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车载激光扫描测量方法较传统摄影测量方法具有更多优点,它能快速采集大面积、高精度的三维空间数据,具有广阔的应用前景。针对车载激光扫描数据的分类问题,提出了一种基于地物特征提取的点云数据分类方法,即采用主成分分析(PCA)方法,在提取多种街区地物点云数据几何特征和总结地物对象特征知识规则的基础上,根据选取的主特征设计一套阶层式的分类方法,并利用该方法对一套车载激光点云数据进行了分类试验。结果表明,该方法的分类效果良好,具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   
应用DFD(Diverse Firewall Design)方法进行防火墙规则集设计时,需使用规则集语义比较算法,判断多个规则集是否语义一致。规则冲突是导致规则集语义不一致的主要原因。因此,需要研究针对规则冲突的规则集语义比较算法。而现有算法时空复杂度较高,性能低下。文中提出了1种基于关键数据包选取映射的规则集语义比较算法(KPCM)。KPCM算法针对规则冲突选取关键数据包,并通过比较这些数据包在不同规则集中的处理动作,判断这些规则集是否语义一致。理论分析和测试表明,KPCM算法时空性能均优于现有算法。  相似文献   
Halipteris finmarchica is one of the most common species of deep‐sea pennatulacean corals in the Northwest Atlantic; it was recently determined to act as a biogenic substrate for other species and as a nursery for fish larvae. Its reproductive cycle was investigated in colonies sampled in 2006 and 2007 along the continental slope of Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada). Halipteris finmarchica exhibits large oocytes (maximum diameter of 1000 μm), which are consistent with lecithotrophic larval development. Female potential fecundity based on mature oocytes just before spawning was ~6 oocytes · polyp?1 (500–6300 oocytes · colony?1); male potential fecundity was 16 spermatocysts · polyp?1 (5500–57,400 spermatocysts · colony?1). Based on statistical analysis of size‐probability frequency distributions, males harboured one cohort of spermatocysts that matured inside 8–11 months, whereas females harboured two distinct cohorts of oocytes; a persistent pool of small ones (≤400 μm) and a small number (~20%) of larger ones that grew from ~400 to >800 μm over a year. Despite this difference in the tempo of oogenesis and spermatogenesis, a synchronic annual spawning was detected. A latitudinal shift in the spawning period occurred from south (April in the Laurentian Channel) to north (May in Grand Banks and July–August in Labrador/Lower Arctic), following the development of the phytoplankton bloom (i.e. sinking of phytodetritus). Prolonged oogenesis with the simultaneous presence of different oocyte classes in a given polyp is likely not uncommon in deep‐sea octocorals and could hamper the detection of annual/seasonal reproduction when sample sizes are low and/or time series discontinued or brief.  相似文献   
随着城市化进程的深入发展,传统二维GIS应用系统的空间分析与表达已无法满足城市信息化管理的需求。三维GIS系统相对于二维GIS系统具有直观、准确的优点,是支撑智慧城市建设的核心技术。本文以广州市海珠区琶洲街为范围,设计了二三维一体化的城市三维仿真应用系统的体系结构,介绍了系统建设的技术路线,最后对应用系统的部分软件功能予以展示。本系统建设流程主要包括数据建设和应用系统开发两大部分,本文均予以详细阐述。由于需对海量的二三维数据进行融合存储并实时调度,而本系统底层利用的Skyline三维引擎支持实时的超大数据融合,因此,本系统具有良好的三维数据运载能力。  相似文献   
