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In the critical zone, surficial bedrock interactions result in the formation of a mantle of chemically‐ and physically‐altered material defined here as regolith. In the watershed of the Río Icacos, an upland river draining the Luquillo Mountains in tropical Puerto Rico, we explored the influence of lithology (quartz diorite versus hornfels‐facies volcaniclastic rock) on weathering. Regolith profiles were studied by drilling boreholes and imaging the subsurface using ground penetrating radar (GPR). Overall, the regolith structure is not laterally continuous but rather is punctuated by zones of deep fractures that host in situ weathering, corestones, and colluvial material. GPR images of these vertical zones show reflectors at 15–20 m depth. Thus, the architecture of the critical zone in the upper Luquillo Mountains is highly dependent on lithology and its influence on fracture development. At the highest elevations where hornfels overlies quartz diorite, positive feedbacks occur when the water table drops so that oxidative weathering of biotite in the more felsic rock creates microfractures and allows deeper infiltration of meteoric waters. Such exposure results in some of the fastest weathering rocks in the world and may contribute to formation of the knickpoint in the Río Icacos watershed. This work represents the first study combining GPR and drilling to look at the structure of the deep critical zone and demonstrates: (1) the importance of combining direct methods (such as drilling) with indirect methods (such as GPR) to understand the architecture of the critical zone in tropical systems; (2) the interplay of the surficial stress regime, lithology and climate in dictating the architecture of weathering. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Hydrous pyrolysis experiments were performed on the Ghareb Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Jordan), a carbonate- and organic-rich (TOC 19.6%) source rock, using a temperature range of 200 to 360°C (72 h). The original sediment contains only low amounts of carbazoles, (maximum 2.2 μg/g bitumen for 1-methylcarbazole). With increasing thermal maturation, intense generation begins at temperatures only in excess of 300°C, reaching a maximum at 360°C. Likewise, during natural maturation, generation occurs at later stages of maturity (e.g. for Tithonian source rocks at >0.81% Rr and for Posidonia Shale at >0.88% Rr). Some isomeric changes during hydrous pyrolysis do not resemble those in nature whereas others do. The relative abundances of selected C1- and C2-alkylcarbazoles on ternary diagrams reveal differences, whereas the benzo[a]carbazole/benzo[a]carbazole+benzo[c]carbazole ratio is closely similar. The latter result supports the contention that maturation plays a key role in controlling carbazole distributions in source rocks. However, the results for alkylcarbazoles, especially the C2-carbazoles, are not easy to interpret.  相似文献   
The Equotip surface hardness tester is becoming a popular method for rock and stone weathering research. In order to improve the reliability of Equotip for on‐site application this study tested four porous limestones under laboratory conditions. The range of stone porosity was chosen to represent likely porosities found in weathered limestones in the field. We consider several key issues: (i) its suitability for soft and porous stones; (ii) the type of probe required for specific on‐site applications; (iii) appropriate (non‐parametrical) statistical methods for Equotip data; (iv) sufficient sampling size. This study shows that the Equotip is suitable for soft and porous rock and stone. From the two tested probes the DL probe has some advantages over the D probe as it correlates slightly better with open porosity and allows for more controlled sampling in recessed areas and rough or curved areas. We show that appropriate sampling sizes and robust non‐parametric methods for subsequent data evaluation can produce meaningful measures of rock surface hardness derived from the Equotip. The novel Hybrid dynamic hardness, a combination of two measuring procedures [single impact method (SIM) and repeated impact method (RIM)], has been adapted and is based on median values to provide a more robust data evaluation. For the tested stones in this study we propose a sample size of 45 readings (for a confidence level of 95%). This approach can certainly be transferred to stone and rock with similar porosities and hardness. Our approach also allows for consistent comparisons to be made across a wide variety of studies in the fields of rock weathering and stone deterioration research. