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山坡地开发具有潜在的自然危险因子,人工开挖也会触动这些因子,因此,要做好土地管理工作,需从分析潜在崩山灾害类型以及开发区位两方面考虑。地形分析在工程、灾害评估等方面广为应用,本研究以张石角(1987)提出的“简确工程地质灾害调查与评估法”为依据,以山坡地丙种建地作为评估对象,利用地理信息系统所提供的空间分析及数据库功能,完成台湾省中、北部地区大范围的山坡地潜在灾害评估工作,其成果也将为政府部门所采用.  相似文献   
正 DIAGNOSIS: Test fusiform, slightly rounded at the ends; about 11.2 mm. long, 3.7 mm. wide, giving an axial ratio of about 1:3; whorl 9 to 10, the first three or four volutions closely coiled thence gradually evolute; spiral wall increases in thickness as the test grows, being 0.016 mm. in the firs  相似文献   
青藏地区大地水准面形态及其与构造动力学的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用密合法求解青藏地区大地水准面模型,研究青藏地区大地水准面主要特征及其与该区内部构造和活动的相关性.表明青藏地区大地水准而异常与青藏高原隆起的形状极为相似,大地水准面整体负异常与下地幔相关,形状起伏与上地幔相对应,岩石层反映的大地水准而异常与青藏高原活动构造有较好的对应关系.  相似文献   
单斌  熊熊  郑勇  许厚泽 《地球物理学报》2008,51(4):1058-1065
观测表明,大陆地区存在很多传统均衡模型无法解释的现象,其根本原因在于传统均衡理论中没有考虑地幔岩石圈部分由于热结构差异导致密度差异的影响.本文基于岩石圈尺度的质量平衡模型研究了中国大陆20个构造单元地壳及地幔岩石圈对地形海拔的贡献,以及各块体的均衡状态.计算结果表明,在一些地区,如塔里木盆地、北山和柴达木盆地,尽管岩石圈均衡模型和Airy模型得到了一致的海拔值,但岩石圈均衡模型更能体现均衡过程的物理本质;除青藏高原造山带外的多数块体,岩石圈均衡模型的计算结果更接近观测海拔和地表垂直运动状态;总体上,考虑地幔岩石圈热结构影响后,中国大陆各地区的均衡结果普遍优于传统的均衡模型.通过对均衡状态分析,我们得到以下主要结论:(1)构造稳定地区均衡程度较高;(2) 青藏高原及周边造山带现今地壳运动主要为区域构造过程及深部动力学过程所控制,均衡调整过程不是主要控制因素;(3) 现今地壳垂直运动比较明显的块体处于均衡调整阶段,地表垂直运动的大小反映了该区所受的均衡力作用的程度;(4) 构造稳定地区基于岩石层均衡的理论计算海拔与观测海拔之差值和现今地壳垂直运动速率有较好的相关性,据此我们可以通过均衡分析研究构造块体的运动趋势和动力学性质;(5) 地幔热结构对现今地形、海拔及地壳垂直运动有显著影响,在处理均衡问题时,地幔岩石圈热结构是我们必须考虑的重要因素.  相似文献   
海洋潮汐对重力潮汐观测的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本文论述了海潮对重力固体潮观测的影响,把整个褶积计算分为近洋区及远洋区两部分,其中近洋区采用格林函数进行数值积分的方法,远洋区则利用全球海潮潮高的球函数展开式。着重讨论了远洋区的实施方案,导出了必要的工作公式,并就加速远洋区级数收敛问题作了探讨。利用导得的公式,计算了M2海洋潮波对中国境内重力观测的影响。  相似文献   
Abstract— Electron and ion microprobe measurements of major, minor, and trace element concentrations were made in individual grains of pyroxene, plagioclase, and Ca phosphates in Pomozdino and Peramiho, two eucrites previously classified as anomalous. Although Pomozdino pyroxene is highly magnesian, minor and trace element concentrations in both pyroxene and plagioclase of this meteorite are similar to those in other noncumulate eucrites. High incompatible element concentrations (similar to those in Stannern) coupled with mg# typical of cumulate eucrites confirm the anomalous character of this meteorite but do not allow us to distinguish unequivocally between different possible modes of origin. Peramiho has mg# and trace element concentrations similar to main group eucrites, indicating that this meteorite most probably belongs to this group. A previously reported low incompatible element concentration for Peramiho may be due to a sampling problem.  相似文献   
Abstract— Here we report the petrography, mineralogy, and bulk compositions of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs), amoeboid olivine aggregate (AOA), and Al‐rich chondrules (ARCs) in Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 290 CH chondrite. Eighty‐two CAIs (0.1% of the section surface area) were found. They are hibonite‐rich (9%), grossite‐rich (18%), melilite ± spinel‐rich (48%), fassaite ± spinel‐rich (15%), and fassaite‐anorthite‐rich (10%) refractory inclusions. Most CAIs are rounded in shape and small in size (average = 40 μm). They are more refractory than those of other groups of chondrites. CAIs in SaU 290 might have experienced higher peak heating temperatures, which could be due to the formation region closer to the center of protoplanetary disk or have formed earlier than those of other groups of chondrites. In SaU 290, refractory inclusions with a layered texture could have formed by gas‐solid condensation from the solar nebula and those with an igneous texture could have crystallized from melt droplets or experienced subsequent melting of pre‐existing condensates from the solar nebula. One refractory inclusion represents an evaporation product of pre‐existing refractory solid on the basis of its layered texture and melting temperature of constituting minerals. Only one AOA is observed (75 μm across). It consists of olivine, Al‐diopside, anorthite, and minor spinel with a layered texture. CAIs and AOA show no significant low‐temperature aqueous alteration. ARCs in SaU 290 consist of diopside, forsterite, anorthite, Al‐enstatite, spinel, and mesostasis or glass. They can be divided into diopside‐rich, Al‐enstatite‐rich, glass‐rich, and anorthite‐rich chondrules. Bulk compositions of most ARCs are consistent with a mixture origin of CAIs and ferromagnesian chondrules. Anorthite and Al‐enstatite do not coexist in a given ARC, implying a kinetic effect on their formation.  相似文献   
概率预报的基本思想是利用地震历史中表现出来的统计规律去推测未来。在一定概率意义下,给出下次地震可能发生的时间界限,或是在指定时间内,给出地震发生的概率,对于研究地震区域划分,提供抗震烈度等问题都是有一定意义的。这里仅从地震序列本身提取预报信息,没有考虑发震时间与各种前兆观测的关系,也没有考虑时间与地点和强度的相关。  相似文献   
利用超导重力仪观测资料检测地球近周日共振   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了地球近周日摆动(NDFW)及其在周日重力潮汐中共振的理论背景,利用武汉和Brussels两台站超导重力仪的潮汐观测结果,采用造积方法(Stackingmethod)检测NDFW,根据NDFW在4个周日潮波的共振,得到近周日摆动的本征频率和品质因子.考虑NDFW,可精化地球模型,更客观的理解和分析固体潮观测值和其它一些地球物理现象.  相似文献   
測定磁棒磁矩的溫度系数时,用了一个电流綫圈以抵消磁矩变化的影响,因而簡化了計算工作。測定磁棒的綫膨胀系数时,利用現有設备及一个比較簡单的装置,得到了相当准确的結果。測定磁棒感应系数使用的螺綫管(納尔逊法)中磁場的均勻性,在纵方向及横方向都作了核算,因而对它們的影响,能进一步加以估計。綫圈及其他磁强計附加装置也还准确而簡单易制。  相似文献   
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