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The Hekoulinchang Sn-Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic deposit(20000 t Sn at 0.27%,236 t Ag at 122.89 g/t,15000 t Pb at 0.84%,and 38000 t Zn at 1.43%)is located in the Wandashan Terrane of the easternmost segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.The timing of Sn-Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic mineralization remains unclear due to a lack of precise isotope dating directly conducted on ore minerals.The authors herein report that the LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of cassiterite and zircon from the granite porphyry in the Hekoulinchang Sn-Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic deposit are 101.4±7.9 Ma and 115.4±1.0 Ma,respectively,indicating that Sn mineralization and magmatism occurred during the Early Cretaceous.The granite porphyry belongs to the subalkaline series peraluminous I-type granites that are depleted in Nb,Ta,and Ti and enriched in Rb,Th,U,and Pb.TheεHf(t)values of the granite porphyry range from 0.9 to 7.4,with an average of about 5.6 and two-stage model ages(TDM2)of 705–1116 Ma,with an average age of 819 Ma.The εNd(t)values of the apatites are–1.60–0.45,with an average of–0.9,and two-stage model ages(TDM2)of 872–1040 Ma,with an average age of 983 Ma.The Nd-Hf isotope data indicate that the magma may have been derived from the partial melting of juvenile crustal material.  相似文献   
构家河金矿床位于南秦岭武当山西缘,产于绢云绿泥石英片岩和变石英砂岩之中,受韧性滑脱剪切构造带控制。矿化类型主要有破碎带蚀变岩型和石英脉型,其中前者形成了破碎带蚀变岩型主矿体,呈似层状或透镜状分布于近南北向断裂中,次矿体分布在北西和北东向次级断裂中,为石英脉型矿体。成矿作用包括3个阶段:石英-硫化物阶段、石英-硫化物-金银矿化阶段和石英-碳酸盐阶段。对主矿体石英-硫化物-金银矿化阶段和石英-碳酸盐阶段的流体包裹体进行了显微观察和测温,同时对不同阶段的石英和方解石、白云石等进行了D、O、C同位素测试。结果显示,包裹体以原生气液两相包裹体为主,且主要为富液相包裹体;石英-硫化物-金银矿化阶段包裹体均一温度集中于180~270℃,峰值为220℃,盐度和密度分别为1.40%~14.46%和0.60~0.97g/cm~3;石英-碳酸盐阶段均一温度峰值为170℃,盐度和密度分别为1.34%~7.31%和0.86~0.96g/cm~3;石英-硫化物-金银矿化阶段和石英-碳酸盐阶段石英的δD_(v-SMOW)值分别为-93.3%~70.9‰和-91.6%‰~-67.2‰,δ~(18)O_(v-SMOW)值为12.9‰~14.5‰和11.9‰~13.8‰;方解石和白云石的δ~(13)C_(V.PDB)值为-12.4‰~-12.0‰,δ~(18)O_(v-PDB)值为-18.4‰~-18.1‰。成矿流体特征显示该矿床初始成矿流体为中温、低盐度的变质热液,再结合区域成矿地质与成矿构造背景,认为构家河金矿为造山型金矿床。  相似文献   
2006年春季内蒙古久旱转雨过程分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用T213数值预报产品资料和基本气象资料,对发生在2006年5月11日内蒙古春季的久旱转雨天气过程进行了气候背景、天气成因和转折性特征的分析.分析表明,青藏高原低槽的建立与中纬度低槽的叠加是此次久旱转雨过程大尺度环流调整的转折性信号,西南急流的建立、水汽的长距离输送和偏东方向水汽的垂直叠加是转折性降水最重要的条件.东亚地区中纬度40 °N低槽对转折性降水的作用主要体现为动力作用,而青藏高原低槽主要体现在对西南气流的加强和水汽的远距离输送.高层正涡度由南向北的输送,使中纬度低槽进一步加深,垂直运动上升区自西向东的输送主要发生在低层东风切变中.辐散场在垂直方向上形成了较好的抽吸效应,使低层动力辐合作用进一步加强.有利的动力、热力条件叠加成为此次转折性降水的又一重要原因.  相似文献   
基于TM影响的不同季节北京城市热环境研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用2005~2006年4景北京Landsat TM影像,通过热红外波段反演地表温度,揭示不同季节城市热环境分布特征及其空间差异。分别利用遥感反演的地面温度和地面气象站观测的气温数据,计算地表热岛强度和空气热岛强度,并分析其季节变化,结果表明:城区相对近郊区,热岛效应在夏季显著;城区相对于乡村,四季都存在较强的热岛效应。  相似文献   
