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The distinct precursory signals of countrywide extensive and persistent extreme cold events (CECs) were investigated and contrasted with those of countrywide cold wave events (CCWs). It is shown that most CECs were accompanied by a CCW in the initial stages. From the comparison between the CECs and the CCWs that were independent of any CEC, it is found that a south- west-northeast-oriented tilted ridge at 500 hPa was present around the Europe-Barents Sea regions approximately 10 days prior to the start of the CEC. Consistent with this feature, a high sea level pressure and strong cold air accumulation occurred over a broad extent of northern Eurasia one week prior to the start of the CEC. The tilted ridge and the strong cold air accumulation were the precursory signals that were absent for the CCW, and they provide important clues for the early prediction of whether a CCW event might evolve into a CEC.  相似文献   
2009年豫南一次强暴雨过程的位涡方程诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中尺度WRF模式、NCEP/NCAR再分析格点资料及常规气象观测资料,对2009年8月28—30日河南省南部一次强暴雨过程进行中尺度数值模拟,借助模式输出的模拟数据计算位势涡度及位势涡度方程收支,并利用位涡收支方程对此次暴雨过程进行诊断分析。结果表明,WRF模式对此次暴雨过程的模拟效果较好,模拟暴雨强度及落区与实况较一致,位势涡度能够较好地反映此次暴雨过程的动力及热力特征。位涡异常高值区与暴雨中心有较好的对应关系,暴雨中心大致位于位涡高值中心东南侧。位涡收支方程中各收支项同样能够反映此次暴雨过程的动力、热力性质。暴雨发展过程中大气中低层位涡局地增加,位涡局地变化大值中心驿应暴雨中心。各收支项中,引起中低层位涡局地变化的贡献主要来源于潜热加热作用、水平平流作用、垂直输送作用及摩擦作用。其中潜热加热与水平平流作用对暴雨中低层正变位涡起正贡献作用,潜热加热作用有利于位涡局地增加,水平平流作用易于低层位涡向流场辐合区聚集,引起局地位涡增加;垂直输送及摩擦作用对中低层位涡变化表现为负贡献作用,垂直作用易于将中低层位涡向高层输送,使得低层位涡减小,高层位涡增加。在摩擦作用下,低层位涡被大量耗散,使得中低层位涡局地减小。  相似文献   
刘蕾  孙颖  张蓬勃 《气象学报》2014,72(4):690-702
利用1961-2010年中国逐日降水数据和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料集,研究了大尺度环流的年代际变化对不同频发年代华南持续性暴雨的影响。结果表明,虽然过去50年里华南持续性暴雨的发生存在两个频发时段(20世纪60年代中期到70年代中期、20世纪90年代初到2010年),其典型环流配置都表现为中高纬度冷空气和低纬度充沛水汽的配合,但不同频发时段的大尺度环流配置明显不同,这种配置使得两个频发时段的暴雨发生特点有所不同,最近20年的暴雨发生次数更多,强度更强,持续时间更长。在频发的1964-1976年,高纬度的冷空气主要来自西西伯利亚上空深厚的低槽前部,而此时南亚高压偏弱,西太平洋副热带高压偏弱、偏东,低纬度的水汽主要来自孟加拉湾印缅低压槽前,可降水量偏小,但垂直速度较大,水汽辐合较旺盛,华南上空大气环流较不稳定;在频发的1991-2010年,鄂霍次克海上空附近的高压脊活跃,高纬度冷空气主要来自高压后部,低纬度西太平洋副热带高压偏强,位置偏西,其西北侧的水汽源源不断输送到华南上空,故可降水量增多,伴随着强大的南亚高压提供的良好的高层辐散条件,华南上空垂直速度增大,水汽辐合明显,强有利的环流配置导致1991-2010年华南持续性暴雨强度更大、范围更广。因此,大气环流的年代际转型使得华南持续性暴雨发生了巨大改变,故在未来做预测时应充分考虑不同年代际环流背景场对华南持续性暴雨的重要影响。  相似文献   
Monthly mean zonal wind data from the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasting(ECMWF)for December 1982, April 1983, October 1984 and ApriI 1985 are used in numerical integration as thebasic flow in a non-linear critical-layer model. The subtropical high is extensive and limited in number if simulated with the basic now in December 1982 and April 1983. It consists of 2 to 3 cells that move westward at alloscillatory periods of 1~2 months. The subtropical high, simulated with the basic flow in October 1984 and April1 985. is weak and small in coverage, or distributed in strips that contain up to 4 cells. The high. merged or spillover a short time. is moving westward. The years 1982 ~1983 are a process of EI Niño while the years 1984-1985one of La Niña. lt is known from the chart of energy flux that it oscillates by a much larger amplitude and longerperiod in the EI Niño year than in the La Niña year. All the results above have indicated that the basic flow in the EI Niño year is enhancing the subtropical high lagging by about 4 months and that in the La Niña year is decay'ing it. It is consiStent with the well-known observational fact that the SSTA in the equatorial eastern Pacitlc ispositively correlated with the extent and intensity of the subtropical high in west Pacific lagging by 1~2 seasons.The result is also important for further study of the formation, maintenance and oscillation of the subtropicalhigh.  相似文献   
