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Dendroclimatological sampling of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) has been made in the province of J?mtland, in the west-central Scandinavian mountains, since the 1970s. The tree-ring width (TRW) chronology spans several thousand years and has been used to reconstruct June?CAugust temperatures back to 1632 bc. A maximum latewood density (MXD) dataset, covering the period ad 1107?C1827 (with gap 1292?C1315) was presented in the 1980s by Fritz Schweingruber. Here we combine these historical MXD data with recently collected MXD data covering ad 1292?C2006 into a single reconstruction of April?CSeptember temperatures for the period ad 1107?C2006. Regional curve standardization (RCS) provides more low-frequency variability than ??non-RCS?? and stronger correlation with local seasonal temperatures (51% variance explained). The MXD chronology shows a stronger relationship with temperatures than the TRW data, but the two chronologies show similar multi-decadal variations back to ad 1500. According to the MXD chronology, the period since ad 1930 and around ad 1150?C1200 were the warmest during the last 900?years. Due to large uncertainties in the early part of the combined MXD chronology, it is not possible to conclude which period was the warmest. More sampling of trees growing near the tree-line is needed to further improve the MXD chronology.  相似文献   
Within the German Tropospheric Research Programme (TFS) numerous kinetic and mechanistic studies on the tropospheric reaction/degradation of the following reactants were carried out: oxygenated VOC, aromatic VOC, biogenic VOC, short-lived intermediates, such as alkoxy and alkylperoxy radicals.At the conception of the projects these selected groups were classes of VOC or intermediates for which the atmospheric oxidation mechanisms were either poorly characterised or totally unknown. The motivation for these studies was the attainment of significant improvements in our understanding of the atmospheric chemical oxidation processes of these compounds, particularly with respect to their involvement in photooxidant formation in the troposphere. In the present paper the types of experimental investigations performed and the results obtained within the various projects are briefly summarised. The major achievements are highlighted and discussed in terms of their contribution to improving our understanding of the chemical processes controlling photosmog formation in the troposphere.  相似文献   
全球贸易自由化对中国和世界经济的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
全球贸易自由化是当前和未来世界经济发展不可避免的趋势,2001年开始的多哈回合贸易自由化多边谈判和最近刚刚取消的“多种纤维协定”(MFA)将在全球贸易自由化进程中发挥重要的作用。本研究的目的是通过一些案例分析,揭示贸易自由化对中国和世界经济的影响。采用全球贸易模型,我们分析了MFA和在多哈回合初期欧盟、美国和凯恩斯集团分别提出的贸易自由化提案。研究结果表明,虽然取消MFA对一些国家纺织部门带来冲击,但它极大地促进了大多数国家经济的发展,改善了全球福利;多哈谈判过程中提出的各种贸易自由化提案都在不同程度上促进世界经济的发展,但其影响大小依次为凯恩斯提案、美国提案和欧盟提案;贸易自由化对经济的影响在不同部门和不同国家间存在显著差别;更大程度的贸易自由化不但符合全球共同利益,也符合中国国家利益;中国在推动全球贸易自由化过程中应发挥更积极和更大的作用。  相似文献   
Following Appalachian orogenesis, metamorphic rocks in central Newfoundland were exhumed and reburied under Tournaisian strata. New zircon fission‐track (ZFT) ages of metamorphic rocks below the Tournaisian unconformity yield post‐depositionally reset ages of 212–235 Ma indicating regional fluid‐absent reheating to at least ≥220°C. Post‐Tournaisian sedimentary thicknesses in surrounding basins show that burial alone cannot explain such temperatures, thus requiring that palaeo‐geothermal gradients increased to ≥30–40°C/km before final late Triassic accelerated cooling. We attribute these elevated palaeo‐geothermal gradients to localized thermal blanketing by insulating sediments overlying radiogenic high‐heat‐producing granitoids. Late Triassic rifting and magmatism before break up of Pangaea likely also contributed to elevated heat flow, as well as uplift, triggering late Triassic accelerated cooling and exhumation. Thermochronological ages of 240–200 Ma are seen throughout Atlantic Canada, and record rifting and basaltic magmatism on the conjugate margins of the Central Atlantic Ocean preceding the onset of oceanic spreading at ~190 Ma.  相似文献   
The Azores Archipelago is one of the most active volcanic areas in the North Atlantic region. Approximately 30 eruptions have been reported over the last 600 years with some major VEI 5 (Volcanic Explosivity Index) eruptions further back in time. The geochemical composition of associated tephra-derived glass, however, is not well characterized. An Azorean origin of cryptotephras found in distal areas such as North Africa, the British Isles and Greenland has been suggested, but proximal data from the Azores are scarce and the correlations have only been tentative. These tephras have a traychtic composition, which excludes an Icelandic origin. In a previous study, we presented major element analyses of proximal tephra-derived glass from five Holocene eruptions on the Azores Islands. There is a striking geochemical similarity between tephras from volcanoes on São Miguel and Irish cryptotephras, and especially with eruptives from the Furnas volcano. Here we present new analyses of proximal tephras that confirm and strengthen a link between Furnas and cryptotephras found in south-west Ireland. We also suggest a correlation between a previously unsourced tephra found in a Swedish bog with an eruption of the Sete Cidades volcano c. 3880 a cal BP.  相似文献   
