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Colony-forming eutrophic marine microorganisms in ballast water were counted in samples taken on board in 2002 and 2003. In the ballast water in Japan, viable cell numbers were highly variable but not by more than 10(5.1) colony-forming units (CFU)ml(-1) regardless of season. Even when ballast water was discharged offshore, values varied but not by more than 10(5.0) CFUml(-1). The effectiveness of the ballast water exchange was unconfirmed, except for the February 2003 voyage. No microbial colonies were counted in the reloaded ballast water in the high seas on that voyage, which contributed to the reduction of the total number of viable cells sampled in the discharged ballast water at the Ras Laffan port in Qatar. In sediment samples, the values of 10(5.2) - 10(6.0) CFUml(-1) were estimated for all seasons in which voyages took place. The maximum of the marine Vibrio species, 110 CFUml(-1), was observed in the ballast water sample taken in July 2003. The estimated total viable cell numbers in sediments were higher than those counted in the ballast water throughout the experiments, indicating the importance of sediment management as well as ballast water management on vessels traveling from Japan.  相似文献   
Detailed paleomagnetic investigation of a pyroclastic flow deposit has clarified the deformation mode around an active fault. In central Japan, the early Quaternary Nyukawa Pyroclastic Flow Deposit is cut by the active dextral Enako fault. Activity level of the fault is evaluated on the basis of geological and geomorphological surveys. Then, paleomagnetic samples are collected from 22 sites at exposures located on a lineament that is adjoining and parallel to the Enako fault. Stable thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) of the pyroclastic deposit is isolated through progressive thermal and/or alternating field demagnetization tests. Untilted site-mean directions of the TRMs simultaneously acquired during initial cooling indicate significant clockwise vertical-axis rotation. The lineament was then activated with right-lateral motions through the early Quaternary. Together with the late Quaternary activities along the adjoining Enako fault evaluated by our study, the present result exemplifies a migration of active segments within a fault system during the Quaternary. Paleomagnetic directions on the strike–slip fault are not concordant with uniform deformation predicted by the model of rotation of rigid blocks aligned on a master fault, but suggestive of a periodic deformation as a result of intense fracturing and differential rotation of blocks bounded by nested parallel faults.  相似文献   
Six synthetic NaScSi2O6–CaNiSi2O6 pyroxenes were studied by optical absorption spectroscopy. Five of them of intermediate (Na1−x , Ca x )(Sc1−x , Ni x )Si2O6 compositions show spectra typical of Ni2+ in octahedral coordination, more precise Ni2+ at the M1 site of the pyroxene structure. The common feature of all spectra is three broad absorption bands with maxima around 8,000, 13,000 and 24,000 cm−1 assigned to 3 A 2g → 3 T 2g, 3 A 2g → 3 T 1g and →3 T 1g (3 P) electronic spin-allowed transitions of VINi2+. A weak narrow peak at ∼14,400 cm−1 is assigned to the spin-forbidden 3 A 2g → 1 T 2g (1 D) transition of Ni2+. Under pressure the spin-allowed bands shift to higher energies and change in intensity. The octahedral compression modulus, calculated from the shift of the 3 A 2g → 3 T 2g band in the (Na0.7Ca0.3)(Sc0.7Ni0.3)Si2O6 pyroxene is evaluated as 85±20 GPa. The Racah parameter B of Ni2+(M1) is found gradually changing from ∼919 cm−1 at ambient pressure to ∼890 cm−1 at 6.18 GPa. The Ni end-member pyroxene [(Ca0.93 Ni0.07)NiSi2O6] has a spectrum different from all others. In addition to the above mentioned bands of Ni2+(M1) it displays several new relatively intense and broad extra bands, which were attributed to electronic transitions of Ni2+ at the M2 site. In difference to CaO8 polyhedron geometry of an eightfold coordination, Ni2+(M2)O8 polyhedra are assumed to be relatively large distorted octahedra. Due to different distortions and different compressibilities of the M1 and M2 sites the Ni2+(M1)- and Ni2+(M2)-bands display rather different pressure-induced behaviors, becoming more resolved in the high-pressure spectra than in that measured at atmospheric pressure. The octahedral compression modulus of Ni2+(M1) in this end-member pyroxene is evaluated as 150 ± 25 GPa, which is noticeably larger than in Ni0.3 pyroxene. This is due to a smaller size and, thus, a stiffer character of Ni2+(M1)O6 octahedron in the (Ca0.93Ni0.07)NiSi2O6 pyroxene compared to (Na0.7Ca0.3)(Sc0.7Ni0.3)Si2O6.