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Groundwater chemistry and tracer-based age data were used to assess contaminant movement and geochemical processes in the middle Claiborne aquifer (MCA) of the Mississippi embayment aquifer system. Water samples were collected from 30 drinking-water wells (mostly domestic and public supply) and analyzed for nutrients, major ions, pesticides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and transient age tracers (chlorofluorocarbons, tritium and helium-3, and sulfur hexafluoride). Redox conditions are highly variable throughout the MCA. However, mostly oxic groundwater with low dissolved solids is more vulnerable to nitrate contamination in the outcrop areas east of the Mississippi River in Mississippi and west Tennessee than in mostly anoxic groundwater in downgradient areas in western parts of the study area. Groundwater in the outcrop area was relatively young (apparent age of less than 40 years) with significantly (p < 0.05) higher dissolved oxygen and nitrate–N concentrations and higher detections of pesticides and VOCs compared to water samples from wells in downgradient areas. Oxygen reduction and denitrification rates were low compared to other aquifers in the United States (zero order rate constants for oxygen reduction and denitrification were 4.7 and 5–10 μmol/L/year, respectively). Elevated concentrations of nitrate–N, and detections of pesticides and VOCs in some deep public supply wells (>50 m depth) indicated contaminant movement from shallow parts of the aquifer into deeper oxic zones. Given the persistence of nitrate in young oxic groundwater that was recharged several decades ago, and the lack of a confining unit, the downward movement of young contaminated water may result in higher nitrate concentrations over time in deeper parts of the aquifer containing older oxic water.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Seasonal variations in ablation and surface velocity were investigated on the lower Fox Glacier. Variations occur between summer and winter ablation, with surface velocity also showing marked seasonality. Recent advance has resulted in the glacier gaining around 200 m length since late 2004. Longer term, Fox Glacier appears linked to the Southern Oscillation Index, with positive glacier mass balances associated with negative Southern Oscillation Index (El Niño). An estimated glacier response time of approximately 9–14 years suggests the current terminus advance was linked to mass gains in the mid-1990s. Recent collapses at the terminal face continue to prove a hazard at this busy tourist destination.  相似文献   
Little is known regarding hormone export from tile‐drained agricultural fields despite the widespread presence of tile drains in the Midwestern United States. By intensively measuring water flow rates and hormone concentrations in four subsurface tile drains and three receiving ditches at a working Midwest farm, hormone fluxes and loads from the tile‐drained fields were quantified. Before and during the 17‐month study period (January 2009 – May 2010), the associated farm fields received various animal waste applications (beef, dairy, poultry, sheep, and swine). Hormones monitored included the estrogens17β‐ and 17α‐estradiol, estrone, and estriol; the natural androgens testosterone, and androstenedione; and the synthetic androgens 17β‐ and 17α‐trenbolone, and trendione. Hormone loads measured in the ditches for three drainage areas during the entire 17‐month study period were in ranges of 16–58 mg/ha for total estrogens, 6.8–19 mg/ha for natural androgens, and 4.2–44 mg/ha for synthetic androgens. Because higher hormone concentrations generally occurred during discrete periods of increased flow, high flow rates often were associated with a disproportionately high hormone flux. For example, 80% of total estrogens and natural androgens exported into the ditches occurred during only 9–26% of the study period, coinciding with the most significant storm events. In addition, hormone fluxes were highest during storm events that occurred shortly after animal waste applications. Therefore, to effectively reduce hormone loads exported to downstream aquatic ecosystems in the absence of any application reduction, the short periods during which high‐flow events occur must be targeted. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Glacier mass balance is more sensitive to warming than cooling, but feedbacks related to the exposure of previously buried firn and ice in very warm years is not generally considered in sensitivity studies. A ground‐penetrating radar survey in the accumulation area of Rolleston Glacier, New Zealand shows that five years of previous net accumulation was removed by melt from parts of the glacier above the long‐term equilibrium line altitude during a single negative mass balance year. Rolleston Glacier receives a large amount of accumulation from snow avalanches, which may temporarily buffer it from climate warming by providing additional mass that has accumulated at higher elevations, effectively increasing the elevation range of the glacier. However, glaciers reliant on avalanche input may have high sensitivity to climatic variations because the extra mass is concentrated on a small part of the glacier, and small variations in avalanche input could have a large impact on overall glacier accumulation. Further research is needed to better estimate the amount and spatial distribution of accumulation by avalanche in order to quantify the climate sensitivity of small avalanche‐fed glaciers.  相似文献   
