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The light curve and spectra of Nova Centauri 1995 (V888 Cen) are analysed. The spectra were obtained a few days post-maximum. The nova is found to be a very fast nova, declining by 2 mag within about 5±2 d of maximum. The light curve shows strong oscillations in the transition region, of peak-to-peak amplitude about 1.5 mag and period 12–15 d. The light curve of Nova Centauri resembles closely that of Nova Aquilae 1918 (V603 Aql).
The early blue and red spectra obtained at Mt John show broad emission lines, many with P Cygni profiles. The absorption lines are found in two velocity systems at about −1765 and −3010 km s−1, in respectively the principal and diffuse-enhanced stages of spectral development, as defined by McLaughlin. Nova Centauri has many Fe  ii lines in emission, indicating that it is a member of the Williams Fe  ii class of classical novae.  相似文献   
Seagrass beds serve as nursery grounds for many fish species and often play an important role in the juvenile stages of economically and recreationally important fishes. The eelgrass Zostera capensis is the dominant submerged macrophyte in permanently open South African estuaries and occupies large intertidal and subtidal areas within the Knysna system. The primary objective of this study was to compare the occurrence of sparids and mugilids in eelgrass and nearby bare sediment areas using sampling with seine nets. The hypothesis that was tested is that mugilids are dominant in unvegetated areas of the Knysna Estuary littoral whereas sparids predominate within eelgrass beds located in the same zone. The results indicate that the family Mugilidae is better represented at unvegetated sites when compared to members of the family Sparidae, with the exception of Lithognathus lithognathus, but that the dominant three sparids and dominant two mugilids were most abundant in sparse eelgrass beds that included both bare and vegetated areas within this habitat type. The main fish species responsible for the separation of fish assemblages associated with unvegetated sites versus those associated with vegetated areas were Rhabdosargus holubi, Liza dumerili, Liza richardsonii, Lithognathus lithognathus, Sarpa salpa and Diplodus capensis, with R. holubi, S. salpa and D. capensis being mainly attracted to eelgrass habitats and L. dumerili, L. richardsonii and L. lithognathus having a stronger affinity for bare areas. This finding confirms a previous estuarine study in the nearby Swartvlei lake littoral, which found that sparids dominated areas where aquatic macrophytes were extensive and that mugilids became more prevalent at those same sites when the macrophytes underwent complete senescence. The length-frequency distributions of some sparid and mugilid species differed considerably between eelgrass and bare sediment areas, whereas those of other species showed little or no difference between these two habitat types.  相似文献   
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one of the most significant environmental challenges facing the mining industry worldwide. For this reason, many methods for AMD treatment are developed, being wetlands a good option for metal elements removal from these mining effluents. The efficiency of Peruvian native plants such as Schoenoplectus californicus (S. californicus) to remove metal elements in effluents through artificial wetlands is studied. Batch removal tests are carried out with different effluents containing copper, zinc, lead, and iron. For iron-metal binary effluents, copper, zinc, and lead are removed by 82%, 75%, and 88%; while in the effluent containing all metals, the removal rate is 90% and 92% for copper and lead, respectively. According to the preliminary results, it is concluded that iron interferes more in the removal of zinc and lead than in copper from binary effluents. The use of S. californicus turns out to be an efficient, attractive, and economical alternative for the treatment of effluents contaminated with copper, zinc, lead, and iron.  相似文献   
河北承德黑山铁矿床热液成矿特征及流体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