A preliminary study was undertaken to determine the optimal conditions for the biodegradation of a crude oil. Among 57 oil‐degrading bacterial cultures isolated from oil‐contaminated soil samples, Bacillus sp. IOS1‐7, Corynebacterium sp. BPS2‐6, Pseudomonas sp. HPS2‐5, and Pseudomonas sp. BPS1‐8 were selected for the study based on the efficiency of crude oil utilization. Along with the selected individual strains, a mixed bacterial consortium prepared using the above strains was also used for degradation studies. The mixed bacterial consortium showed more growth and degradation than did individual strains. At 1% crude oil concentration, the mixed bacterial consortium degraded a maximum of 77% of the crude oil. This was followed by 69% by Pseudomonas sp. BPS1‐8, 64% by Bacillus sp. IOS1‐7, 45% by Pseudomonas sp. HPS2‐5, and 41% by Corynebacterium sp. BPS2‐6. The percentage of degradation by the mixed bacterial consortium decreased from 77 to 45% as the concentration of crude oil was increased from 1 to 12%. Temperature of 35°C and pH 7 were found to be optimum for maximum degradation.  相似文献   
雷电定位系统与人工观测雷暴日数统计比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了利用雷电定位系统 (lightning location system,LLS) 资料统计人工观测雷暴日数,采用湖北省2007—2012年LLS监测资料,选取25个气象站为圆心,统计其不同监测半径 (r) 圆区域内LLS监测的雷电日数,并与人工观测雷暴日数进行比较。结果表明:r≤7 km时,LLS监测平均年雷电日数小于人工观测平均年雷暴日数;r≥8 km时, LLS监测平均年雷电日数大于人工观测平均年雷暴日数;r=22 km圆区域内年平均雷电日数可替代最大年雷暴日数。根据r=7 km,r=8 km圆区域内LLS监测的年雷电日数、年平均地闪密度资料,分别采用直接替代法、地闪密度法和该文提出的二元法计算年雷暴日数,结果显示:二元法效果最好。二元法计算的2007—2012年25个站平均年雷暴日数与人工观测相等,平均差异为7.4%;二元法计算的2013年年雷暴日数与人工观测相差0.8 d,平均差异为12.3%。  相似文献   
通过对我国历史上箭竹开花及王朗自然保护区箭竹生长气象条件的研究认为,箭竹开花多在冬暖夏凉的年份;箭竹的生长量可由气象因素的变化来进行预测。研究结果可为保护大熊猫提供一定的气象依据。  相似文献   
通过跟踪监测华电青岛发电有限公司脱硫海水排放口附近海域的水质、表层沉积物质量和海洋生物群落结构,初步探讨了脱硫海水排放对海泊河口及附近海域生态环境的影响。结果表明:(1)脱硫海水特征污染物排放对排水口下游水域会造成一定不利影响,主要表现在pH值和DO的明显降低以及水温的明显升高,影响范围局限于排水口下游400m范围内的河口段;(2)脱硫海水排放不会明显增加排水口下游COD、N、P的污染负荷;(3)脱硫海水排放未显著增加附近海域重金属的综合潜在生态危害程度,重金属的潜在污染风险较小;(4)调查海域冬、夏两季生物多样性较高,群落结构较稳定,脱硫海水排放未对生物群落结构和生物多样性造成明显的不利影响。  相似文献   
With the discoveries of a series of large gas fields in the northeast of Sichuan Basin, such as Puguang and Longgang gas fields, the formation mechanism of the gas reservoir containing high H2S in the ancient marine carbonate formation in superposition-basin becomes a hot topic in the field of petroleum geology. Based on the structure inversion, numerical simulation, and geochemical research, we show at least two intervals of fluid transfer in Puguang paleo-oil reservoir, one in the forepart of late Indo-Ch...  相似文献   
华南地区存在两种类型变质基底。Sm-Nd同位素数据的研究结果表明,它们可分别代表华南两种类型元古代地壳端员。华夏地块区副变质岩代表成熟度较高的(早)元古代地壳端员,~(147)Sm/~(144)Nd=0.1198,~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd=0.511822;江南古岛弧区副变质岩代表成熟度较低的(中—晚)元古代地壳端员,~(147)Sm/~(144)Nd=0.1246,~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd=0.512170。根据上述数据得出了华南元古代地壳Sm-Nd同位素演化域,进而对华南不同时代花岗岩类的物质来源作了进一步的讨论。  相似文献   
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