To the extent that rock deformation can be approximated by a two-dimensional Newtonian model, a powerful stream-function simulation method is applicable. The significance of stream functions is that velocity, strain, stress and energy derived from the same stream function satisfy automatically three basic conditions of dynamics:
1. (1) the condition of continuity.
2. (2) the Navier-Stokes equations.
3. (3) conservation of energy.
Hence we state with Jaeger: “If a stream function can be found which satisfies the boundary conditions of a dynamic model the complete solution follows.” All pertinent bits of dynamic information are implied in the stream function from which they can be directly derived, guaranteed—so to speak—not to violate the basic conditions of dynamics. Stream functions useful in structural geology are solutions of: A double-polynomial solution of max. degree 14 is developed, in which the coefficients are related controlled by the 4ψ = 0 constraint, and their absolute values are determined by the boundary conditions of specific models and by the condition of maximum rate of energy dissipation or maximum rate of decline of potential energy. The polynomial stream function is applied to a collapsing viscous “nappe” consisting of a thin basal layer with low viscosity on which a thicker layer with high viscosity slides due to gravitational spreading. The velocity of forward movement depends upon absolute and relative values of the following parameters: viscosity, thickness, the aspect ratio and density. The velocity of a variety of nappes with different thicknesses, aspect ratios, viscosities and densities is determined.  相似文献   
Transportation networks daily provide accessibility and crucial services to societies. However, they must also maintain an acceptable level of service to critical infrastructures in the case of disruptions, especially during natural disasters. We have developed a method for assessing the resilience of transportation network topology when exposed to environmental hazards. This approach integrates graph theory with stress testing methodology and involves five basic steps: (1) establishment of a scenario set that covers a range of seismic damage potential in the network, (2) assessment of resilience using various graph-based metrics, (3) topology-based simulations, (4) evaluation of changes in graph-based metrics, and (5) examination of resilience in terms of spatial distribution of critical nodes and the entire network topology. Our case study was from the city of Kathmandu in Nepal, where the earthquake on April 25, 2015, followed by a major aftershock on May 12, 2015, led to numerous casualties and caused significant damage. Therefore, it is a good example for demonstrating and validating the developed methodology. The results presented here indicate that the proposed approach is quite efficient and accurate in assisting stakeholders when evaluating the resilience of transportation networks based on their topology.  相似文献   
K-Ar age determinations along with optical investigations were used to examine whether glauconite from the Upper Marine Molasse (OMM) is of authigenic, allogenic or transformed origin. For this purpose 16 glauconite samples from 14 different localities were investigated from the Burdigalian Muschelsandstein collected along a traverse from Lake Constance to west of Geneva.Optical observations on washed grain concentrates reveal the presence of different alteration products of biotite, confirming earlier studies. Moreover, thin-section preparations of sample aliquots showed that the glauconite grains contain biotite-relics, which might account for the elevated absolute ages.The optical evidence is confirmed by individual mineral fractions, which show chlorite with biotite-»nucleii«, chlorite-lamellae, and »layered«-glauconites. All these observations point to glauconite genesis by transformation of biotite. The complete transformation from biotite via chlorite to glauconite apparently results in a chemically more stable state.The K-content of the samples varies from 5.6 to 7.0% K2O, indicating mature but not highly evolved glauconite. 19 apparent K-Ar dates range from 17.7 to 34.9 Ma. In comparison with the biostratigraphy and the estimated Burdigalian age of about 18 Ma nearly all dates are too high. These strongly scattered dates are thus stratigraphically meaningless and seem to exclude an authigenic formation of these glauconites from faecal pellets. Furthermore, geologic arguments exclude an allogenic (= detrital) origin.Glauconite genesis in the Upper Marine Molasse must therefore be distinguished from both authigenic and allogenic formation mechanisms. A new term »meta-allogenic« is therefore used to describe glauconite growth by transformation of allogenic mica.