黑山大型钒钛磁铁矿矿床产于大庙斜长岩杂岩体中,是承德地区最重要的"大庙式"岩浆型铁矿床。笔者在矿区野外地质观察过程中发现,穿插于斜长岩中的铁磷矿脉、磁铁矿硫化物矿脉有热液成矿作用的显示,表明黑山铁矿床成因除传统认为的岩浆期结晶、熔离、矿浆贯入成矿作用外,还有热液期的成矿作用发生。本文对热液成矿期铁磷矿石中磷灰石和矿化蚀变石英中的流体包裹体进行了显微测温和激光拉曼光谱分析。结果表明,磷灰石中原生包裹体可以分为气液两相包裹体、含子矿物包裹体、含液态CO2三相包裹体、单液相、单气相包裹体5类,均一温度主要集中于180~420℃,盐度主要集中于6.2%~38.9%NaCleq,流体包裹体气相成分主要为CO2、N2和CH4,液相成分主要为H2O,固相成分主要为方解石、石盐、白云石及铁氧化物子矿物。石英中流体包裹体类型和成分与磷灰石中的类似,但固相成分未发现石盐和不透明金属子矿物,均一温度变化于149~422℃,盐度变化于5.7%~22.9%NaCleq。成矿流体为CaCl2-NaCl-H2O-CO2体系,均一温度和盐度呈现正相关连续渐变的特征。铁磷矿石的磷灰石中原生包裹体为流体包裹体,盐度高,子矿物种类复杂,组成中富含CO2和CH4等,这些特征显示成矿流体以岩浆热液为主;成矿机理可能与大气降水对岩浆热液的稀释有关。  相似文献   
江西铜坑嶂钼矿和红山铜矿是在武夷山成矿带中最近发现的两个斑岩型矿床。本文利用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年方法对铜坑嶂花岗斑岩和红山含矿花岗斑岩分别进行了年代学研究,获得铜坑嶂岩体中花岗斑岩的锆石年龄为138±1Ma,代表斑岩体侵位的年龄;红山矿区含矿斑岩的锆石年龄,分作两期,分别为99Ma和49Ma,两期不同的年龄可能代表了两期热事件。研究表明,铜坑嶂钼矿的成岩成矿时代均发生在白垩纪,其岩浆作用与成矿作用基本吻合。综合前人资料,认为铜坑嶂钼矿区的斑岩和红山铜矿区的斑岩可能分别形成于大陆弧后伸展带和岩石圈伸展环境。  相似文献   
Free tropospheric humidity (FTH) is a key parameter of the radiation budget of the Earth. In particular, its distribution over the intertropical belt has been identified as an important contributor to the water vapour feedback. Idealized radiative transfer computations are performed to underscore the need to consider the whole probability distribution function (PDF) rather than the arithmetical mean of the FTH. The analysis confirmed the overwhelming role of the dry end of the PDF in the radiative perturbation of the top of atmosphere longwave budget. The physical and dynamical processes responsible for the maintenance of this dry part of the FTH distribution are reviewed, and the lateral mixing between the tropics and the extra-tropics is revealed as a major element of the dry air dynamics. The evolution of this lateral mixing in the framework of the global warming is discussed, and perspectives of work are listed as a mean of a conclusion.  相似文献   
The identification of the remains of organisms contributing to carbonate sediments by means of scanning electron-microscopy is limited to particles of the 2–20 μm size class. Mineralogy and the content of Mg, Sr and trace elements alone are usually insufficient to solve the problem of identification, especially in the differentiation between algal and coral aragonite. The organic matrix of calcareous organisms consists of stable biopolymers such as polysaccharides and glycoproteins which are intimately associated with the carbonate skeleton. Analysis of these hydrolysed compounds gives rise to characteristic arrays of monosaccharides which provide independent criteria for producer identification. The calcareous green algae Halimeda, Penicillus and Udotea show high xylose and low fucose levels. Xylose and fucose levels are elevated in the red algae Amphiroa but only fucose is prominent in the brown algae Padina. The corals Oculina, Porites, Millipora and Montastrea are relatively rich in fucose and show little or no xylose. In the bivalves Arca, Codakia and in Argopecten mannose may be characteristic. Analysis of artificial and natural sediments demonstrates that coral and algal aragonite can be distinguished on the basis of the total sugar concentration and respective xylose and fucose levels. The applicability of the technique in comparison to geochemical and mineralogical methods has been demonstrated for surface sediments from varying water depths of Harrington Sound, Bermuda.  相似文献   
Las Perlas Archipelago (LPA) is located off the Pacific Coast of Panama and was designated as a marine protected area (MPA) in 2007. This baseline study of the shallow and deeper sedimentary habitats of the islands partly informed the MPA designation. Ninety-two grab stations and twenty trawl stations were sampled. Sediment grab sample results were interpolated to produce a map that showed the area to be dominated by mud (1246 km2, 40%) and sand/shell sediments (780 km2, 25%). A total of 201 taxa were recorded and over 5800 individual specimens were processed, revealing that the sediments hold varying community compositions, with annelids being the dominant group (73%) followed by crustaceans (14%). Relationships were evident between community, feeding guilds, and sediment types, which give an indication of communities that can be expected in similar sediments in other areas of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. A study of this scale and level of detail is rare for this biogeographic region and provides a valuable, comprehensive appreciation of the LPA’s benthos.  相似文献   
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