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This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of the flow of minor ion species in the solar wind under the combined influences of gravity, Coulomb friction (with protons), rotational forces (arising from the Sun's rotation and the interplanetary spiral magnetic field) and wave forces (induced in the minor ion flow by Alfvén waves propagating in the solar wind). It is assumed that the solar wind can be considered as a proton-electron plasma which is, to a first approximation, unaffected by the presence of minor ions. In the dense hot region near the Sun Coulomb friction accelerates minor ions outwards against the gravitational force, part of which is cancelled by the charge-separation electric field. Once the initial acceleration has been achieved, wave and rotational forces assist Coulomb friction in further increasing the minor ion speed so that it becomes comparable with, or perhaps even exceeds, the solar wind speed. A characteristic feature of the non-resonant wave force is that it tends to bring the minor ion flow into an equilibrium where the radial speed matches the Alfvén speed relative to the solar wind speed, whereas Coulomb friction and rotational forces tend to bring the flow into an equilibrium where the radial speed of the minor ions equals the solar wind speed. Therefore, provided that there is sufficient wave energy and Coulomb friction is weak, the minor ion speed can be trapped between these two speeds. This inteststing result is in qualitative agreement with observational findings to the effect that the differential flow speed between helium ions and protons is controlled by the ratio of the solar wind expansion time to the ion-proton collision time. If the thermal speeds of the protons and minor ions are small compared to the Alfvén speed, two stable equilibrium speeds can exist because the rapid decrease in the Coulomb cross-section with increasing differential flow speed allows the non-resonant wave force to balance Coulomb friction at more than one ion speed. However, it must be emphasized that resonant wave acceleration and/or strong ion partial pressure gradients are required to achieve radial speeds of minor ions in excess of the proton speed, since, as is shown in Section 4, the non-resonant wave acceleration on protons and minor ions are identical when their radial speeds are the same, with the result that, in the solar wind, non-resonant wave acceleration tends (asymptotically) to equalize minor ion and proton speeds.  相似文献   
Extensive photoelectric lightcurves of the asteroids 128 Nemesis and 393 Lampetia show for both objects extremely long rotational periods, the longest known to date for minor planets. For 393 Lampetia the combined results suggest with high probability a period of 38.7 hr with a maximal amplitude of 0.14 mag; a double-wave characteristic of the lightcurve must be assumed. For 128 Nemesis the complete double-wave lightcurve was observed and a period of 39.0 hr with a total amplitude of only 0.10 mag was deduced. Observations of 128 Nemesis confirm without doubt the presence of small-scale features of amplitude 0.01 to 0.02 mag, corresponding to small topographic features of about 15 km in height and width on the surface.  相似文献   
Chemical equilibrium calculations on the stability of pure and dissolved graphite and cohenite (Fe3C), several other carbides, and several carbonates have been carried out for a system with solar elemental abundances over a very wide range of temperature and pressure. The calculated abundances of condensed carbon compounds are similar to the observed inventories on Earth and Venus, but fully 10 times smaller than the minimum carbon abundance found in ordinary chondrites. The total carbon content of most iron meteorites is compatible with their origin as a cooling FeNiCSP solution which was saturated with dissolved carbon at the solidus, such as would be produced by melting an ordinary chondrite, not by direct condensation from or equilibrium with the primitive solar nebula. It is argued that the carbon content of Mars need not be appreciably greater than that of the Earth. Material with even lower formation temperatures than Mars, such as the primitive material in the asteroid belt, may retain substantially more carbon as disequilibrium polymeric organic matter, possibly by the Fischer-Tropsch mechanism favored by Anders. Carbonates are not found as equilibrium products in a solar-composition system, and are probably secondary alteration products. CaCO3 might, however, persist in a solar-composition gas at temperatures below 460°K and pressures below 10?6.6 bar. The most stable condensed carbon compounds are found to be graphite, Fe3C, and possibly TiC, all in solid solution in the metal phase.  相似文献   