Zusammenfassung Um zu prüfen, ob Glaukonite aus der Oberen Meeresmolasse (OMM) authigen, allothigen oder durch Umwandlung aus anderen Mineralien entstanden sind, wurden sie — nebst mineraloptischen und röntgenographischen Untersuchungen — mit der K-Ar-Methode datiert. Aus 14 verschiedenen Lokalitäten zwischen Bodensee und einigen Kilometern westlich von Genf wurden 16 Glaukonit-Proben aus dem burdigalen Muschelsandstein entnommen.Sedimentpetrologische Studien an Körner-Konzentraten offenbarten verschiedene Umwandlungsprodukte von Biotit. Zudem zeigten Aliquots von Dünnschliff-Präparaten, daß einzelne Körner unterschiedlich große Relikte von Biotit enthalten, die die zu hohen Alterswerte verursachen können.Die verschiedenen Mineralfraktionen bestätigen den Charakter von Übergangsstadien: Chlorit mit Biotit-Kernen, Chloritlamellen und »Schicht«-Glaukonit. Alle diese Beobachtungen deuten auf eine Glaukonitgenese aus der Umwandlung von Biotit. Die vollständige Umwandlung von Biotit über Chlorit zu Glaukonit scheint mit dem End-produkt einen chemisch stabileren Zustand anzustreben.Der K2O-Gehalt aller Proben variert von 5.6 bis 7.0%. Dies weist auf »reifen«, aber nicht hochentwickelten Glaukonit hin. Die 19 K-Ar-»Alter« liegen zwischen 17.7 und 34.9 Ma. Im Vergleich mit der Biostratigraphie und dem geschätzten burdigalen Alter von ca. 18 Ma, sind diese Daten zu hoch und daher stratigraphisch bedeutungslos. Eine authigene Bildung von Glaukonit aus Kotpillen (faecal pellets) muß somit ausgeschlossen werden. Außerdem kommt aus geologischen Gründen eine detritische (allothigene) Herkunft ebenfalls nicht in Betracht.Für die Glaukonit-Genese in der Oberen Meeresmolasse muß daher ein anderer Bildungsprozess verantwortlich sein. Um die Umwandlung von eingeschwemmtem (= allothigenem) Biotit zu Glaukonit zu beschreiben, wurde der neue Term »meta-allothigen« eingeführt.