Monika Koch-MüllerEmail:
A pyroxene with composition LiNiSi2O6 was synthesized at T = 1,473 K and P = 2.0 GPa; the cell parameters at T = 298 K are a = 9.4169(6) Å, b = 8.4465(7) Å, c = 5.2464(3) Å, β = 110.534(6)°, V = 390.78(3) Å3. TEM examination of the LiNiSi2O6 pyroxene showed the presence of h + k odd reflections indicative of a primitive lattice, and of antiphase domains obtained by dark field imaging of the h + k odd reflections. A HT in situ investigation was performed by examining TEM selected area diffraction patterns collected at high temperature and synchrotron radiation powder diffraction. In HTTEM the LiNiSi2O6 was examined together with LiCrSi2O6 pyroxene. In LiCrSi2O6 the h + k odd critical reflections disappear at about 340 K; they are sharp up to the transition temperature and do not change their shape until they disappear. In LiNiSi2O6 the h + k odd reflections are present up to sample deterioration at 650 K. A high temperature synchrotron radiation powder diffraction investigation was performed on LiNiSi2O6 between 298 and 773 K. The analysis of critical reflections and of changes in cell parameters shows that the space group is P-centred up to the highest temperature. The comparative analysis of the thermal and spontaneous strain contributions in P21/c and C2/c pyroxenes indicates that the high temperature strain in P-LiNiSi2O6 is very similar to that due to thermal strain only in C2/c spodumene and that a spontaneous strain contribution related to pre-transition features is not apparent in LiNiSi2O6. A different high-temperature behaviour in LiNiSi2O6 with respect to other pyroxenes is suggested, possibly in relation with the presence of Jahn–Teller distortion of the M1 polyhedron centred by low-spin Ni3+.  相似文献   
It is shown that the characteristic exponents can be exactly expressed for a type of second order linear ordinary differential equations with periodic coefficients (Hill's equation) which appear as the variational equations of certain periodic solutions of dynamical systems. Key points are the transformation of the equation to the Gauss' hypergeometric differential equation, and evaluation of the trace of monodormy matrix in the complex plane of the independent variable. Two simple examples are given for which the stability of periodic solutions is rigorously analyzed.  相似文献   
Symplectic integration methods conserve the Hamiltonian quite well because of the existence of the modified Hamiltonian as a formal conserved quantity. For a first integral of a given Hamiltonian system, the modified first integral is defined to be a formal first integral for the modified Hamiltonian. It is shown that the Runge-Lenz vector of the Kepler problem is not well conserved by symplectic methods, and that the corresponding modified first integral does not exist. This conclusion is given for a one-parameter family of symplectic methods including the symplectic Euler method and the Störmer/Verlet method.  相似文献   
Supposing that the distribution of scatterers in a three-dimensional medium is not uniform but fractally homogeneous with fractal dimensionD, we have made the dimensional analysis for the temporal decay of the multiple scattering energy density at the hypocenter.The number of scatters in a sphere of radiusR is assumed to be proportional toR D . Then, the energy density of thekth order scattering decays according to the [(D–2)k–3]th power of lapse time. A fractal dimension ofD=3 corresponds to the uniform distribution. If 2<D3, multiple scattering terms of orderk2 dominate over the single scattering term (k=1) at long lapse time. IfD=2, energy density of every order decays according to the — 3rd power of lapse time. The single scattering model survives on conditionD<2; the single scattering term dominates over the higher order multiple scattering terms even at long lapse time, since the negative power of lapse time fork=1 is the smallest of all.  相似文献   
Surface velocities determined from trajectory of a drifting buoy from March through November 1987 are compared with surface geostrophic velocities determined from sea surface dynamic topography (SSDT) obtained from altimetry data with the aid of long-term hydrographic observation data. In general, these velocities show similar temporal variations in both zonal and meridional components, except in a period when obvious error is found in the altimetric SSDT field. When the buoy was trapped by several mid-ocean meso-scale eddies, the comparison is especially good. Systematic discrepancy is found, however, when the buoy was in the Kuroshio region, because of using both temporally and spatially smoothed mean SSDT estimated from hydrographic data; instead, surface geostrophic velocities determined from the altimetric SSDT referred to the improved geoid model result in better comparison.  相似文献   
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