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白垩纪中期异常地质事件与全球变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
胡修棉 《地学前缘》2005,12(2):222-230
白垩纪中期(125~90 Ma)是地质历史中一个极端温室时期,集中出现一系列异常事件。异常事件是地球系统内各圈层相互耦合的产物,事件相互之间不是孤立的,单个事件引起的全球变化对其他事件起着明显的正/负反馈机制作用。文中基于对白垩纪中期异常事件的深入解剖和分析,包括大规模海底火山事件、大洋缺氧事件、生物异常更替与绝灭、白垩纪超静磁带、大洋红层出现等,在探讨白垩纪中期各个事件特征基础上,重点阐述异常事件所引起的全球变化及其对海洋、气候的影响;提出异常事件之间的相互关联与反馈机制。研究发现,大规模海底火山作用是引起白垩纪中期异常海洋和气候的最根本原因,直接促进大洋缺氧事件、生物绝灭与更替、沉积记录的转变等事件的发生。  相似文献   
概要分析了淮南新孜5号井煤矸石所含的重金属元素对塌陷区鱼塘水质的影响,指出除个别水样中Zn、Cu超标外,其他均不超标,该鱼塘水质适宜养鱼要求。矸石样与华北及整个地壳泥岩中元素的丰度比,矸石中Cr、Pb、Zn与泥岩丰度基本持平,而Cd、Cu均超过其他泥岩中丰度值。因此,煤矸石在地面遭受风化,其所含有害物质可能会释放到环境,在煤矸石堆放处适当进行监测还是必要的。  相似文献   
The spatial database of landslides in Fengdu County of the reservoir region of the Three Gorges project (TGP) on the Yangtze River was compiled from a variety of different sources including field investigations on landslides, existing catalogues and archives on landslides, reports of meteorological events and human engineering activities that triggered slope failures. The major factors that are found to have affected the slope stabilities are outlined, and an assessment and zonation of landslide hazards of the region is made using an integrated information model, which is divided into destructive, disastrous, likely disastrous and essentially non-disastrous areas from the assessment of landslide hazards. The destructive and disastrous areas are respectively 1.9 and 13.8% of the total region, mostly being nearby townships, highways along the south bank of the Yangtze River and residential quarters along two flanks of the Yangtze River and its distributaries, that will impose direct impact to highway transportation and residential lives, and may effect to some degree the navigation of the Yangtze River, reservoir banks, and building of cities and towns.  相似文献   
长江中下游地区下蜀黄土成因研究的回顾   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了进一步认识下蜀黄土的成因及其在我国东部环境演为研究中的意义,回顾了20世纪30年代以来下蜀黄土研究的主要成果,系统地评述了下蜀黄土的风成说、水成说和多成因说。下蜀黄土的成因,从营力的先后及主交看,风成应是第一位的。因此,在利用下蜀黄土保存的古环境信息研究我国东部变化时,应慎重选择剖面,以获得良好的结果。  相似文献   
Measurements of aerosol physical, chemical and optical parameters were carried out in Guangzhou, China from 1 July to 31 July 2006 during the Pearl River Delta Campaign. The dry aerosol scattering coefficient was measured using an integrating nephelometer and the aerosol scattering coefficient for wet conditions was determined by subtracting the sum of the aerosol absorption coefficient, gas scattering coefficient and gas absorption coefficient from the atmospheric extinction coefficient. Following this, the aerosol hygroscopic growth factor, f(RH), was calculated as the ratio of wet and dry aerosol scattering coefficients. Measurements of size-resolved chemical composition, relative humidity (RH), and published functional relationships between particle chemical composition and water uptake were likewise used to find the aerosol scattering coefficients in wet and dry conditions using Mie theory for internally- or externally-mixed particle species [(NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, NaCl, POM, EC and residue]. Closure was obtained by comparing the measured f(RH) values from the nephelometer and other in situ optical instruments with those computed from chemical composition and thermodynamics. Results show that the model can represent the observed f(RH) and is appropriate for use as a component in other higher-order models.  相似文献   
应用通量方差法估算戈壁绿洲下垫面湍流通量的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王少影  张宇  吕世华 《大气科学》2010,34(6):1214-1222