Summary Intensity forecasts of a hurricane are shown to be quite sensitive to the initial meso-convective scale precipitation distributions. These are included within the data assimilation using a physical initialization that was developed at Florida State University. We show a case study of a hurricane forecast where the inclusion of the observed precipitation did provide reasonable intensity forecasts. Further experimentation with the inclusion or exclusion of individual meso-convective rainfall elements, around and over the storm, shows that the intensity forecasts were quite sensitive to these initial rainfall distributions. The exclusion of initial rain in the inner rain area of a hurricane leads to a much reduced intensity forecast, whereas that impact is less if the rainfall of an outer rain band was initially excluded.Intensity forecasts of hurricanes may be sensitive to a number of factors such as sea surface temperature anomalies, presence or absence of concentric eye walls, potential vorticity interactions in the upper troposphere and other environmental factors.This paper is a sequel to a recent study, Krishnamurti et al., 1997, on the prediction of hurricane OPAL of 1995 that was a category III storm over the Gulf of Mexico. In that study we showed successful forecasts of the storm intensity from the inclusion of observed rainfall distributions within physical initialization. In that paper we examined the issues of diabatic potential vorticity and the angular momentum in order to diagnose the storm intensity. All of the terms of the complete Ertel potential vorticity equation were evaluated and it was concluded that the diabatic contributions to the potential vorticity were quite important for the diagnosis of the storm's intensity. The present paper addresses some sensitivity issues related to the individual mesoconvective precipitating elements.With 4 Figures  相似文献   
从激波管内水汽瞬态相变实验研究的角度出发,探讨利用激波管理论及实验技术应用于人工影响降雨、消雹所涉及的云雾瞬态相变问题。首先介绍利用激波管研究水汽瞬态相变的概况,并介绍一些特殊激波管及实验状态的控制。然后介绍激波管内水汽相变过程研究的测试原理及方法。最后讨论在研究爆炸方法进行人工降雨、消雹和自然闪电、雷击等问题时,应用激波管理论及实验技术进行实验研究爆炸作用于云雾等微物理过程的方法和内容  相似文献   
利用天气预报业务中的多种预报产品资料,对2008年9月21日呼和浩特地区秋季一次降水过程进行了分析,结果表明:(1)太平洋副高西伸,地面西南倒槽是本次降水形成的主要影响系统。(2)700hPa西南低空急流的形成与地面倒槽东移北上共同为降水提供了暖湿能量,对降水的形成发展起了重要作用。(3)在降水过程中,大气的高层辐散、低层辐合以及较强的垂直上升运动使降水加强。  相似文献   
内蒙古电网气象预警服务系统简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用气象多普勒雷达、卫星云图等现代化观测手段和自动化程度很高的地面自动气象站资料以及MM5中尺度预报产品,结合有线网络传输和基于Intranet、Internet的多层分布式技术搭建内蒙古电网气象预警与电力线路安全运行服务系统,开展电网气象预警预测和气象预报服务。系统建立了实时的地面自动气象站资料数据库和中尺度预报产品数据库,实现了多种气象要素的实时监测和预报,为内蒙古电网的运行安全提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
华南区域季节性降水的差异分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用EOF方法研究华南区域降水时空分布特征,结果表明:(1)华南地区各季节降水在年际和年代际的时间变化上有区域一致性,但有季节性差异,其中春季和秋季在20世纪80年代后降水明显减少,旱年增多;而夏季90年代后降水明显增加,涝年增多;冬季变化则不明显。(2)华南地区各季节降水在空间分布上也有差异,其中春季降水呈现东多西少的分布特征,大值中心位于广西东北部、广东中部及西南沿海。夏季和秋季降水相似,呈南多北少的分布特征,大值中心位于广西沿海和广东西南沿海。冬季降水呈东北多西南少的分布特征,大值中心位于粤北。  相似文献   
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