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Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes were used to investigate spatial variation in terrestrial particulate organic matter (POM) input to a coastal area off the Tagus river estuary. Isotopic variation in higher trophic level organisms was also examined, along the coast. This study was carried out in late summer, after a period of 3 months of low river flow. The overall aim was to determine if under such conditions the coastal area is enriched by the river plume and, particularly, if lower secondary productivity should be expected in some areas. Spatial variation was detected as a gradient of decreasing terrestrial input with increasing distance from the river. It was concluded that terrestrial carbon input was also incorporated into higher trophic levels and that organisms with lower mobility are more sensitive to the gradient in terrestrial input. Even in low flow conditions the whole fishing area remained under the influence of the river plume, which still accounted for 24% of the total POM 30 km from the river mouth. Additionally, δ15N values indicated pollution input from the river Tagus.  相似文献   
The present study numerically investigates the characteristics of three-dimensional turbulent flow in a wavy channel. For the purpose of a careful observation of the effect of the wave amplitude on the turbulent flow, numerical simulations are performed at a various range of the wave amplitude to wavelength ratio (0.01?α/λ?0.05), where the wavelength is fixed with the same value of the mean channel height (H). The immersed boundary method is used to handle the wavy surface in a rectangular grid system, using the finite volume method. The Reynolds number (Re=UbH/ν) based on the bulk velocity (Ub) is fixed at 6760. The present computational results for a wavy surface are well compared with those of references. When α/λ=0.02, the small recirculating flow occurs near the trough at the instant, but the mean reverse flow is not observed. In the mean flow field, the reverse flow appears from α/λ=0.03 among the wave amplitude considered in this study. The domain of the mean reverse flow defined by the locations of separation and reattachment depends strongly on the wave amplitude. The pressure drag coefficient augments with increasing the wave amplitude. The friction drag coefficient shows the increase and decrease behavior according to the wave amplitude. The quantitative information about the flow variables such as the distribution of pressure and shear stress on the wavy surface is highlighted.  相似文献   
We measured in situ 10Be, 26Al and36Cl on glacial deposits as old as 1.1 Myr in the southernmost part of Patagonia and on northern Tierra del Fuego to understand boulder and moraine and, by inference, landscape changes. Nuclide concentrations indicate that surface boulders have been exposed for far less time than the ages of moraines they sit upon. The moraine ages are themselves constrained by previously obtained 40Ar/39Ar ages on interbedded lava flows or U-series and amino acid measurements on related (non-glacial) marine deposits. We suggest that a combination of boulder erosion and their exhumation from the moraine matrix could cause the erratics to have a large age variance and often short exposure histories, despite the fact that some moraine landforms are demonstrably 1 Myr old. We hypothesize that fast or episodic rates of landscape change occurred during glacial times or near the sea during interglacials. Comparison with boulder erosion rates and exhumation histories derived for the middle latitudes of semi-arid Patagonia imply different geomorphic processes operating in southernmost South America. We infer a faster rate of landscape degradation towards the higher latitudes where conditions have been colder and wetter.  相似文献   
