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The spatial variability of soil heavy metals in conventional and organic greenhouse vegetable production (CGVP and OGVP) systems can reveal the influence of different farming activities on their accumulation and plant uptake. This provides important basic data for soil utilization and pollution risk assessment. Based on horizontal and vertical spatial analysis, this paper presents the spatial variability and accumulation of soil heavy metals. The effects on plant uptake and factors influencing heavy metal accumulation are presented using the two typical greenhouse vegetable sites in Nanjing City, China as examples. Results showed that different greenhouse vegetable production systems had their own dominant heavy metal accumulation, specifically, Hg and Pb in CGVP system and Cd in OGVP system. The spatial analysis showed that horizontally, distribution of soil properties and heavy metal concentrations in the two sites showed decreases from specific regions to the periphery for organic matter (OM), Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn in CGVP and OM, As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn in OGVP. Vertically, soil properties and heavy metals mainly vary in the topsoil. The key factor for the accumulation was excess fertilizer input. Variation of soil properties and the accumulation of soil heavy metals significantly influenced heavy metal uptake by plants. However, accumulation risk varied according to different heavy metals and different plant species. Environmental management of these two kinds of production systems should pay more attention to fertilizer application, plant selection, and soil properties.  相似文献   
湖北省主要煤系地层是下二叠统“梁山煤系”、上二叠统“龙潭煤系”和上三叠统-下侏罗统“香溪煤系”。“粱山煤系”和“龙潭煤系”主要分布在鄂东南、鄂西南地区,“香溪煤系”零星分布在鄂州-赤壁、远安-当阳、巴东-兴山、利川等地。研究认为:二叠纪成煤环境属近海型,而晚三叠世、早侏罗世属于内陆型。控制聚煤作用的主要因素有:①成煤环境为滨岸沼泽相区,沼泽发育之前沉积物若为砂质、粉砂质岩类,则含煤性好,反之若为泥质或粘土质岩类,则含煤性差;(爹煤系沉积的早期沉积基底剥蚀夷平为坳陷地带,到中晚期坳陷逐渐增大,能形成宽阔的聚煤(盆地)带;⑧地壳沉降幅度大,升降速度乎稳,泥炭沼泽发育时间长;④地壳振荡次数频繁,沉积旋回多,煤层厚度较大,含煤性好,反之.沉积旋回少或不完整,煤层少,且薄,含煤性差。通过分析有利的聚煤因素,提出了各煤系的找煤方向。  相似文献   
Due to its negative impact on the living environment of human beings, ambient air pollution has become a global challenge to human health. In this study, surface observations of six criteria air pollutants, including PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO and O3, were collected to investigate the spatial and temporal variation in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (BTH) region during 2013–2016 and to explore the relationships between atmospheric pollutants and meteorological variables using quantile regression model (QRM) and multiple linear regression model (MLRM). The results show that BTH region has experienced significant air pollution, and the southern part generally has more severe conditions. The annual average indicates clear decreasing trends of the particulate matters, SO2 and CO concentrations over the last 4 years and slight increasing trends of NO2 and O3 in several cities. The seasonal and monthly characteristics indicate that the concentrations of five species reach their maxima in the winter and their minima in the summer, whereas O3 has the opposite behaviour. Finally, the pseudo R2 values show that the QRMs have the best performance in the winter, followed by spring, fall, and summer. Specifically, all the meteorological factors have significant impacts on air pollution but change with pollutants and seasons. The MLRM results are generally consistent with the QRM results in all seasons, and the inconsistencies are more common in the fall and winter. The results of this research provide foundational knowledge for predicting the response of air quality to climate change in the BTH region.  相似文献   
