem tholeiitischen Fraktionierungstrend. In einem späten Stadium bildet sich ein Gemisch aus Festphasen und intermediärer, plagiogranitischer Restschmelze. Die zweite Stufe beschreibt im Zusammenhang mit dem mechanischen Auspressen dieser Schmelzen in unterschiedlichen Differentiationsstadien die Entstehung separater Plagiogranitschmelzen und die Deutung der Fe-Dolerite als Residualgesteine. Durch weitere Fraktionierungsprozesse in der Plagiogranitschmelze entwickeln sich danach in einer kontinuierlichen Differentiationsreihe zunehmend saure Plagiogranite.Die Low Level-Plagiogranite weisen demgegenüber grundsätzlich verschiedene Haupt- und Spurenelementcharakteristiken auf. Sie tendieren zu höheren SiO2- und geringeren Fe-Konzentrationen. Soweit aus den wenigen bisher vorliegenden Daten hervorgeht, sind sie verglichen mit den HLP deutlich an HFS-Elementen und Seltenen Erden verarmt. Die chemische Variabilität der LLP kennzeichnet wahrscheinlich eine weitere Fraktionierungsreihe saurer Magmatite im Unteren Nicoya-Komplex mit im Laufe der Differentiation steigenden HFS- und SEE-Konzentrationen. Wenig differenzierte LLP sind im Gegensatz zu der Differentiationsreihe der HLP nicht in den analysierten Proben repräsentiert, so da\ die Interpretation ihrer Genese teilweise spekulativ bleibt. Dennoch passen der Chemismus und insbesondere das geologische Umfeld zum genetischen Modell einer Bildung saurer plagiogranitischer Schmelzen durch einen sekundären, partiellen Aufschmelzungsproze\ der umgebenden Gabbros innerhalb des Hornblende-Stabilitätsfeldes im Zuge eines weiteren Wärmeereignisses, wobei Gabbros und Amphibolite als Edukte bzw. Residualgesteine interpretiert werden könnten.Ein mögliches sekundäres Wärmeereignis kann mit der Intrusion von basischen Schmelzen in den Unteren Nicoya-Komplex bei der Bildung eines primitiven, oberkretazischen Inselbogens zwischen Pazifik und Karibik verbunden sein. Bei einer solchen Genese würden die LLP und die restitischen Amphibolite im Gegensatz zu den HLP nicht notwendigerweise als komagmatisch und damit zeitgleich zu den übrigen Magmatiten des Unteren NicoyaKomplexes gelten.

Resumen Dos series de plagiogranitos existen en el Complejo de Nicoya Inferior. Este complejo ofiolítico representa una litosfera oceánica de edad Jurásico hasta Cretácico Inferior. Plagiogranitos del nivel alto (high level plagiogranites, HLP) afloran en la parte superior de la secuencia acumulada en la peninsula de Nicoya. Están asociadas con doleritas ricas en hierro dentro de gabros intrusivos. Con respeto a la composición geoquímica y las relaciones con rocas básicas en el campo, el origen de los plagiogranitos está explicado por un modelo, que consiste de cristalización fraccionada y de filtración a presión.Plagiogranitos del nivel bajo (low level plagiogranites, LLP) aloran en la parte inferior de la secuencia acumulada en la peninsula de Santa Elena. La composición geoquímica y la asociación de estas rocas ácidas con gabros de textura acumulada y con anfibolitas coinciden con un modelo, que describe la formación de los LLP por una fusión parcial de las rocas básicas asociadas. Un evento termal, que posiblemente da lugar a una fusión parcial está representado por el origen del Complejo de Nicoya Superior, el cual se formó como arco insular primitivo en el límite intraoceánico de las placas del Caribe y del Pacífico.

— - — , . (HLP) . . , (LLP), , . , , ( .: REE HFS, ), - , , , . , . , . , , ; , . . LLP : SiO2 . , , , — HLP — HFS. HLP , LLP , . , , , . , . LLP — HLP — , - .