利用“绿洲系统能量与水分循环过程观测试验” 2005年绿洲、戈壁点的观测资料, 分析与讨论了温度、水汽的归一化标准差随稳定度变化的通量方差关系, 应用通量方差法对感热、 潜热通量进行了计算, 并同涡动相关系统的观测结果进行了比较。不稳定条件下, 戈壁点温度归一化标准差随稳定度变化的通量方差关系优于下垫面非均匀性更强的绿洲点, 绿洲点水汽的归一化标准差随稳定度变化的通量方差关系较温度量表现得更好。对同一站点, 归一化温度标准差的通量方差关系并不总是优于水汽的通量方差关系, 其取决于该站点的温度以及水汽的源汇分布情况; 通量方差法对两个站点的感热、 潜热通量均有较好的再现, 但戈壁点感热通量的计算效果优于非均匀性更强的绿洲点。应用通量方差法对潜热通量计算时若采用直接观测的感热通量, 则潜热通量的计算效果具有一定程度的改善。  相似文献   
全球数值模式中的台风初始化Ⅱ: 业务应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于缺少大量有效的观测资料,台风初始化对数值天气预报业务模式而言,仍然是一个悬而末决的难题.中国国家气象中心自从1996年将台风数值预报系统投入业务运行以来,一直使用经验的人造bogus涡旋台风初始化技术.实际上,不同时期的台风有着不同的环流结构,即使同一个台风在不同的生命期也具有不同的结构特征,而这些结构特征的差异并不能依靠现有的bogus涡旋技术体现出来,这种主观方法的统一性与台风在时空上的差异性形成了强烈的反差.最近,基于国家气象中心全球资料分析同化-预报循环系统,设计和发展了一套新的台风初始化业务方案,它主要由初始涡旋形成、涡旋重定位和涡旋调整3部分过程组成.相比于业务中使用的人造bogus涡旋台风初始化方案,新方案在很大程度上减少了人为因素对台风涡旋结构的影响,而更多地是依靠数值模式自身的动力和物理过程来协调约束产生三维空间的涡旋结构.应用新方案,文中对生成于西北太平洋的2006年0605号台风格美(Kaemi)进行了数值试验,初步分析表明,新方案在实现台风涡旋环流结构的初始化方面效果较好,同时,对台风格美多个时次的预报结果也显示,相比于业务使用的bogus方案而言,新方案对台风路径平均预报误差有了大幅度的降低.  相似文献   
2005年10月秋季连阴雨中暴雨天气特征分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用常规气象观测资料、FNL再分析资料和FY-2C气象卫星资料,应用天气学原理和方法对2005年9月28日—10月2日陕西中南部秋季连阴雨中暴雨过程的天气特征进行了分析。结果表明:暴雨发生在500 hPa稳定的东高西低形势下,乌山阻高、巴湖横槽和副高为连续暴雨产生提供了有利的环流背景条件。低空急流、切变是暴雨产生的主要影响系统。暴雨系统的动力和能量空间结构与盛夏暴雨相比有明显差异:涡度、垂直速度中心随高度升高向北倾斜明显;涡度、散度中心绝对值及垂直速度的数值偏小;降雨强度偏弱,持续时间长,具有中-α尺度系统特征。在暴雨过程中,共有2个中-α尺度系统生成发展,每个中-α尺度系统都是由多个中-β尺度系统发展加强、有规律移动、最后合并生成。  相似文献   
Fengyun-3 E(FY-3E),the world’s first early-morning-orbit meteorological satellite for civil use,was launched successfully at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on 5 July 2021.The FY-3E satellite will fill the vacancy of the global early-morning-orbit satellite observation,working together with the FY-3C and FY-3D satellites to achieve the data coverage of early morning,morning,and afternoon orbits.The combination of these three satellites will provide global data coverage for numerical weather prediction(NWP)at 6-hour intervals,effectively improving the accuracy and time efficiency of global NWP,which is of great significance to perfect the global earth observing system.In this article,the background and meteorological requirements for the early-morning-orbit satellite are reviewed,and the specifications of the FY-3E satellite,as well as the characteristics of the onboard instrumentation for earth observations,are also introduced.In addition,the ground segment and the retrieved geophysical products are also presented.It is believed that the NWP communities will significantly benefit from an optimal temporal distribution of observations provided by the early morning,mid-morning,and afternoon satellite missions.Further benefits are expected in numerous applications such as the monitoring of severe weather/climate events,the development of improved sampling designs of the diurnal cycle for accurate climate data records,more efficient monitoring of air quality by thermal infrared remote sensing,and the quasicontinuous monitoring of the sun for space weather and climate.  相似文献   
利用非线性局部Lyapunov指数和条件非线性局部Lyapunov指数定量估计了季节内印度洋-西太平洋对流涛动(IPCO)和实时多变量Madden-Julian指数(RMM指数)可预报期限,量化了季节内IPCO对S2S尺度大气可预报性的贡献,深入研究了季节内IPCO演变下S2S尺度可预报期限空间分布的变化规律。结果表明:(1)与RMM指数相比,季节内IPCO指数可预报性更强,可预报期限达到31天左右,比RMM指数高出2周以上;(2)印度洋-西太平洋区域S2S尺度大气可预报性最强,可预报期限达到30天以上,其中季节内IPCO是该地区的主要可预报性来源之一,其贡献达到6天,占总可预报期限的25%以上;(3)随着季节内IPCO的演变,印度洋-西太平洋地区S2S尺度大气可预报性有空间结构变化,表现为可预报期限异常的传播和振荡。S2S尺度大气可预报期限正负异常沿季节内IPCO传播路径,一支以赤道中西印度洋为起点北传至印度半岛,一支向东传播,经过海洋性大陆到赤道西太平洋后向北传播,到达日本南部。同时,可预报性异常的传播在在东印度洋和西太平洋表现出反向变化的特征,形成东西两极振荡,当季节内IPCO向正位相发展时,东印度洋具有更强的可预报性,西太平洋具有更弱的可预报性,反之亦然。季节内IPCO的发展(衰退)可使东印度洋(西太平洋)S2S尺度大气可预报性更强,表明模式预报技巧对此具有更大的提升空间。  相似文献   
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