大地电磁参数标准网的建设需要大量第一手的观测资料,观测资料的质量直接决定了标准网的可靠性。本文分析了大地电磁测深仪器设备、资料采集与处理技术,确定了青藏及华北阵列式区域大地电磁场标准观测网的建设方法;在此基础上,在山东菏泽地区对11535和11635号标准点进行了野外观测试验,对采集的宽频及长周期数据进行了深入处理,形成的对辅助测站和中心测站布置、数据采集时间、资料处理手段和远参考测站布设等要求,将指导青藏及华北阵列式区域大地电磁场标准网的建设,并对中国大陆其他区域大地电磁场标准网建设具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
中国铁路运输33年来的温室气体排放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
铁路是我国重要的交通运输方式,但我国至今尚无铁路运输行业温室气体排放量的报道.文章基于我国铁路部门逐年统计数据,计算了 1975~2007年我国铁路机车的温室气体排放量,分析了我国铁路机车温室气体排放强度及其变化特点.结果表明,我国铁路机车温室气体(CO2和N2O)总排放量逐年降低,由1975年的4278×104t CO2当量降至2007年的3844×104t CO2当量,总降幅达10%,年均减排14×104t CO2当量.其中,CO2年排放量整体呈下降趋势,由1975年的4246×104t降至2007年的3645×104t,总降幅达14%,年均减排18.8×104t; N2O年排放量快速增长,由1975年的1088t增至2007年的6681t,年均增加175t,达16%.由于我国铁路蒸汽机车承担的牵引工作量越来越少,其温室气体年排放量逐年降低,1975~2001年年均减少155×104t CO2当量,降幅达3.7%.2002年以后,蒸汽机车基本上从运输领域中被全部淘汰,无温室气体排放.1975~2007年内燃机车和电力机车的排放比重越来越大,其温室气体年排放量逐年上升,内燃机车年均增加54×104t CO2当量,电力机车间接排放量年均增长62×104t CO2当量.温室气体排放强度呈现明显降低趋势,其值由1975年的8.23kg降至2007年的1.34kg CO2当量/百换算吨公里,降幅达84%,年均降低0.22kg CO2当量/百换算吨公里.其中,内燃机车、电力机车和蒸汽机车的温室气体平均排放强度分别为1.51kg,1.68kg和8.74kg CO2当量/百换算吨公里.大规模淘汰排放强度大的蒸汽机车,同时大量运用排放强度低的内燃机车和电力机车,使得我国铁路机车的温室气体排放量和排放强度不断降低,这为减少我国铁路运输行业的温室气体排放作出了重要贡献.另外,我国铁路机车温室气体排放量占全国化石燃料燃烧的温室气体排放总量的比重很小,因此可以说铁路运输是我国交通运输领域中理想的节能减排运输方式.  相似文献   
沈华  马保松  吴浪辉 《探矿工程》2010,37(3):62-65,81
随着我国城市化进程的加快,以及大型基础工程建设投入力度的加大,大型的水平定向钻穿越工程项目也越来越多,然而针对这类工程的风险评价却还不多。某大型天然气输气管道工程项目,投资多,风险大,事先进行风险评估十分必要。首先根据项目专家进行项目评估建立指标体系,然后结合模糊综合评价法和层次分析法各自的优点,针对该指标体系及专家所提供的评判数据,建立判断矩阵和隶属度矩阵并运用Matlab编程计算得权向量和隶属度向量,计算得出项目的风险值,得出相应的结论。  相似文献   
钻机钻进过程中钻头旋转产生的扭矩以及作用于钻头的轴推进力是破碎岩石的能量来源,当钻进条件确定时,可用破碎单位体积岩石的实际能耗来反映岩石的物理力学性质。基于此原理在青岛胶州湾海底隧道FK4+375.5的上断面进行了超前地质探孔作业,得到凝灰岩地层中的钻进参数及钻进能量随钻头位移的变化曲线,并利用能量理论对钻进过程中监测的钻机参数进行分析,研究发现:在凝灰岩中,数字钻机参数与围岩岩性响应程度较高,围岩完整、坚硬、无裂隙水时,整体钻进参数值较高;围岩裂隙发育、含水或有断层、夹泥层时,钻进速度、推进力、转速、扭矩、打击能等数据会突变,其值变小。分析所得结果与钻孔取芯、TSP超前预报等物探手段得到的结果基本一致。并采用能量法对围岩进行分析,利用钻进比能划分相应的岩体区段,判断出围岩等级。通过对能量曲线的分析发现,在凝灰岩地层中,当钻进能量小于0.95 kJ时会出现断层或较大的节理裂隙区。  相似文献   
依托韩城地区主要煤层,开展了饱和水煤岩在两种不同离心速率下离心1.5h后的核磁共振实验。同时,结合称重测煤芯饱和度的方法,分析了不同离心速率下煤岩内部可动流体和束缚流体的消长关系。实验表明,离心速率增大,煤岩核磁整体信号衰减,横向弛豫时间(T2)的几何均值和截止值逐渐下降。与饱和水煤岩相比,2000r/min速率离心后的煤岩T2谱强度下降5.14%~52.39%,几何均值下降24.72%~71.22%;4000r/min速率离心后的煤岩T2谱强度下降49.51%~63.36%,几何均值下降44.69%~81.59%;T2截止值下降44.09%~74.30%。研究发现,离心前后煤岩内部残留水量变化率与T2谱累计强度变化率具有很好的一致性,但与几何均值之间的相关性明显较差。分析认为,离心速率和孔渗特征共同决定煤层水可动性的NMR响应。  相似文献   
郭金雪  胡志远 《岩矿测试》1991,10(4):279-282
基于2-(4′-联苯基)-6-苯基苯并(口恶)唑(PBBO)染料分子发射光谱(λ_(em)~(max)=400nm)和2,3,4,6,7,8-六氢化喹嗪并[9,10,1-f,g]-1-甲基香豆素(CND_(102))的激发光谱(λ_(em)~(max)=388nm)的能级相互匹配,以及表面活性剂胶束的存在是染料分子间能量传递的必备条件,使荧光法测Pb的灵敏度以数量级提高。  相似文献   
Two methods of reliability analysis of soil slopes are studied, and the representative flow charts of both methods are illustrated. Method 1 can predict the reliability index and the critical probabilistic slip surface directly and it is computational efficient, but it needs the development of new codes for integrating the reliability analysis code and the slope stability code. Method 2 makes the reliability analysis code call the slope stability analysis code directly, and each code can be considered as an intact part. The main result of Method 2 is the reliability index of soil slope. Combined with the proposed method for locating the critical slip surface, Method 2 can also predict the probabilistic slip surface. Although Method 2 needs much more callings of the subprogram of slope stability analysis code, it needs not the developing of new computer program. Thus, Method 2 is easy to use and can be applied to different reliability analysis methods and slope stability analysis methods.  相似文献   
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