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香河地区光合有效辐射观测分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所香河大气综合观测实验站(39°47′N,116°57′E)2004年10月至2005年12月共15个月的太阳辐射观测资料,分析了该地区光合有效辐射与太阳总辐射比值的(PAR/Rs)日变化和季节变化特征,得出月平均PAR/Rs值变化范围在1.808~2.048μE.J-1之间,最大值出现在夏季,最小值出现在冬季,年平均值为1.948μE.J-1。提出了一个利用太阳总辐射观测值计算光合有效辐射瞬时值的参数化算式,用该算式计算得到的PAR与实际观测值的均方根误差为19.28μE.m-2.s-1,有96%的计算值与观测值偏差在±10%以内。比较了香河地区与太湖地区、额济纳地区光合有效辐射瞬时最大值、小时累积最大值及日累积最大值的差异。  相似文献   
A simple model of a glow corona occurring near the tip of a grounded electrode in a thundercloud electric field that can be enhanced by an approaching downward leader has been studied analytically and numerically with regard to the effect of wind. We obtained an approximate expression for corona current taking into account the (i) removal of space charge from the coronating point due to ion drift and wind and (ii) image of the charge in the ground. As the wind velocity decreases to zero, the expression tends to that obtained previously in the absence of wind. It was shown analytically and numerically that, in a thundercloud electric field, even moderate wind velocities lead to hundreds of percent increase in the corona current. This current decreases with time only slightly in a steady thundercloud electric field, as opposed to the current behavior in the absence of wind. However, even strong wind is not sufficient to affect the properties of a corona intensified in the electric field of an approaching downward leader. The occurrence of wind does not affect the conditions for initiation of an upward connecting leader from grounded objects and consequently the efficiency of lightning rods of ordinary height.  相似文献   
利用2006年"珍珠"台风影响福建省期间的酸雨监测资料和新一代天气雷达回波资料,对城市降水酸度分布特征及福州市短时段降水酸度进行分析,结果表明:来自海上的台风降水呈偏碱性;登陆后台风对福建省城市降水酸度的影响与其螺旋雨带上降水云团的移动路径及城市周边污染源分布有关;"珍珠"台风的短时段降水酸度并非保持恒定,对福州市降水酸度的影响会随着台风强度、风场结构的变化及螺旋雨带上降水云团途经下垫面城市大气污染排放状况而发生改变.  相似文献   
兰州市空中水汽含量和水汽通量变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用历年的高空和地面资料,深入分析了兰州市空中水汽含量和水汽通量的变化特征。结果表明:(1)夏季空中水汽含量和水汽输送相对较多,冬季相对较少;2~7月是水汽含量的增长期,9~1月是递减期,8月与7月持平;97%的水汽集中在400 hPa以下;(2)兰州市空中水汽变化与降水量、降水日数、气温的变化有明显的一致性,也存在一定的差别;(3)兰州市空中水汽输送强度中心接近500hPa高度;冬季水汽日变化最大层位于700~600 hPa,这与我国东部地区空中水汽输送高度和边界层水汽日变化特征有明显的区别。  相似文献   
尤凤春  史印山  周煜 《气象》2002,28(11):22-25
运用奇异谱分析方法对石家庄市83年降水进行了统计分析,结果表明:石家庄市近百年夏季降水的趋势变化不太显著,主要以波动变化为主,主振荡周期分别为5-6年、10年左右及30-40年左右的长周期变化,各重建分量振幅、位相具有明显的年代际变化。利用重建分量进行降水趋势预测,1998-2001年试报表明,效果较好。  相似文献   
利用1979—2007年NOAA重建海温逐月资料和中国160站夏季降水资料,使用扩展奇异值分解(extended singular value decomposition,ESVD)方法,研究了冬季热带太平洋海温异常与次年夏季中国降水异常季节内演变型之间的关系,指出前冬El Nino事件是与次年夏季中国降水季节内变化相联系的最重要的热带太平洋海温异常模态。相应的降水异常季节内变化情况为:6月在长江以南为正异常,江淮流域有负异常;7月在华南沿海有负降水异常,而正异常北进到长江流域,华北地区也出现正降水异常;8月在长江南北分别为少雨和多雨。进一步研究前冬El Nino事件与次年春夏印度洋、太平洋海温异常、对流层低层风场异常以及副热带高压等的联系,结果表明:El Nio事件发生的次年春夏,热带西太平洋周边存在东负西正的海温异常分布;西太平洋反气旋异常较强;副高在6月、7月偏西偏北,但在8月迅速南退。虽然与El Nino事件相联系的6月与7月、8月的降水型不同,但是西太平洋反气旋异常带来的充沛水汽造成7月长江流域雨季多雨,8月副高迅速南退带来的又一次长江流域降水,造成了El Nino事件发生次年夏季长江流域涝而华南沿海旱的夏季平均降水异常型。  相似文献   