The degree to which the hydrologic water balance in a snow-dominated headwater catchment is affected by annual climate variations is difficult to quantify, primarily due to uncertainties in measuring precipitation inputs and evapotranspiration (ET) losses. Over a recent three-year period, the snowpack in California's Sierra Nevada fluctuated from the lightest in recorded history (2015) to historically heaviest (2017), with a relatively average year in between (2016). This large dynamic range in climatic conditions presents a unique opportunity to investigate correlations between annual water availability and runoff in a snow-dominated catchment. Here, we estimate ET using a water balance approach where the water inputs to the system are spatially constrained using a combination of remote sensing, physically based modelling, and in-situ observations. For all 3 years of this study, the NASA Airborne Snow Observatory (ASO) combined periodic high-resolution snow depths from airborne Lidar with snow density estimates from an energy and mass balance model to produce spatial estimates of snow water equivalent over the Tuolumne headwater catchment at 50-m resolution. Using observed reservoir inflow at the basin outlet and the well-quantified snowmelt model results that benefit from periodic ASO snow depth updates, we estimate annual ET, runoff efficiency (RE), and the associated uncertainty across these three dissimilar water years. Throughout the study period, estimated annual ET magnitudes remained steady (222 mm in 2015, 151 mm in 2016, and 299 mm in 2017) relative to the large differences in basin input precipitation (547 mm in 2015, 1,060 mm in 2016, and 2,211 mm in 2017). These values compare well with independent satellite-derived ET estimates and previously published studies in this basin. Results reveal that ET in the Tuolumne does not scale linearly with the amount of available water to the basin, and that RE primarily depends on total annual snowfall proportion of precipitation.  相似文献   
Brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) are an important commercial aquatic species experiencing loss of inshore marsh nursery habitat in coastal Louisiana. To study inshore brown shrimp movements and identify aspects of essential habitat important for sustaining brown shrimp populations, we collected juvenile brown shrimp in April and May 2000, the time of annual maximum brown shrimp abundance, in a small 1-km2 marsh area on the central Louisiana coast. Drop sampling showed average shrimp densities of 1.6–2.4 m−2 in shallow marsh ponds and seining indicated lower densities of 0.5–0.9 m−2 in nearby shallow channel and open bay sites. Smaller shrimp (< 50 mm) fed disproportionately on benthic diatoms and small harpacticoid copepods, while large shrimp fed more frequently on larger-bodied amphipods and tanaids. We developed novel chemical approaches to estimate patterns of shrimp residency and movement using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic determinations. Resident shrimp had isotopic values similar to average foods and showed consistent isotopic spacings between fast and slow turnover tissues. Residency was highest (47–55%) in ponds and shallow channel habitats and much less in open bays and deep channels (4–27%). There was sparse evidence for dietary specialization among individull shrimp. The results support the view that small 10–20 mm postlarval and juvenile brown shrimp arriving in estuaries from offshore waters continue movement through sub-optimal habitats (deep channels and open bays), but exhibit much less movement once an optimal habitat (marsh ponds or shallow channel margins) is reached. This study also indicated that combining estimates of shrimp densities, residency, growth rate, and mortality allows evaluation of the importance of different habitat types for shrimp production. Shallow ponds that in many ways resemble fertile aquaculture ponds appear to be hot spots for brown shrimp production, and coastal preservation and restoration efforts should focus on these areas as important for sustaining shrimp fisheries.  相似文献   
Recent settlers of many marine benthic invertebrates are cryptic, which exposes them to a suite of animals that differs from those they may experience as adults, potentially resulting in interactions causing mortality and/or reducing growth. Previous field experiments have indicated that such is the case with small juvenile green sea urchins Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis but which taxa are responsible for the mortality and reduced growth was not determined. A laboratory study was conducted to examine the effects of small macro‐benthic invertebrates, specifically chitons, scaleworms and larger juvenile conspecifics, as well as the full suite of cobble‐dwelling organisms, on the mortality, growth and behaviour of small (<3 mm) juvenile sea urchins. The likelihood of survival of small juvenile sea urchins was lower in the presence of larger juvenile sea urchins or with the full suite of cobble‐dwelling organisms than in the absence of animals. The small juvenile sea urchins survived and grew the best when they were with chitons and scaleworms. The behaviour of small sea urchins with the full suite of cobble‐dwelling organisms was more cryptic than the behaviour of urchins with scaleworms. This study indicates that interactions with the suite of small organisms living amongst cobbles can affect survival, growth and behaviour of small juvenile sea urchins, and that larger juvenile sea urchins can be a source of mortality for smaller conspecifics.  相似文献   
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