W.R. Kuhn  S.K. Atreya 《Icarus》1979,37(1):207-213
Photochemical calculations indicate that in the prebiotic atmosphere of the Earth ammonia would have been irreversibly converted to N2 in less than 40 years if the ammonia surface mixing ratio were ≤ 10?4. However, if a continuous outgassing of ammonia were maintained, radiative equilibrium calculations indicate that a surface mixing ratio of ammonia of 10?5 or greater would provide a sufficient greenhouse effect to keep the surface temperature above freezing. With a 10?4 mixing ratio of ammonia, 60 to 70% of the present day solar luminosity would be adequate to maintain surface temperatures above freezing. A lower limit to the time constant for accumulation of an amount of nitrogen equivalent to the present day value is 10 my if the outgassing were such as to provide a continuous surface mixing ratio of ammonia ≥ 10?5.  相似文献   
J. Veverka  J. Goguen  S. Yang  J. Elliot 《Icarus》1979,37(1):249-255
The problem of comparing laboratory spectra of sulfur-containing binary mixtures with the spectrum of Io is discussed. For the satellite, the observable is the geometric albedo as a function of wavelength, whereas in the laboratory one often measures some other type of albedo. In a previous paper we demonstrated that for pure sulfur the multiplicative factor which converts the laboratory albedos to geometric albedos can be strongly wavelength dependent. The present paper demonstrates that this is also true for binary sulfur-containing mixtures. Furthermore, there is no universal conversion factor applicable to all binary mixtures, nor can the factor be interpolated for a particular mixture from the conversion factors of the two end members. The conversion factor is a function not only of the specific composition of a binary mixture, but of the relative particle size distributions of the two components, and must be measured specifically for each individual sample if a quantitative comparison between a laboratory sample and Io's surface is desired.  相似文献   
Radar observations of the asteroid 1580 Betulia, made at a wavelength of 12.6 cm, show a mean radar cross section of 2.2 ± 0.8 km2 and a total spectral bandwidth of 26.5 ± 1.5 Hz. Combining our bandwidth measurements with the optically determined rotation period sets a lower limit to the asteroid's radius of 2.9 ± 0.2 km.  相似文献   
In this paper we shall construct the solution of the equation of transfer in a semi-infinite atmosphere with no incident radiation for Rayleigh's phase function by the method of the Principles of Invariance and using the law of diffuse reflection. The solution will then be applied to find the laws of darkening for Rayleigh's phase function.  相似文献   
Pluto and the chaotic satellite system of Neptune may have originated from a single encounter of Neptune with a massive solar system body. A series of numerical experiments has been carried out to try to set limits on the circumstances of such an encounter. These experiments show that orbits very much like those of Pluto, Triton, and Nereid can result from a single close encounter of such a body with Neptune. The implied mass range and encounter velocities limit the source of the encountering body to a former trans-Neptunian planet in the 2- to 5-Earth-mass range.  相似文献   
Bruce Fegley  John S. Lewis 《Icarus》1979,38(2):166-179
The thermochemistry of several hundred compounds of twelve selected trace elements (Ge, Se, Ga, As, Te, Pb, Sn, Cd, Sb, Tl, In, and Bi) has been investigated for solar composition material along a Jupiter adiabat. The results indicate that AsF3, InBr, TlI, and SbS, in addition to CO, PH3, GeH4, AsH3, H2Se, HCl, HF, and H3BO3 proposed by Barshay and Lewis (1978), may be potential chemical tracers of atmospheric dynamics. The reported observations of GeH4 is interpreted on the basis of new calculations as implying rapid vertical transport from levels where T ? 800°K. Upper limits are also set on the abundances of many gaseous compounds of the elements investigated.  相似文献   
We have determined the global fracture patterns resulting from combinations of stresses due to tidal despinning and contraction or expansion. We find that Mercury's lineament pattern is consistent with a history of despinning and contraction. According to our model, the observed tectonic pattern implies that the despinning process reached completion before the planet ceased contracting. Our model predicts a stress due to contraction which is up to 1.8 times the maximum despinning stress on Mercury. The maximum contractional stress could be as large as 4 times the maximum despinning stress if the oldest fractures on the planet are N-S thrust faults in the equatorial region.  相似文献   
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