The experimental flow data for rocks and minerals are reviewed and found to fit a law of the form $$\dot \varepsilon = A'\left[ {sinh (\alpha \sigma )} \right]^n \exp \left[ {{{ - (E * + PV * )} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{ - (E * + PV * )} {RT}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {RT}}} \right]$$ where \(\dot \varepsilon \) This law reduces to the familiar power-law stress dependency at low stress and to an exponential stress dependency at high stress. Using the material flow law parameters for olivine, stress profiles with depth and strain rate are computed for a representative range of temperature distributions in the lithosphere. The results show that the upper 15 to 25 km of the oceanic lithosphere must behave elastically or fail by fracture and that the remainder deforms by exponential law flow at intermediate depths and by power-law flow in the rest. A model computation of the gravitational sliding of a lithospheric plate using olivine rheology exhibits a very sharp decoupling zone which is a consequence of the combined effects of increasing stress and temperature on the flow law, which is a very sensitive function of both.  相似文献   
The environmental impacts of salmon net-pen aquaculture on the benthic environment were investigated at a commercial fish farm located in coastal Maine waters. This site has a sandy mud bottom and low current velocities, is subjected to episodic sediment resuspension, and way in production for 3 yr prior to this study: We examined both the increase in carbon flux to the benthos caused by the net-pen and the effects of the elevated flux on sediment biogeochemistry and the microbenthic communities. The experimental design involved the establishment of two study sites, an ambient site ca. 100 m from the net-pen and a treatment site around the pen. Sediment traps deployed 1 m above the sediment-water interface indicated that carbon flux to the benthos was increased 1-fold to 6-fold (to a maximum of 5 g m?2d?1) at the edge of the net-pen with little or no increase in carbon flux 10 m from the pen. Unlike carbon flux rates, sediment organic matter inventories showed a complex pattern of change over time. Mineral surface area, organic carbon and nitrogen, digestible protein, and sterol content were initially (April 1991) lower beneath the pen than in ambient sediments. During 1991 ambient sediment accumulated organic matter until July after which it decreased, to a low during November. In contrast, organic matter inventories of sediment beneath the pen remained low until July and then increased to a high during November. These latter gains were associated with the development of bacterial mats at the sediment-water interface. Beneath the pen, microbial and macrofaunal communities were shifted toward those commonly associated with organic enrichment but seasonal trends and storm-related resuspension events also significantly affected these sediment communities. When abundant, most epibenthic organisms were more numerous near the pen than in adjacent ambient areas. These results suggest that net-pen aquaculture can alter the benthic ecosystem in Maine Coastal waters but indicate that the effects are spatially limited.  相似文献   
The fact that there is certain definite order in the distribution of metallic ores around a central magma has now been generally recognized by economic geologists and its effects on the geographic distribution as well as  相似文献   
Active wrench faults of Iran,Afghanistan and Pakistan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fault pattern of Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan has been mapped from air-photo-mosaics. The Herat, Chaman, Shahrud, Doruneh, and Zagros are the five major active faults and are wrench in character. With the exception of the Chaman fault, which lies to the east, the faults or their extensions spiral out from a centre in the Dasht Lut Depression of eastern Iran, the dextral faults spiralling out clockwise and the sinistral faults anticlockwise. The spiral fault pattern is consistent with that expected from a central force, and from the relation between the sense of horizontal displacement and the direction of outspiralling it is inferred that the crustal blocks west of the Chaman fault are moving in towards the Lut Centre. Similar spiral fault patterns can be recognized at many places in the world, and their centres are probably critical for explaining present day tectonics.-- , , , . — , , , — . , , , .
