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Three-dimensional distributions of fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs: more specifically, DSBP and DAS1), which are sewage-derived water-soluble markers, were observed in Tokyo Bay water through multi-layer sampling of water at 20 locations. In summer, FWAs predominated in the surface layers, with trace but significant concentration of FWAs in bottom water due to stratification of seawater. In winter, on the other hand, FWAs were extensively mixed into the bottom layers because of the vertical mixing of seawater. In the surface layer, FWA concentrations and the DSBP/DAS1 ratio (the concentration ratio of DSBP to DAS1) were lower in summer than in winter, suggesting more efficient photodegradation of FWAs in euphotic zones during the summer due to stronger solar radiation. Horizontally, FWAs were widely distributed over the surface layer of Tokyo Bay. Surface water with DSBP concentrations above 50ng/L, corresponding to <200 times dilution of sewage effluent, was found to have spread up to 10km from the coastline. In addition, an offshore decline in FWA concentrations was observed, showing a half-distance of 10-20km. The decrease was caused by dilution by seawater of fresh water containing FWAs. The eastern part of the bay was different with respect to surface layers, with higher concentrations seen in northeastern parts. Furthermore, dispersion of combined sewer overflow (CSO)-derived water mass was observed in Tokyo Bay after heavy rain.  相似文献   
In this study, a new mathematical model is developed composed of two parts, including harmonic and polynomial expressions for simulating the dominant velocity pulse of near fault ground motions. Based on a proposed velocity function, the corresponding expressions for the ground acceleration and displacement time histories are also derived. The proposed model is then fitted using some selected pulse-like near fault ground motions in the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) project library. The new model is not only simple in form but also simulates the long-period portion of actual velocity near fault records with a high level of precision. It is shown that the proposed model-based elastic response spectra are compatible with the near fault records in the neighborhood of the prevailing frequency of the pulse. The results indicate that the proposed model adequately simulates the components of the time histories. Finally, the energy of the proposed pulse was compared with the energy of the actual record to confirm the compatibility.  相似文献   
在美国西部盆地山脉省的东部地区,GPS数据确定了一个宽大的现代变形带。使用覆盖在粘弹性下地壳/上地幔之上的弹性上地壳的有限元模型并结合地震周期效应,我们指出这些数据与现今的断层滑动集中在沃萨奇断层带上的模型是一致的。模拟的水平扩展速度是3.0~4.5mm/a,这也与全新世的地质数据相一致。这些模型是非一的,部分原因是大部分沃萨奇断层都处于地震周期的后期阶段,而这一时期跨断层的地表速度梯度均较低。  相似文献   
In this study we compared reproductive characteristics and steroid hormone levels in the non-indigenous scleractinian coral, Oculina patagonica, inhabiting contaminated vs. uncontaminated reference sites along the Israeli Mediterranean coast. Our results indicate significantly higher steroid levels in both seawater and coral tissue samples from contaminated sites as compared to reference sites, suggesting that corals tend to accumulate steroids from the surrounding waters. Despite their higher steroid levels, corals from the contaminated sites showed reproductive potential comparable to those of the reference sites. Interestingly, a clear distinction could be seen between corals exposed to pollution for long vs. short durations, with the latter showing a failure to complete gametogenesis. This suggests that reproduction in O. patagonica is susceptible to acute rather than chronic stress. The involvement of adjustment/adaptation processes may explain this species tolerance, and may reflect the ability of O. patagonica to successfully invade new areas in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Braced steel frames are commonly used to resist seismic loads. Their seismic behavior was extensively studied during the past decades (Bertero et al.., 1989; Roeder, 1989; Jain, 1978). Their design is governed by the buckling behavior of the bracing members (ASCE, 1994,2002; CSA, 1994). To prevent or delay the seismic buckling of compressive members in concentrically braced frames in steel structures, a great number of methods have been proposed. These include the use of sp…  相似文献   
The horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio has become popular in studies of the site effect and the determination of the predominant period of a site.  相似文献   
在压力3 GPa, 温度1450~1600 K, 应变速率10-4~10-5 s-1条件下, 对深俯冲带和上地幔中两种重要岩石(榴辉岩和方辉橄榄岩)的流变性质进行了实验研究, 获得了榴辉岩在超高压条件下的流变参数, 应力指数为3.4, 活化能为480 kJ/mol, 活化体积为12 cm3/mol. 实验结果表明具有中等石榴石含量榴辉岩的流变强度与方辉橄榄岩的流变强度在上地幔浅部条件下基本相当, 是多晶绿辉石岩强度的2~3倍和多晶石榴石岩强度的一半. 随榴辉岩中石榴石含量的逐步增加, 岩石的整体流变强度也不断增大. 在实验研究基础上, 计算了不同板块汇聚速率条件下深俯冲大洋岩石圈在不同深度层次上的流变强度, 以及橄榄岩和榴辉岩上地幔流变强度随深度的变化. 研究表明, 俯冲洋壳从下覆的上地幔拆离出来最有可能发生在缓慢俯冲的热俯冲带中; 而快速俯冲的冷俯冲带, 俯冲地壳与上地幔之间在强度上是耦合的, 发生拆离的可能性不大. 过渡带是上地幔中除岩石圈地幔外的高强度和高黏度层.  相似文献   
O.  G.  Lockwood  H.  Kanamori  郑建常 《世界地震译丛》2007,(3):19-27
试图利用小波变换在地震图开始部分检测长周期成分。分析了2004年12月6日苏门答腊—安达曼M_w9.2级地震和2005年3月28日尼亚斯M_w8.7级地震的位移地震图。小波分析能够在S波到达台站前清楚地区分两次地震的长周期W震相的振幅。结果显示,2004年地震W震相的振幅明显更大。这一方法可以用于快速识别具有引发海啸可能的巨大地震。  相似文献   
The spectral representation method(SRM) is widely used to simulate spatially varying ground motions.This study focuses on the approximation approach to the SRM based on root decomposition,which can improve the efficiency of the simulation.The accuracy of the approximation approach may be affected by three factors: matrix for decomposition,distribution of frequency interpolation nodes and elements for interpolation.The influence of these factors on the accuracy of this approach is examined and the following conclusions are drawn.The SRM based on the root decomposition of the lagged coherency matrix exhibits greater accuracy than the SRM based on the root decomposition of the cross spectral matrix.The equal energy distribution of frequency interpolation nodes proposed in this study is more effective than the counter pith with an equal spacing.Elements for interpolation do not have much of an effect on the accuracy,so interpolation of the elements of the decomposed matrix is recommended because it is less complicated from a computational efficiency perspective.  相似文献   
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