GPS折射率资料在梅雨锋暴雨数值模拟中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵德显  郁红弟  沈桐立 《气象》2011,37(12):1511-1518
运用WRF三维变分同化系统同化GPS掩星折射率资料,并应用到2007年7月4—6日梅雨锋暴雨个例中进行数值模拟试验,以此考察GPS掩星折射率资料在梅雨锋暴雨数值模拟中的应用。同化结果表明:GPS掩星折射率资料对初始资料的调整主要是中低层湿度场,对于温度场和高度场的调整都是从底层到高层逐渐增大;加入GPS掩星折射率资料对降水预报有所改进,这与中低层湿度场的初始调整有关系;从对模拟结果进行诊断和结构分析中可以发现负散度增量和正涡度增量与降水中心和区域有很好的对应,同化资料之后对于各降水中心地区增强了产生降水的动力条件。  相似文献   
This paper assesses future climate changes over East and South Asia using a regional climate model (RegCM4) with a 50?km spatial resolution. To evaluate the model performance, RegCM4 is driven with ??perfect boundary forcing?? from the reanalysis data during 1970?C1999 to simulate the present day climate. The model performs well in reproducing not only the mean climate and seasonality but also most of the chosen indicators of climate extremes. Future climate changes are evaluated based on two experiments driven with boundary forcing from the European-Hamburg general climate model (ECHAM5), one for the present (1970?C1999) and one for the SRES A1B future scenario (2070?C2099). The model predicts an annual temperature increase of about 3°?C5° (smaller over the ocean and larger over the land), and an increase of annual precipitation over most of China north of 30°N and a decrease or little change in the rest of China, India and Indochina. For temperature-related extreme indicators in the future, the model predicts a generally longer growing season, more hot days in summer, and less frost days in winter. For precipitation-related extremes, the number of days with more than 10?mm of rainfall is predicted to increase north of 30°N and decrease in the south, and the maximum five-day rainfall amount and daily intensity will increase across the whole model domain. In addition, the maximum number of consecutive dry days is predicted to increase over most of the model domain, south of 40°N. Most of the Yangtze River Basin in China stands out as ??hotspots?? of extreme precipitation changes, with the strongest increases of daily rain intensity, maximum five-day rain amount, and the number of consecutive dry days, suggesting increased risks of both floods and droughts.  相似文献   
Increased precipitation/humidity in Northwest China is an important scientific issue in the context of global climatic warming(Chen et al.,2019).The climate of ...  相似文献   
低平流层准两年变率研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
分析NCAR/NCEP40年分析资料得出,赤道低平流层纬向风年际变率的平均周期约28.2个月,最大振幅的20hPa,西(东)风距平平垂直下传平均速度1.21(1.04)km/月。用10hPa和70hPa月平均纬向风标准化距平之差反映整层准两年变率的相位。低平流层两半球中纬气温有与之配合的振荡,西(东)风切变时,中纬气温偏低(高)。赤道纬向风准两年变率引起的经圈环流异常是联系低续续向风与中纬气温准年  相似文献   
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