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Summary A number of small Palaeoproterozoic granitoid plutons were emplaced in the Khetri Copper Belt, which is an important Proterozoic metallogenic terrane in the northeastern part of Aravalli mountain range. Contiguous Biharipur and Dabla plutons are located about 15 km southeast of Khetri, close to a 170 km long intracontinental rift zone. The plutons are composed of amphibole-bearing alkali-feldspar granites, comprising microcline-albite granite, albite granite and late-stage microgranite. The albite granite in Biharipur is confined to the margins of the pluton, and shows extensive commingling with the synchronous mafic plutonics. Geochemically, the albite granites are characterised by low K2O (∼0.5 wt.%) and elevated Na2O (∼7.0 wt.%) abundances. By contrast, the microcline-albite granite does not show any significant mafic-granite interactions and shows normal concentrations of alkali elements. The granitoids display high concentrations of the rare earth (except Eu) and high field strength elements, high values of Ga/Al (>2.5), agpaitic index and Fe*-number. These features together with their alkaline metaluminous and ferroan nature classify the rocks as typical A-type within-plate granites. All the granitoid facies display similar REE and incompatible element profiles indicating their cogenetic nature. These granitoids were emplaced in a shallow crustal chamber under relatively low pressures, high temperature (≥850 °C) and relatively oxidising conditions. The oxidised nature, HFSE concentrations and Nd isotope data (ɛNd = −1.3 to −2.9) favour derivation of these granitoid rocks from crustal protoliths. The generation of albite granite is attributed to the replacement of alkali feldspar and plagioclase of the original granite by pure albite as a consequence of pervasive infiltration of a high Na/(Na + K) fluid at the late-magmatic stage. This model may have wider significance for the generation of albite granites/low-K granites or albitites in other areas. The A-type plutonism under consideration seems to be an outcome of ensialic rifting of the Bhilwara aulacogen.  相似文献   
The Palaeoproterozoic Dabla granitoid pluton of the North Khetri Copper Belt is located to the east of a NNE-SSW trending lineament with numerous albite-rich intrusives, the intraplate ‘albitite line’. The Dabla pluton is essentially made up of calcic amphibole-bearing granitoids, displaying a concentric bimodal distribution of alkali-feldspar granites, comprising a microcline-albite granite and an albite-granite. The dominant rock type is pink-coloured granite, which is characterised by quartz, microcline, albite and hastingsitic hornblende, and occurs in the marginal parts of the pluton. The volumetrically subordinate albite-granite in the central part of the pluton is invariably white in colour, non-foliated and is mainly composed of quartz, albite and amphibole of actinolite to ferro-actinolite composition. The albite-granite is characterised by low K2O (0.06-0.09%), Rb (<5 ppm) and Ba (<20 ppm), high Na2O (7.19-7.36%) and high Na/K ratios (122.4-185.2) as compared to the granite. These rocks are not subjected to any metamorphic overprint, especially the albite-granite, which shows pristine abundances of major and trace elements. The rocks are highly evolved as reflected in their high SiO2 (72 to 78%) contents and high DI (89.5-97) values. The Dabla granitoids are characterised by similar REE and spider patterns, displaying LREE enriched slopes, flat HREE profiles and strong negative Sr, P, Ti and Eu anomalies suggesting their comagmatic nature. Nevertheless, the granite is relatively more fractionated [(La/Yb)N = 3.89-8.19] and show higher REE abundances (466-673 ppm) as compared to the albite-granite [(La/Yb)N = 1.97-2.96; REE = 220-277 ppm]. Distinctive features of these rocks are their low Ca (0.21-1.53%), Mg (<0.02-0.19%), Al (11.84-12.96%) and Sr (12-46 ppm) abundances, high Zr (155-631 ppm), Y (67-156 ppm), Nb (14-91 ppm), and Ga (20-31 ppm) concentrations and high Fe*-number, high Ga/Al ratio and high agpaitic index (AI) values. These features, coupled with their ferroan, alkaline and metaluminous nature, are typical of within-plate aluminous A-type granites. The geochemical data further indicate that the Dabla magma was generated at fairly high temperature, apparently in an upper mantle region, under relatively low H2O activities and reduced conditions and emplaced at a shallow depth in an extensional tectonic environment.  相似文献   
Rayleigh’s method of approximation is employed to find out the reflection and transmission coefficients due to an incident plane SH wave at a corrugated interface between a laterally and vertically inhomogeneous anisotropic elastic solid half-space and a laterally and vertically inhomogeneous isotropic visco-elastic solid half-space. The lateral and vertical inhomogeneities are described by the exponential variations of elastic parameters. The formulae of reflection and transmission coefficients are derived in closed form for the first-order approximation of the corrugation. The effects of the corrugation of the interface, the inhomogeneity, the anisotropy, the visco-elasticity and the frequency of the incident wave on these coefficients are studied analytically and numerically for a specific model containing a periodic interface. The results of earlier workers have been reduced as particular cases from the present formulation.  相似文献   
We propose to adopt a deep learning based framework using generative adversarial networks for ground-roll attenuation in land seismic data. Accounting for the non-stationary properties of seismic data and the associated ground-roll noise, we create training labels using local time–frequency transform and regularized non-stationary regression. The basic idea is to train the network using a few shot gathers such that the network can learn the weights associated with noise attenuation for the training shot gathers. We then apply the learned weights to test ground-roll attenuation on shot gathers, that are not a part of training input to obtain the desired signal. This approach gives results similar to local time–frequency transform and regularized non-stationary regression but at a significantly reduced computational cost. The proposed approach automates the ground-roll attenuation process without requiring any manual input in picking the parameters for each shot gather other than in the training data. Tests on field-data examples verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
The study to establish the optimum time span for distinguishing Avena ludoviciana from wheat crop based on their spectral signatures was carried out at Student’s Research Farm, Department of Agronomy during 2006–07 and 2007–08. The experimental sites during both the seasons were sandy loam in texture, with normal soil reaction and electrical conductivity, low in organic carbon and available nitrogen and medium in available phosphorus and potassium. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with four replications and consisting of twelve treatments comprising 0, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250 plants m−2 and a pure Avena ludoviciana plot (Tmax). The results revealed that in all the treatments irrespective of wheat and weeds, the red reflectance (%) value decreased from 34 to 95 DAS (days after sowing) in 2006–07 and 45 DAS to 100 DAS during 2007–08, and thereafter a sharp increase was observed in all the treatments. This trend might be due to increased chlorophyll index after 34 DAS as red reflectance was reduced by chlorophyll absorption. Among all the treatments, Tmax (Pure Avena ludoviciana plot) had the highest red reflectance and T0 (Pure wheat plot) had a lowest value of red reflectance during both the years. The highest value of IR reflectance was obtained at 95 DAS (2006–07) and 70 DAS (2007–08) in all the treatments. IR reflectance of wheat crop ranged between 24.61 and 61.21 per cent during 2006–07 and 27.33 and 67.3 per cent during 2007–08. However, IR reflectance values declined after 95 DAS and 70 DAS up to harvesting during 2006–07 and 2007–08. This lower reflectance may have been due to the onset of senescence. The highest RR and NDVI values were recorded under pure wheat treatment and minimum under pure weed plots. This may be due to dark green colour and better vigor of the wheat as compared to Avena ludoviciana. It was observed that by using RR and NDVI, pure wheat can be distinguished from pure populations of Avena ludoviciana after 34 DAS and different levels of weed populations can be discriminated amongst themselves from 68 DAS up to 107 DAS during both the years of investigation.  相似文献   
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