在安徽巢湖177高地、无为白牡山等地中二叠统栖霞组顶部灰岩段和臭灰岩段发现大量遗迹化石Zoophycos cf.caudagalli。这些遗迹化石以系统觅食迹为主,指示水动力及波浪作用较弱、贫氧的深水沉积环境。在栖霞组的砾状灰岩中,发现部分Zoophycos穿插于灰岩砾石和基质之中,这揭示栖霞组石灰砾岩中的砾石并非成岩作用成因,而是碎屑流沉积形成,属于异地成因碳酸盐岩。综合巢湖地区栖霞组的地层和岩石地球化学特征以及Zoophycos的生活习性和分布特征,发现表明巢湖地区中二叠统栖霞组臭灰岩段和顶部灰岩段属于贫氧的碳酸盐台缘斜坡沉积。  相似文献   
通过对黔东北松桃-江口地区寒武系牛蹄塘组调查研究及系统的样品控制,以岩石学、层序地层学、微量元素地球化学为技术手段,研究发现该组地层岩石主要为富含炭质细碎屑岩组合,沉积构造丰富,识别出该地层组为完整的三级层序,自下而上可进一步划分为盆地-大陆斜坡-深水陆棚相沉积。微量元素总体上富亲铜、亲铁元素,贫亲石元素;以V、Ni、Mo、Re、As、Cd、U元素丰度及U/Th、δU、V/(V+Ni)、V/Cr、Ni/Co比值指标证实研究区牛蹄塘组中下部沉积条件均位于氧化界以下,属于贫氧-厌氧还原环境,为区域上V、Mo等元素的超常富集提供必要条件,至本组上部为贫氧-弱氧化环境,划分出Ⅶ个氧化还原幕次,细化了研究区牛蹄塘组沉积环境条件及其演化特征。  相似文献   
The association of seasonal timing of stratospheric final warming events(SFWs) in spring and the occurrence of major and minor stratospheric sudden warming events(SSWs) in midwinter were investigated through statistical analysis, parallel comparison, and composite analysis, based on the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis dataset covering 1958–2012. It was found that the intensity and occurrence of winter SSW events can largely affect the timing of spring SFWs. Specifically, the SFW onset dates tend to be later(earlier) after the occurrence(absence) of winter major SSWs. However, the occurrence or absence of minor SSWs does not change the frequency of early and late SFWs. A parallel comparison of the temporal evolution of the anomalous circulation and planetary-waves between major SSW and minor SSW winters indicates that the stratospheric polar vortex(polar jet) will keep being anomalously stronger 30 days after major SSW onset. And the associated significant negative Eliassen-Palm(EP) flux anomalies can persist for as long as 45 days after major SSW events. In contrast, the circulation anomalies around the occurrence of minor SSW events can last only a few days. To further verify the possible influence of the occurrence of major SSWs on the seasonal timing of SFWs, composite analysis was performed respectively for the 21 major-SSW years, 15 minor-SSW years, and the 15 non-SSW years. Generally, planetary-wave activity in the extratropical stratosphere tends to be stronger(weaker) and the westerly polar jet is anomalously weaker(stronger) in major-SSW(non-SSW) winters. But in the following spring, the planetary-wave activity is weaker(stronger) accompanied with an anomalously stronger(weaker) stratospheric polar vortex. In spring after minor-SSW years, however, the stratospheric polar vortex and the westerly polar jet exhibit a state close to climatology with relatively gentle variations.  相似文献   
自2007年太湖蓝藻水华引起无锡供水危机后,在太湖流域及湖区开展了一系列综合治理措施以改善太湖水环境质量.本研究在太湖梅梁湾和贡湖湾各设置3个采样点,自2010年4月起每月2次监测太湖水质.结合水文气象数据及无锡市环境监测站和太湖局的同期数据,明确太湖自2010年以来,水质整体良好,总氮浓度在波动中呈现下降的趋势,总磷浓度在2014年前也是在波动中呈现下降的趋势,但在2015和2016年有所回升,回升比例约为15%~20%.2015和2016年总磷浓度出现回升的主要原因是这2年的2次大洪水过程携带大量N、P进入太湖湖区,洪水消退过程中,N大多以溶解态排泄出湖区,而P则由于大多数以颗粒态存在,逐渐沉积到湖泊中,随着微囊藻生长消耗水体溶解态P以及水体pH和溶解氧的变化逐渐释放到太湖水体中.  相似文献   
淮南采煤塌陷湖泊浮游植物优势种的营养动力学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在淮南潘谢矿区选取3个营养盐结构差异较大的塌陷湖泊,于2014—2015年4个季度分别对浮游植物群落结构组成进行调查,选取3个湖泊中的优势种(属)具尾蓝隐藻(Chroomonas caudata)、链形小环藻(Cyclotella catenata)和伪鱼腥藻(Pseudanabaena sp.)作为研究对象,设置不同的氮(N)、磷(P)浓度梯度进行营养动力学培养实验,并结合Monod方程,获得3个藻种在不同营养盐限制下的营养动力学参数.N限制下具尾蓝隐藻、小环藻和伪鱼腥藻的最大生长速率(μmax)和半饱和常数(Ks)分别为:0.66 d~(-1)、1.66 mg/L;0.37 d~(-1)、1.06 mg/L;0.71 d~(-1)、2.26 mg/L;P限制下它们的μmax和Ks则分别为:0.51 d~(-1)、0.023 mg/L;0.31 d~(-1)、0.035 mg/L;0.90 d~(-1)、0.015 mg/L.综上所述,在N充足时,伪鱼腥藻能够在竞争中形成优势,同时在P限制情况下易成为优势种,从营养动力学的角度揭示了其在塌陷湖泊中占据优势的营养盐动力学机制.研究结果可以为沉陷区水域开发利用和营养盐管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   
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