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借助遥感、GIS技术,利用1975年MSS、2000年ETM和2007年CBERS数据、气温和降水数据,采用基于像元的灰色关联度方法,研究1975-2007年气候因素扰动下中国沙质荒漠化时空变化规律。研究结果表明,中国沙质荒漠化虽然在2000-2007年面积减少、程度减轻,但在1975-2007年面积依然呈小幅增加趋势(增加面积为6 179.8 km2,其中重度沙质荒漠化增加面积最大),程度加重。通过对内蒙古、新疆2个典型区的灰色关联度分析,进而研究全国范围可知,气温对沙质荒漠化变化的作用(沙质荒漠化减轻/加重与气温的相关系数分别为0.973,0.976)大于降水(沙质荒漠化减轻/加重与降水的相关系数分别为0.884,0.882)。气候因素扰动下,沙质荒漠化变化的总体趋势为,沙质荒漠化与气温变化呈正比,与降水呈反比。该趋势以甘肃、陕西为界,界线以西较为明显,而最显著区集中在新疆北部、东部,西藏北部。  相似文献   
小秦岭东闯金矿区花岗岩浆活动的性质   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
东闯金矿区中生开岩交活动的特征是小秦岭地区这一时期岩浆活动的缩影。从钾长花岗岩墙-文峪第一次侵入体-文峪第二次侵入体,岩石向相对基性度增高方向变化,可能暗示区域岩石圈的热-物质调整从印支期至燕山早期持续增强。  相似文献   
沙松乌拉组出露于东昆中构造混杂岩带,是东昆仑地区原特提斯洋洋盆打开时的沉积记录,确定其地层形成时代、物质来源及恢复构造演化过程,对研究东昆仑地区原特提斯洋的演化具有重要意义。对出露于东昆仑黑海湖—拉宁灶火沟一带的沙松乌拉组进行LA-ICP-MS碎屑锆石U-Pb年定,得到最年轻的锆石年龄为632±6 Ma,结合地层接触关系,为沙松乌拉组的时代划分提供了年龄依据;得到约650 Ma、约800 Ma、980 Ma三个明显峰值及大量未形成明显峰值的其他古老年龄,推测沙松乌拉组的主要物源有小庙群、万保沟群、晋宁期岩浆岩,次要物源为白沙河组。将得到的锆石年龄与各期构造-岩浆活动比对,认为沙松乌拉组的源区经历了古元古代早期构造-岩浆事件、中元古代晚期构造-岩浆事件和新元古代早期构造-岩浆事件。  相似文献   
豫西东秦岭造山带核部杂岩中钙质变质岩的变质作用演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈能松  张兴辽 《岩石学报》1993,9(3):240-254
龙胜地区镁铁质侵入体:年龄及其地质意义   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
对镁铁质侵入体进行了单颗粒锆石U-Pb年代学和Sm-Nd同位素示踪研究。结果表明:镁铁质侵入体是起源于长期亏损地幔源区的岩浆在760Ma侵位结晶的产物,其侵位过程中遭受地壳物质的混染。该年龄结果限定了丹洲群地层的沉积上限年龄,并为龙胜地区不存在蛇绿岩套的认识提供重要的年代学制约。镁铁质岩浆的形成、侵位可能与Rodinia超大陆~825Ma裂解之后的另一次裂解事件相联系。  相似文献   
New structural and petrological data unveil a very complicated ductile deformation history of the Xiongdian-Suhe HP metamorphic unit, north-western Dabie Shun, central China. The finegrained symplectic amphibolite-facies assemblage and coronal structure enveloping eclogite-facies garnet,omphacite and phengite etc., representing strain-free decompression and retrogressive metamorphism,are considered as the main criteria to distinguish between the early-stage deformation under HP metamorphic conditions related to the continental deep subduction and collision, and the late-stage deformation under amphibolite to greenschist-facies conditions occurred in the post-eclogite exhumation processes.Two late-stages of widely developed, sequential ductile deformations D3 and D4, are recognized on the basis of penetrative fabrics and mineral aggregates in the Xiongdian-Suhe HP metamorphic unit, which shows clear, regionally, consistent overprinting relationships. D3 fabrics are best preserved in the Suhe tract of low post-D3 deformation intensity and characterized by steeply dipping layered mylonitic amphibolites associated with doubly vergent folds. They are attributed to a phase of tectonism linked to the initial exhumation of the HP rocks and involved crustal shortening with the development of upright structures and the widespread emplacement of garnet-bearing granites and felsic dikes. D4 structures are attributed to the main episode of ductile extension (D^24) with a gently dipping foliation to the north and common intrafolial, recumbent folds in the Xiongdian tract, followed by normal sense top-to-the northductile shearing (D^24) along an important tectonic boundary, the so-called Majiawa-Hexiwan fault (MHF), the westward continuation of the Balifan-Mozitan-Xiaotian fault (BMXF) of the northern Dabie Shan. It is indicated that the two stages of ductile deformation observed in the Xiongdian-Suhe HP metamorphic unit, reflecting the post-eclogite compressional or extrusion wedge formation, the subhorizontal ductile extension and crustal thinning as well as the top-to-the north shearing along the high-angle ductile shear zones responsible for exhumation of the HP unit as a coherent slab, are consistent with those recognized in the Dabie-Sulu UHP and HP metamorphic belts, suggesting that they were closely associated in time and space. The Xiongdian-Suhe HP metamorphic unit thus forms part of the Triassic(250-230 Ma) collision orogenic belt, and can not connect with the South Altun-North Qaidam-North Qinline UHP metamorphic belt formed durin~ the Early Paleozoic (500-400Ma).  相似文献   
SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age, geochemical and Nd isotopic data are reported for the Neo-proterozoic Guandaoshan pluton in the Yanbian region, SW Sichuan. This pluton is of typical I-type granite and emplaced at (857 ± 13) Ma. Geochemical and Nd isotopic characters suggest that the pluton was generated by partial melting of pre-existing, young (late Mesoproterozoic to early Neo-proterozoic) low-K tholeiitic protolith within an intraplate anorogenic setting. The Guandaoshan pluton probably records the earliest magmatism induced by the proposed ca. 860–750 Ma mantle superplume beneath the supercontinent Rodinia.  相似文献   
微波辅助破岩可有效降低刀具磨损,提高破岩效率,具有广阔的发展前景.文章选取了10种火成岩进行微波加热试验,发现岩石的升温速率主要与岩石所含矿物的种类、含量,及岩石中的Fe元素含量有关.岩石所含矿物越敏感、含量越多,岩石中的Fe元素含量越大时,其升温速率越高.整体而言,火成岩中基性岩的升温速率最高、中性岩次之、酸性岩最低...  相似文献   
本文报道了邦溪和晨星两个地区变质基性岩的 Sm - Nd同位素定年结果。Sm - Nd等时线年龄 333± 12 Ma代表了变质基性岩的形成年龄。这些变质基性岩高度亏损 Th、Nb、Ta和轻稀土元素 ,εNd(t)≈ 7,与洋中脊玄武岩类似 ,形成于大洋环境。本文将这些洋中脊型变质基性岩称之为“邦溪 -晨星蛇绿岩片”,它们与金沙江 -双沟 - Song Ma蛇绿岩在形成时代上基本一致 ,代表了东古特提斯洋的残片。邦溪 -晨星蛇绿岩片在早三叠世华南 (包括海南岛北部 )和印支块体 (包括海南岛中南部 )块体碰撞拼合时构造侵位在大陆上 ,成为“石碌混杂岩”的一部分  相似文献   
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