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地形起伏是约束山区人口分布和经济发展的关键因素,尤其在山地平原过渡带其约束作用更为显著。以位于秦岭-黄淮平原过渡带的豫西山区为例,基于200 m分辨率DEM数据,采用均值变点法确定地形起伏度的最佳统计单元,并提取地形起伏度;以1∶10万土地利用、乡镇人口和县域各产业数据为基础,建立人口和经济空间化模型,同时生成200 m分辨率的栅格人口和经济密度图;在系统分析地形起伏度、人口和经济密度空间分布规律的基础上,借助统计分析方法基于栅格单元定量揭示了地形起伏度对人口和经济的影响,并与其他地形因子的影响进行对比分析。结果表明:① 豫西山区地形起伏度以低值为主,58.6%的区域地形起伏度小于等于0.5个基准山体的高度(相对高差≤ 250 m);空间上呈西高东低、中间高南北低的格局,与海拔、坡度均呈较强的正相关,且与坡度的相关性更大。② 被选作验证的人口和经济数据与对应模拟值的线性拟合度分别为0.943和0.909,表明空间化结果能反映人口和经济分布的实际状况。③ 地形起伏度对人口和经济的影响强于其他地形因子的影响,与人口密度和经济密度呈较好的对数拟合关系,拟合度分别为0.911和0.874;豫西山区88.65%的人口居住在地形起伏度不超过0.5的地区,88.03%的生产总值分布在地形起伏度不超过0.3的地区。相对人口分布,研究区的经济发展向地形起伏度低值区的集聚态势更加明显。  相似文献   
Based on the hydrological data in the headwater region of the Kaidu River during 1972–2011, the multifractal process of runoff fluctuation was analyzed. Results indicated that, in the past 40 years, the overall runoff of the Kaidu River in Xinjiang has shown significant multifractal behavior. Its singular curve lnχ_q(ε)–ln(ε) verified a favorable scale invariance over the entire time scale. τ(q)–q proved that evolution of the runoff time series presented multifractal characteristics. Moreover,the multifractal spectrum f(α)–α curve was hooklike leftward which indicated that, compared to relatively large runoff events. And Δf0 indicated that these relatively small events took the leading role; B0 explained the Kaidu River's daily-runoff ascending tendency presented during 1972–2011. Besides that, the multifractal behavior of the Kaidu River's runoff variability over four decades was also analyzed. Generally speaking, by decades, their four corresponding spectrum variations were not noticeable. These Δα values showed larger runoff events occupied the leading position with some local values falling. During the 1970 s to the 1990 s, Δf0 illustrated the probability of the daily runoff at the lowest point is always larger than that of the highest during three continuous decades. At the beginning of the 21 st century, for Δf0 the trend presented was contrary from the 1970 s to the 1990 s. B values suggested an overall trend of increases during1972–2011. Until the 21 st century, the runoff with a slightly descending tendency on the whole explained these relatively large runoff events taking the leading role for the Kaidu River; but sometimes, some small events also played the dominant role.  相似文献   
Free radical scavenging abilities of polypeptide from Chlamys farreri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Active oxygen free radicals can damage cell structure, even kill the cells, causing aging and cer- tain serious diseases (Bors et al., 1989). Usually, the production and scavenging of active oxygen free radicals are in balance in healthy hu…  相似文献   