Résumé Afin de rechercher si les glauconites de la OMM (= molasse marine supérieure) sont authigènes, allothigènes ou proviennent de la transformation d'autres minéraux, on les a datées par la méthode K-Ar, conjointement à une étude optique et röntgenographique. 14 localités, situées depuis de lac de Constance jusqu'à quelques kilomètres à l'ouest de Genève, ont fourni 16 échantillons de glauconite du Muschelsandstein burdigalien.L'étude optique des grains, effectuée sur des concentrés, a révélé divers produits de transformation de la biotite. En outre, les examens en coupes minces ont montré, dans les grains de glauconite, des restes de biotite d'importance variable. Ces restes de biotite peuvent être responsables de valeurs trop élevées obtenues dans les mesures d'âge.L'examen des diverses fractions minérales permet de préciser les stades de transformation: chlorite avec noyaux de biotite, lamelles de chlorite et glauconite »stratifiées«. Toutes ces observations indiquent une genèse de la glauconite par transformation de la biotite. La transformation complète de la biotite en chlorite puis en glauconite semble ainsi correspondre à un état chimique plus stable.La teneur en K2O de tous les échantillons varie entre 5,6 et 7,0%, indiquant une glauconite »mature«, mais pas très évoluée. Les 19 »âges« K-Ar sont compris entre 17,7 et 34,9 Ma. Comparés à la biostratigraphie et à l'âge burdigalien, estimé à environ 18 Ma, ces résultats sont nettement trop élevés et ne présentent donc aucune valeur stratigraphique. Il faut ainsi exclure une formation authigène de la glauconite à partir de pelotes fécales. De plus, une origine détritique (= allothigène) ne peut être envisagée pour des raisons géologiques.En conséquence, c'est bien un processus différent qui est responsable de la genése de la glauconite dans la OMM. Le terme nouveau »méta-allogénique« est proposé pour indiquer la transformation de la biotite détritique en glauconite.

- , , , (OMM) , , /. 14- 16 . - . , . : , « ». , . , , . K2O 5,6 7,0%. / 17,7 34,9 . , 18 . (faecal pellets) . , ., . , «-».
Turbulent exchange above a pine forest II. Organized structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from two 100-min runs on the turbulent atmospheric wind, temperature and humidity fields above a pine forest have been analysed using conditional sampling techniques. With the aid of the temperature time series, ramp events were identified and all fields were averaged in order to remove smaller scale turbulence and random low-frequency turbulence, and to map the organized structures revealed in this way. It is shown that the turbulent fluxes of momentum, heat and humidity, determined from these ramp-events, in fact constitute a large part of the total fluxes, about 90% during the actual events.On average, the duration of and the time between ramps were found to be about 35 s and 100 s, respectively. These periods were also found in the uw-, wT- and wq-cospectra, not only in the data analysed in this paper, but in the major part of all day-time data from this forest site (about 80 runs of 60 or 100 min). This indicates that the ramp events described arc a rather common phenomenon. The organized structures also have remarkable resemblance to near-wall structures observed in the laboratory.  相似文献   
The representer method was used by [Ngodock, H.E., Jacobs, G.A., Chen, M., 2006. The representer method, the ensemble Kalman filter and the ensemble Kalman smoother: a comparison study using a nonlinear reduced gravity ocean model. Ocean Modelling 12, 378–400] in a comparison study with the ensemble Kalman filter and smoother involving a 1.5 nonlinear reduced gravity idealized ocean model simulating the Loop Current (LC) and the Loop Current eddies (LCE) in the Gulf of Mexico. It was reported that the representer method was more accurate than its ensemble counterparts, yet it had difficulties fitting the data in the last month of the 4-month assimilation window when the data density was significantly decreased. The authors attributed this failure to increased advective nonlinearities in the presence of an eddy shedding causing the tangent linear model (TLM) to become inaccurate. In a separate study [Ngodock, H.E., Smith, S.R., Jacobs, G.A., 2007. Cycling the representer algorithm for variational data assimilation with the Lorenz attractor. Monthly Weather Review 135 (2), 373–386] applied the cycling representer algorithm to the Lorenz attractor and demonstrated that the cycling solution was able to accurately fit the data within each cycle and beyond the range of accuracy of the TLM, once adjustments were made in the early cycles, thus overcoming the difficulties of the non-cycling solution. The cycling algorithm is used here in assimilation experiments with the nonlinear reduced gravity model. It is shown that the cycling solution overcomes the difficulties encountered by the non-cycling solution due to a limited time range of accuracy of the TLM. Thus, for variational assimilation applications where the TLM accuracy is limited in time, the cycling representer becomes a very powerful and attractive alternative, given that its computational cost is significantly lower than that of the non-cycling algorithm.  相似文献   
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