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This study integrates the RUSLE, remote sensing and GIS to assess soil loss and identify sensitive areas to soil erosion in the Nilufer creek watershed in Bursa province, Turkey. The annual average soil loss was generated separately for years 1984 and 2011, in order to expose possible soil loss differences occurred in 27 years. In addition, sediment accumulation and sediment yield of the studied watershed was also predicted and discussed. The results indicated that very severe erosion risk areas in 1984 was 13.4% of the area, but it was increased to 15.3% by the year 2011, which needs immediate attention from soil conservation point of view. Furthermore, the estimated annual sediment yield of the Nilufer creek watershed was increased from 903 to 979 Mg km?2 y?1 in 27 years period. The study also provides useful information for decision-makers and planners to take appropriate land management practices in the area.  相似文献   
Reservoir fluid compositions have been assessed from analytical data on water samples collected from thermal and cold waters in Balçova geothermal field. The results of mineral equilibrium modelling indicate that the waters, with some exceptions, are systematically supersaturated with respect to calcite, aragonite, dolomite, chalcedony and quartz, but undersaturated with respect to amorphous silica, celestite, anhydrite and gypsum and undersaturated or supersaturated with respect to barite, low-albite, K-feldspar, gibbsite and Fe(OH)3(a). Calculation of mineral saturation states and geochemical analyses of scale and field observations show that carbonate minerals (calcite, aragonite and dolomite) are most likely to be precipitated as a scale type. Besides carbonates, scale formation risk of amorphous silica, Fe(OH)3(a), anhydrite, barite and celestite minerals should be taken into account in some wells and surface equipment. Most of the waters, with some exceptions, have carbonate scaling risk at all temperatures, whereas the other scaling risks only exist over a limited temperature range. While silica, Fe(OH)3(a) and barite show a scaling tendency at low temperatures, anhydrite and celestite scaling occurs at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

Discharge in most rivers consists mainly of baseflow exfiltrating from shallow groundwater reservoirs, while surface or other direct flows cease soon after rain storms or snowmelt. Analysis of observed baseflow recessions of two rivers in Turkey with intermittent flows and different geographical and climatic characteristics yielded nonlinear storage–outflow relationships of the highly seasonal aquifers. Baseflow separation was carried out using a nonlinear reservoir algorithm. Baseflow seasonality is related to the hydro-climatic conditions influencing groundwater recharge and evapotranspiration of groundwater. As intermittent streams generally have zero flows in the dry season, calibration of recession parameters is in many cases a complicated task.

Citation Aksoy, H. & Wittenberg, H. (2011) Nonlinear baseflow recession analysis in watersheds with intermittent streamflow. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(2), 226–237.  相似文献   
Summary  The variations and trends of hourly sunshine duration at Ankara for the period 1955–1996 were examined. A tangible change of 7 percent was determined relative to the annual baseline. Decreases were detected in each hour of the day and appear to be highest at sunrise and sunset. Changes in relative humidity that may lead to changes in the threshold of the sunshine recorders were evaluated in order to explain the decreases of sunshine duration. Correlations with other meteorological parameters were also analysed. The results indicate that the variations and trends in sunshine duration can be explained by changes in the other meteorological parameters. Received September 11, 1998 Revised March 18, 1999  相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to prepare a landslide susceptibility map of a region of about 120 km2, between Gökcesu and Pazarköy (around Mengen, NW Turkey) at approximately 10 km north of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, where frequent landslides occur. For this purpose, mechanisms of the landslides were studied by two-dimensional stability analyses together with field observations, and the parameters controlling the development of such slides were identified. Field observations indicated that the failures generally developed within the unconsolidated and/or semiconsolidated soil units in forms of rotational, successive shallow landslides within the weathered zone in Mengen, Cukurca and Sazlar formations. Although consisting of residual soils, Capak and Gökdag formations do not exhibit landslides as the natural slopes formed on these, do not exceed the critical slope angles. Statistical evaluations and distribution of the landslides on the topographical map showed that such parameters as cohesion, angle of internal friction, slope, relative height, orientation of slopes, proximity to drainage pattern, vegetation cover and proximity to major faults were the common features on the landslides. Digital images were obtained to represent all these parameters on gray scale on the SPOT image and on the digital elevation model (DEM) of the area using image processing techniques. Soil mechanics tests were carried out on 36 representative samples collected from different units, and parameters were determined for two-dimensional stability analyses basing on “sensitivity approach” and for the preparation of digital shear strength map. In order to determine the critical slope angle values for the residual soils, a series of sensitivity analyses were realized by using two-dimensional deterministic slope stability analyses techniques for varying values of cohesion, angle of internal friction and slope height along with varying saturation conditions. According to the results of the sensitivity analyses, the Mengen formation was found to be most susceptible unit to landslides, covering about 33.5% of the region studied in terms of surface area. The distribution of the critical slopes were determined by superimposing the critical slope values from sensitivity analyses on slope map of the study area. On the other hand, iso-cohesion and iso-friction maps were produced by locating the values of cohesion and internal friction angles in a geographic coordinate system such that they coincide with sample locations on the DEM and by further interpolation of the values concerned. The pixel values were evaluated in gray scale from 0 to 255, 0 representing the lowest pixel value and 255 representing the highest. Sensitivity analyses on cohesion and angle of internal friction to investigate the effects of these parameters only on stability, revealed that cohesion was effective at a rate of 70% by itself, while angle of internal friction alone controlled the stability by a rate of 30%. The iso-cohesion and iso-friction maps previously obtained were digitally combined in these rates and a “shear strength map” was prepared. The geographic setting of the study area is such that northern slopes usually receive dense precipitation. In relation to