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By using small scale model tests, the interference effect on the vertical load-deformation behavior of a number of equally spaced strip footings, placed on the surface of dry sand, was investigated. At any stage, all the footings were assumed to (i) carry exactly equal magnitude of load, and (ii) settle to the same extent. No tilt of the footing was permitted. The effect of clear spacing (s) among footings on the results was explored. A new experimental setup was proposed in which only one footing needs to be employed rather than a number of footings. The bearing capacity increases continuously with decrease in spacing among the footings. The interference effect becomes further prominent with increase in soil friction angle. In contrast to an increase in the bearing capacity, with decrease in spacing of footings, an increase in the footing settlement associated with the ultimate state of shear failure was observed. The present experimental observations were similar to those predicted by the available theory, based on the method of characteristics. As compared to the theory, the present experimental data, however, indicates much greater effect of interference especially for larger spacing among footings.  相似文献   
Mass movements such as landslides in mountainous terrains are natural degradation processes and one of the most important landscape-building factors. Varunawat Parbat overlooking Uttarkashi town witnessed a series of landslides on 23 September 2003 and the debris slides and rock falls continued for 2 weeks. This landslide complex was triggered due to the incessant rainfall prior to the event, and its occurrence led to the blockage of the pilgrim route to Gangotri (source of the Ganges river) and evacuation of thousands of people to safer places. Though there was no loss of lives due to timely evacuation, heavy losses to the property were reported. High-resolution stereoscopic earth observation data were acquired after the incidence to study the landslide in detail with emphasis on the cause of the landslide and mode of failure. Areas along the road and below the Varunawat foothill region are mapped for landslide risk. It was found that the foothill region of the Varunawat Parbat was highly disturbed by man-made activities and houses are dangerously located below steep slopes. The potential zones for landslides along with the existing active and old landslides are mapped. These areas are critical and their treatment with priority is required in order to minimise further landslide occurrences.  相似文献   
Two large-scale “in situ” demonstration experiments and their instrumentation are described. The first test (FEBEX Experiment) involves the hydration of a compacted bentonite barrier under the combined effect of an inner source of heat and an outer water flow from the confining saturated granite rock. In the second case, the progressive de-saturation of Opalinus clay induced by maintained ventilation of an unlined tunnel is analyzed. The paper shows the performance of different sensors (capacitive cells, psychrometers, TDR’s) and a comparison of fill behaviour with modelling results. The long term performance of some instruments could also be evaluated specially in the case of FEBEX test. Capacitive sensors provide relative humidity data during long transient periods characterised by very large variations of suction within the bentonite.  相似文献   
Barite has been found for the first time in the Swiss Jura (Hirni, Passwang). Small, white crystals of barite with yellow ankerite grow on calcite in different chambers of a Bajocian ammonite. Chemical data (by microprobe analysis) and lattice parameters (refined by leastsquares from powder patterns) are given for the two minerals. There is a distinct correlation between the cell dimensions and the chemical composition for both of them. The genesis is discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Abweichend von der in einem früheren Aufsatz versuchten Erklärung der sommerlichen Feuchtezunahme über dem Mittelmeer wird plausibel gemacht, daß im wesentlichen die normale Erhöhung der Temperatur der Meeresoberfläche dafür verantwortlich ist.
Summary Earlier in this journal an article was published, which suggested that the increase of the relative humidity in the warmer season of the Mediterranean was effected by subsiding of dry air from above and therefore increasing evaporation. But now it seems to the author that only the normal annual variation of the sea surface temperature is responsible for the observed phenomenon.
Resumen Presentamos una solución numérica del problema del efecto de embalse con ayuda de una ecuación lineal inhomogénea en diferencias finitas de primer orden, suponiendo una ley lineal del desagüe. Este método numérico es de maneje cómodo para un cálculo aproximado.
Zusammenfassung Es wird die numerische Bestimmung der Seeretention mittels der Lösung einer linearen inhomogenen Differenzengleichung 1. Ordnung dargelegt. Dieses numerische Verfahren ist für eine Näherungsrechnung besonders geeignet.