Zusammenfassung Auf einer beigegebenen Karte wird der Verlauf von aktiven und von vermutlichen Hauptverwerfungen in Afghanistan, Pakistan und im Iran gezeigt, wie er anhand von Luftbild-Mosaikkarten und Luftaufnahmen bestimmt wurde. Die fünf wichtigsten aktiven Dislokationen sind die Herat-, Chaman-, Sharud-, Doruneh- und die Zagros-Verwerfung.Die deutlich sichtbare Herat-Verwerfung erstreckt sich in ENE-Richtung über 800 km durch den Nordteil Afghanistans zur chinesischen Grenze. Ihre Verschiebung erfolgte rechtsläufig, so daß die nördliche Scholle relativ zur südlichen nach E versetzt wurde.Die etwa 700 km lange nach SSW weisende Chaman-Verwerfung zieht sich in zwei schwach gegensinnig geschwungenen Bögen von der Herat-Verwerfung wenig N Kabul die afghanisch-pakistanische Grenze entlang, um in zahlreiche Zweigverwerfungen aufzuspalten, die in Westpakistan nach W umbiegen. Die Verschiebung erfolgte linksläufig und ist gut sichtbar.Die Sharud-Verwerfung im Iran erstreckt sich nach ENE durch die Achse des Elburs-Gebirges und biegt dann nach SE parallel zur russischen Grenze ab. Die Verwerfung ändert häufig ihre Richtung und ist nur schwer zu verfolgen. Sie hat eine sichere Länge von 800 km und ist linksläufig.Die gut sichtbare Doruneh-Verwerfung verläuft in Kurven 250 km südlich der Sharud-Verwerfung derselben parallel. Nach E spaltet sie sich auf, nach W vereinigt sie sich vermutlich mit der Sharud-Verwerfung. Sie ist 600 km lang und linksläufig.Die Zagros-Verwerfung tritt auf Luftaufnahmen am wenigsten hervor, auf geologischen Karten ist sie jedoch eine Hauptverwerfung. Sie erstreckt sich vom Schnittpunkt der drei Grenzen des Iran, Irak und der Türkei 950 km nach SE bis fast zur pakistanischen Grenze, wo sie wahrscheinlich anfangs nach NW, später nach N umbiegt. Die Verwerfung ist wahrscheinlich rechtsläufig.Die fünf Hauptverwerfungen, zusammen mit vier kleineren Verwerfungen, deren horizontaler Verschiebungssinn bekannt ist, bilden ein relativ einfaches Strukturmuster.Mit Ausnahme der Chaman-Verwerfung, die im E liegt, verlaufen die Verwerfungen oder ihre Ausläufer ausgehend von einem in der Dasht Lut-Senke gelegenen Zentrum in Gestalt einzelner Spiralen sternförmig nach allen Seiten; die in ihrem Verschiebungssinn rechtsläufigen im Uhrzeigersinn gebogen, die linksläufigen in Gegenrichtung gekrümmt. Die übrigen geologischen und morphologischen Hauptlinien zeigen ebenfalls eine derartige Anordnung mit demselbenZentrum. Das damit gegebene Strukturmuster läßt die Einwirkung einer zentralen Kraft vermuten. Aus dem Zusammenhang zwischen horizontalem Verschiebungssinn und der Richtung der einzelnen Spiralen ist zu schließen, daß sich die westlich der Chaman-Verwerfung liegenden Krustenblöcke in Richtung auf das Lut-Zentrum bewegten.Derartige Verwerfungssysteme sternförmig-spiraler Anordnung scheinen kritische Punkte im heutigen tektonischen Bild der Erde zu sein, wobei das Westende der Poebene und die Banda-See zwei der auffallendsten Zentren sind. Ebenso verlaufen die pazifischen Inselbögen in Spiralen, die sich gleichfalls in solchen Zentren treffen könnten.

Résumé Une carte des failles actives de la Perse, de l'Afghanistan, et de la Pakistan a été dressée d'après des photos-aériennes et des photos-mosaïques. Les ruptures des filets et des rivières montrent que le rejet net est presque horizontal. Cinq failles sont dextrales, et quatre sont sinistrales. Des lignes qui montrent la direction de la maximum contraction horizontale, déterminée par les failles, encerclent la Dasht Lut dépression dans la Perse orientale.

Adequate water resources management at the basin level needs quality downscaling of climate change scenarios for application to impact assessment and adaptation work. This study evaluates the ability of a regional climate model (RegCM3) to simulate the present-day climate and regional water balance over the Niger River Basin (NRB). RegCM3 gives a good simulation of the NRB hydroclimatic features. The mean bias error for monthly temperature is 1.5°C, 0.3 mm d-1 for rainfall, and 0.4 mm d-1 for runoff. Moderate to high correlations (0.66–0.95) were found between the modelled and the observed variables. RegCM3-based water cycling indices were not statistically different from the observation. Seasonal moistening efficiency (m) ranges between 19% and 37%; 66% of the available atmospheric moisture over NRB precipitates between June and September, of which 21% originates from local evaporation. The result suggests that the moisture sink period is July to October with very high precipitation efficiency over the basin. The model reproduces the hydroclimatology of the NRB and hence is a suitable tool for further studies relating to the assessment of climate change impacts on river basin water systems.
Editor Z. W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Hughes  相似文献   
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