Uncertainty in input fracture geometric parameters during analysis of the stability of jointed rock slopes is inevitable and therefore the stochastic discrete fracture network (DFN) — distinct element method (DEM) is an efficient modeling tool. In this research, potentially unstable conditions are detected in the right abutment of the Karun 4 dam and downstream of the dam body as a case study. Two extreme states with small and relatively large block sizes are selected and a series of numerical DEM models are generated using a number of validated DFN models. Stability of the rock slope is assessed in both static and dynamic loading states. Based on the design basis earthquake (DBE) and maximum credible earthquake (MCE) expected in the dam site, histories of seismic waves are applied to analyze the stability of the slope in dynamic earthquake conditions. The results indicate that a MCE is likely to trigger sliding of rock blocks on the rock slope major joint. Furthermore, the dynamic analysis also shows a local block failure by the DBE, which can consequently lead to slope instability over the long term. According to the seismic behavior of the two models, larger blocks are prone to greater instability and are less safe against earthquakes.
Dust, as a source of trace metal elements, affects the health of society. The spatial and temporal concentrations of dust‐bound trace metals (Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn, Cu, and Mn) in Kuhdasht watershed (456 km2), Lorestan Province, Iran, is investigated. Dust is collected using glass traps placed in ten research stations in the region. The spatial and temporal distribution of dust trace metals are plotted using ARC‐GIS. The highest and the lowest concentrations of Zn (9751150 mg kg?1), Pb (46.352.9 mg kg?1), and Cd (2.443.30 mg kg?1) are obtained in winter, of Ni (98110 mg kg?1) and Cu in autumn (16.053.5 mg kg?1), and of Mn in summer (385505 mg kg?1). The spatial concentrations of dust‐bound trace metals indicate all, except Cu, show a decreasing trend from the mountains toward the plains, similar to that of soil and of dust, except for Zn, which shows higher concentrations in dust than in soil. The potential sources of dust‐bound trace metals and their rate of contamination are also investigated using the enrichment and contamination factors. The major sources of Cd and Zn in the dust of watershed are due to anthropogenic activities or from activities outside the borders. 相似文献
High gas production from the Dashtak formation of Tabnak hydrocarbon field in Fars province, Iran, indicates the presence of natural fractured reservoir whose production potential is dominated by the structural fracture. The connectivity of fractured media depends upon the power?Claw exponent and the fracture density. Fracture pattern traces obtained from the outcrops of producing formations of six different stations in Tabnak hydrocarbon field. 2D fracture network maps of Tabnak hydrocarbon field have been analyzed from their scaling properties. The fractal analysis of fracture intensity showed heterogeneous multi-fractal structure characterized by generalized dimensions. Distribution of fracture lengths exhibits power?Claw behavior with specific exponent. Scaling laws serve to make extrapolations and to study the fracture connectivity related to scale. Fracture distribution model and reservoir productivity can be estimated, which are of great interest in decision making to optimize gas production. 相似文献
Underground structures are currently widely used and are built as urbanism develops. The interactions between perpendicularly crossing and parallel tunnels in the Tehran region are investigated by using a full three-dimensional (3D) finite difference analysis with elastic-plastic material models. Special attention is paid to the effect of subsequent tunneling on the support system, i.e., the shotcrete lining and rock bolts of the existing tunnel. Eventually, as the tunnels are excavated at certain levels, the interaction between the tunnels will certainly have a significant influence on both stress distribution and consequently deformations. Since multilayer tunneling is a three-dimensional phenomenon in nature, 3D numerical solutions must be utilized for analyzing effect of perpendicularly crossing tunnels at various levels. As Tohid twin tunnels and Line 7 pass beneath the Line 4 metro tunnel, changes in stress distribution, deformations, and surface settlements are studied for various conditions and the results are presented in this paper. Consequently, it is shown that there is a significant interaction between tunnels that necessitate certain preventive measures to maintain a stable tunneling operation. 相似文献
The damage evolution mechanism of rocks is one of the most important aspects in studying of rock fatigue behavior. Fatigue damage evolution of three rock types (onyx marble, sandstone and soft limestone) with different brittleness were considered in the present study. Intensive experimental tests were conducted on the chosen rock samples and acoustic emission (AE) sensors were used in some of them to monitor the fracturing process. Experimental tests indicated that brittleness strongly influences damage evolution of rocks in the course of static and dynamic loading. AE monitoring revealed that micro-crack density induced by the applied loads during different stages of the failure processes increases as rock brittleness increases. Also, results of fatigue tests on the three rock types indicated that the rock with the most induced micro-cracks during loading cycles has the least fatigue life. Furthermore, the condition of failure surfaces of the studied rocks samples, subjected to dynamic and static loading, were evaluated and it was concluded that the roughness of failure surfaces is influenced by loading types and rock brittleness. Dynamic failure surfaces were rougher than static ones and low brittle rock demonstrate a smoother failure surface compared to high brittle rock. 相似文献