Heiko Paeth 《Climate Dynamics》2011,36(7-8):1321-1336
Rainfall represents an important factor in agriculture and food security, particularly, in the low latitudes. Climatological and hydrological studies which attempt to diagnose the hydrological cycle, require high-quality precipitation data. In West Africa, like in many parts of the world, the density of observational data is low and climate models are needed in order to perform homogeneous and complete data sets. However, climate models tend to produce systematic errors, especially, in terms of rainfall and cloud processes, which are usually approximated by physical parameterizations. In this study, a 25-year climatology of monthly precipitation in West Africa is presented, derived from a regional climate model simulation, and evaluated with respect to observational data. It is found that the model systematically underestimates the rainfall amount and variability and does not capture some details of the seasonal cycle in sub-Saharan West Africa. Thus, in its present form the precipitation climatology is not appropriate to draw a realistic picture of the hydrological cycle in West Africa nor to serve as input data for impact research. Therefore, a statistical model is developed in order to adjust the simulated rainfall data to the characteristics of observed precipitation. Assuming that the regional climate model is much more reliable in terms of atmospheric circulation and thermodynamics, model output statistics is used to correct simulated rainfall by means of other simulated parameters of the near-surface climate like temperature, sea level pressure and wind components. Monthly data is adjusted by a cross-validated multiple regression model. The resulting adjusted rainfall climatology reveals a substantial improvement in terms of the model deficiencies mentioned above. In part II of this publication, the characteristics of simulated daily precipitation is adapted to station data by applying a weather generator. Once the postprocessing approach is trained, it can be extrapolated to simulation periods, for which observational data do not exist like for instance future climate.  相似文献   
The behaviour of precipitation and maximum temperature extremes in the Mediterranean area under climate change conditions is analysed in the present study. In this context, the ability of synoptic downscaling techniques in combination with extreme value statistics for dealing with extremes is investigated. Analyses are based upon a set of long-term station time series in the whole Mediterranean area. At first, a station-specific ensemble approach for model validation was developed which includes (1) the downscaling of daily precipitation and maximum temperature values from the large-scale atmospheric circulation via analogue method and (2) the fitting of extremes by generalized Pareto distribution (GPD). Model uncertainties are quantified as confidence intervals derived from the ensemble distributions of GPD-related return values and described by a new metric called “ratio of overlapping”. Model performance for extreme precipitation is highest in winter, whereas the best models for maximum temperature extremes are set up in autumn. Valid models are applied to a 30-year period at the end of the twenty-first century (2070–2099) by means of ECHAM5/MPI-OM general circulation model data for IPCC SRES B1 scenario. The most distinctive future changes are observed in autumn in terms of a strong reduction of precipitation extremes in Northwest Iberia and the Northern Central Mediterranean area as well as a simultaneous distinct increase of maximum temperature extremes in Southwestern Iberia and the Central and Southeastern Mediterranean regions. These signals are checked for changes in the underlying dynamical processes using extreme-related circulation classifications. The most important finding connected to future changes of precipitation extremes in the Northwestern Mediterranean area is a reduction of southerly displaced deep North Atlantic cyclones in 2070–2099 as associated with a strengthened North Atlantic Oscillation. Thus, the here estimated future changes of extreme precipitation are in line with the discourse about the influence of North Atlantic circulation variability on the changing climate in Europe.  相似文献   
We investigate the model sensitivity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) to anomalous freshwater flux in the tropical and northern Atlantic. Forcing in both locations leads to the same qualitative response: a positive freshwater anomaly induces a weakening of the AMOC and a negative freshwater anomaly strengthens the AMOC. Strong differences arise in the temporal characteristics and amplitude of the response. The advection of the tropical anomaly up to the deep water formation area leads to a time delayed response compared to a northern forcing. Thus, in its transient response, the AMOC is less sensitive to a constant anomalous freshwater flux in the tropics than in the north. This difference decreases with time and practically vanishes in equilibrium with constant freshwater forcing. The equilibrium response of the AMOC shows a non-linear dependence on freshwater forcing in both locations, with a stronger sensitivity to positive freshwater forcing. As a consequence, competitive forcing in both regions is balanced when the negative forcing is about 1.5 times larger than the positive forcing. The relaxation time of the AMOC after termination of a freshwater perturbation depends significantly on the AMOC strength itself. A strong overturning exhibits a faster relaxation to its unperturbed state. By means of a set of complementary experiments (pulse-perturbations, constant and stochastic forcing) we quantify these effects and discuss the corresponding time scales and physical processes.  相似文献   