Analysis of Zn, Cu, Pb, Co, Cr, Li, Ni, K, Al, Fe extracted by 1 mol/L HCl or 0.5 mol/LHCl/H_2O_2, showed concentrations of Zn, Cu, Pb, Co, Cr, Fe, Ni were significantly correlated with Li, Al,K, and clay. Two methods are used to indicate the background value of the non-residual phase of elementsin sediments, and are the same as the methods used to indicate the background value of totalconcentrations in sediments. The first method uses correlograms and regression equations,the second usesthe mean element concentrations normalized with grain size. Li, Al, K can be used as reference elements to determine the background value of Zn, Cu, Pb, Co,Cr, Ni, Fe, while the clay concentration's correlation with some extractable concentrations can be used tocalculate the background value of the non-residual phase of elements as a percentage of clay concentrationin the sediments. Based on this study, the concept of using the background value of the non-residualphase of elements to compare the pollution level in differ  相似文献   
冰芯钻取后,样品截取原则和环境记录的初步解释要求对年代-深度剖面有一初步了解,即要求建立冰体随深度变化的时间尺度。根据柯林斯冰帽一年多野外实测资料所揭示的小冰穹运动状况、温度分布、物质平衡和动力学特征,本文采用Dansgarrd-Johnsen模型和等温冰体流动模型(n=3),分别对一支80.2m冰芯的时间尺度进行初步估算。结果表明两种模型断代结果非常接近,在距冰床10m深度处,两模型分别给出1897年和1854年的冰龄。对比指出两种模型计算出的冰帽各深度冰龄最大误差不大于2%。与冰芯中上部含深褐色火山灰冰层的历史记录年代相比误差小于3%。  相似文献   
本文利用2001-2003年南极中山站175天全天空摄像机观测,对午后多重极光弧的出现率及其与Kp指数的关系进行了统计分析,结果表明午后多重极光弧出现率呈一单峰分布,最大发生率出现在1445UT(1645MLT),其位置在1500MLT极光热点(1300-1700MLT)近夜侧的部分。与地磁活动指数Kp的相关统计分析表明,Kp值为2-3之间时多重极光弧有较大的出现率,这说明中等地磁活动情形下午后多重极光弧有较高的出现率。事件分析表明多重极光弧的强度变化与地磁Pc5脉动具有较高的相关性,并且有类似的频谱特征,这说明午后多重极光弧可能与同时出现的Pc5地磁脉动有关。  相似文献   
国土空间规划"一张图"实施监督信息系统是在国土空间基础信息平台和国土空间规划"一张图"基础上,为国土空间规划编制、审查、实施、监督提供技术支撑的信息化系统.该系统引入一种用于三维可视化的倾斜摄影数据采集方法,构建三维立体"一张图",真实地浏览和展示数据,开发"一键式"综合分析功能,将复杂空间分析步骤高度集成和定制化,建立监测预警大数据平台.该系统可辅助审查及决策,有效提升管理部门办事效率,全面提升国土空间规划动态监测、综合监管及社会公众服务能力,助力自然资源管理及空间治理迈向智慧化.  相似文献   
中国滑雪场可达性及市场潜力测度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用可达性分析方法与潜力模型对中国滑雪场空间分布格局与市场潜力进行了系统分析,全面认识了滑雪场在交通可达性方面的优劣势,并针对不同区域提出了相应的发展或改进方向.研究表明:中国滑雪场距离城市中心的平均最短旅行时间为1.24 h,南方可达性普遍较差,北方同一城市内部差异较大.全国各城市到达某一滑雪场的最短时间呈圈层式分布...  相似文献   
新一代区域气候模式RegCM4.6引进了Mix积云参数化方案,可以将之前版本中的Emanuel和Grell方案结合在一起,以弥补单个参数化方案的不足。利用2016年MODIS(Moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer)数据对RegCM4.6中Mix和Emanuel积云参数化方案模拟的东亚云量(Cloud fraction,CF)、冰水柱含量(Ice water path,IWP)和液水柱含量(Liquid water path,LWP)进行初步评估,计算了相关系数(r)、平均绝对误差(Mean absolute error,MAE)、平均偏差(Mean bias error,MBE)和均方根误差(Root mean square error,RMSE),以便为相关研究选取积云参数化方案提供参考依据。结果表明:(1)模拟的CF的MBE大致以胡焕庸线为界,西北部为轻微高估,东南部通常为低估。2种方案在夏季的模拟效果最好,冬季最差。Mix方案的MAE、MBE和RMSE的绝对值在四季普遍小于Emanuel方案。(2)模式明显低估了东亚的IWP,...  相似文献   
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