this fact, about 42% of the landslides are due north. Thus, a slope orientation map was prepared using the DEM, and slopes facing north were evaluated as being more susceptible to sliding. Proximity to the drainage pattern was another important factor in the evaluation, as streams could adversely affect the stability by either eroding the toe or saturating the slope, or both. When considered together, in conjunction with the field observations, faults and landslides showed a close association. In the area, about 88% of the landslides were detected within an area closer than 250 m to major faults, therefore, a main discontinuity map was produced using the SPOT image of the region, and “proximity to major faults” was evaluated as a parameter as most of the landslides developed in areas where the vegetation was rather sparse. A vegetation cover map was therefore obtained from the SPOT image, and the areas with denser vegetation were considered to be less susceptible to sliding with respect to the areas with less or no vegetation. Having prepared the maps accounting for the distribution of critical slopes, shear strength properties, relative height, slope angle, orientation of the slopes, vegetation cover, proximity to the drainage pattern, geographic corrections were carried on each of these, and a potential failure map was obtained for the residual soils by superimposing all these maps. Next, a classification was performed on the final map and five relative zones of susceptibility were defined. When compared with this map, all of the landslides identified in the field were found to be located in the most susceptible zone. The performance of the method used in processing the images appears to be quite high, the zones determined on the map being the zones of relative susceptibility.  相似文献   
The Kuihe River is in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China. It contains high concentrations of nitrogen. The water in the Kuihe River recharges the groundwater via riverbank filtration (RBF) along the Xucun and Huangqiao reaches, which are characterized by unsaturated and saturated percolations, respectively. The two sections were selected to study the effectiveness of RBF to the nitrogen removal from the infiltrating river water. The results showed that the RBF in the saturated percolation had the potential to remove the nitrogen through biochemical processes. The nitrogen-removal rates were more than 95% over the monitoring period. However, the RBF in the unsaturated percolation resulted mainly from the physical process and thus had no efficacy for nitrogen removal.  相似文献   
Fast segmentation algorithms for long hydrometeorological time series   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A time series with natural or artificially created inhomogeneities can be segmented into parts with different statistical characteristics. In this study, three algorithms are presented for time series segmentation; the first is based on dynamic programming and the second and the third—the latter being an improved version of the former—are based on the branch‐and‐bound approach. The algorithms divide the time series into segments using the first order statistical moment (average). Tested on real world time series of several hundred or even over a thousand terms the algorithms perform segmentation satisfactorily and fast. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this study, it is aimed to bring a different approach to kinematic analyses of discontinuity-controlled rock slope instabilities. For this purpose, the data of a detailed discontinuity survey carried out in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, were updated and reevaluated. Serious discontinuity-controlled instability events were observed in the andesites covering large areas with dense population in the city. Instead of analyzing the effects of the planes belonging only to the major discontinuity sets on the stereographic projection net, all discontinuities were taken into consideration, and kinematic analyses were carried out for planar, wedge, and toppling type failures on pixel basis of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area. By doing so, it could be possible to compensate for the deficiency created by neglecting the planes in the lower concentration zones of the stereographic projection. A computer program named FUDIKA (Fuzzified Digital Kinematic Analyses) was written to perform modular kinematic analyses and fuzzy operations, having four modules and operating in three stages. First, Potential Instability Index (PII) was introduced to define instability potential of the rock slopes based on the number of possible instability events for each failure type. Next, the PII values were normalized and fuzzified to obtain PII map of the area. It was seen that when tested on previously occurred instabilities in the area, the PII values obtained through the methodology proposed in the study showed quite a high performance.  相似文献   
Gediz Graben is an important area for geothermal activity in Turkey. Menderes Massif rocks consisting of gneisses, schists, marbles and granodiorite, comprise the aquifers of the geothermal systems. Neogene terrestrial sediments made up mainly of sandy and clayey conglomerates cap the systems. Gediz Graben geothermal areas are physically divided into seven main groups: Turgutlu-Urganl, Sart-Çamur, Caferbeyli, Üfürük, Kurunlu, Kavakldere-Sazdere and Alaehir geothermal areas. The third highest aquifer in Turkey temperature (182 °C) after Kzldere (242 °C) and Germencik (232 °C) was discovered in the Kavakldere-Sazdere area. The thermomineral waters of the Gediz Graben geothermal areas have outlet temperatures of 2595 °C and an electrical conductivity of 874–6020 S/cm. Mineralization is mostly dominated by Na+ (188–2027 ppm) and HCO3 (544–2950 ppm). Kavakldere-Sazdere area shows the highest boron content among the entire geothermal aquifers of Turkey. Major geochemical processes for thermomineral waters are carbonate and silicate dissolution and mixing.  相似文献   
The estimation of the monthly mean flow is a critical issue in many water resource development projects. However, in practice the mean flow is not easily determined in ungauged and poorly gauged basins. Therefore, in the literature, various flow estimation methods have been developed recently for mountainous regions which are generally ungauged or poorly gauged basins. In this study a fuzzy logic model based on the Mamdani approach was developed to estimate the flow for poorly gauged mountainous basins. This model was applied to the Solakli Basin which is located in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Limited rainfall and flow data are available for this basin. In addition to these variables, the stream and time coefficients were introduced and used as variables for modeling. The data was divided into training and testing phases. The model results were compared with the measured data. The comparison depends on seven statistical characteristics, four different error modes and the contour map method. It was observed that the fuzzy model developed in this study yielded reliable results.  相似文献   
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