Data from global and regional climate models refer to grid cells and, hence, are basically different from station data. This particularly holds for variables with enhanced spatio-temporal variability like precipitation. On the other hand, many applications like for instance hydrological models require atmospheric data with the statistical characteristics of station data. Here, we present a dynamical-statistical tool to construct virtual station data based on regional climate model output for tropical West Africa. This weather generator (WEGE) incorporates daily gridded rainfall from the model, an orographic term and a stochastic term, accounting for the chaotic spatial distribution of local rain events within a model grid box. In addition, the simulated probability density function of daily precipitation is adjusted to available station data in Benin. It is also assured that the generated data are still consistent with other model parameters like cloudiness and atmospheric circulation. The resulting virtual station data are in excellent agreement with various observed characteristics which are not explicitly addressed by the WEGE algorithm. This holds for the mean daily rainfall intensity and variability, the relative number of rainless days and the scaling of precipitation in time. The data set has already been used successfully for various climate impact studies in Benin.  相似文献   
Deposition and erosion play a key role in the determination of the sediment budget of a river basin, as well as for floodplain sedimentation. Floodplain sedimentation, in turn, is a relevant factor for the design of flood protection measures, productivity of agro‐ecosystems, and for ecological rehabilitation plans. In the Mekong Delta, erosion and deposition are important factors for geomorphological processes like the compensation of deltaic subsidence as well as for agricultural productivity. Floodplain deposition is also counteracting the increasing climate change induced hazard by sea level rise in the delta. Despite this importance, a sediment database of the Mekong Delta is lacking, and the knowledge about erosion and deposition processes is limited. In the Vietnamese part of the Delta, the annually flooded natural floodplains have been replaced by a dense system of channels, dikes, paddy fields, and aquaculture ponds, resulting in floodplain compartments protected by ring dikes. The agricultural productivity depends on the sediment and associated nutrient input to the floodplains by the annual floods. However, no quantitative information regarding their sediment trapping efficiency has been reported yet. The present study investigates deposition and erosion based on intensive field measurements in three consecutive years (2008, 2009, and 2010). Optical backscatter sensors are used in combination with sediment traps for interpreting deposition and erosion processes in different locations. In our study area, the mean calculated deposition rate is 6.86 kg/m2 (≈ 6 mm/year). The key parameters for calculating erosion and deposition are estimated, i.e. the critical bed shear stress for deposition and erosion and the surface constant erosion rate. The bulk of the floodplain sediment deposition is found to occur during the initial stage of floodplain inundation. This finding has direct implications on the operation of sluice gates in order to optimize sediment input and distribution in the floodplains. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Pu  Yuanyuan  Apel  Derek B.  Prusek  Stanislaw  Walentek  Andrzej  Cichy  Tomasz 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(1):191-203

Exact knowledge for ground stress field guarantees the construction of various underground engineering projects as well as prediction of some geological hazards such as the rock burst. Limited by costs, field measurement for initial ground stresses can be only conducted on several measure points, which necessitates back-analysis for initial stresses from limited field measurement data. This paper employed a multioutput decision tree regressor (DTR) to model the relationship between initial ground stress field and its impact factor. A full-scale finite element model was built and computed to gain 400 training samples for DTR using a submodeling strategy. The results showed that correlation coefficient r between field measurement values and back-analysis values reached 0.92, which proved the success of DTR. A neural network was employed to store the global initial ground stress field. More than 600,000 node data extracted from the full-scale finite element model were used to train this neural network. After training, the stresses on any location can be investigated by inputting corresponding coordinates into this neural network.

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