Distribution of Cs, Na, and Ba between great monocrystals of KCl and water solution was investigated. Impurity was either labelled by long-lived radioactive isotopes or was activated after growth of the crystals by neutrons in a nuclear reactor. No influence on partition coefficients was caused by using radioactive tracers, e.g. due to raised inclusion of mother liquor. Between impurity concentrations from 3·10–4 to 10–1 in the solution the partition coefficients were nearly constant and about 10–3 for Na, about 10–4 for Cs, and <5·10–5 for Ba in KCl at temperatures of 40° C. If different impurity ions were built in simultaneously, the partition coefficients were independent of composition of solution. In case of Cs in KCl capture of Cs increased with increasing temperature.

Meinem hoehverehrten Lehrer, Herrn Prof. Dr. W. von Engelhart, danke ieh für die freundliehe Überlassung des interessanten Themas. Für die stete Förderung und die zahlreichen fruehtbaren Diskussionen und Anregungen bin ich ihm und Herrn Dr. H. Puchelt zu großem Dank verpflichtet.Dem Bundesnlinisterium für wissensehaftliehe Forsehung danke ieh ffir die großzügige Unterstützung der Arbeit.Herrn Prof. Dr. W. Seelmann-Eggebert und Herrn Dr. V. Schneider vom Kernforsehungszentrum Karlsruhe und Herrn Dr. Bartel von der Kernforsehungsanlage Jülich danke ich für die Unterstützung bei der Neutronenaktivierung und Herrn Dr. J. Ottemann vom Mineralogischen Instigut der Universität Heidelberg für die Untersuchung mit der Elektronenmikrosonde.  相似文献   
Bathymetric, 9.5-kHz long-range sidescan sonar (OKEAN), seismic reflection and sediment-core data are used in the analysis of two tectonic troughs south of Crete, Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Here, up to 1.2 s two-way travel time (TWTT) of strata have accumulated since the Middle Miocene in association with extension in the South Aegean region. The study area comprises >100-km- long by >25-km-wide basins filled by sediments subdivided into two seismic units: (1) an upper Unit 1 deposited in sub-basins which follow the present-day configuration of the southern Cretan margin; (2) a basal Unit 2, more than 500 ms (TWTT) thick, accumulated in deeper half-graben/grabens distinct from the present-day depocentres. Both units overlap a locally stratified Unit 3 comprising the pre-Neogene core complex of Crete and Gavdos. In this work, the interpreted seismic units are correlated with the onshore stratigraphy, demonstrating that denudation processes occurring on Crete and Gavdos in response to major tectonic events have been responsible for high sedimentation rates along the proximal southern Cretan margin. Consequently, topographically confined sedimentary units have been deposited south of Crete in the last 12 Ma, including turbidites and other mass-flow deposits fed by evolving transverse and axial channel systems. Surface processes controlling facies distribution include the direct inflow of sediment from alluvial-fan systems and incising mountain rivers onto the Cretan slope, where significant sediment instability processes occur at present. In this setting, seismic profiles reveal eight different types of stratigraphic contacts on basin-margin highs, and basinal areas show evidence of halokinesis and/or fluid escape. The acquired data also show that significant changes to the margin’s configuration occurred in association with the post-Alpine tectonic and eustatic episodes affecting the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   
Two distinct series of slumps deform the upper part of the sedimentary sequence along the continental margin of the Levant. One series is found along the base of the continental slope, where it overlies the disrupted eastern edge of the Messinian evaporites. The second series of slumps transects the continental margin from the shelf break to the Levant Basin. It seemed that the two series were triggered by two unrelated, though contemporaneous, processes. The shore-parallel slumps were initiated by basinwards flow of the Messinian salt, that carried along the overlying Plio-Quaternary sediments. Seawater that percolated along the detachment faults dissolved the underlying salt to form distinctly disrupted structures. The slope-normal slumps are located on top of large canyons that cut into the pre-Messinian sedimentary rocks. A layer of salt is found in the canyons, and the Plio-Quaternary sediments were deposited on that layer. The slumps are bounded by large, NW-trending faults where post-Messinian faulted offset was measured. We presume that the flow of the salt in the canyons also drives the slope-normal slumps. Thus thin-skinned halokynetic processes generated the composite post-Tortonian structural patterns of the Levant margin. The Phoenician Structures are a prime example of the collapse of a distal continental margin due to the dissolution of a massive salt layer.  相似文献   
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